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Now we've hit December, which system had the best library in 2015?


Gold Member
Played them all, have you?

As many as I can. So far they haven't been great. I'm happier with the XB1's exclusive games. Incase anyone thinks of me an XB fan boy because I prefer the exclusives (and have a halo avatar) i've owned every PS console and this One is my first XB console. Sue me if I don't like any of the exclusives.
PC will win every year.

So for the sake of debate, please talk about second place.

WiiU is a nice little companion.

It's not so easy some years when several big true exclusives launch on a console and you get a couple of busted PC ports. PC gaming has gone through some dark times, just not for a few years now.

This year, though, was sort of underwhelming on consoles (each had their bright sparks) but pretty solid on PC so that an easy win in my opinion.

My GOTY is Bloodborne, but to claim it's better than any game in the last 10 years is pretty bold. Hell, most people think Dark Souls 1 is a better game. But, PS4 was limping a bit outside of Bloodborne in the exclusive stakes (lot's of decent multi plats though)

Splatoon is, quite frankly, over rated. I have it and I've played 30 hours or so and it just get's a bit dull for me. Still a good game for sure but it just didn't set my world on fire. I still need to pick up Mario Maker when it gets cheap (ha!). But, that really can't top Bayo 2 + MK 8 + Smash (a series I don't like at all, but I recognize its quality).

Xbone lineup is just... sort of uninspiring. Can't talk about it too much since I don't own one.


Splatoon and Super Mario Maker are probably my favorite two games of the year (Bloodborne being third) but PS4 also had The Witcher 3, MGS5 and Rocket League so.... I'm undecided. PC had PoE and definitive versions of many multiplatform games, makes it even more difficult.

I've only got an Xbox One since two weeks ago and haven't played much on that system yet so I don't know how that library compares.

I spent the most time with Wii U this year so I'll just go with that one.

PS4 takes another W. PC is exempt for being too good/not a console.

The fuck ?

I think it's PC for being awesome and PS4 'cause of Bloodborne, the GOTY to me.

i'll simplify for both of you.

I bought 4 exclusives for WiiU and XBone each. And 2 for PS4, (Bloodborne and Until Dawn). Therefore, WiiU/XBone had better exclusives IMO. Well i bought my 2nd PS4 on Black Friday cause my launch PS4 keeps ejecting game discs while i'm away from home. So i guess that's 3 PS4 exclusives since it includes Uncharted Collection.

If PC counts then my pick would be PC....Because Blizzard.


It's not so easy some years when several big true exclusives launch on a console and you get a couple of busted PC ports. PC gaming has gone through some dark times, just not for a few years now.
This year, though, was sort of underwhelming on consoles (each had their bright sparks) but pretty solid on PC so that an easy win in my opinion.

Let's stop this right here. The only truly busted PC ports that launched this year were MKX (mostly fixed, just a preloading issue) and Arkham Knight. The latter was a huge anomaly and not at all the norm for anyone following the PC scene. Let's not even compare to the console versions of games with arguably unplayable framerates.


S/He doesn't need to play them all in order to say that the PS4 didn't offered anything to him/her this year.

Get over yourself.
Behave yourself. 'PS4 doesn't have any good exclusives' is a pretty bold statement that should be at least questioned due to the variety of good games PS4 offers. S/he's tried them and didn't enjoy them and that's fair enough. I questioned it because it sounded like a fanboy statement - I was happy to see that wasn't the case.
Let's stop this right here. The only truly busted PC ports that launched this year were MKX (mostly fixed, just a preloading issue) and Arkham Knight. The latter was a huge anomaly and not at all the norm for anyone following the PC scene. Let's not even compare to the console versions of games with arguably unplayable framerates.

Yes, those are the only two this year. Like I said, this year is an easy win for PC.

I'm talking about the bad old days. There were years where I'd say PS2 > PC for instance based on games released (because heaps of them didn't even get PC ports back then)
For me personally, even though Xbox One had some heavy hitters that I enjoy immensely I would have to give it to PS4 because of Bloodborne and Until Dawn. Best experiences I have had this year.


in terms of good exclusives or AAA exclusives. its Xbox one Followed by Nintendo " devil third ? really now ? "

PS4 had a weak year this year. couple of PS3 remasters and a failed wanna be AAA game the order, I don't think it was a good year for PS4.
The best games this year have been multiplatform so PS4 for best console since most of them perform better on the system than the X1 version.
in terms of good exclusives or AAA exclusives. its Xbox one Followed by Nintendo " devil third ? really now ? "

PS4 had a weak year this year. couple of PS3 remasters and a failed wanna be AAA game the order, I don't think it was a good year for PS4.
Why you don't like Rapture, Tearaway and such? Just curious.

I.assume people are old enough to enjoy games like Galak-Z though.
i'll simplify for both of you.

I bought 4 exclusives for WiiU and XBone each. And 2 for PS4, (Bloodborne and Until Dawn). Therefore, WiiU/XBone had better exclusives IMO.

Because we all know quantity > quality.

You should check out all those iOS exclusives, man. Literally thousands of games that never release on consoles or PC. You'd die from happiness.


Because we all know quantity > quality.

You should check out all those iOS exclusives, man. Literally thousands of games that never release on consoles or PC. You'd die from happiness.

Maybe he enjoyed all games with the same intensity, in whichs case a system offering this user 4 great games would be better than a system offering 2.

Those sony tears in this thread man. How dare other people to prefer other platforms.


This year it was PC followed by PS4 for me. I bought every XB1 exclusive but only enjoyed Ori and I actually got that on PC. I really enjoyed the PS lineup this year though.


