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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

did you write all that, Aii?

if so, holy fuck, take a deep breath, go outside, get laid, shoot a gun ANYTHING but stop watching rasslin for a while.
Effing Aiii...

I thought that was a copy/paste job from some site behind a pay-window. You made me read the first few sentences of your insane AJ-related diatribe.

You lunatic.
I thought there'd be more butthurt around here for the Hero release.

The Indies are about to get a kick up the backside. I wouldn't be surprised to see him pick up where he left off in Japan, either.

.edit, I can't believe there's actually people here crowing about a man losing his job. Fucking Christian fans.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm betting they stay with USA for RAW.

That being said they have steadyish ratings and are underpaid for the ratings they do generate so they will be paid well.


What if I promised you it's gonna get better, Aiii? Remember when Harvey Dent said "The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming."

Don't you worry Aiii! Back me up here, DM.
What if I promised you it's gonna get better, Aiii? Remember when Harvey Dent said "The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming."

Don't you worry Aiii! Back me up here, DM.
Would you believe me if I told you the same thing about the Oakland Raiders?


I totally would believe you bean breath! Could you believe it if I told you I think the Raiders are already on their way?! The sun's starting to shine, I swear. You just gotta believe


I want Vince to come back and have some stipulation where he wins full control of the company, but gets conked on the head and after recovering, he thinks it's 1986, and changes the show to look more like old WWF TV; goes back to jobber matches, full on faces and full on heels, and vince on commentary with ONE TWO HE GOT HIMs all over the place.

But I've wanted this to happen since about 2001, so.


I totally would believe you bean breath! Could you believe it if I told you I think the Raiders are already on their way?! The sun's starting to shine, I swear. You just gotta believe

your sun will always have to travel through our snowstorm



Aiii ....

You're a passionate guy.

Not me though cause I don't really care that much about WWE and I'm not a Daniel Bryan fan.
I want Vince to come back and have some stipulation where he wins full control of the company, but gets conked on the head and after recovering, he thinks it's 1986, and changes the show to look more like old WWF TV; goes back to jobber matches, full on faces and full on heels, and vince on commentary with ONE TWO HE GOT HIMs all over the place.

But I've wanted this to happen since about 2001, so.
This already has happened. Just replace Barry Horowitz and Brooklyn Brawler with Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett. They just put more time into marketing their jobbers now.
oh, Aii... you'll be back in 2 weeks to stare at AJ once again.

unless you're like me and all the wrestlers you liked are either dead or retired, you'll be back.


This already has happened. Just replace Barry Horowitz and Brooklyn Brawler with Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett. They just put more time into marketing their jobbers now.

I don't even want Barry Horowitz. I want non-gimmick will-never-have-a-storyline guys bouncing around making the guys look strong. And promos in little cut-ins down in the corner. "bjork is decimating Joe Nobody, we caught up with Master Thespian for comment" as the match is going on.


So not worth it
oh, Aii... you'll be back in 2 weeks to stare at AJ once again.

unless you're like me and all the wrestlers you liked are either dead or retired, you'll be back.

Through the magic of YT I can still catch all the 2minute AJ matches without watching Raw. It's not like they aren't burying her for Total Divas over the next few months anyways.

I'll just listen to Bryan Alvarez, Dave Meltzer, John Pollock and Wai Ting rant about how shit it is instead. That's how I watch Impact, so why not WWE.


I'll just listen to Bryan Alvarez, Dave Meltzer, John Pollock and Wai Ting rant about how shit it is instead. That's how I watch Impact, so why not WWE.

My method is to lightly skim TV reports and then see if something has resulted in 2-3 pages of you guys going nuts in here, then I'll check out YT. It makes following it so much easier.


.edit, I can't believe there's actually people here crowing about a man losing his job. Fucking Christian fans.

He lost his job because he didn't do the job as required by WWE. Hero wasn't in the shape they wanted him to be in, allegedly had trouble working the WWE style, and had a bad attitude. Hero was off TV for what, four months because he lacked commitment? And this was after reports of him being well-liked and on track to debut on the main roster sooner than most.

Why would I be sympathetic about that? Those are all his problems.

I think Chris Hero is a great wrestler, wish him the best in future endeavors, but if you fuck up at work and you get fired, that's on you. It isn't like this is all one sudden revelation. They gave him time to get his shit together.
Must have missed this, but the PWG Holiday DVD Sale is back! 5 DVD for $40! MADNESS!!!


Anyone else partaking this year? I'll be getting these to fill a few gaps in the collection;

70 | 30
BOLA 2013, Night 1
BOLA 2013, Night 2
Hollywood Globetrotters
The High Cost of Doing Business

Why are you looking at her head?

It's the only part of her that doesn't exude skankiness.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well Aiii, time for an NJPW binge! Nothing else will get you "Burning!" Do you feel the fire? It's time to burning! Yeaoh!
I wish I could :(

Had to miss those UK Michinoku Pro shows last month as well, and the Dragon Gate UK tour earlier in the year.

