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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Wheres the Hand on forehead Gif?


Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

You didn't get the memo? Every Nintendo fan here is actually on the Nintendo payroll. For their efforts they get a percentage of every Wii & DS sold. Nintendo for showing up to the forums drunk, though. :( so **** em


yea here's a tip Sony: If youre touting your machine as an all-in-one product please market it that way.

The biggest mistake they have is there product placement. At the very core people still see a gaming system and not a Blu-Ray player. If you're going to tap into the right market to get people into the all-in-one mindset you gotta market your product as such. All I see are floating PS3 ads which dont ****in say anything. Motostorm makes me drool yea, but how the hell does that justify spending the extra $200 for a next-gen system?

Bad product placement Sony. You're not displaying the value of your system


Karma Kramer said:
When do you think Nintendo will catch up with the Wii demand?

I hope its soon... cause I will probably grab one when I can actually find one.
April, you'll be able to go into a store and pick up a Wii anywhere.


Karma Kramer said:
When do you think Nintendo will catch up with the Wii demand?

Production is increasing in April. I still don't think they're going to reach demand for quite some time though. I'll just guess June. April will be big because of March's low supply. Super Paper Mario will give it an extra spark. May will be another month off and June is usually a little slow.

Nintendo must be hoarding DS Lites until Pokemon PD, because there's no reason the system should be so ****ing hard to get ahold of.
Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

I laugh at idiots who always claim i used to love Nintendo or come with excuses like "don't get me wrong i love Nintendo and all but"

get a clue, nobody is pointing a gun to your head.

Nintendo will still be here tomorrow, making consoles and great games
achilles said:
Bad product placement Sony. You're not displaying the value of your system



Flyguy said:
The WW install base is roughly 1.8 million. That's a lot of PS3's of shelves and ships if Europe gets a million.

6 million - 1.8 million = 4.2 million on the shelves.


Eteric Rice said:
Someone said the same thing about March, though.


Many here said that about launch.

"You'll be able to walk in at 4pm on launch day and pick one up -- NO PROBLEM!"


Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.
:lol Holy CRAP.

Yeah, I bought my Wii just so Nintendo can make money.

Good lord has the line been drawn with the Wii. It's like some people think that if you bought a Wii, your somehow retarded. What the HELL is so wrong with the Wii, that it gets people like this man, on suicde watch, get so damned riled up?


Kills Photobucket
schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Coming off the heels of GDC, there is much enthusiasm for upcoming games and services for PS3. With the announcement of 'HOME' and 'LittleBigPlanet' and the recent release of the much-anticipated 'MotorStorm,' consumer enthusiasm for PS3 continues to build. Excitement for PS2 also remains incredibility strong, helped by the release of 'God of War II' earlier this week, which sold-in more than 1 million units at retail. It was also announced recently that the 'God of War' franchise would soon be heading to PSP."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol



Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Where were you last gen bitching about the fact the shittiest peice of hardware was leading the pack instead of the 2 technologically superior ones? Oh thats right you like sony so if the Wii was their idea youd be masturbating to it


Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Casual gamers have been the majority for a looooooong time


reilo said:
It's a complete flip-flop from last gen. I think the word I am looking for is "ironic."

I like that part I bolded. It's true when you think about it. It is the hardcore gamers that are demanding more and pushing developers and console manufacturers to keep innovating. The casuals, while they make said developers and console makers the most money, are the ones that like to settle for basically anything.

Right. Nothing pushes developers to innovate quite as much as people who want a 100th sci-fi shooter with aliens but now in HD. Look at the genres really dominated by hardcore - fighters, for example, - that is such a ****ing hotbed of innovation it's not even funny.
Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Well, it IS a pretty good meltdown. i'll give you that much.


vasuba said:
Where were you last gen bitching about the fact the shittiest peice of hardware was leading the pack instead of the 2 technologically superior ones? Oh thats right you like sony so if the Wii was their idea youd be masturbating to it

As flawed as his point is, you completely missed it. He's ragging on the software more than anything else, which is something the PS2 wasn't lacking (in terms of depth, quality, etc.)


Agent Icebeezy said:

Sony Maintains Target of 6 Million PlayStation 3 Sales for Year

By Holger Elfes

March 15 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp., the world's largest maker of video-game players, is maintaining its forecast of selling 6 million PlayStation 3 units for the fiscal year that ends in March, a spokesman said.

