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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

The E is so boring right now aside from The Shield. When's the last time anything truly interesting happened?

I had alot of fun with the Punk/Bryan vs. Wyatts match, but yeah, it's dull right now, which is almost worse than if it actively went off the rails like TNA or the WCW stuff stro is watching. Do you guys think maybe Kane was the devil who told the Wyatts to start shit with Punk and Bryan? Was it a way to keep the two of them distracted while Big Show was dealt with? Kane's no fun to watch anymore, but a Kane/Bryan feud would have some impact from a story perspective.

Who would have guessed that Goldust of all people would be the catalyst for the best thing in the last third of the year?
The Punk/ Bryan vs. Wyatts match at the PPV was solid, but the fued is still boring IMO. It's way too "normal" of a wrestling feud for any of them to be involved with right now. The Wyatts aren't being weird enough, CM Punk is being too much of a "wrassler wrestler," which is Worst CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan has no business being there period.

Don't even get me started on the main event feud which has and continues to be the worst thing the history of television ever since the entire roster stood there like chumps to watch D. Brine get beat up 9 1/2 times.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
say what you'd like about the WWE right now, but they are marketing appropriately to my nephews. my youngest nephew's fav is Big Show and oldest has Cena as his favorite.
say what you'd like about the WWE right now, but they are marketing appropriately to my nephews. my youngest nephew's fav is Big Show and oldest has Cena as his favorite.

No, you have to teach them they have no psychology and show 'em Flair vs. Steamboat until they know better.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Was Raw pretty good tonight? Trying to figure out if I should listen to a recap.


So ss and raw were crap? I saw on twitter they let renee young in the ring finally? About time she got more air time!


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Your nephews have good parents.

to be fair, my youngest nephew liked big show when he was heel. When I asked why he like Show, he stated he liked that he was a giant that punched people in the face to win. So face or heel, big show is fav. Cena will always be face, so not sure if my oldest nephew will flip-flop.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Steaming pile of garbage. One of the worst of the year.

Did Vince return? If so, how dare you


Did Vince return? If so, how dare you

No, you weren't there. I think. Took the garbage out after I heard Brodus Clay's music with Xavier Woods. Got into a conversation with the neighbor, came back and everything was over with. No great loss. Saw no mention of Vince here, so I doubt it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Only anything with the Shield, Wyatts, Punk and Bryan was good. Also get ready for John Pollock 2010 TNA angry on review a raw tomorrow.

Oh good if he's that mad it'll be worth watching. I'm all in for tomorrow morning!

Sounds like a shit product. NJPW is happenin' folks.
The Punk/ Bryan vs. Wyatts match at the PPV was solid, but the fued is still boring IMO. It's way too "normal" of a wrestling feud for any of them to be involved with right now. The Wyatts aren't being weird enough, CM Punk is being too much of a "wrassler wrestler," which is Worst CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan has no business being there period.

Don't even get me started on the main event feud which has and continues to be the worst thing the history of television ever since the entire roster stood there like chumps to watch D. Brine get beat up 9 1/2 times.

I agree it's kind of an odd feud, but maybe the Wyatts kidnapping Bryan will kick it up a bit. Then again, they kidnapped Kane and then nothing happened, so maybe they're just gonna tickle him a bit.

I liked Punk tonight, though. I don't mind when he's smarky and over-the-top, and what he did seemed kinda like an old-school promo to me in terms of energy and structure.
I agree it's kind of an odd feud, but maybe the Wyatts kidnapping Bryan will kick it up a bit. Then again, they kidnapped Kane and then nothing happened, so maybe they're just gonna tickle him a bit.

I liked Punk tonight, though. I don't mind when he's smarky and over-the-top, and what he did seemed kinda like an old-school promo to me in terms of energy and structure.

It WAS old school, but that's my issue. Punk doesn't work, for me, when he's cutting 80s cocaine hype promos. Punk should always be the outcast straight man with a chip on his shoulder. I'm fine with Bryan yelling and being Mr Wrestling Wrestler, but Punk is Batman to Cena's Supes. Punk is the psychological guy. That's why I'm disappointed that this feud is so standard.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I agree it's kind of an odd feud, but maybe the Wyatts kidnapping Bryan will kick it up a bit. Then again, they kidnapped Kane and then nothing happened, so maybe they're just gonna tickle him a bit.

I liked Punk tonight, though. I don't mind when he's smarky and over-the-top, and what he did seemed kinda like an old-school promo to me in terms of energy and structure.

Punk needs ammo. He had nothing to deliver tonight. With Shield and Wyatts having the upperhand, now he'll be able to counter.


Then again, they kidnapped Kane and then nothing happened


Bryan refuses to submit to Authority, refuses to wear a suit, Vince tries to bury him, Bryan refuses to stay buried.
Wyatts kidnap Kane...Kane comes back to submit to the Authority in a suit.
"Devil" gives Wyatts orders to target Bryan.

