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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


quest said:
Xenos says hi

The only reason the blue ray drive is in there is to help the movie division win a format war. If sony had no movie studio they would of launched with a dvd drive at 299/399 dollars and wiped the floor with everyone.

What about Xenos? And I love movies, so Blu-ray's inclusion was a plus for me, I rent on aver 8-10 movies a week from Netflix in addition to buying BD'sDVD's by the truckload at Amazon.
speculawyer said:
PS2 outsold the 360 again?!? Wow. That PS2 just won't die! (it just barely beat the 360 though.)

:lol @ PS3 . . . that thing may die! As a brand new console, it should be selling MUCH better.

I got banned a week for that post. Half the people on this thread should get banned by that standard.

BTW, notice that the same thoughts apply this month? (aaaargh, don't ban me!)
Whats the worldwide LTD for the consoles?

I wonder if the European launch will help them edge out the 360 in the long term. Anyone know how these numbers compare to Dreamcasts launch period?

Have to say, this was expected for a $600 console.


Chris_C said:
What about Xenos? And I love movies, so Blu-ray's inclusion was a plus for me, I rent on aver 8-10 movies a week from Netflix in addition to buying BD'sDVD's by the truckload at Amazon.
he means that its a cleverly engineered chipset. certainly sony was more adventurous in their design...but MS wasnt quite bland and straightforward either. in the end you see, even sony decided to stick an nvidia chipset in there. so the adventurous hardware arguement works both ways.
SoVos20 said:
PS3 is hardly a failure. It is doing better than Xbox360 did at this time. It is a huge success if anything, given the price.
it is less than fifty thousand ahead now, and the 360 sold almost 200,000 last march.

this pointless comparison more than likely dissappears next month.

at this point the 360 was supply constrained. the ps3 isn't. it came out of supply problems in march and sold half a million in march and april combined.

march is a slower month than february. april is a slower month than march. do the math and see how you fancy the odds.
Rhazer Fusion said:
No, of course not. I probably went a little too far.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet and Clank
Tekken 6
Grand Theft Auto IV(not exclusive, but it's there)
Oblivion(same as above)

Still a very solid line-up imo. All I was trying to say was I don't think the X360 2007 line-up surpasses the PS3's at this point. I must admit though, I don't know what can stand up to Halo 3 though.

No offense, but we can cut a couple games out of there right now.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma = Remade port from and original Xbox game.
Warhawk = Multiplayer downloadable only. And not a great franchise to begin with.
Oblivion = Last year's Xbox 360 hot game with slightly better graphics.
Grand Theft Auto IV = Also coming out on the 360 same day. Why would you pay $100-200 more for your console to play the same game?

Add to that Halo 3, Forza 2, and Shadowrun, which will be cross-platform with the PC. I wouldn't put the PS3 list that much above the 360's.


1) I suppose there are a lot of other people less stupid than me (I bought a PS3 in december, still I had a good deal paying less than retail) that decided not to buy a PS3 with no software. I always waited a year before buying for the other gens(i now remember why and even if it does not matter too much as I have the cash now and a Wii and 360 will surrely complement the PS3 by the end of the year(for the wii waiting for SMG) for the 360 waiting for the new model or price drop+blue dragon and bioshock.
I'm sure there will be great exclusives from SOny down the line, I just triggered the gun a bit too fast this time)

2) AS most of the PS3 owner I have exactly 2 games (motorstorm, resistance) and I bought more blue ray than games(4). As said by other people I agree than PS3 buyer are probably AV nerds for the moment. From now on all the movies I will buy will probably be HD (quality is so amazing for the small added price of about 5$) even If I don't by many (mostly animation for my kids and epic movies like LOTR.

3)I had guessed 175K in the other thread I would never have tought of the Ps3 selling less than 150K. If you look closely you'll see that the PS3 is even selling worst in US than in japan in comparison of the size of each country population.

