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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


J-Rzez said:
Not hard to believe considering they promised 1 million to EU... and, lots of retailers said they were able to take more preorders than they were originally told... and, some believe they'll have some to put on the shelves after meeting those said pre-orders... Could Sony be shipping out enough units to meet that mark, and maybe, some to put on the shelves as well? No... must be lies... it has to be... right?

1 million euro Ps3s dont mean much towards the 6 million goal when the PS3 is just breaking 2 million sold worldwide. So if all goes well they can boast 6 million shipped with 3 million sold. thats alot of dust collectors


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Kuramu said:

Poor Miyamoto, looks so sad

That coffin is too small.


meltpotato said:
yeah i thought the target was 6MM by June but i guess i was confused.. they damn well better sell 6MM by March 08

It still is. They're saying they'll provide their estimate for sales for their fiscal year April 2007-March 2008 in May.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
snorggy said:
so is this the final FINAL nail in the coffin for sony, or do we have another few final nails to go yet?

Wait til Ken eats his spinach.

Then he'll show YOU!


SleazyC said:
Sales are bad and Sony should be very worried but gamers shouldn't be.

Well, that's the problem with the low sales. I don't know about the tie-in ratio for the PS3, but it's probably up there with the 360. However if sales don't pick up, unfortunately you'll see less projects greenlighted for the PS3.

It looks like the PS3 could be a first-party machine like the N64 was, depending on if its sales start to pick up eventually.


snorggy said:
so is this the final FINAL nail in the coffin for sony, or do we have another few final nails to go yet?

Not even close. I think many people are calling it too soon. Look at the PSP, it's slowly but surely gaining popularity.


rs7k said:
Well, that's the problem with the low sales. I don't know about the tie-in ratio for the PS3, but it's probably up there with the 360. However if sales don't pick up, unfortunately you'll see less projects greenlighted for the PS3.

It looks like the PS3 could be a first-party machine like the N64 was, depending on if its sales start to pick up eventually.

Not even close.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Microsoft may be well set-up for the fall but they still need to find a way to cap Nintendo's market share while growing their own. Nintendo isn't just Sony's problem.
Nah. Remember: the Wii is growing the market 'n all that jazz.

Project Midway said:
Nice, change is always interesting. I hope this trend will continue and Xbox 360 will be a lead platform for most upcoming nextgen projects.
I don't think there's any doubt about that happening if things continue this way for the rest of the year.


siamesedreamer said:
Going beyond the "Sony AM dOOmed" comments, I really wonder what the higher ups at Sony are thinking right now.

I imagine they've got a plan B. But, with all the arrogance they have shown over the last 9 months or so, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they really don't. They have got to be absolutely scrambling right now......crunching numbers to see how quickly they can drop the price, pack in a game, whatever.

Now they are losing right now almost $200 on console. What are they really getting in return? I mean, at the current sales level PS3 did pretty much what it had to do for Blu-Ray in tipping the format war. Selling a bit more consoles now would not change much.

Forget their losses till this point. Just think about the losses in the future? Do you think there is really a chance of them making back the money on the consoles they are selling in Japan and US. I think that they may also be considering just stopping the bleeding right now. Or at least if the gaming division is not, Sir Stringer might. Honestly loosing over 300 to sell the 20 gig PS3 in Japan to then sell what 10 games during the lifetime is crazy. They are not coming back in Japan. They know it. And the made the push for Blu-Ray they wanted to make. Honestly, the smart thing for Sony to do right now may be raising the price in Japan and at least consider doing the same in US and wait for the manufacturing costs to come down.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
NinSoX said:
Not even close. I think many people are calling it too soon. Look at the PSP homebrew scene, it's slowly but surely gaining popularity.
Fixed, software sales just keep getting shittier.

Joe Molotov

NinSoX said:
Not even close. I think many people are calling it too soon. Look at the PSP, it's slowly but surely gaining popularity.

Um, yeah. The PSP's only barely overtaken the GBA now that the GBA has a grand total of 0 new games coming out.


snorggy said:
so is this the final FINAL nail in the coffin for sony, or do we have another few final nails to go yet?
I don't think things will be REALLY bad until they start announcing stuff like DMC4/FFXIII/MGS4 for the 360 as well.


In all honesty guys...It's really not that bad as Sony will have there big titles... I just don't see them toppling the 360 anytime soon but this is good news in that multi-console owners will truly benefit this gen.
AniHawk said:
I don't think things will be REALLY bad until they start announcing stuff like DMC4/FFXIII/MGS4 for the 360 as well.
Soon, I hope. Aside from the D-pad, I really like the X360 controller so much.

*arches fingers*


MightyHedgehog said:
Soon, I hope. Aside from the D-pad, I really like the X360 controller so much.

*arches fingers*

I'm going to take a guess that Capcom might be thinking it over with DMC4, with two very successful games on the 360 already.

I think the rumor about MGS4 will turn out to be true, but it'll probably be a VF5 situation.


speculawyer said:
I don't know if you guys were around for that war . . . but a big issue in those days was that N64 games cost more to the consumer and gave smaller profit margins to the developers due to the cartridge v. disc format. The cartridge format really hurt Nintendo.

Yup, it was cartridges and cartridges alone that killed the N64. If Nintendo had gone with a CDROM drive, the N64 would have been the victor by a landslide.

One could argue that bluray is the PS3's "N64 cartridge". It's going to end up being the reason why the PS3 becomes an utter failure this generation. Without bluray, the PS3 would have cost $300-$400 and easily sold 3-4x more than it is selling at the moment. It would have definately beaten the 360 out in the long run since it would have all of the developer support (western) that the 360 is enjoying now.

