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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


Stro I can't remember did RR 1999 have a theme song by any chance?


The version from Forcible Entry is fucking awful.









Actually playing the game was even wrose









According to Meltzer, someone backstage thinks it is silly (because she's a "mark" for enjoying being champion or something), so they keep telling the commentary team to harp on about it on TV. That's the WWE mentality of course, in-jokes and backstage disagreements must be aired on your primetime TV shows to confused and annoyed audiences.

Like all the dumb stuff Vince tells Cole and JBL to say that the audience has no idea about or just finds annoying.

Im pretty sure the last 8 years of WWE has been an inside joke for Vince to get his laughs
According to Meltzer, someone backstage thinks it is silly (because she's a "mark" for enjoying being champion or something), so they keep telling the commentary team to harp on about it on TV.

as they should.

nothing worse than wrestlers who are marks for themselves.
I like AJ getting a tattoo - I'd rather see someone take winning a title a bit too seriously than have them treated like they're worthless...like when Cena said "titles come and go" after losing to Miz.

SD made for a good night of wrestling and really easy to get through. Nothing too amazing though, but the divas tag was surprisingly decent after Cameron got hit with thepowerbomb.com - and Khali-Alberto overachieved. Harper-Bryan was quite good, but actually outshined by Ryback-Cena. That wound up being the best match on the show and easily Ryback's best one yet.


Screens -



those are the birthdays of his kids

I thought it was title wins. Never paid attention to the dates till just now, but I remember he got it around the time he won the title in 2009...and that date and the 2005 dates are close.

Only one that doesn't match up to a title win is 07.

Wait a minute.....two of AJ Style's title wins came right after having a kid if that's what those dates are. I mean right after.....hmmm.
The giant AJ letters are probably him trying to protect his name. No Vince you cant change my name its on my body.
Debuts as an obsessed past boyfriend to AJ Lee


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Not sure if WrassleGAF pays attention to the gaming side, but I posted some updates to the Kickstarter today, we got some more coming (Curry, BANG, Mastodons)

We got Mark Turmell, the designer of the WWF Wrestlemania Arcade Game to do an interview with us and talking about developing the game and motion capturing all the wrestlers as well as recording sensible Vince McMahon commentary for the game. Turmell also designed NBA Jam.

And we have Rich Reagan, who worked on WWF Royal Rumble and RAW on the 16 bit consoles, before moving on to develop and design WWF War Zone, Attitude, WCW Mayhem and... WCW Backstage Assault. So you will have all new crazy WCW stories you never heard before in the book and details on the unreleased WCW Mayhem 2 from one of the main guys who made those games.


All that sounds great. I look forward to it.


by Mike Johnson @ 12:07 AM on 11/9/2013

WWE released NXT star Kassius Ohno, aka Chris Hero, who has worked in main event level positions for Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling NOAH, CHIKARA, IWA Mid-South and CZW, among other promotions all over the world, PWInsider.com has confirmed.

According to multiple sources, Ohno was released by WWE officials while waiting to begin training Friday morning at the Performance Center. He had just returned to WWE NXT after being held off of TV for some time. What will turn out to be his final appearance, a loss to The Wyatt Family's Luke Harper, aired this past Wednesday on NXT. He had been signed to WWE developmental in 2012.

Ohno, a Dayton, Ohio native, broke into the business in 1998 and was trained by a slew of excellent trainers, including Les Thatcher and Dory Funk Jr. Similar to the career path that Daniel Bryan took, he traveled the world, most notable Germany, England and Australia, learning all sorts of different styles and adding them to his in-ring repertoire. I've always likened him to a young Barry Windham because of his tall frame and working ability.

Like a lot of other independent stars of the early 2000s, Hero made his name with a lot of travel, not just internationally but all over the United States, driving with a crew that included Antonio Cesaro (then Claudio Castagnoli) and the late Larry Sweeney and worked pretty much everywhere. He clicked in just about every major independent promotion of the era.

Hero originally built his name in Ian Rotten's IWA Mid-South, where he ended up having a great feud with CM Punk (as recounted on Punk's Best in the World DVD documentary) as well as a long run in CHIKARA, where he was a top name there as well as one half of the Kings of Wrestling tag team with Cesaro. He soon made his way to CZW, where he worked as a top heel there and began working regularly for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla in California as well.

The one promotion he wasn't getting booked for was Ring of Honor, which was considered the top independent promotion in the landscape, so when he showed up as a mystery opponent representing CZW against then-ROH champion Bryan Danielson (aka Daniel Bryan), it was a huge, legitimate shock for that audience and helped kick off a CZW vs. ROH feud that drew great numbers for ROH as well as an audience that was as legitimately split down the middle as a New York Giants vs. Dallas Cowboys game.

