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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Manmademan said:
Why do you assume Sony can't afford to do a price drop on the Ps3?

the PSP has been profitable for some time now.

The Ps2 is STILL selling consoles like crazy. It's pretty much all profit at this point.

Blu-Ray has taken a commanding lead over HD-DVD, earlier than anyone expected, and if box office success is any indicator of Blu-Ray sales (and it is) it'll stay that way for some time.

Sony could take advantage of any of these positive revenue streams to justify a price cut on the PS3 hardware.

The Ps3 already has a price cut in japan. IMO even bringing US prices in line with the jp ones will have a positive effect. surely they CAN do this if they chose to.

PSP doesnt make a dime. the PS2 overal profit margin isnt that earth shakingly high and the PS3 is a dangerous money sucking vaccum. They already lose 300 dollars as it is for each PS3 they sell. what are they gonna do make it 400-500 dollars they lose per sale?

The Japanese "cut" you speak of is reflective of the fact sony said theres no way in hell japan will tolerate default price. The price in canada instead of going down due to poor sales went UP.

Sony basiclly charges canada the difference int he "cut" they gave japan
vasuba said:
PSP doesnt make a dime. the PS2 overal profit margin isnt that earth shakingly high and the PS3 is a dangerous money sucking vaccum. They already lose 300 dollars as it is for each PS3 they sell. what are they gonna do make it 400-500 dollars they lose per sale?
Actually, I'm pretty sure the PSP makes a considerable profit, as does the PS2 at this point.


Jirotrom said:
I'd say the game play has changed due to the way you play the game changing.:lol :lol

But Seriously I believe input devices can change gameplay, for example...
First persoin shooters mouse and keyboard vs Dual analog. Dual analog games often need aim assistance due to the slower preciseness and aim time. that to me is a gameplay change. DDR on a dpad or on a footpad. the footpad gives your whole body an immersion into the game as it changes the gameplay in making it a more full body experience rather than twittling your fingers...input devices change gameplay as gameplay for me is how I the game is to be played.

Are you seriously suggesting that DDR on a pad has different gameplay than playing it on a controller? The only difference is the method of input.
ethelred said:
Are you seriously suggesting that DDR on a pad has different gameplay than playing it on a controller? The only difference is the method of input.

DDR on a pad is absolutely, positively TOTALLY different than playing it with a controller.

edit: for comparison, look at it this way:

Are you seriously suggesting that twilight princess using the wiimote has different gameplay than playing it on a gamecube controller? The only difference is the method of input


Sony, of course isnt doing great, but neither doing that bad.

If you add japan and north america, xbox360 and ps3, numbers, they are pretty much the same.

Its not really sony who's doing bad. Its Nintendo that is doing ******* great. The only difference is the 8million head start of xbox360, which will only be good enough for sencond place soon.

mcdonnell said:
Is the PS3 still outpacing sales of PS2 and PS1 in the same time frame?

Phil Harrison kept using that line at GDC (see Wired Interview: "PH: We've outsold our preceding platforms for the same time frame, PS1 and PS2, both of which went on to sell more than 100 million units each.")

Curious to see if that is still true after the March NPD? It has to become false soon with these numbers.
I don't have a clear picture of PS1's early numbers, but it's probably true. PS2... no, and it never was true on a per-region basis. By comparing PS2's early worldwide numbers (Japan only) with PS3's early worldwide numbers (Japan+NA), and allowing for Sony claims to be true (shipping 100K per week in NA, selling them all), then it was a plausible talking point to say it was doing better than PS2 until we actually got the numbers for January.


ethelred said:
Are you seriously suggesting that DDR on a pad has different gameplay than playing it on a controller? The only difference is the method of input.
Yes I am, because the experience changes when I use my feet to respond to the arrows on the screen. The gameplay changes for me...for one because I suck at DDR it becomes more difficult. Another thing is that I grow tired quicker than when using a pad thus adding more stress to the game...for some people that is more enjoyable for others it is not but for me yes it is different gameplay.


Jirotrom said:
Yes I am, because the experience changes when I use my feet to respond to the arrows on the screen. The gameplay changes for me...for one because I suck at DDR it becomes more difficult. Another thing is that I grow tired quicker than when using a pad thus adding more stress to the game...for some people that is more enjoyable for others it is not but for me yes it is different gameplay.

