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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

After reading the blocks for the G1 tag league I'm pretty sure either GBH or Tenkoji is taking it. My hope is GBH as I feel they're a very underrated team and might as well get a title match push, especially if they plan to do a do-over on the Hashimoto/Mutoh vs. Tenkoji match at WK8.

As for all the other teams, it's basically Established Star/Job guy. I'm flabbergasted that Tanahashi would pick Captain as his partner again, as they lost all of their matches last year, but of course, it's Cenahashi who loves everyone again picking New Japan's Zack Ryder as his partner.

As for the other matches, with Devitt either moving to the Heavyweght division or heading to WWE, no way he keeps the belt against Ibushi. As cool as it is to see the Bucks as Jr. Tag Champs, New Japan never seems to want to keep their belts on outsiders for very long after the Team 3D/British Invasion fiasco, so they'll probably drop the belts too. Tanahashi will likely beat Nakamura, and I know they're setting up Naito to be the next big star but Okada is starting to get babyface heat to the point where he's being seen as the face in this feud, so I just can't see him dropping the belt...especially with Naito's NEVER belt apparently not on the line.



Tonight we honor soldiers by broadcasting our show from another country so we can avoid paying our union production staff stat pay.
Was kind of disappointing that there was no mention of armistice day to the crowd seeing as they were in England

I did notice a couple of poppies though
He'd started to turn his physique around, it was apparently more to do with his attitude. He had supposedly rubbed a few main roster members the wrong way. Also, Meltzer wrote a bit in the observer a few weeks ago about how WWE weren't looking for any more real established indie talents, as the belief was that they'd have to un-learn a lot of things and were more likely to have ego problems, which supposedly was based on their experiences with Hero and other WWE failures like Kaval.
Sucks to hear.... Soooo. Any chance TNA would sign him? CAN they even sign him?
Chris hero Facebook post

Maybe you've heard. Maybe you've not heard. Last Friday my contract with WWE was terminated. Man... Terminated sounds so harsh, right? To me, it conjures up images of post-apocalyptic wars with robots, machine guns and atomic bombs. No thank you. Merriam-Webster defines terminate as 'to come to an end in time.' Okay.. That's a little less dramatic. I can handle that. For the last 21 months, I've lived in Florida as a part of WWE's Developmental System. That time has now come to an end.

There are a lot of ways I can look at this and, honestly, it won't serve me at all to be anything BUT positive and optimistic. I could sulk. I could point fingers. I could feel sorry for myself. Or, I could channel all my energy into getting back out there, kicking some ass and taking things to the next level. Once upon a time, a close friend of mine named Claudio Castagnoli was released from WWE. Another good friend, Colt Cabana, got his walking papers. The 'Best in the World' Bryan Danielson had his contract 'terminated'. TWICE. These three guys are all CRAZY talented and, on all accounts, are doing rather well for themselves right now, eh? I'm leaving WWE on good terms so, if it's meant to be, I'm sure I will be back. If it's not meant to be, I can guarantee you that I will still be trotting all over the globe doing what I love (and what I'm damn good at) at the highest level possible.

How will my career unfold? There's no telling at this moment and that can be scary. I can assure you, though, that I am genuinely excited to take things into my hands and get back out there. There are sights I've not seen in the last two years, friends I've not spent time with and fans I've not performed in front of. How long has it been since a ‪#‎HipHopThursday‬? There are people I'm dying to work with! I have ideas that are practically begging to surface; I say let's get to it!

The response I've gotten from all of this hullabaloo has literally overwhelmed me. So much so that I'm just now getting back to some people two, three days after they had reached out. It's important to me that I let you all know how much this has meant to me. Whether it was a tweet, an e-mail, facebook message, text, call or voicemail, your support means the world to me. It would have been incredibly easy to go to a dark place and succumb to negative thoughts and energy. Your love has kept my spirits high and, again I reiterate, I am absolutely thrilled to get back in the mix.

