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Now we've hit December, which system had the best library in 2015?

Missing a ton of ps4 games.

Anyways it was ps4

The order
Soma (pc also)
Until Dawn
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Rocket league
Drive club bikes was a full game and cheap
Street fighter 4
Infamous 2nd son dlc
Dq heroes
Bloodborne expansion

God of war 3
Uncharted Collection

Pc should always win but as far as consoles ps4 had more of you were without a pc.

Soma is one of the better console exclusive games of its coming to x1 pick it up

The way I look at it, I don't really care for gears or uc collection. So we wipe those out.

Halo was just as dissappointing as the order so we wipe them out.

Tomb raider is definitely not as good in any shape as bloodborne. + 1 ps4

Forza is not something I enjoy but I'll give + 1 for Xbox anyways.

Rocket league and rare collection. I have to give a draw.

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture I'd hate to say would be a plus in favor of Sony.

MLB plus 1 Sony

Better and more remaster for Sony. Plus 1

Street fighter 4 plus 1 sony

Bc plus one ms

Tearaway and ori eh I have ever to give plus one Sony.

Do heroes plus one sony

I missed some I know..


At first this seems like a lazy reply. But Bloodborne is probably better than any game in the last 10 years so yeah... Splatoon was amazing too though.

MS tried really hard but they still failed to sell the system to me this year based on exclusives. I'll be there day 1 when Scalebound is out.

Bloodborne doesn't even touch top 25 of the past five.
Only 1 platform got GOTY and dlc that made it GOTY-ER as well as the multiplats.

"A corpse... should be left well alone.
Oh, I know very well. How the secrets beckon so sweetly.
Only a honest death will cure you now.
Liberate you, from your wild curiosity."

WiiU second place for Splatoon and probably XCX but have to play that.
Some games to add to the PS4 list all 65+ on metacritic.

Everybody gone to the Rapture
Rocket League
Disgeae 5
Dragon Quest:Heroes
MLB the show 2015
The Talos Principle
Journey the journeying
The Uncharted collection
God of War 3 remastered
Beyond 2 souls remastered
Axiom Verge
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Grim Fandango Remastered
Hotline Miami 2
One Piece:pirate Warriors 3
Titan Souls
Hatoful Boyfriend
Magicka 2
Sword art online


Hard to Kill
Well I'd go for Ps4 with titles such as rocket league even better on Ps+.
But we also had:
-Disgaea 5
-Dragon quest heroes
-Until Dawn
-Uncharted collection
-tales of zestiria
-the forgettable The Order
-Beyon two souls remastered

I'd say that's a good year


Rocket League and Bloodborne pretty much nailed it this year. So if you want to play the best games of 2015 you have to buy a PS4


I guess PS4 due to Bloodborne and Until Dawn, but 3rd parties killed it more than either console manufacturer, so everyone won.

Unless you've only got a Wii U of course. Love mine, but if it was my only console, I'd have been bored with the quiet periods.
Xbox 360 for me.

A few AAA releases and a few smaller releases coupled with a massive backlog of games made it have the best library for me by far this year. Also helps GWG read my mind and gave me games I don't own despite having around 200-300 retail 360 games already.
The PC + PS4 combo was amazing this year. Means I still got to play Ori and the Blind Forest, and the only exclusive I wish I could play is Mario Maker. Holding out on a Wii U purchase in case the NX is backwards compatible.

Halo does nothing for me, and Driveclub is still providing my racing fix better than any racer ever has in the past.
Some games to add to the PS4 list all 65+ on metacritic.

Everybody gone to the Rapture
Rocket League
Disgeae 5
Dragon Quest:Heroes
MLB the show 2015
The Talos Principle
Journey the journeying
The Uncharted collection
God of War 3 remastered
Beyond 2 souls remastered
Axiom Verge
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Grim Fandango Remastered
Hotline Miami 2
One Piece:pirate Warriors 3
Titan Souls
Hatoful Boyfriend
Magicka 2
Sword art online
This is a good Oa4 exclusive list for 2015

Which one of these games is that Japanese shooter game? Is it Galak-Z or something else? Forgot..

It's funny how people just skip games like MLB

Sony always has more than they get credit for.