But it's just a different input method. How is pushing a button not the same as jumping up and down like a monkey on speed?
ethelred said:
No it's not. It's the same.

No. it isn't. that's like saying that playing guitar hero with a pad would have the "same gameplay."

the method of input here totally changes the difficulty, and accessibility of the game. It's not like comparing "pad vs. joystick" in a fighter, it's a BIG difference.


ethelred said:
But it's just a different input method. How is pushing a button not the same as jumping up and down like a monkey on speed?
let me ask you a question,

When you play a driving game what do you prefer using to play that game a driving wheel or a pad? and why?

also to answer your question the distance your thumbs travel carry a much lower displacement than the distance your feet travel to hit the arrows. this means that to play DDR with your feet it requires a speed increase from your lower legs in order to match the speed of your fingers. This changes your mental reaction to the game and your perceived enjoyment or non enjoyment of the game thus changing how you approach and play the game thus changing gameplay.


OMG at Sony's numbers, they are pretty pretty low but hopefully, after the GDC's announcements things are going to improve a bit (even if the price is a great deterrent)
ethelred said:
But it's just a different input method. How is pushing a button not the same as jumping up and down like a monkey on speed?

this quote RIGHT THERE says to me you've never actually seriously played DDR. Playing DDR with a pad is not "jumping up and down like a monkey on speed."

it takes a LOT of coordination and timing that MOST PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE with their legs/feet, and physical endurance comes into play as well.

are you trolling? because your argument makes no sense.
Warm Machine said:
Really how does these sales impact the long term viability of Blu-Ray?

it doesn't, really. even if the Ps3 only sells 20 million units (gamecube levels) that's still a massive advantage for blu-ray's installed base. Look what it's doing to HD-DVD with only 1.5 million units sold.


LJ11 said:
Just got in and saw your quote which reminded me of a Kuturagism.

“Microsoft shoots for the moon. Sony shoots for the sun.”

Keep it simple stupid.
Maybe that's it. They got too close to the sun.



GhaleonEB said:
Maybe that's it. They got too close to the sun.


Holy shit... Kid Icarus on PS3?

Now, I think we should wait for that to come out before we proclaim doom and gloom for the system's sales.
At least this is interesting.

You've got to love just how varied the competition is.
Certainly alot more interesting then last gen, when the three consoles were relatively comparable as far as hardware and features go.

I don't think anyone would argue the fact that Wii and PS3 are basically polar opposites as far as console design and marketing go and its really interesting to see how the market responds to that. I don't mean for that to be any kind of troll, I just find the different approaches interesting.

Whatever happens, the industry is going to learn a lot by the end of all this.
Hopefully one of those lessons is that pack-in games rock.

Edit: One more thing, be careful with the doom and gloom predictions. They become pretty tired after a while and almost certainly won't hold true for a company with the track record and know-how of Sony. Things can change in an instant. I should know. I'm a Nintendo fan :lol


I would agree that the 'experience' of playing DDR on a controller vs. a dance pad is different, but the gameplay is the same.

Immersion is not nessicarly inovation. I think everyone can agree immersion is a good thing, a race wheel for instace make the game so much better, but is not really inovative.

I think Nintendo hit a grand slam on the wii-mote in the immersive applications that it can replicate. The wii mote is inovative in that way, but this doesn't really transfer automaticaly to bad game design. It doesn't make pushing crates any more fun than it was when we had to do it wih a thumbstick IMO.

Hopefully the wiis comercial success will encourge developers to create true inovation, and not just add motion sensing to PS2 game designs.


GhaleonEB said:
Maybe that's it. They got too close to the sun.


You're definitely enjoying this. :lol

Ultimate day of redemption for Sega fans.

Edit: ethelred, I was going to make a similar Kid Icarus comment but I cut it out. :lol


reilo said:
And as a hardcore gamer I should be happy about Nintendo's "everyone can play it!" approach because..?

I guess I should be ecstatic next time a studio decides to edit a movie I was anticipating that was intended to be rated-R down to PG-13 because more people get to see it.
If the possibility of a sequel is in part contingent upon how many people see a movie or buy a game, and the movie or game is high-quality, I would be happy. Not that that's always or even usually the case, but it's one counterexample. And it's more applicable to games than movies because story and visuals are the dominant features of film, with the content of each being determined by the target audience, while gameplay and visuals are the dominant features of gaming, and only the latter is affected by the rating.
Flo_Evans said:
I would agree that the 'experience' of playing DDR on a controller vs. a dance pad is different, but the gameplay is the same.

