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Now that Konami has killed Metal Gear, can we please see a Yu-Gi-Oh renaissance?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet

I miss Yu-Gi-Oh games. I'm not a Metal Gear Solid fan like at all, so forgive me Kojima fans, but when I first heard that MGS was probably going to die out thanks to Konami, my first thought was "so, can they focus on Yu-Gi-Oh again now that it's the best thing they have left?"

As a kid, alongside new entries in the Mega Man Battle Network series, Yu-Gi-Oh was always my favorite annual release. I ate those games up, even thought not all of them were that stellar, and some downright sucked, they were still fun for me to play in the car on vacations, or play while relaxing around the house on Sundays.

Plus, as someone who enjoyed the Yu-Gi-Oh cardgame, but never had the money to buy a lot of the real cards, or really anyone to play them with, the videogames became the perfect way for me to experience the franchise while on a budget. Sure, the computer players weren't always the greatest opponents, but they were more creative in the range of decks they used, and allowed me to hone my skills at my own pace as opposed to embarrassing myself in an actual Duel against a real opponent. Actually, I only went to one Yu-Gi-Oh tournament in my entire life, and it was a painful, embarrassing experience---I really didn't know all the more hardcore rules, and my first opponent pretty much mocked me the entire time. I had to hold back the tears. Still, despite this bad experience, I still had a fondness for the franchise, and stuck with it on-and-off through the years.

Now, though, it feels like Konami has just said "fuck it!" to Yu-Gi-Oh. Now, the new series that's on Arc-V---it's surprisingly a great show that I as a long-time fan enjoys, as it actually incorporates elements from the previous series such as all the various summoning methods introduced throughout the year, and got me back into the show after I got bored with it during 5Ds, and couldn't really stomach Zexal. I mean, it's silly, over-the-top, and not a deep show or anything, but it's fun to watch and I find it oddly endearing. While the new cards are definitely way more complex and powerful than they were in the past, I find a lot of the cards to look quite fun to use and would love to get into the game again, but now...I find that Konami basically doesn't want me to get into the game anymore unless I actually decide to buy the real cards (I can afford them easily now, but as an adult I don't like to collect stuff like that anymore due to space concerns and such), which is a shame.

I miss when Konami put out a new Yu-Gi-Oh game each year, sometimes even more, that had a healthy collection of cards new and old to play with and a host of CPU opponents to challenge. Since 2011 there have only been two games really like this, the Zexal game which was completely torn to shreds when released in the US, and a Tag Force game for the PSP released in 2015!!! which will probably never be released here, and I don't know how good it was and if it would be worth the localization. It does have characters from all the series, which was always something I wanted to see though. Beyond that, they've experimented with some pay-to-play online games that are sorely lacking and I believe most of them are already defunct. Yes, there's the Yu-Gi-Oh Pro client, but that takes away all the fun of the Yu-Gi-Oh games as there's no exploration, no having to earn cards, no real style, nothing for a casual fan just wanting to play around and have fun. And I miss all the genre-twist Yu-Gi-Oh Konami experimented with such as Duelist of the Roses, Falsebound Kingdoms, and Wheelie Breakers.

So, Konami, throw us videogame Yu-Gi-Oh fans a bone. Start bringing back the neat World Championship series games, create some quirky spin-offs like one built around the Action Duels in Arc-V, and stop making us spend money to collect virtual cards when in the past they came with the game without charge. And hey, you know, I wouldn't mind you throwing a couple classic Yu-Gi-Oh games on the Virtual Console and PSN too! I'd kill for Duelist of the Roses PS2 Classic, and GX Duel Academy GBA VC!

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet


Is Yu-Gi-Oh still popular? I used to play the hell out of the games on GBA, but that was pretty much it. I think a lot of kids today might not have as much reverence for it, as opposed to another series. Then again, maybe another iteration of it is still on the air and I wouldn't know.
Well... I mean, Yu Gi Oh is the only other IP Konami has that can match the popularity and quality of the MGS games, so I'd say that's their only option really.


Something better for handhelds than that abomination they released on 3DS definitely. 3DS, Vita, hell I'll take a well-made mobile game even.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I know not everyone likes Yu-Gi-Oh, but it was a major part of my childhood and I'd love to see videogames of it still since it allows me to keep up with the cards in a judgement-free zone at my own pace without spending a ton of money. Is that something I should be mocked for?