Sony will provide estimates on May 13 for shipments of PlayStation 3 for the fiscal year that ends in March 2008, Nick Sharples said today in an interview at the Cebit trade fair in Hanover, Germany.

Sony will start a beta test in April for a new interactive avatar-based community that will be integrated in the company's PlayStation, Sharples told reporters at a press conference in Hanover.

Tokyo-based Sony had to postpone the PlayStation 3's European debut after a parts shortage for the machine's Blu-ray DVD player. Sharples said sales in Europe will start March 23.

To contact the reporter on this story: Holger Elfes in Dusseldorf at helfes@bloomberg.net .

6 million? Really? it sounds like "holocaust revisionism" to me....


I think arrogance bit Sony in the butt. All that talk about having to work more to afford a PS3 and all that garbage was so far beyond arrogant that I'm glad people have stuck it to Sony at this point.

I'm also hoping though that Sony will learn from this and drop that "we can do whatever we want attitude" and become a player in the next gen battle. Obviously great games are coming to PS3, but with these low sales overall how many of these once exclusive titles will magically appear on the 360? Could 360 Japanese support see a major boost because of Sony's blunders and arrogance?

I hope Sony drops the price soon, but it's not such a bad thing for them to pay for the mistakes they've made up to this point. Hopefully they learn from them and rebound strongly.
achilles said:
yea here's a tip Sony: If youre touting your machine as an all-in-one product please market it that way.

The biggest mistake they have is there product placement. At the very core people still see a gaming system and not a Blu-Ray player. If you're going to tap into the right market to get people into the all-in-one mindset you gotta market your product as such. All I see are floating PS3 ads which dont ****in say anything. Motostorm makes me drool yea, but how the hell does that justify spending the extra $200 for a next-gen system?

Bad product placement Sony. You're not displaying the value of your system

Marketing is the least of their worries, apparently.


Ajax said:
the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console.

Except that's how Sony and MS are too.

This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader.

Uh, except it's NOT bad. Nice blatant troll though.

It would mean that casual gamers have won.

Except they always HAVE won. The yearly Maddens, Mario Parties, Need for Speeds, lack of difficulty in MOST games, etc. prove this.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling.

.. because you just trolled. "This industry will go to the shitter if a console as bad as Wii.."

Obviously you meant quality and not the power of the system. Because as DS proves, the very weak console dominating in no way puts the industry in the "shitter".

'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance

Not unlike how your post reeks of "hardcore" gamer pretentiousness.
Karma Kramer said:
When do you think Nintendo will catch up with the Wii demand?

I hope its soon... cause I will probably grab one when I can actually find one.

I say June. Supply will somewhat ease the demand for April and May. You might even find some in stores more frequently, but I don't think you can just walk into a store and expect to find one until at least June.

I bet you get a lucky break and find one in early May.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wiitard said:
Right. Nothing pushes developers to innovate quite as much as people who want a 100th sci-fi shooter with aliens but now in HD. Look at the genres really dominated by hardcore - fighters, for example, - that is such a ****ing hotbed of innovation it's not even funny.

I'm sure Clover made Okami with the casuals in mind.

Just look at the best selling casual game EVER: Madden. The casuals eat it up and settle for any bullshit release by EA and it makes them huge money, and they don't feel the need to innovate the genre. Same can be said for nearly all sports games.
All Sony had to do this generation is make the PS2... but with better tech... and charged $299 for it.

Thats all they had to do. And they would have beaten both Nintendo and Microsoft.
X26 said:
As flawed as his point is, you completely missed it. He's ragging on the software more than anything else, which is something the PS2 wasn't lacking (in terms of depth, quality, etc.)

Actually it was all over the place and fairly nonsensical.

You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader


Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Why cant Nintendo fans be happy. Nintendo made a console that is:

1. More immersive in the sense that you feel closer to that avatar in the game.
2. Family friendly. There is somethin really satifying to be able to share you hobby with others especially you family.
3. Consumer friendly even more people gt into your hobby because of the price.

As for 1st part sucking these days, the first party games seem MUCH better than last gen, last gen was terrible in terms of first party games overall polish. Wii games already (excluding zelda because its a GC game) have that polish that the GC games lacked.

And i pity you though. Somewhere along the line of your gaming, graphics became more important than the actual design of games. That is very sad to me.


Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

HAHAHA:lol :lol :lol Man you are troubled. These numbers don't mean very much as both the PS3 and Wii just launched. You can't expect them to have big numbers right now as really there are no big games for either system other than a select few. To trash the wii like you just have probably isn't very smart as really it doesn't matter if Nintendo is market leader because really they are totally different than Microsoft and Sony. Lets put it this way....no matter what either Sony or Microsoft will get developer support just due to the power of their systems...it's a win win situation for everyone except for either Microsoft or Sony. Nintendo made a smart decision in understanding that they could be 3rd and still garner support and money because they are different. If they become first I would be worried if Sony was 3rd. Because If Nintendo is first and Microsoft is second both of those companies come out winners because for devs who want to make pretty next gen games the 360 is there. If I were you Id be complaining about Microsoft beating the 360 rather than Nintendo.

And why are you ignoring the DS sales...pretty amazing stuff for a system with great games don't you think.
X26 said:
As flawed as his point is, you completely missed it. He's ragging on the software more than anything else, which is something the PS2 wasn't lacking (in terms of depth, quality, etc.)

Psst, Nintendo came into this generation with very sparse third party support. Give it time. Just this week, we got wind of two new IPs from KOEI and Capcom.


Karma Kramer said:
All Sony had to do this generation is make the PS2... but with better tech... and charged $299 for it.

Thats all they had to do. And they would have beaten both Nintendo and Microsoft.
Screw it. Universe be damned.


Sony had this bastard IN THE BAG.

Had the system not been a blu-ray trojan it wouldnt have rleased so late either.

Eteric Rice

Karma Kramer said:
All Sony had to do this generation is make the PS2... but with better tech... and charged $299 for it.

Thats all they had to do. And they would have beaten both Nintendo and Microsoft.

Mmm, maybe. Depends on how hyped people were for waggle.

But yeah, it probably would have won. Now, both MS AND Nintendo are building their brands back up. Sony won't seem so "God like" in the next round of console wars.
reilo said:
I'm sure Clover made Okami with the casuals in mind.

Just look at the best selling casual game EVER: Madden. The casuals eat it up and settle for any bullshit release by EA and it makes them huge money, and they don't feel the need to innovate the genre. Same can be said for nearly all sports games.

Oh hey, they made Okami on a console even less powerful than the Wii! Whoa!


Junior Member
Ajax said:
You know 360 fans have a good reason to be happy because sales are good and they have a great console and sony fans have a good reason to cry. But Nintendo fans are a strange bunch. They have the worst console in terms of hardware, 3rd party support and online plan but they're happy because they're getting off on sales numbers.

Even 1st party support sucks these days but do complain to the company that makes billions and gives them scraps instead of securing a few exclusives? Nooooooo they've assumed the role of ****ing cheerleaders in every sales thread instead of acknowledging the fact that Nintendo is more interested in profits than making a good console. This industry will go to the shitter anyway if a console as bad as Wii becomes the market leader. It would mean that casual gamers have won.

**** it I'm staying out of sales threads from now on, someone will probably start making meltdown jokes on me anyway or accuse me of trolling. You see that's the difference, I'm not trolling I used to love Nintendo but I'm honestly concerned 'cause this situation reeks of casual gamer ignorance and although I don't like 360 at this point I pray that it becomes the market leader.

Pretty much. XBOX fans and Sony fans to a slightly lesser extent are very self depreciating of their console of choice, which tends to force the companies to make changes for the better. Nintendo fans will defend the living hell out of any first party game whether it is a 5.5 or 9.5. They will also champion any prodcut for DS or Wii that sells well, just for the fact that it makes Nintendo money. I could go on and on about this, but Nintendos main focus is making products that appeal to people who do not typically play video games. To any Nintendo fan, that should be troubling, and championing their success with those sort of games is counterproductive.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
chibcicylist said:
Oh hey, they made Okami on a console even less powerful than the Wii! Whoa!

WTf? Where did I say anything about hardware? I was talking about game innovation you turd.


moku said:
Screw it. Universe be damned.


Sony had this bastard IN THE BAG.

Had the system not been a blu-ray trojan it wouldnt have rleased so late either.
I think, for all the fretting, it really does come down to this.


Karma Kramer said:
All Sony had to do this generation is make the PS2... but with better tech... and charged $299 for it.

Thats all they had to do. And they would have beaten both Nintendo and Microsoft.