Immersion is not nessicarly inovation. I think everyone can agree immersion is a good thing, a race wheel for instace make the game so much better, but is not really inovative.

I think Nintendo hit a grand slam on the wii-mote in the immersive applications that it can replicate. The wii mote is inovative in that way, but this doesn't really transfer automaticaly to bad game design. It doesn't make pushing crates any more fun than it was when we had to do it wih a thumbstick IMO.

Hopefully the wiis comercial success will encourge developers to create true inovation, and not just add motion sensing to PS2 game designs.

Innovation and Gameplay are not two different names for the same term they're completely different.

You can have innovation without Gameplay. You can have Gameplay without innovation.

controlling a racer in..say..a cabinet with steering wheels, a stick shift, clutch and brake pedals is DRASTICALLY different GAMEPLAY than controlling a racer with a pad.

I shouldnt have to explain why, it should be obvious.

That being said, I've just read GAF for dummies and have most likely "been had" by ethelred.


GhaleonEB said:
I've actually let go of my angst over Sega's demise. At the moment I'm just floored at the reversal of fortune - for Sony and Nintendo. We've got the two fastest, most dramatic turnabouts in industry history here. It's many things, but of all I'm actually excited to see where things are going. This year is so damn hard to predict, with so many variables. The past two months have me questioning every assumption I had for where this generation - and the industry as a whole - could go. Fun times. :D

Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it?


LJ11 said:
You're definitely enjoying this. :lol

Ultimate day of redemption for Sega fans.

Edit: ethelred, I was going to make the similar Kid Icarus comment but I cut it out. :lol
I've actually let go of my angst over Sega's demise. At the moment I'm just floored at the reversal of fortune - for Sony and Nintendo. We've got the two fastest, most dramatic turnabouts in industry history here. It's many things, but above all I'm actually excited to see where things are going. This year is so damn hard to predict, with so many variables. I really believe this is *the* battleground year this gen. The past two months have me questioning every assumption I had for where this generation - and the industry as a whole - could go. Fun times. :D
ethelred said:
I just don't see how it's different, that's all.

Just wait 'till I get the sequel out.

It'll have mind maps and everything.

Edit: You changed the content of your posts 2 time in 5 minutes? -_-


GhaleonEB said:
I've actually let go of my angst over Sega's demise. At the moment I'm just floored at the reversal of fortune - for Sony and Nintendo. We've got the two fastest, most dramatic turnabouts in industry history here. It's many things, but above all I'm actually excited to see where things are going. This year is so damn hard to predict, with so many variables. I really believe this is *the* battleground year this gen. The past two months have me questioning every assumption I had for where this generation - and the industry as a whole - could go. Fun times. :D

I remember all the doom and gloom threads being posted about Sony, and you would always come in and tell people not to get ahead of themselves and that this was Sony after all. I'm not proclaiming Sony's dead but maybe those doom and gloom threads weren't that far from the truth.

I agree that an interesting year awaits everyone. Good gaming for all nonetheless.
I don't want Sony to fail. But I gotta say... it would be pretty ****ing entertaining if they did. And when I say fail... I mean like the Dreamcast.

Its not going to happen though, but man, would I love to see a glimpse of GAF if it ever did.
LJ11 said:
I remember all the doom and gloom threads being posted about Sony, and you would always come in and tell people not to get ahead of themselves and that this was Sony after all. I'm not proclaiming Sony's dead but maybe those doom and gloom threads weren't that far from the truth.

I agree that an interesting year awaits everyone. Good gaming for all nonetheless.

It's still far too early for "doom and gloom." we're only what...4 months in? maybe 5? We've yet to see any games as definitive as say...GTAIII or FFVII was for their respective consoles, or the effects that price drops and future software might have.

too early to say anything other than Sony really needs to put some effort into the Ps3 and not let it "coast" like the PSP.

I don't want Sony to fail. But I gotta say... it would be pretty ****ing entertaining if they did. And when I say fail... I mean like the Dreamcast.