Yes, it's not that relevant anymore (which isn't a bad thing, sometimes it's good when a series sort of becomes niche) to the general populace, but surely all of you have series you enjoyed that died out, perhaps ones that weren't exactly the best but were close to your heart, and you want to play them again? That's how Yu-Gi-Oh is for me.

I mean, Mega Man fans, you can understand me, right? Mega Man was like Yu-Gi-Oh...a ton of games coming out of various qualities, but still nostalgic fun, and then basically was killed off. I want Mega Man back, and I want Yu-Gi-Oh back.
Thing is they don't need to. They make so much money off it as it now that they probably don't want to make videogames anymore for it. At least not on dedicated platforms.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
That card isn't a "real card" though, it was designed exclusively for the show and was overpowered because I think it was the final boss.

I would love Konami to make another Duelist of the Roses.

Yep. Favorite spin-off, played it all the time as a kid.

I remember my Monster "General" was Patrician of Darkness, and there was a combo I used along with Mammoth of Goldfine that made the field into basically a zone that powered up Zombie-types which made every duel very easy.


Who said they've killed Metal Gear?

Who said development of Metal Gear has lead to them focusing less on Yugioh?

Do people not get how studios work?
Well... I mean, Yu Gi Oh is the only other IP Konami has that can match the popularity and quality of the MGS games, so I'd say that's their only option really.

Uh probably they could take the money they're currently pouring onto underperforming games and invest it in their fitness clubs and gambling businesses. They have a lot of game staff which could transfer over to doing gambling games and game-like fitness stuff. I think the larger part of their exodus of talent has been people who don't want to do this kind of work.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
been a lot of crazy threads lately
I don't get posts like this, I simply want to see a franchise I enjoy make a revival? This isn't that different from all the threads about wanting a new F-Zero or Banjo-Kazooie.


I only played the GBA game which was called Eternal Duelist Soul of something like that. Rules were the actual ones and I think I wouldn't be able to enjoy YuGiOh with whatever cards you can find now.


Its applications in the mobile market are limitless!

I realize I'm being a bit of a bummer but I don't see a huge Yu-Gi-Oh! resurgence being at the top of Konami's mind, even if some of the games have been quite good.


I would kind of like that. I know there are online games that let you play against anyone with current cards right now, but I don't really want to get into those.

I enjoy the card game a little still, but I don't really want to play against actual people because the game evolved WAY too much since I last played and people can get a tad touchy if you don't know the top strategies in a game like this. So I'd prefer to be able to just be able to play against the computer and not worry too much about how much I know the meta or whatever.


Purple Drazi
As for Yu-Gi-Oh, my experience is weird. As many of my experiences in 20s have been. To be blunt outside of Final Fantasy I wasn't really into much of anything that most 90s/early 2000s kids were into; I was too busy watching space shows and reading Asimov and Tad Williams and stuff.

So as of a few years ago some of my friends with more common childhood interests started showing me what I missed. I checked out Yu-Gi-Oh for the first time this past year. Game is kinda fun, yeah. Show is very uneven but oddly charming. Makes me miss Stargate. Haha.
Eternal duelist soul on GBA was amazing. To this day I own the cart. Even if I jailbreak my phone or PSP or whatever with a GBA emulator I always make sure to download it so I can play it on the go. Has saved me a couple of times when I was super bored!

Also duelist of the roses, such a weird but cool spin off, played the shit out of that. I remember the opera music annoyed the hell out of my mom lol



When the next Metal Gear tanks in sales-- or, hell, even if MGSV tanks first-- Konami can think about pulling out of console video game publishing and focus on the areas that the company actually makes money in.

Konami doesn't give a shit about console games now, as it is. If it wasn't for so much cost sunk into TPP, Konami could have canned the project and just walked away. Its other franchises are dead, Kojima has been given his walking papers, and AAA development is a crapshoot in this day and age.

Stick with slot machines and gambling, keep a mobile sector presence, and cut the rest of the dead weight. Be leaner. Maybe, if we're lucky, Konami can spin off Hudson properties to another publisher who might actually do something with them... but I'm not holding my breath.
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