Hero morphed into a regular member of the ROH roster, capturing their Tag belts with Cesaro, who he held a number of other tag straps with. He began training and wrestling for Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan and did well there, including having the mate Mitsuharu Misawa "gift him" the roaring elbow, which Hero used even in WWE as a finish.

When Hero was signed in 2012, it seemed like just a matter of time before he joined Punk, Bryan and others on the main roster, but for some reason - whether it be politics or mistakes made, he never made it to the main roster. I don't even believe he was sent on the road for dark matches, which boggled my mind. His work in the ring was good. He had obviously, based on his last TV appearances, worked on his physique. He had a decent speaking ability and his charisma always sort of reminded me a quiet version of a young Mick Foley. As a heel, he portrayed a great d***. He knew all sorts of different styles and honestly, should have been training the same talents he was instead training with in the Performance Center. All the elements were there, except, apparently, WWE didn't see it.

Note from Mike: This release will go down, to me, as one of those moments in history where you wonder what the hell went wrong, and how WWE couldn't see the potential in someone just about every independent promotion in the world will be scrambling to book once they read this. This is absolutely going to be a case where this, long term, will be WWE's loss.
Hero was in much better shape during his NXT match against Luke Harper. So he did what they told him to do and got released anyways.


I was just reading that.

So Ohno was ain't no good in NXT?

If you believe the rumors he pissed off people by not working out and was taken off NXT as punishment. He finally got into shape now but it seems that was not enough. Another problem it seems was that he was having problems adjusting to the WWE style of wrestling for some reason.


If he'd have cut his hair he probably wouldn't have got fired. He showed up on TV doing promos wearing these nerdy glasses with his hair in a ponytail and it just looked appalling.


As Scott stiner said " he's fat "

His attitude pissed people off

Sucks as he is a good worker

If you believe the rumors he pissed off people by not working out and was taken off NXT as punishment. He finally got into shape now but it seems that was not enough. Another problem it seems was that he was having problems adjusting to the WWE style of wrestling for some reason.


Ah well.
I'm fine with Ohno being gone - being in the company seemed to kill his confidence, which WCW did for a lot of people. He'd probably be far better off doing indies/TNA, or better yet, New Japan although I'm not really sure where you'd put him there beyond the IC Title right now.


BTW, no idea what Johnson's going on about with Hero's promos/charisma. Ambrose you can see Foley influence in his older promos (he's more Piper these days), don't think I've ever seen a Hero promo that I'd be like "yep, fucking amazing promo there" or anything about him that's channeling Foley. Past, like, CHIKARA level I never found him that good of a main event heel. Not even in ROH. His best work in ROH was either as part of a tag team or goofy midcard comedy in Pure Wrestling matches with Nigel McGuinness. Lost all interest when he went to NOAH a few times and decided to do that kinda ill-fitting Young Knock Out Kid gimmick.


I'm fine with Ohno being gone - being in the company seemed to kill his confidence, which WCW did for a lot of people. He'd probably be far better off doing indies/TNA, or better yet, New Japan although I'm not really sure where you'd put him there beyond the IC Title right now.

So he will replace Devitt when he signs with the WWE? He won't go to TNA because right now its a ship heading towards an iceberg.
There's no guarantee that Devitt's going to WWE, and even if he did, I wouldn't just plop Ohno in Devitt's spot. Talent-wise, he could go in the IC mix, but he's nowhere near ready to main event PPVs like Devitt has done. Right now, he's already got a match lined up against the Hurricane for PWS on the 16th.


Also the Ascension dudes have quietly been renamed to Konnor and Viktor. Which is good because Conor O'Brien: satanist was ridiculous.


Cool, look like ill be seeing Chris Hero at the new PWG weekend!

EDIT: Oh, looks like it's actually happening! Sweet!


So not worth it
About the discussion about JBL. WWE's commentary is horrendous because they keep insisting on burying everyone not named Cena, Orton or CM Punk (when he's a face). Nobody looks like a legitimate competitor, because commentary consistently points out exactly why they suck. AJ worked to be in WWE and become top of the women's division since she was 12 and got a tattoo after she won the title to commemorate achieving her life goal. Think of it what you will backstage, but when most of your viewership thinks that's awesome and AJ should be cheered (94% of over 100k votes on wwe.com), the last thing you should do is bury her for it on TV for 2 months. People will resent you for it. Cesaro is your legit strongest competitor (pound for pound yada yada), so what do you do for a year? Bury him by jobbing him out and ridicule him for being a foreigner. Daniel Bryan is about to break through to the main event scene in a big way by gathering crowd support over the course of 1,5 years? Bury him by consistently telling us on air how he's too small and looks like a troll. Curtis Axel is repackaged and put with the best promo in your company, so what do you do? Bury him by jobbing him out every match.