I really should try and get a group together to do a trip up to PCW one weekend in the new year, once I've got some cash coming in again.

On a more positive note, I'm converting today's NJPW iPPV on a friend's clanky-ass laptop. FLV to MKV to MPG. It's taking an age, but hopefully it plays on the PS3 so I don't have to wait until Monday to watch the show.


So not worth it
Well Aiii, time for an NJPW binge! Nothing else will get you "Burning!" Do you feel the fire? It's time to burning! Yeaoh!

I've been watching and keeping up with NJPW, I enjoy it. But I need my storylines and soapy shit too, give me English commentary already New Japan!

JR is free, throw sone cash his way, he can do it from his ranch via Skype.


Watching Aiii give up on WWE is like watching John Cena tap out. I never thought I'd see the day. Dark times indeed.

I've been thinking that for all the 18-34 male talk in the ratings, it's not really their target demo. Their target demo is kids who will beg their parents to buy merch. So the show will always be geared towards appeasing them. They try to sprinkle in some things here or there that someone my age without kids would enjoy, but that isn't the focus and will never be the focus of the show. No educated 18-34 year old thinks "Randy's so pretty" or "Cesaro nipplez lol" are good insults.

At least NXT is still fun.
Woo, it works. Off to watch Power Struggle ^_^

edit, fuuuuuuuuuu, the audio's over a minute out of synch. I hate PCs. I hate Samsung. Caaaaaaahnts.

At least NXT is still fun.

It's pretty much the only tolerable hour of WWE programming left - just a shame that one of the guys responsible for the kick-ass main event from the last episode (which was probably better than any other match on WWE TV this week) just got released.

Oh well, their loss is my gain.

Hoping someone in the UK books Chris Hero vs Tommy End or Noam Dar.


Curtis Axel is repackaged and put with the best promo in your company, so what do you do? Bury him by jobbing him out every match.
This part got me.

Think of when Axel debuted and what happened that night. Triple H basically treated him like a kid and a nobody, and they had Axel do absolutely nothing in retaliation. So they have a match, fine, but it ends because Triple H was feeling woozy and the situation all but basically ignored the opponent. What happened next week, a count-tout against Cena? What is the point of that? Nobody was going to take him seriously for those wins, and to make matters worse he was never given a proper finisher to put over in those matches. What chance does a guy have when he's put in those circumstances? I don't care for Axel a whole lot, he's okay in the ring but he certainly needed a mouth piece. The booking has been atrocious so it really was never going to go anywhere for him. Things like this is why there's hardly any new talent in the main event scene and *checks the main event* it's featuring four wrestlers who were full time performers ten years ago.
Regarding making champions look "beatable" WWE really could've done that without some kind of negative effect to the one beating the champion.

Either that or I just watched too much NJPW tournament matches.



WCW Monday Nitro 8/16/99

Hogan is red and yellow, still the champ, and Nash is retired. Randy Savage still hasn't revealed the driver of the Hummer. Rick Steiner continues to be the Steiner no one wants to see.

Recap of last week's Nitro. Not of the PPV, but of Nitro.

Nitro Girls dance.

Sid vs Hogan has been signed tonight. For the title! Sid is 55-0 now. He hasn't even had 15 matches since returning to WCW. He's lost probably 8 of them. He lost just last week on Nitro.

Lash LeRoux vs Juventud Guerrera

They have a match that no one cares about until Sid comes in and lays them both out. 57-0! He's really worried about what people will think of him in 2000. Maybe he should focus on 1999 a little more.

Steve Regal vs Scotty Riggs

Come on. Riggs? His undercut isn't even. It's higher on the left side. Sid comes back out and lays both of these guys out. 59-0.

Recap of Hogan/Nash at Road Wild.

The Cat vs Mike Enos

Enos is back and has bleached his hair again. Cat predicts he will win in under 4 minutes or he'll never come back to the town again. I hope Sid comes back out. Cat wins in under 4 minutes.

Berlyn video.

TO THE BACK. Sid beats up Silver King and La Parka in the pantry of the building. He powerbombed La Parka on a bag of popcorn. 61-0.


Lenny vs Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Championship

I can't believe Rey is defending his title. I'm still waiting on Kidman to get his title shot. Lenny did a bunch of cheap gay heat and a sweet dive. Sid came out again. 64-0. Sting came out to stop the madness. Hogan also hobbled out and Sid ran away. Mean Gene gets in the ring to talk to Hulk and Sting. Sid has a mic as well. Hulk came to train, say his prayers, and kick Sid's ass. Hogan gives Sting a title shot for next week. Feels like Nash is going to blow through all the money matches so there won't be any left for the next guy and he can say he did better.



ICP vs Public Enemy

Come on Sid! ICP have far more trouble with PE than Eddie and Rey. I guess that means PE are better wrasslers. Skinny clown got put through stacked tables. Ref bump. Vamp laid Grunge out. Fat Clown won the match.


DJ Ran says some bullshit before the Nitro Girls dance. They did the Beat It choreography before it all falling apart into messy nonsense.