Corporate Heel Bryan incoming. Reunification of Team Hell Nothority. Bryan w/Kane versus Punk at WM. Legacies collide--Summer of Punk versus Summer of Bryan. Two underdogs that made it to the other side on determination alone, only one of them finally gave into the pressure and bent to the McMahons.


What the fuck is he doing

If Cena opens his mouth like an idiot whenever he's doing a move that means he's trying hard.
Either that or he wants the WWE Universe to throw him a tasty treat (i.e. Scooby snacks, Fruity Pebbles, WWE ice cream bars, Junior Mints, etc.)
It WAS old school, but that's my issue. Punk doesn't work, for me, when he's cutting 80s cocaine hype promos. Punk should always be the outcast straight man with a chip on his shoulder. I'm fine with Bryan yelling and being Mr Wrestling Wrestler, but Punk is Batman to Cena's Supes. Punk is the psychological guy. That's why I'm disappointed that this feud is so standard.

That's fair. I thought he did alright with it, tonight, but he's really been out of his wheelhouse since the Brock feud ended, as he's NOT the kind of guy who should be pandering to the crowd. He's really a heel at heart (hence why he really only made sense as an antihero), which is why I'm hoping we'll get Corporate Punk soon enough, as I think that'll really give him something he can sink his teeth into and personalize. "Just a poor kid from Chicago, I learned to do what I had to to get by, I worked my ass off to get from the indies to where I am, I'm not gonna let all my thunder get stolen by some bearded asshole", that sort of thing.

Also, Punk needs time off again. He looked like shit tonight, like he hadn't slept in a week.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
What happened to Christian? when is Barrett returning? How far off is Sheamus off? Is Evan Bourne still alive? When does RVD return?


How far off is Sheamus off?
1-3 months

What happened to Christian? when is Barrett returning? Is Evan Bourne still alive? When does RVD return?
Creative has nothing for them until the Rumble. And then afterwards Creative will still have nothing for them.
Those WrestleMania part-timers will be coming back, you see.
Brock, Trips and Taker need their once-a-year pay day.
The good thing about Reigns is that he's doing the Goldberg spear aka running tackle TO DA STERNUM MAH GOODNESS. Either that or The Gore is acceptable. The Edge/Basista/Christian spear is a crime against humanity.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
The good thing about Reigns is that he's doing the Goldberg spear aka running tackle TO DA STERNUM MAH GOODNESS. Either that or The Gore is acceptable. The Edge/Basista/Christian spear is a crime against humanity.

Sternum vs Waist?
What the fuck is he doing



What annoys me is things like when Bray shaped up to take on CM Punk and Bryan by himself. I just want one heel besides Cena that isn't a coward and just does shit for the hell of it. Him getting beat up and laughing it off would have been better than just walking away.


So not worth it
So, storylines going on in WWE right now.

1. Randy Orton vs. John Cena in either a Title Unification or a Two Title Ladder match.
2. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk vs. Wyatts and I guess Shield?
3. I think Miz vs. Kofi is a thing that's happening

And that's after two days with 6 hours worth of programming that could be used to set-up programs.

Nothing has been set-up for the tag-titles. Nothing has been set-up for the IC Title. Can't remember who the US champion is. I think they're going with AJ vs. Natalya, but that's not really a program since there's no storyline other than "challenger pinned the champion in a non-title match" which WWE does way too often. Xavier Woods debuted and is given nothing other than the "he's gonna beat 3MB 6 shows in a row"-spot that Los Matadores just came out of. There is no program for Sandow, Ziggler, Mark Henry, Rey Mysterio, Fandango, any of the women, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio, Curtis Axel, PTP, The Uso's, Cesaro, Swagger, Kane or Ryback.

This creative team, manages to have a total of THREE ACTUAL STORYLINES lined up with only two Raw's left until the next pay-per-view. And they wonder why nobody buys these PPV's anymore? They wonder why there's no buzz around their program? Why the crowd is dead silent for 75% of their shows?

YOU HAVE A WRITING STAFF. In fact, WWE, you have a whole creative division. How can you have a whole roster of wrestlers and only three storylines set-up for the next PPV. One of which is Kofi vs Miz? Why do you expect people to give you money and care about what you do, when you give us absolutely nothing of worth to care about?

What you should be doing is give a bunch of midcarders feud and storylines. The thing is, people need to care only about one or two wrestlers on your roster and if that person is in a storyline, they will probably buy your PPV to watch that match. I care about AJ, so I naturally care about her matches if she's in a fleshed out program like she had with Kaitlyn. Other people might not care, but some people would. I don't care about Kane, but there are people here that do, they would care about a program with him in it.

Book your midcard people with actual feuds, you fucking idiots, it's not enough to do Orton vs. Cena and think people will buy your shit.


To offset this post, here's corporate Kane:
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