4) I'm a bit cautious about the publisher switching to the Wii because I like Nice next gen games like GEARS or RFOM instead of most of the shovelware you find on the DS, GBA and most of the Wii games. I'm a lot disappointed in the graphics of the wii, they are (for the moment ) only on par with the Gamcube's ones. I agree that the gameplay is the most important thing(playing a lot of snes,ps1,ps2,Dc games) but I prefer to have the best of both world.

5) I don't think Sony will ever compete with the 360 and the wii this year over hardware sales and even less on software sales.

6) Why would anyone (except for the BR player) have bought a PS3 in february, no games except VF5(on the 20th) came out(maybe F1 on the 27th(beurk)) . If I had not one and wanted to buy one I would have at least waited till motorstorm in march.


Rhazer Fusion said:
Heh, well actually I heard a few fairly strong rumors from several sources that FF7 Remake is coming, but I have my doubts unfortunately. That is why I put so many question marks when I listed it. Please be real FF7: Remake:(

I can picture it now - 'why have one $100m game that will brutally underperform when we can have two games for $150m that will brutally underperform?!? Economies of scale!'


CrunchyB said:
What I'm saying is that the N64 had all the third parties and franchises such as Final Fantasy and Metal Gear going for it initially and look where those ended up. It was also "future proof" (64 bit baby) and unlike the PS3 had far and away the best piece of software on the market + an attractive prive point. And we all know how that ended up.

The N64 did not show footage for the next Final Fantasy nor Metal Gear, so you can't relate this to any PS2 franchise jumping ship out of the gate (becoming multiplatform is not the same). The N64 also lacked CDs, which developers wanted.

We can debate for hours, but I believe the N64 got replaced because they continued to rely on Mario games, while Sony grew along with the gamers (as far as more mature content goes).

They won't dissappear. They will just start appearing more...on other consoles.

Yes. More games going multi-platform will definitely crush my dreams and aspirations.


The thing I love about following the videogame industry is how fast things can swing around.

For example:

Several weeks ago: OMG you can find find PS3s in stores everywhere. Sony am screwed!!!

GDC: OMG LittleBigPlanet is INCREDIBLE. Sony is going to rock everyone. Home is awesome, Miis am trumped.

Today: OMG the sales are so bad!!! Sony am screwed!


OK, I will spin this from a business perspective. Let's look at revenue, and I'll just use retail pricing since we don't know the exact money each console makes - and yes, I know that what really matters is PROFIT:

Nintendo DS 485,000 x $130 = $63.05M
Wii 335,000 x $250 = $83.75M
Game Boy Advance 136,000 x $80 = $10.88M
GameCube 24,000 x $100 = $24M
TOTAL = $181.68M

Xbox 360 228,000 x $400 = $91.2M
Xbox 480 x $130 = $0.06M
TOTAL = $91.26M

PlayStation 2 295,000 x $130 = $38.35M
PlayStation Portable 176,000 x $200 = $35.3M
PlayStation 3 127,000 $600 = $76.20M
TOTAL = $149.85M

So from a total video game hardware perspective, Nintendo is clearly out in front, with Sony $30M behind for the month and MS a distant 3rd with nearly 1/2 the revenue of Nintendo. Nintendo is CLEARLY doing everything right to this point and bravo to them, but to say that Sony's demise is imminent is very premature. We are only 4 months into having all 3 consoles on the market and this is a 5-6 year war.

Sony will definitely not dominate like they have the last 2 generations, but look for them to learn from their mistakes. In the end, their arrogance this generation (real, or perceived) is probably a GOOD thing for us as gamers as they begin to look at their next offering.
So, Sony is doing like shit...damn, I used to be a believer, but this is far too much. Sony NEEDS to drop that stupid, STUPID $600 price. No ifs or buts about it, this is utter and complete failure. Nothing, NOTHING is enough to justify such a high price point.

At least Sony must be happy that the PS3 gave BluRay a push...not that I think that trading a market for another is smart.


posting on contract only
I saw the PS2 numbers and thought "why is this thread so big?" then I realized those weren't the PS3 numbers and I laughed out loud.