I think when you put all of the games on paper, PS4 seems to be the winner and they had the best overall exclusive in Bloodborne as well. Which is pretty amazing because their internal studios had so few games this year. Are Tearaway and The Show the only two? Pretty amazing, next year looks even better for PS4 as well, lots of good stuff coming.
This is a good Oa4 exclusive list for 2015

Which one of these games is that Japanese shooter game? Is it Galak-Z or something else? Forgot..

It's funny how people just skip games like MLB

Sony always has more than they get credit for.

Ye Galak-Z is the anime inspired SHMUP i think that is the best way to describe it:p


A lot of people are gonna disagree with me here but probably 3DS

LBX: Little Battlers eXperience
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken
Dragon Quest Theatrhythm
Rhythm Tengoku +
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX
Code Name S.T.E.A.M.
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

In a weak year that's the lineup that appeals to me the most.


PC. It just has the most amount of games being released on it, and this year saw a lot of really good exclusives like Pillars, Invisible Inc, Undertale, Total War Atilla, Her Story, etc. And a good cross section of games like Ori, and soon Helldivers and Dragon Quest Heroes that only hit one console.

But mostly I think if you care about performance there really was no question that Witcher, Fallout, Just Cause and the like were must plays on PC. The console versions struggle to maintain decent framerates and are a bitter pill to swallow if it's your only choice.

Wii U had another solid year of exclusives. Sure the titles were far and few between, but the ones that hit are really good. PS4 had Bloodborne and Until Dawn, but their holiday lineup is nonexistent. MS had Tomb Raider, Halo, and Forza for the holidays but went totally silent for the first half of the year.


Splatoon and Super Mario Maker represent alone 500 hours of gaming this year for me, so Wii U. Nothing else can or could have come close.
Both games are going to sweep in NeoGAF's GOTY list.


I find it amusing that Titanfall was so confidently able to hold on to this even media wide Xbox One exclusive moniker, whilst now things seem to be getting more picky.

Anyway, I don't game on PC (or Wii U) at the moment so I sill factor in console exclusives. Of the ones I've played, these are my top exclusives of the year in order of preference.

1. Bloodborne
2. Uncharted Collection
3. Ori and the Blind Forest
4. Rise of the Tomb Raider
5. Tearaway Unfolded
6. Halo 5
7. Until Dawn
8. Galak-Z

Haven't played enough of Rocket League, Helldivers or Forza 6 to be fairly entered.

Edit: After typing this, I realised that both Ori and RotTR are also available on the 360, but meh I'm still counting them lol.


Gold Member
PC > Xbox One > PS4

There are too many PC games to list. Xbox One has Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Motorsport 6. PS4 doesn't have any good exclusives.


A lot of people are gonna disagree with me here but probably 3DS

LBX: Little Battlers eXperience
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken
Dragon Quest Theatrhythm
Rhythm Tengoku +
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX
Code Name S.T.E.A.M.
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

In a weak year that's the lineup that appeals to me the most.

PC/PS4/XBONE line up has been solid this year.


Hard to Kill
PC. It just has the most amount of games being released on it, and this year saw a lot of really good exclusives like Invisible Inc, Undertale, Total War Atilla, Her Story, etc. And a good cross section of games like Ori, and soon Helldivers and Dragon Quest Heroes that only hit one console.

But mostly I think if you care about performance there really was no question that Witcher, Fallout, Just Cause and the like were must plays on PC. The console versions struggle to maintain decent framerates and are a bitter pill to swallow if it's your only choice.

Wii U had another solid year of exclusives. Sure the titles were far and few between, but the ones that hit are really good.

Well just cause 3 is an exception having troubles either on pc and consoles.
A lot of people are gonna disagree with me here but probably 3DS

LBX: Little Battlers eXperience
Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Bouken
Dragon Quest Theatrhythm
Rhythm Tengoku +
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX
Code Name S.T.E.A.M.
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

In a weak year that's the lineup that appeals to me the most.

Codename S.T.E.A.M and Tri Force Heroes were oth excellent, sadly I havn't played any of the others you listed, are some Japan exclusive? Seeming as people are listing ports Xenoblade 3D was one of my favourite games of the year.


PC/PS4/XBONE line up has been solid this year.

I have all of those platforms and literally the only game I've enjoyed on them that I've played from this year thus far was Rock Band 4. Though I expect to like Halo 5, Rivals of Aether, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Tembo the Badass Elephant, maybe Until Dawn, maybe Life is Strange, maybe Resident Evil Revelations 2, and perhaps some indie games that I forgot about.