This is where JR was brilliant, when JR was on commentary, every person in that ring was made out to be a great competitor at the top of his game. The biggest jobbers where being talked up. Same thing in NXT, William Regal (for all his fault and stumbling over words) will consistently talk up every single person in that ring, no matter how green, he will find some way to talk them up. For instance, The Ascension aren't that great in the ring, but William Regal will point out how amazing they are for keeping their opponent in their quarter (not half, no, their quarter, he insists) of the ring, so they cannot make the pin. On Raw and Smackdown, Cole will refuse to call the matches, JBL will bury just about everyone in the ring because they're not worthy of the talent he came up with (this is not just Vince talking, it's JBL) and King will make sexist, racist and otherwise offensive jokes about everyone, except Cena, Orton and CM Punk (when he's a face). Nobody looks legit, nobody's getting over and people literally STOP WATCHING the program because of how commentary will tell you to not care about ANY OF THESE PEOPLE. THEY SUCK!

If you want a WWE that's done right, go look at the articles on wwe.com. Over there, they make an effort to put over their talent. Coming back to AJ, they will put over how she got a tattoo because of her commitment to the company, instead of burying her by making jokes about it. They will talk about Curtis Axel's heritage and how his pairing with Heyman will bring him to great heights. They will talk about Daniel Bryan's time in the indies and how he once fought with a detached eyeball BECAUSE HE DOESN'T QUIT! EVER! They will ask Cesaro about how he came all the way from Europe to the US to become a professional wrestler. Every person they write an article on comes over as a legit competitor.

But no, not WWE TV. On Raw, we will see every champion (except Cena, Orton and CM Punk when he's a face) consistently lose matches, only to get their wins back on Main Event or Smackdown, because champions must look weak and beatable. People will constantly be jobbed out to whoever they're pushing, just for them to drop their push after two months and job them out for a year until their next two month push. And then they don't know why people can't get over as they're wrestling great matches while commentary talks about how shit they are or doesn't talk about hem at all, but rather put over the main event angle instead as we fill 3 hours worth of Raw for 20 minutes worth of program they actually planned out.

JBL has been awful since he came back, I was excited to have him back and he was good for a while, but he's very consistent in burying anyone, face or heel, at any time. Michael Cole doesn't recognise about 75% of the moves and doesn't acknowledge 90% of the moves he does know, while Jerry Lawler sits by, collects his paychecks and makes dated offensive jokes about everything. OH LOOK GUYS! PAUL HEYMAN IS FAT, HE IS A WALRUS! NO, HE'S A PAULRUS. *snicker*

To add to that, as mentioned, their booking of these guys and girls makes NONE OF THEM look like the top wrestlers in the world, except Cena, Orton and CM Punk when he's a face and then they have people like HHH and Stephanie outright bury them in their promo's week after week, doesn't matter if the guy or girl is a face or a heel, we must bury them outright on the mic, every night. "But they're heels, they're supposed to do that." Yes, they are, but we're also supposed to be told and shown that THEY ARE WRONG! Commentary should tell us, you know guys, Triple H is full of fucking shit. Daniel Bryan isn't weak or a B+ player, he's the best fucking wrestler in the world, there is nobody as good as him. Did you know he once wrestled with his EYEBALL DETACHED FROM HIS SKULL and refused to QUIT THE MATCH? HE IS AWESOME! And then HHH should get his comeuppance as Daniel Bryan beats everyone they put in front of him, Orton and HHH himself as he stands tall every week DESPITE them burying him.

But no, not in WWE, in WWE wrestlers should know their fucking place, they shouldn't get over unless WWE tells you they're over. You can't like who you like, you must like THIS GUY, you must love THESE WOMEN. People get over on their own? Bury them. People express their love for the business? Bury them. People work hard to get over, despite constant burials, BURY THEM MORE. People aren't 7 feet tall? BURY THEM.

This company has the biggest audience and most of the best wrestlers in the world under contract (overall, looking at the whole roster, it's undeniable WWE has the best in the world right there). Yet they are fucking DESPERATE to run their entire business into the ground over backstage bullshit, corporate bullying and horrible writing. It's fucking insane and it constantly pisses every single wrestling fan off to the point where they just give up altogether.

As CM Punk said in 2011, McMahon is millionaire, who should be a billionaire, despite himself. They're coasting by while consistently losing audience because of inflation and smart marketing schemes increasing profits. That well will run dry one day, when their viewership drops below TNA levels, and it will unless they change their shit. For instance, their contracts for Raw and Smackdown are up in September and October of 2014 (source: WON), they will renogiate new contracts and change channels to higher bidders. But their ratings will likely drop, as they'll move to a lower profile channel than USA Network. Great for the short term, but interest will drop until nobody's watching.

At this rate, I give WWE maybe another decade, if that, before they're off TV altogether. And it's their own fault for burying their product. Congrats McMahon, you build the biggest wrestling company in the world and then buried it before you die, just so nobody can claim to be a better promoter than you. Congratu-fucking-lations.

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