Eteric Rice

Rhazer Fusion said:
Heh, well actually I heard a few fairly strong rumors from several sources that FF7 Remake is coming, but I have my doubts unfortunately. That is why I put so many question marks when I listed it. Please be real FF7: Remake:(

Screw that noise. Let FFVII die.

Give us a Final Fantasy VI remake instead...


Rhazer Fusion said:
I never said or indicated(at least I hope I didn't) that any of those games would be more important than Halo 3. I know none of those games will be as big as Halo and that includes MGS4. I said IMO, quality-wise, I think Sony has a stronger line-up. I am probably in the minority though.

I think you're seeing what you want to see...MS' lineup is untouchable. Lots of AAA exclusives from here on out through December. Take another look at sonycowboy's thread about the 360's lineup...its positively stellar.
chriskzoo said:
OK, I will spin this from a business perspective. Let's look at revenue, and I'll just use retail pricing since we don't know the exact money each console makes - and yes, I know that what really matters is PROFIT:

Nintendo DS 485,000 x $130 = $63.05M
Wii 335,000 x $250 = $83.75M
Game Boy Advance 136,000 x $80 = $10.88M
GameCube 24,000 x $100 = $24M
TOTAL = $181.68M

Xbox 360 228,000 x $400 = $91.2M
Xbox 480 x $130 = $0.06M
TOTAL = $91.26M

PlayStation 2 295,000 x $130 = $38.35M
PlayStation Portable 176,000 x $200 = $35.3M
PlayStation 3 127,000 $600 = $76.20M
TOTAL = $149.85M

So from a total video game hardware perspective, Nintendo is clearly out in front, with Sony $30M behind for the month and MS a distant 3rd with nearly 1/2 the revenue of Nintendo. Nintendo is CLEARLY doing everything right to this point and bravo to them, but to say that Sony's demise is imminent is very premature. We are only 4 months into having all 3 consoles on the market and this is a 5-6 year war.

Sony will definitely not dominate like they have the last 2 generations, but look for them to learn from their mistakes. In the end, their arrogance this generation (real, or perceived) is probably a GOOD thing for us as gamers as they begin to look at their next offering.

You are forgetting that Nintendo MAKES money on every DS/Wii sold, while Sony LOSES money on every PSP/PS3 they sell.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Bulla564 said:
The N64 did not show footage for the next Final Fantasy nor Metal Gear, so you can't relate this to any PS2 franchise jumping ship out of the gate (becoming multiplatform is not the same).

There was a FF demo shown for the N64, though...

We can debate for hours, but I believe the N64 got replaced because they continued to rely on Mario games, while Sony grew along with the gamers (as far as more mature content goes).

Er...it was cause the third parties left that Nintendo HAD to rely on Mario.


chriskzoo said:
OK, I will spin this from a business perspective. Let's look at revenue, and I'll just use retail pricing since we don't know the exact money each console makes - and yes, I know that what really matters is PROFIT:

So what's the whole point of your post if you don't take into account the expense at each console sold?


chriskzoo said:
OK, I will spin this from a business perspective. Let's look at revenue, and I'll just use retail pricing since we don't know the exact money each console makes - and yes, I know that what really matters is PROFIT:

Nintendo DS 485,000 x $130 = $63.05M
Wii 335,000 x $250 = $83.75M
Game Boy Advance 136,000 x $80 = $10.88M
GameCube 24,000 x $100 = $24M
TOTAL = $181.68M

Xbox 360 228,000 x $400 = $91.2M
Xbox 480 x $130 = $0.06M
TOTAL = $91.26M

PlayStation 2 295,000 x $130 = $38.35M
PlayStation Portable 176,000 x $200 = $35.3M
PlayStation 3 127,000 $600 = $76.20M
TOTAL = $149.85M

So from a total video game hardware perspective, Nintendo is clearly out in front, with Sony $30M behind for the month and MS a distant 3rd with nearly 1/2 the revenue of Nintendo. Nintendo is CLEARLY doing everything right to this point and bravo to them, but to say that Sony's demise is imminent is very premature. We are only 4 months into having all 3 consoles on the market and this is a 5-6 year war.