Instead they throw their arrogance out there and use the system as a push to get Blu-Ray out there.
moku said:
Screw it. Universe be damned.


Sony had this bastard IN THE BAG.

Had the system not been a blu-ray trojan it wouldnt have rleased so late either.

haha... what a weird day at GAF. We actually agree with each other? Who would have thought?

Times are a changin...
In case the Sony fans havent found this out yet, the Wii only sold 44k in Japan this week. I think it will be warmer in that MC thread over there.


reilo said:
I'm sure Clover made Okami with the casuals in mind.

Just look at the best selling casual game EVER: Madden. The casuals eat it up and settle for any bullshit release by EA and it makes them huge money, and they don't feel the need to innovate the genre. Same can be said for nearly all sports games.

You know, to make a fair argument, we would need to compare not the most innovative hardcore oriented game with the most popular casual one but something similar.

Sports games are a bit tricky because they are constrained in terms of the rules of the game. But you know, right now the most popular casual game is probably Wii Sports - a sports game. You may hate it with a passion, but it is very innovative. Certainly more innovative that something like, you know, the usual fare hardcore gamers actually buy.

The other thing is, for stimulating innovation and all that, hardcore does not actually buy those innovative games at all - Okami is an example, but unfortunately far from only one. If you want to appeal to hardcore you sell something incredibly innovative - Gears of War, Halo 3, Final Fantasy 12, WWII shooter 120.

Casuals actually eat up some really innovative and convention defying software throun at them - from Nintendogs to GTA.


C4Lukins said:
Pretty much. XBOX fans and Sony fans to a slightly lesser extent are very self depreciating of their console of choice, which tends to force the companies to make changes for the better. Nintendo fans will defend the living hell out of any first party game whether it is a 5.5 or 9.5. They will also champion any prodcut for DS or Wii that sells well, just for the fact that it makes Nintendo money. I could go on and on about this, but Nintendos main focus is making products that appeal to people who do not typically play video games. To any Nintendo fan, that should be troubling, and championing their success with those sort of games is counterproductive.

Not counter productive at all. Nintendo Has a fine library of "Normal" Games coming out that are complimented by the New Game for all Mentality games.

Just fromwhats been announced so far the Nintendo Library this gen is looking to be vastly expanded in all senses versus last gen. Wii has whats being said to be the 2 most violent Games ever Made coming to them as Next Gen Exclusives. The Most violent games ever made and they are Wii only. Last gen and prior this would never have happened.

We also know 3rd Party development is kicking into high gear as the Wii has poven itself to not be the impulse buy that sony tried to psuh it was. The Wii has shown itself so far to be a very serious competitor and the development is coming.
God I love these threads.

These "NINTENDO IS RUINING THE INDUSTRY, DAMN CASUALS, GET OFF MY LAWN, DURR I AM LEAVING THESE THREADS FOREVURRRRRRRRRR" posts are better than goddamn sex. I feel like I need a smoke after laughing my ass off at them.

Eteric Rice

chibcicylist said:
In case the Sony fans havent found this out yet, the Wii only sold 44k in Japan this week. I think it will be warmer in that MC thread over there.

I have to wonder if they're holding back because of Paper Mario, are if Wiis are slowing down in sales...



C4Lukins said:
Pretty much. XBOX fans and Sony fans to a slightly lesser extent are very self depreciating of their console of choice, which tends to force the companies to make changes for the better. Nintendo fans will defend the living hell out of any first party game whether it is a 5.5 or 9.5. They will also champion any prodcut for DS or Wii that sells well, just for the fact that it makes Nintendo money. I could go on and on about this, but Nintendos main focus is making products that appeal to people who do not typically play video games. To any Nintendo fan, that should be troubling, and championing their success with those sort of games is counterproductive.

Um, what? Is that sarcasm? I thought you were one of the last people here that would judge a game by review scores.


reilo said:
Well, time to roll out the X720, WiiWii, and PS4 since everyone thinks the 'war' is over for this generation.

Relatively poor sales for the PS3, but nothing to cry over.

Indeed. One subpar month = dead? If that's the case then the xbox360 should've been declared dead since 2006 looking at its monthly sales number in Japan. Now, if this sales trend continues for the next 6-8 months and then I can see calling the ps3 a failure but claiming the system to be dead at this juncture is a bit too premature. With that said, I can't imagine things improving whole lot for sony until there's a significant price cut for the ps3.
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