Its not going to happen though, but man, would I love to see a glimpse of GAF if it ever did.

nah, the dreamcast was a victim of Sega's poor business practices. It could have easily gone on to match or outsell the Xbox and Gamecube.

Even if the Ps3 completely bombs we're guaranteed to see a Ps4 or maybe even a Ps5.


Pureauthor said:
Lessee... November, December, January, February.

That makes 4, and this is what is known as a trend.

To be fair, the ps3 was supply constrained until late december. In january, the ps3 sold about 244k compared to 294k for the xbox360 and not many folks were saying sony was in trouble then. Hence why I said it's a bit premature to say the ps3 is doomed based on one bad month.

But as I said in my previous post if the ps3 continues to sell about 120k a month from now on until this fall then I guess it would be safe to say the ps3 is doomed at least in NA.

dang, already 27 pages..
zallaaa said:
OMG at Sony's numbers, they are pretty pretty low but hopefully, after the GDC's announcements things are going to improve a bit (even if the price is a great deterrent)
Don't count on it.
GDC is not E3, the things that were revealed there won't be advertised to the general public until September at the earliest.
Like I said earlier in the thread, the numbers are pretty bad but all the:

talk is a knee jerk reaction that is fueled by one of the following:
1) Sony fans upset their console isn't completely butchering the competition like PS2 did.
2) MS & Nintendo fans enjoying the reversal of roles after years of barely being a blip on the radar.
3) people throwing fuel onto the fire just to get reactions out of the other camps.

All the people talking about lowering the price next week fail to realise that it won't make the sales of the PS3 as a game console rocket up, if anything more people would buy it as a Bluray player.

The current obstacle is the LACK OF SOFTWARE. When talking to friends I tell them I honestly can't recommend the system to them as of now, because there is a lack of worth buying titles out there, hell I had to import a game in order to have a reason to actively play mine. (Gundam Musou is the best robot game since ZOE2)

There are games in the coming months that will change that, I'm looking at Heavenly Sword, Assassin's Creed and especially Warhawk. Once more solid and diverse titles are available sales WILL pick up, however by how much is the big question.

Once the software drought is over and we see some must have titles out there we can get a clearer picture of just how much of a barrier to entry the $6/500 price tag really is.
BirdFlu said:
I wouldn't say instant. I mean you were around for N64 and GC right?

Yup, I certainly was around in those days. (Following the industry, forums and such)

And you're right, this obviously wasn't an overnight thing.
But it certainly feels like a sudden shift to me. Even a year ago I don't think anybody could have predicted this.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
So many laughing smile faces, people howlering the fall of a corporation, kids running through the sprinklers, flame battles in the streets, call to actions of actions that don't mean much, these were the days that we once knew the kings of old England and they whimpered into the moonlights of everlore.
- Margaret Cho, March 15th 2007


My inner fanboi is going bannanas! Wii win Miyamoto-sama! We win! We stuck together through the hard times and look at us now world! Wii are the wiinners!
MickeyKnox said:
Once the software drought is over and we see some must have titles out there we can get a clearer picture of just how much of a barrier to entry the $6/500 price tag really is.

I agree with pretty much everything you said EXCEPT for this. the Ps3 doesn't HAVE a $500 pricetag. the 20 gigs are nowhere to be found. If Sony actually started making and promoting them, we'd see higher sales. Don't give me the "retailers want the 60 gig" line...retailers want systems that sell.

That being said, I have a theory
pulled fresh out of my ass
that sony is manufacturing all 20 gigs in 65nm at the moment to make a price drop on them feasible.
usually when a console variant totally disappears (original GBA, PS fat, etc) there's some retooling going on...


Manmademan said:
Innovation and Gameplay are not two different names for the same term they're completely different.

You can have innovation without Gameplay. You can have Gameplay without innovation.

controlling a racer in..say..a cabinet with steering wheels, a stick shift, clutch and brake pedals is DRASTICALLY different GAMEPLAY than controlling a racer with a pad.

I shouldnt have to explain why, it should be obvious.

That being said, I've just read GAF for dummies and have most likely "been had" by ethelred.

The gameplay is the same! You are just inputing gas/brake/steering with a different set of controls. Chess is not a different game if its played on a wooden board or on a computer screen. Physicaly picking up your peice and moving it is not the gameplay. Deciding where to move it is.
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