Codename S.T.E.A.M and Tri Force Heroes were oth excellent, sadly I havn't played any of the others you listed, are some Japan exclusive?

Yeah three of those are Japan exclusive

Tbh I haven't played everything on there but I haven't played a lot of 2015 games I want to play, that's just a list of games I expect to like when I've played everything. I have a Japanese 3DS so I'll just play them on the Japanese 3DS.


If you don't have a ton of free time for gaming, I think this year has been great no matter which platform you have. You could pick one of Wii U, XBone, PS4, or PC, and be able to fill all your spare time easily.

Last gen was the first one that I had more money than time, and I bought them all. This time around I realized I couldn't handle all the games I wanted to play so I made a decision not to buy them all, and so far I haven't been disappointed. I have no lack of interesting and fun games to play. I think it's a great time to be a gamer.


my GOTY is bloodborne, with a runner up being a "console exclusive" game (soma) and the rest of the best i played this year were all multiplatform titles (witcher, batman etc)

so i guess PS4?


Halo was just as dissappointing as the order so we wipe them out.

Um.......yeah, ok. Sure.
PS4 doesn't have any good exclusives.

Zero? Seriously?

That said, owning all 3, I can't say WiiU has the best when it lacks so many multiplatform games that were awesome. Splatoon was fun, and I'll likely pick up Mario Maker, Yoshi for the kids and will be getting Xenoblade for myself. I could see how you could make the argument they had the best library of exclusive games, but overall library is lacking IMO.

Between PS4 and XB1 it's close.
Pros (IMO that I've played):
Bloodborne (sooooo good - on my 4th play through to play the DLC)
MLB 15 (this should be added to the OP)
Rocket League
Nathan Drake Collection

A lot of good gaming right there and tons of hours

Rare Replay
Gears of War
State of Decay (should also be added to the OP)
Ori and the Blind Forest
Halo 5
Forza 6
EDIT to add: Elite Dangerous is damn good too and needs to be added to the list

I'll be honest, I can't really pick between the two - while my list for XB1 might be a bit longer, the quality in the PS4 list is very good, esp Bloodborne. There are games I'm missing off my lists, but I haven't played them so can't comment on them.


Neo Member
Heroes of the Storm got me into multiplayer games in a big way. First time I've lost so much time to it. and Legacy of the Void is great.

So.... PC. Thanks Blizzard.


1st half of the year = PS4. BloodBorne was fantastic. But the second half of the year was extremely weak - aside from some indie timed exclusives Sony really dropped the ball, reminding me of Microsoft during the end of the 360 era. There just weren't any PS4 AAA exclusives that you could compare to the likes of Halo 5, Tomb Raider and Forza 6.


PS4 > PC > Wii U > X1

Pretty much game everything on PS4 and only a select few games on PC. Bloodborne also being my GOTY makes the PS4 an easy choice along with all the multiplats.

Wii U was disappointing for me, because the only 2 games I wanted to get are Project Zero and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Don't play mario and the usual Nintendo properties. In a sense the Wii had far more games which appealed to me so far.

X1 has nothing I want. None of the exclusives appeal to me at all.
PC > Xbox One > PS4

There are too many PC games to list. Xbox One has Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Motorsport 6. PS4 doesn't have any good exclusives.
Is this where dragon quest, Tearaway, and bloodborne are bad games.

It's ok I can't get what people see in uncharted and especially tomb raider anyways.

But halo 5 ain't good. First half of, but after that nah.

Like I said before, I'll gibe forza to people. Even though it looks a bit cartoony. The interaction model is good but the actual turning model isnt.

But I'm just glad I do like most genres cause some.games just feel way more atmospheric than others.

Wii u is above x1 though. Honestly only feel rare essay is a must buy for me. I don't own a wii u but I considered selling Xbox for one after mcc and again after halo 5's crap maps and art style.


Heroes of the Storm got me into multiplayer games in a big way. First time I've lost so much time to it. and Legacy of the Void is great.

So.... PC. Thanks Blizzard.

It seems this thread is once more a battle of exclusives.

So Blizzard games are quite an argument for PC.
When did the mario kart dlc come out? If that was this year then I would say wii u definitely is in front in terms of exclusives.

After that I would say pc, best for multiplat and so many great exclusives like Pillars, football manager and loads more. (was attila this year?)

Then xbone, with gears, halo, forza and tomb raider

Then ps4 despite bloodbourne
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