good. make a better game next time, not some rehash of the first one and then stop delaying PC version of game becaus eyou think piracy will affect you. i wont evne bother with it a month later on PC.
The context of he was lying, and this lie was repeated in several showings.
This is about as insightful as a ham sandwich.
Like where do people even get this stuff from?good. make a better game next time, not some rehash of the first one and then stop delaying PC version of game becaus eyou think piracy will affect you. i wont evne bother with it a month later on PC.
Bungie has had real geometry as the border/skybox of their playable spaces since Halo 3. They're one of the few devs that remains committed to staying away from billboard/cube style skybox/setting setup.
Mount Killamanjaro in the background there is real geometry, and could actually be climbed if you could make it past the death barriers to it.
The intent the demonstrator was saying is that everything you saw could be gone to if they wanted. It obviously was not made into actual encounter area for the final game, but it could have been without much trouble if there was justification for making it into one. This wasn't like entire engine functionality being promised and cut out like other games.. he could have gone over there, but had no reason to, because it wasn't set up with encounters.
(side note: they put an actual intentional easter egg into Reach where you could get rid of all the barriers. Meaning you could actually travel in real space and time to "skybox" elements at scale. I flew the Falcon out to a carrier, see if you can find it sitting on top of it . If you can't find it, then click here)
"We could go there now".
It was a lie then, it is still a lie today.
Destiny is not Halo.
I'm not who you're quoting but I'd rather see what's actually possible on a product I may purchase and not be fed a load of bullshitYou're the reason why we rarely see walkthrough demos that have actual developer dialogue and are hammily scripted and/or played over with Recent Pop Music . mp3 these days. Thanks.
You're the reason why we rarely see walkthrough demos that have actual developer dialogue and are hammily scripted and/or played over with Recent Pop Music . mp3 these days. Thanks.
This thread is pretty much an exact rehash of the UK sales thread from a month ago.
People are still acting like digital sales were invented between the release of Destiny 1 and 2, still resorting to anecdotes in the face of data, etc.
Note the quote from Activision Blizzard about how Destiny 2 sales "surpassed the original's records for engagement and digital sales in launch week." They specifically don't say Destiny 2 sold more than 1, because it didn't.
Can you link a video to the lie you're talking about?Because Devs get called out on their lies?
If a Dev cannot do a walkthrough without stating lies it's my fault?
Because Devs get called out on their lies?
If a Dev cannot do a walkthrough without stating lies it's my fault?
Like how Bungie showed this crazy trailer and advertised it as Destiny and it ended up being stuff spread across vanilla, two expansions, and its sequel?Because devs can't make a statement without it being picked apart and getting pilloried for it. It's the same reason why devs don't show things until they're close to release and feature complete anymore because if they show something and then for whatever reason have to cut it, they are "lying" to their customers.
Like how Bungie showed this crazy trailer and advertised it as Destiny and it ended up being stuff spread across vanilla, two expansions, and its sequel?
I got suckered into the hype and downloaded Destiny 2 after not being happy with how Destiny 1 turned out. I sure did learn my lesson this time. They need to be real careful about how they handle there next outing.
All of Destiny has been nothing but a slimy hook, bait, and sinker intended for gamers from the get go.
This is anecdotal but I don't know of a single person that has bought this game physical. There are 12 of us that play the game. While Destiny 1 around 8 of us bought Vanilla D1 physical and ended up regretting it because this is a game that's best owned digitally. Think a lot of people will be surprised by the digital numbers for this game.
Im more shocked that 1.3mil people bought this physically.
This is anecdotal but I don't know of a single person that has bought this game physical. There are 12 of us that play the game. While Destiny 1 around 8 of us bought Vanilla D1 physical and ended up regretting it because this is a game that's best owned digitally. Think a lot of people will be surprised by the digital numbers for this game.
Im more shocked that 1.3mil people bought this physically.
So much for the casual audience lmao.
To be expected as some people weren't happy with the original launch.
I'm just curious how many migrated from console to pc. I know the sales will be lower but a lot of my friends are waiting for pc release.
Because devs can't make a statement without it being picked apart and getting pilloried for it. It's the same reason why devs don't show things until they're close to release and feature complete anymore because if they show something and then for whatever reason have to cut it, they are "lying" to their customers.