Sony will definitely not dominate like they have the last 2 generations, but look for them to learn from their mistakes. In the end, their arrogance this generation (real, or perceived) is probably a GOOD thing for us as gamers as they begin to look at their next offering.
You do realize that PS3 is selling at a loss right? The revenue is pretty irrelevant.


Not Banned from OT
Chris_C said:
What about Xenos? And I love movies, so Blu-ray's inclusion was a plus for me, I rent on aver 8-10 movies a week from Netflix in addition to buying BD'sDVD's by the truckload at Amazon.

You said sony is the only ones looking forward well xenos is looking forward as much as anything in the PS3.


Also, many are forgeting how "little things" can change the course of everthing.

Like this same situations/replies last year, between the "Nintendo DS vs. PSP"..on every NPD thread, and how was the Nintendo DS "doomed", because the PSP was selling more than the DS monthly.

Then, came the DS lite (and some unknown games like Brain Age?? and "another Mario game"??? ..... ;)
Im so proud of my predicting skills that I will share them with you all.

Bold: Real
Not Bold: Prediction

sonycowboy [B said:
Wii 335,000[/B]
Wii - 333,333

Xbox 360 228,000
360 - 225,000

PlayStation Portable 176,000
PSP -165,000

Game Boy Advance 136,000
GBA - 145,000

PlayStation 3 127,000
PS3 - 159,900

GameCube 24,000
GCN - 22,222

Xbox 480
XBX - 431



StingerNLG said:
No offense, but we can cut a couple games out of there right now.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma = Remade port from and original Xbox game.
Warhawk = Multiplayer downloadable only. And not a great franchise to begin with.
Oblivion = Last year's Xbox 360 hot game with slightly better graphics.
Grand Theft Auto IV = Also coming out on the 360 same day. Why would you pay $100-200 more for your console to play the same game?

Add to that Halo 3, Forza 2, and Shadowrun, which will be cross-platform with the PC. I wouldn't put the PS3 list that much above the 360's.

In fact even if I have a PS3 I find the X360 line up better for everyone

Forza 2
Halo 3
Mass effect
Blue dragon
Lost oddissey
Eternal sonata(for me)
Oblivion shivering isles(if oblivion is listed in the ps3 list why not this one for the 360)
Guitar hero 2 (with downloadable content)

+ all the major 3rd partys and probably DMC4 and MGS4 down the line


Gold Member
What a great thread. It's always fun to watch a juggernaut stumble. Competition is just too good this time around.

*Awaits PS3 w/rumble @ $399.99*
Here's the thing (for the North American market).

Xbox 360 is $400. PS3 is $600. Nobody wants the cheaper SKUs (because of reality for the 360, because of perception for the PS3).

360 is selling OK but not great because of the price.

PS3 is selling SHITTY because of the price.

You can add stuff like downloadable moves, HOME, Blu-Ray, etc., but most of your potential customers DON'T GIVE A SHIT about this stuff when buying a game console.

$400 is too much for a game console and $600 is WAY TOO MUCH.

I have both but I am a rare idiot and you'll never make money counting on having many consumers like me.

And the economy is only going to get worse. Oh, shit.

All this stuff about '$599 US Dollars' may sound like a joke, but it is real.


outunderthestars said:
You are forgetting that Nintendo MAKES money on every DS/Wii sold, while Sony LOSES money on every PSP/PS3 they sell.
I think Sony is north of breaking even on PSP and should be making a worthwhile profit on each one sold.

The royalties they usually gain on software must be in the shitter though


outunderthestars said:
You are forgetting that Nintendo MAKES money on every DS/Wii sold, while Sony LOSES money on every PSP/PS3 they sell.