But Sony was greedy and counting on early adopters to push an HD craze, even though 3-4 years from now, people will be happily downloading movies onto 1TB+ DVRs, not buying movies from stores. Hooray for the sequel to laserdisc.
AniHawk said:
I'm going to take a guess that Capcom might be thinking it over with DMC4, with two very successful games on the 360 already.

I think the rumor about MGS4 will turn out to be true, but it'll probably be a VF5 situation.

It certainly would be a sight to behold... witnessing the collapse of an empire. I can't imagine what would happen on GAF.

Duke Togo

rs7k said:
Well, my ride with the PS3 is pretty much over. I had to choose between two consoles to take with me to school (having to study 6 hours a day will cut into your gaming time, believe me), and it was all too easy to choose the 360. I won't be stuck with a $500 doorstop (I'm one of the few 20GB owners here).

It's a great console, but way ahead of its time. Blu-Ray was a big mistake for Sony. Don't expect a price drop anytime soon. Sony is in a very difficult position, since even though the PS3's MSRP is quite steep, it costs even more to make it. And at the price it's at, it will flop. As a gaming console, if it remains at $499/599, the PS3 is DONE. Especially with Halo 3 as the final blow.

I'd like to remind people launching the PS3 alongside the Wii was also another big mistake, because word of mouth among casuals is usually only about one console. Casuals won't go, "Wow, look at the Wii, its got an awesome new controller, and how about that PS3, the graphics are insane and it has Blu-Ray built-in" --> That's nerd-speak.

Among casuals, it's very simple: "Wii is awesome". Nintendo essentially stole away all of Sony's thunder during launch, to the point that my mom knows what a Wii is. People have the Wii in their mind, go into a store and can't find it, they look at the PS3 and go "oh yeah, that's the new Playstation". They play the kiosk, look at the price, and walk out of the store still wanting a Wii. The next time they go in, they'll ignore the PS3, just like every other casual. It's pretty clear that only hardcore gamers are buying the PS3. It needs a price drop pretty badly. If Sony doesn't drop the price, Microsoft will walk away the winner in the HD console war worldwide, mark my words.

I don't want to come off as a troll or anything, but it's pretty clear it's not a bad idea to sell your PS3 while it still has some value.
Quoted for retardation.
krypt0nian said:
Not sure why you'd bring up the Gamecube in this as we are talking about 3rd party attach rates.

Unless the 360 stops selling software at the rates it has been, the 360 and by default the PS3 has nothing to worry about. The wii will have to have regular 3rd party uber-sellers for anyone to seriously consider jumping out of the 360/PS3 loop IMO.
I'm not talking about Wii vs X360/PS3. I'm saying that a game being developed for X360 won't by default be ported to PS3, any more than a PS2 game would by default be ported to GameCube. That a system exists and could handle a port is not always enough.
plagiarize said:
it is less than fifty thousand ahead now, and the 360 sold almost 200,000 last march.

this pointless comparison more than likely dissappears next month.
I wouldn't be so sure. Remember March is another 5-week month. PS3 could actually have a drop in weekly sales and remain ahead of where X360 was a year before.
richman555 said:
Ya know I always thought if Sega had a bit more $$$ and marketing muscle, the Dreamcast should have beat the PS2. This news confirms that notion.
Well, you'd also need Sony to release the PS2 for something like $450.
Evenball said:
I'm sorry to see all you nintendo fanboys fooled by this "NPD", but the PS3 clearly sold more last month pound for pound. Don't believe me? Read the proof and weep...
Pffft. What you've found is total pounds sold. If we want "pound for pound", we'll want to find out how many units were sold per system pound.
Wii: 335K / 2 = 167.5K/lb
PS3: 127K / 11 = 11.5K/lb

I am afraid to find the DS's weight and calculate its sales per pound.


duketogo88 said:
Quoted for retardation.

Just so it is clear - you think somebody who wants to sell his PS3 now with little loss (for 20 gig I'd assume it would be about $50) on Ebay after it become clear that things don't look too good is retarded. Not merely mistaken, lacking faith, etc. but an outright idiot.

Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

P.S. Please, be banned.

Duke Togo

Stoney Mason said:
Pretty bold ain't ya for only 45 posts.
Post counts mean nothing in the NPD thread. OH and wiitard, thanks for chiming in. I'll have you know that I own all 3 of the new consoles, and I still find the idea of selling the ps3 on ebay because a poor sales showing...in February of all months....a retarded idea.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Well, time to roll out the X720, WiiWii, and PS4 since everyone thinks the 'war' is over for this generation.

Relatively poor sales for the PS3, but nothing to cry over.
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Microsoft may be well set-up for the fall but they still need to find a way to cap Nintendo's market share while growing their own. Nintendo isn't just Sony's problem.

See, that's last-gen talk. Welcome to the new gen.

Last gen, one player whipped everybody else in the home console market. Guess what, you can have multiple winners.

Shit, Microsoft could lose $2 billion dollars this gen and their shareholders will turn cartwheels. "Hooray, you cut your losses in half from last gen, if the trend continues Xbox 720 will break even and then we ride the gravy train!".

EDIT: I told you f*#%ers that supply constraints killed the DS last month. Holy SHIT look at those DS numbers!


You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and Sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Microsoft will still be around, at least.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

It's a complete flip-flop from last gen. I think the word I am looking for is "ironic."

I like that part I bolded. It's true when you think about it. It is the hardcore gamers that are demanding more and pushing developers and console manufacturers to keep innovating. The casuals, while they make said developers and console makers the most money, are the ones that like to settle for basically anything.
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