TO THE MEAN SUCKA. New champions, Harlem Heat! 8 time (x8) tag team champions of the world. They'll fight anyone as a family.

Recap of how Harlem Heat won the titles.

Disco Inferno vs Chris Benoit WCW US Championship

Disco says he's an icon and the Filthy Animals have been calling him all week. Benoit came out to shut him up. Disco has no chance. I wish he did. He almost won a few times. Disco's pants have back pockets. Why the hell would you have back pockets on wrestling tights made to look like pants? 3 Amigos. Benoit won with a diving headbutt about 3/4ths the way across the ring.

Barry Windham vs Goldberg

Goldberg squashed the whole group, except for Hennig, who wasn't there.

KISS! They're coming!

Scott Norton/Horace/VINCE vs Harlem Heat

I figured since the leader left that the B Team would quietly fade away. I was wrong. But Crush hasn't been on TV for a few weeks and he's not here tonight. Actually, he is. He runs in and beats up the remaining B Team members. Nick Patrick doesn't call for the bell since Crush is a team mate of theirs. Even though he's attacking them. Harlem Heat win. We follow Crush all the way to the back. He gets in a limo with a KISS vanity plate. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?

Rick Steiner vs Brian Knobs WCW TV Championship

Now that Goldberg isn't around, Rick is free to be the TV Champion again. I wonder what the point of the hardcore trophy was if there couldn't be any more hardcore matches in arenas. And since Fit got injured, then Jimmy Hart stole it, and Dean stole it from Jimmy, the whole thing has been dropped. Jimmy Hart got bumped and Rick won in a shitty match no one gave a shit about.

Nitro Girls dance.

Recap of Savage vs Rodman from Road Wild.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Saturn

Fat ass Bam Bam. Lost his title because it wouldn't fit around his waist. He tried to do a press slam from the second rope, but couldn't keep his balance. Because he's fat. HE'S FAT. I wish Scott Steiner wasn't out hurt so he could tell Bam Bam that HE'S FAT. There was a ref bump. Kanyon came out and got decked. He pushed Saturn off the ropes on to Bam Bam, but Shane Douglas pushed Kanyon into Bam Bam. Saturn won. It is not a good night to be a heel stable in WCW.

Sid vs Hulk Hogan WCW Championship

I don't know why they're acting like this is some huge match that has never happened. It happened less than a month ago. It was even for the title. I guess that was before Sid went on a 800-0 win streak. Man, nostalgia trip Hogan is more annoying than 1994 Hogan was. He does his posing constantly. They have a shitty match that you'd expect. The worst spot was Sid chokeslamming Hogan, breaking the pin, then saying now he had him and trying again. Rick Steiner came in and so did the trash. Sting made the save and Hogan ended up pinning Rick Steiner to win the match. The ring had the most trash it has had for quite a while.


DQ Count:
4 out of 10 matches. However, there was only 1 match that had a clean finish, which was Benoit vs Disco. The remaining 5 matches all had ref bumps, manger interference, or partner interference.

I've now taken to watching the shows at 1.50x speed and slowing it down for gifs. That's the only way I'm going to make it through them. Shit is just getting stupid. Kevin Nash is nearing the end of his booking tenure and is going to blow through every money match he can (which he already has) to make it harder on the next guy. The mid carders are all pissed and want to quit. Hulk Hogan is back to red and yellow and working full 80s style, and worst of it, it is over. Sid went from losing a match to 55-0 in a week. Randy Savage more or less has walked out on the company. Ric Flair is back to being in the dog house and off TV. Scott Steiner has been out for months with an injury, which has still yet to be explained on TV, even though Rick Steiner mentions him like they're still doing shit together on TV every week. Would it be that hard to just say he got suspended for doing something crazy or just mention that he got hurt? It's the same thing with Scott Hall, who got hurt in February and was stripped of the US Championship in March, but still hasn't been mentioned to be hurt or suspended on TV. Way too much focus on musical acts and celebrities. ICP shouldn't be wrestling and beating people. KISS shouldn't be performing. Megadeath shouldn't be performing. Chad Brock shouldn't be performing, agreeing to a match, and then never showing up again.

Just last week, Chris Jericho made his WWF debut. The guy that WCW randomly took off TV after pushing hard for a year because they thought he wasn't a star. His debut CRUSHED Nitro that week. And it inspired his buddies to try to get out of their contracts as well. All members of the Revolution and Filthy Animals want out of their contracts by now. At this point, I think the only ones to have formally asked were Konnan and Rey. But the rest will ask right around the time Raven actually got his release.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well...at least you got Sid bombing La Parka onto popcorn. I guess that's some salvage.
Haven't watched power stuggle but it seems I'm not the only one feeling this way about naito

He doesn't conned with the crowd at all

Speaking of new japan. Naito has been getting a shit build/push for the Tokyo dome. Any momentum he had after the G1 has been lost.

Naito/tanaka is like the ziggler/Kofi of new japan I feel like its on every ppv
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