As I said, I realize that PROFIT is what matters. But Sony and Nintendo have two different models. Nintendo will not sell hardware that doesn't make profit, while Sony goes with the "Give away the razors to sell the blades" approach, hoping to make it up in software. I also believe that the PSP is profitable at this point and we know that PS2's are dirt cheap to make.


Here is an interesting question:

Has anybody ever lost the kind of money in 5 months Sony is losing to push a console? Original Xbox?
Branduil said:
Take Two should probably actually release a Wii game, it's hard to generate sales with non-existent games.

Manhunt 2 is on its way this summer . . . it will be very interesting to see how Manhunt sells on the Wii. :lol


chriskzoo said:
Nintendo will not sell hardware that doesn't make profit, while Sony goes with the "Give away the razors to sell the blades" approach, hoping to make it up in software.

Except the razors cost $600 and no one is buying the blades.

Eteric Rice

Tiktaalik said:
The thing I love about following the videogame industry is how fast things can swing around.

For example:

Several weeks ago: OMG you can find find PS3s in stores everywhere. Sony am screwed!!!

GDC: OMG LittleBigPlanet is INCREDIBLE. Sony is going to rock everyone. Home is awesome, Miis am trumped.

Today: OMG the sales are so bad!!! Sony am screwed!

The next will be when the PS3 launches in Europe, then everyone will be like, "OMG SONY PWN."

Then the vicious cycle will continue.


Eteric Rice said:
The next will be when the PS3 launches in Europe, then everyone will be like, "OMG SONY PWN."

Then the vicious cycle will continue.

If Sony does not do very well in Europe, it will soon cease to be a major topic of conversation.


SoVos20 said:
PS3 is hardly a failure. It is doing better than Xbox360 did at this time. It is a huge success if anything, given the price.



nitewulf said:
he means that its a cleverly engineered chipset. certainly sony was more adventurous in their design...but MS wasnt quite bland and straightforward either. in the end you see, even sony decided to stick an nvidia chipset in there. so the adventurous hardware arguement works both ways.
You know, I'm really looking forward to the day when all the smoke and mirrors involving the PS3 fade so that we might get a better idea as to what happend in the design stage. I remember clearly that the PS3 was meant to be a purely CELL enviorment...but then all of a sudden *BOOM* here came nVidia with the RSX.

But thats for another thread and another day...
Eteric Rice said:
The next will be when the PS3 launches in Europe, then everyone will be like, "OMG SONY PWN."

Then the vicious cycle will continue.

Well not to be a bastard but some of us have consistently said Sony was making a huge mistake. It's hasn't been a rollercoaster for all us....


so if that trend continues for say another 3-4 months, how long will it take for MGS4 360 and DMC4 in the US at least? (i imagine they'll stay exclusive in japan).

Sho Nuff

at first I was reading PS2 as PS3 and was like "wait, why is everybody laughi--OHHH"

At least my favorite Sony system (PSP) is outselling PS3


soco said:
so if that trend continues for say another 3-4 months, how long will it take for MGS4 360 and DMC4 in the US at least? (i imagine they'll stay exclusive in japan).

We shall learn a lot right after the Euro launch.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
You can add stuff like downloadable moves, HOME, Blu-Ray, etc., but most of your potential customers DON'T GIVE A SHIT about this stuff when buying a game console.

Too many people that participate in these forums are guility of looking at concepts that appeal to them (aka Home, Little Big Planet etc) and mindlessly assuming they'll also appeal to the mass market as a whole. They're often wrong.


my reputation is Shadowruined
For the 360, Microsoft should have a killer line-up in 2008 along with lower priced hardware.

Fable 2- one of the best selling Xbox 1 games

Allan Wake - from the creators of Max Payne

The rumor that Project Offset is going to be published by Microsoft

The rumor that Air Tight games signed with Microsoft

HD-DVD gains from this. The add-on is obviously going to get lower in price as time goes on.

The Wii comes across as more of the same from a Nintendo platform. Meaning the lions share of software sales will come from Nintendo created games with 3rd party publishers getting the crumbs.
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