Why is it that the member of the Shield with the most facial hair also seems like the twink of the group?
Turkey Day Coming up![/mg]
I never knew you could get a turkey dinner from Arby's.
Why is it that the member of the Shield with the most facial hair also seems like the twink of the group?
As seen during last night's RAW Divas match, the screen went black for a few seconds. This was done because Aksana apparently had a wardrobe malfunction but WWE caught it on the delay.
The reason for that black flash during the Divas match:
The reason for that black flash during the Divas match:
This was done because Aksana apparently had a wardrobe malfunction but WWE caught it on the delay.
As seen during last night's RAW Divas match, the screen went black for a few seconds. This was done because Aksana apparently had a wardrobe malfunction but WWE caught it on the delay.
Cena added that his character generated approximately $100 million in revenue for WWE per year.
I vote Stro for MVP of WrassleGAF 2013. He's been probably one of the best members we could ever had and gives back to our community in a huge way.
How does Eva Marie look so bad from behind? Weird.
It's really weird when I see dudes with chest hair after years of pro wrestling and porn where guys almost always shave their chests. Or action movie stars. How many movies has Arnold or Sly had chest hair in? It's like I forget dudes have chest hair because I just have a little patch myself.
UFC's Chrono Trigger theme is great. Way Bette than their current theme.
The real question should be: Why does Nattie where such unflattering gear?
Bryan and Punk are the most over faces right now. So what happens to them? Pushed down the card and their tag team run is gonna end because they are too over. Fuck the WWE.
The shield are the best looking stable in wrestling history. All 3 them have a ton of fan girls. They are the future of the WWE.
Put me in the "Eva Marie looks bad from behind" club. I'm usually not real picky, but that ass just has nothing going for it.
Her looking like a frump helps people to overstate her ability.
I didn't watch this match either night, how many entrances did each team get? I'm picturing Total Divas team getting like 3 or 4 entrances and everybody on the other team just came out with AJ.
I think its a badge of honor for Divas to have fake tits. Wonder why AJ has held out for so long. Hopefully she sticks to her convictions unlike the tattoo. I think Paige may be the only NXT broad holding out.JoJo has the best body out of all the divas on the roster. Marie's fake tits give her curves. With out them she would be really box shaped.
Re: Eva Marie, I got so disgusted with her being so proud of herself for not cheating. Like that's noble behavior. Fuckin slime.
I think its a badge of honor for Divas to have fake tits. Wonder why AJ has held out for so long. Hopefully she sticks to her convictions unlike the tattoo. I think Paige may be the only NXT broad holding out.
Looks poor or looks like a poor?
I think its a badge of honor for Divas to have fake tits. Wonder why AJ has held out for so long. Hopefully she sticks to her convictions unlike the tattoo. I think Paige may be the only NXT broad holding out.
That shit was so scripted. The way she repeated it multiple times. What normal person would do that?
AJ would be improved visually with some heaters, but that's really fucking chauvinistic of me to say. I feel like a dickhole for saying that. Still, I'm also the guy who criticizes Dean Ambrose for not having enough muscle, though he's looking pretty good up there.
I think its a badge of honor for Divas to have fake tits. Wonder why AJ has held out for so long. Hopefully she sticks to her convictions unlike the tattoo. I think Paige may be the only NXT broad holding out.
Who in NXT has implants? None of the girls down there look like they have fake boobs.
Can't say I've heard that one before. Still part of the appeal is her current look. That's what's the dirty old men like.