Although many thought it had a weak year, i'm going with Wii U.
Project Zero: Maiden of Blackwater
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Devil's Third
Super Mario Maker
Yoshi's Wooly World
Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush
The upcoming Fast Racing Neo will no doubt be excellent and we even had Mother 1 hit virtual console in addition to some great Smash and Mario Kart 8 DLC. Sure there were some...not do great titles like Animal Crossing amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis Ultra Smash but I feel the Wii U not only had some fantastic titles with mass appeal but also some gems like Devil's Third.
Multiplatform wise we've had some pretty great games too like
The Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Batman Arkham Knight
Star Wars Battlefront
Metal Gear Solid V
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Xbox One got
Ori and the Blind Forest
Rare Replay
Halo 5
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Forza Motorsport 6
PS4 got
The Order 1886
Until Dawn
Disgaea 5
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Dragon Quest Heroes
Tearaway Unfolded
When you factor in multiplatform games all systems had a great year but i'm personally sticking with Wii U, had so much fun with it this year! I would then choose Xbox One solely for Ori and the Blind Forest.
What about you guys, which console gave you the most enjoyment in 2015?
I've only listed the games i've played so please correct me if I missed some great ones.
Project Zero: Maiden of Blackwater
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Devil's Third
Super Mario Maker
Yoshi's Wooly World
Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush
The upcoming Fast Racing Neo will no doubt be excellent and we even had Mother 1 hit virtual console in addition to some great Smash and Mario Kart 8 DLC. Sure there were some...not do great titles like Animal Crossing amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis Ultra Smash but I feel the Wii U not only had some fantastic titles with mass appeal but also some gems like Devil's Third.
Multiplatform wise we've had some pretty great games too like
The Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Batman Arkham Knight
Star Wars Battlefront
Metal Gear Solid V
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Xbox One got
Ori and the Blind Forest
Rare Replay
Halo 5
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Forza Motorsport 6
PS4 got
The Order 1886
Until Dawn
Disgaea 5
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Dragon Quest Heroes
Tearaway Unfolded
When you factor in multiplatform games all systems had a great year but i'm personally sticking with Wii U, had so much fun with it this year! I would then choose Xbox One solely for Ori and the Blind Forest.
What about you guys, which console gave you the most enjoyment in 2015?
I've only listed the games i've played so please correct me if I missed some great ones.