Picked apart? Big fat lol.
Is not picking apart, the devs repeatedly told a direct lie.
Just like that No Man's Sky dev.
Not saying this is the reason, but I would be interested in seeing digital figures versus d1. I, and 3 of my friends, were all physical on d1 and switched to digital with d2. Just happening more and more I think.
I am going to take it that nobody believes digital will make up for a majority of it?
good. make a better game next time, not some rehash of the first one and then stop delaying PC version of game becaus eyou think piracy will affect you. i wont evne bother with it a month later on PC.
I have never fucked a LMAO before, but I spose this is your first Destiny thread, I have filled the destiny bingo card at least three times already.
I'm so tired of people trying to distort what bungie was very clearly alluding to in that segment. And it's not like that's the only example of them being disingenuous about pieces of the game in order to make things sound much larger in scale than they actually were."We could go there now".
It was a lie then, it is still a lie today.
Destiny is not Halo.
You're the reason devs feel they can be dishonest with their pr and get away with it. Thanks.You're the reason why we rarely see walkthrough demos that have actual developer dialogue and are hammily scripted and/or played over with Recent Pop Music . mp3 these days. Thanks.
Holy cow that's not even remotely the point.What are you rabbiting on about man. If you and to go explore empty landscaes and climb hills, go buy Zelda.
Destiny is a coop shooter played with friends with lots of enemies onscreen, its not for wandering around an empty wilderness. If you want to go wandeing, buy a different game. No destiny players gives a crap about go to that mountain.
If you said the coop shooting experience was not to your liking and said why, players might actually read your post.
If you wnat to troll Destiny, try putting some effort in and be good at it.
I am going to take it that nobody believes digital will make up for a majority of it? Do we ever get official numbers on digital?
You also ignored the part where Destiny 2 was still the top selling physical release even thought it had a physical portion decline from D1 soooo either the entire industry is in trouble or physical is on the way out
Digital sales have not been the saviour the industry hoped for or expected.
Oh man. Thanks for this. I needed a hearty chuckle this morning.
I'm not sure why you are arguing that it's necessary to allow developers to lie in order to have non-scripted walkthrough demos.You're the reason why we rarely see walkthrough demos that have actual developer dialogue and are hammily scripted and/or played over with Recent Pop Music . mp3 these days. Thanks.
Of course you can, you just have to be truthful in establishing what's certain and what is in flux.Because devs can't make a statement without it being picked apart and getting pilloried for it. It's the same reason why devs don't show things until they're close to release and feature complete anymore because if they show something and then for whatever reason have to cut it, they are "lying" to their customers.
"We could go there now".
It was a lie then, it is still a lie today.
Destiny is not Halo.
Like how Bungie showed this crazy trailer and advertised it as Destiny and it ended up being stuff spread across vanilla, two expansions, and its sequel?
I got suckered into the hype and downloaded Destiny 2 after not being happy with how Destiny 1 turned out. I sure did learn my lesson this time. They need to be real careful about how they handle there next outing.
All of Destiny has been nothing but a slimy hook, bait, and sinker intended for gamers from the get go.
I'm not sure what's with the dismissiveness here. The AAA console industry is absolutely in trouble, in the UK at least.
Big sequel after big sequel is down, down, down. Destiny 2 is not an exception, it's the rule.
Digital sales have not been the saviour the industry hoped for or expected. Lootboxes and the like are not a greedy play from a position of strength, they are a desperate scramble for life against looming catastrophe.
In this case (if I'm understanding what supposed lie was originally referred to) the developer didn't lie, though. He was talking about how the background area was all real geometry so you could walk around there. He never said it was an actual playspace. It was in the context of what a great job the art team did with the new technology. People then took is as the developer saying "See those mountains in the distance? You can go there!" which wasn't the case. That's how developers' words get taken out of context and twisted to fit a narrative.Of course you can, you just have to be truthful in establishing what's certain and what is in flux.
Youre being really silly here. Everyone at that presentation knew what he meant. Context is key.
It's amazing people think digital sales aren't consistently growing at a significant pace every quarter