...I do have a favor I'd like to ask of you. When things happen that we don't like, it's our instinct look for answers. We get sad. We get mad. In this situation, there's nothing to be sad about! And rather than being angry about what has happened, I want you all to be happy about what's going to happen! I'll be back with a vengeance, I assure you. The best way to support me is with positive energy. Also, WWE and NXT loaded with talented guys and girls. There's an overabundance of talent at that Performance Center that inspires ME, some of which you've not even seen yet. Those folks need your support just like I do so make sure your voices are heard.

To wrap this up, I'd like everyone to know that I loved my experience here. I've made so many great friends. I have memories that will last a lifetime. I've learned so much; not just about professional wrestling but I've discovered a lot about myself. I've gained a lot of new fans and I hope that you will all follow me on this new journey. If you wish to support me directly, there are a plethora of ways to do so: you can continue to follow and interact with me on Twitter and Facebook, you can come watch me do what I love to do LIVE and in livin' color, you can pick up some brand new Chris Hero merchandise in person or online. Speaking of which, thechrishero.com will be sorted out soon with all new @ChrisHeroMerch *and* I am pleased to announce that I will have additional t-shirts available courtesy of @OneHourTees (http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/chrishero).

Whether it's in Philly, Oberhausen Germany, Los Angeles, Austin Texas, London, Tokyo, Chicago or Toronto, you will see me and I will see YOU. Soon, my friends. Thank you for your support.

After reading the blocks for the G1 tag league I'm pretty sure either GBH or Tenkoji is taking it. My hope is GBH as I feel they're a very underrated team and might as well get a title match push, especially if they plan to do a do-over on the Hashimoto/Mutoh vs. Tenkoji match at WK8.

As for all the other teams, it's basically Established Star/Job guy. I'm flabbergasted that Tanahashi would pick Captain as his partner again, as they lost all of their matches last year, but of course, it's Cenahashi who loves everyone again picking New Japan's Zack Ryder as his partner.

As for the other matches, with Devitt either moving to the Heavyweght division or heading to WWE, no way he keeps the belt against Ibushi. As cool as it is to see the Bucks as Jr. Tag Champs, New Japan never seems to want to keep their belts on outsiders for very long after the Team 3D/British Invasion fiasco, so they'll probably drop the belts too. Tanahashi will likely beat Nakamura, and I know they're setting up Naito to be the next big star but Okada is starting to get babyface heat to the point where he's being seen as the face in this feud, so I just can't see him dropping the belt...especially with Naito's NEVER belt apparently not on the line.

I think they probably will end up doing the TenKoji vs Daichi & Mutoh/Otani - we've had KES vs TenKoji a bunch of times already, time to elevate a new team. GBH would be cool, I'm a huge Honma mark so I'd love to see him get some success. There aren't really any other face teams that could win it. Naito and Sombra aren't winning because Naito has his title shot against Okada and Tana's not winning because he's saddled with Captain New Japan.

I really wish he'd just pick a young lion like Watanabe, Captain New Japan is such a waste.

At the moment I'm thinking Okada keeps the belt. Nakamura loses the IC to Tanahashi and then they set up Okada vs Nak for the title and leadership of CHAOS at the big Yokohama show in May. Naito could then feud with Tana for the IC title, which would probably do him some good.


God dammit WWE, we don't need 15 authority figures arguing with each other.
How many authority figures are there now?

1) Mad Ox
2) Vickie
3) Corporate Kane
4) Trips
5) Steph
6) Vince (when he returns)

Are Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis still being trotted out as authority figures at house shows?
Does Hornswoggle count now that he's not conversing to Michael Cole via his magic anonymous GM laptop?

And why do all of the authority figures talk the same, sound the same and make matches the same?

If they all think John Cena with the belt is what's good for business, why are they always fighting with each other and seizing control of WWE programming to make the exact same decisions the last guy did?


So this thread will probably be slow tonight since it's pre recorded and everyone reads the spoilers right? I almost didn't switch from watching Top Gear on Netflix
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