Yes, those are the only two this year. Like I said, this year is an easy win for PC.

I'm talking about the bad old days. There were years where I'd say PS2 > PC for instance based on games released (because heaps of them didn't even get PC ports back then)

Arkham launch was terrible, but now PC version is arguably the best
Maybe he enjoyed all games with the same intensity, in whichs case a system offering this user 4 great games would be better than a system offering 2.

Those sony tears in this thread man. How dare other people to prefer other platforms.

Which would be fine, all consoles have had an amazing year, but the reasoning he provided was literally "Xbox and Wii U had more exclusives, therefore they were better exclusives."
Bloodborne is my goty for one more day but I certainly got more quality titles on my Wii U then my PS4. Most played is pc but that's not a console so Wii U for sure as I know with Xenoblade nothing else can compete.
Because we all know quantity > quality.

You should check out all those iOS exclusives, man. Literally thousands of games that never release on consoles or PC. You'd die from happiness.

So am i suppose to enjoy Bloodborne as much as everyone else?

And what makes you think those other games aren't quality?

Why are so many ppl in this thread butthurt over what others like?

I don't own any iOS devices. Maybe if you send me one, i'll check em out.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Wii U maybe if we are only talking about exclusives, but in general? What?
Come on now. Especially if we also count trash like Devil's Third.

I would say PC > Wii U > PS4 > XBONE
But that's only based on my personal bad taste for games.


PC stands on its own really

Then probably WiiU=Xbox>PS4

I haven't played until dawn yet though, intend to over Christmas so it could bring them reasonably level.

(Also haven't played Axiom Verge but giving it the benefit of the doubt it is amazing, otherwise only bloodborne impresses). I imagine come January 1st I'll think it's all been pretty equal


Probably 3DS, followed by Wii U. This is due to their exclusives; many multiplatform games shine most on PC, though I couldn't care too much about them. PS4 is close to Wii U for me, and that's just for Bloodborne. Probably Miyazaki's best game world to date, not considering the boring Chalice Dungeons.

The one multiplatform I did care about - The Phantom Pain - remains one of the most disappointing games I ever played.


2015 was year of Vita too;

Atelier Ayesha
Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth 2&3
Hyperdevotion Noire
Neptunia U
Operation Abyss
Lost Dimension
J-Stars Victory+
Samurai Warriors 4-II
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
Persona 4 Dancing All Night
Danganronpa Another Episode Despair Girls
Superbeat XONIC
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
Sword Art Online Lost Song
Norn9 Var Commons
Code Realize Guardian of Rebirth
Corpse Party Blood Drive
Earth Defense Force 2
LoH: Trails in the Sky SC (PSP)
Brandish (PSP)
And hopefully, LoH: Trails of Cold Steel Pt.1

And tons of indies including Super Meat Boy, Olliolli 2, Helldivers and Hotline Miami 2...

3DS is close behind Vita with MH4U, Majora's Mask 3D, Yokai Watch, Stella Glow, Legend of Legacy, DragonBall X Butoden, Story of Seasons, Etrian Odyssey U2 and Senran Kagura 2.


I'd say Xbox One.

Not only did they have all the big third party exclusives, but some great first party content as well.
PS4 had all of the great third party content as well, but first party wasn't that great.
Wii U had its usual handful of first party games, while missing out on every single big third party game.


I've enjoyed my PS4 the most this year, especially due to Bloodborne, Rocket League and MGSV and all the other multiplats.
My Wii U would the runner-up: had a great time with Splatoon, and lots of fun MP nights with the Smash and MK8 DLC and Mario Maker. Co-op'ing Wooly World with my gf has been fun too!
Didn't use my Xbone much this year, except for Halo 5 and trying out the BC to play Banjo games.


if PC is not allowed I'm gonna go with PS4. Earth Defense Force 4.1, Axiom Verge, Until Dawn, N++, Life is Strange and Bloodborne is a very strong lineup as far as my tastes are concerned. Wii U is decent with Xenoblade (haven't played it yet) and Mario Maker, but it needs some third party support to fill the gaps.
Considering my PC is a toaster in terms of performance, for me the PS4 delivered Bloodborne, Axiom Verge, Rocket League, Tearaway, Until Dawn, hey I actually enjoyed The Order as well, and of course the multiplat stuff (most notably for me is Life is Strange). So PS4 for me hands down. Though I gotta say I have been having a blast with Yoshi's Wooly World and Splatoon, and Xenoblade is so soon, and if I had the time I am sure I would fall in love with Mario Maker. Nintendo delivers soooo much with so little at times, but still the lack of third party stuff kills the library.
PC by far

It had:
Pillars of eternity
starcraft 2: Legacy of the void
age of decadence
Shadowrun hong kong
the incredible adventures of van helsing


Why you don't like Rapture, Tearaway and such? Just curious.

I.assume people are old enough to enjoy games like Galak-Z though.

I don't like both the art design and the gameplay of Tearaway. i am sure many others like it so its just an opinion.

When you are married with a 9 month old baby, you do not really have lots of play time. you go back home around 6 @ night " work finish's @ 5 " between eating, spending sometime with your wife and your kid, you barely have 1 or 2 hours MAX to play before u go back to bed..so usually i like to play some multiplayer games like Destiny, COD " not so much anymore" Titanfall. Drive club, Halo. these kind of games that doesn't force me to spend long hours in a single player game.

there are always exceptions though. some games i love very much i have to play them snigle player. Halo, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, MGS. but these games are limited.

Sometimes i play with the wife Super Mario 3d, Mario kart on wii u.
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