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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Karma Kramer said:
I don't want Sony to fail. But I gotta say... it would be pretty ****ing entertaining if they did. And when I say fail... I mean like the Dreamcast.

Its not going to happen though, but man, would I love to see a glimpse of GAF if it ever did.

I don't want them to just walk away and die. PSX/PS2 are two of my favorite consoles. I loved Sega as a kid, and when I saw them bow out, I was disappointed. Each company brought something different to the table.

One of the reasons I supported MS from day one was that I believed they could introduce PC games to a wider audience. And they did just that with games like Halo, KOTOR, Riddick, Morrowind, Deus Ex 2 and countless others. They brought Western gaming to the forefront in my opinion. They're online strategy is tops, and Nintendo/Sony are always be called out for not having a similar strategy.

Nintendo innovated in their own unique way to differentiate themselves from their competitors. So far their strategy is looking ace, but would Nintendo have gone this way if it wasn't pressed by both Sony and MS?

I want competition to foster growth and innovation, not retrenchment. Yeah, it would make a hell of a GAF thread but we have plenty of those ahead *cough* Konami *cough*. If all three could stay healthy it would make for a much better industry in my opinion.
Flo_Evans said:
The gameplay is the same! You are just inputing gas/brake/steering with a different set of controls. Chess is not a different game if its played on a wooden board or on a computer screen. Physicaly picking up your peice and moving it is not the gameplay. Deciding where to move it is.

Physical interaction is most certainly an integral part of gameplay. Taking your "chess" analogy, if I take a game of tennis and remove the physical aspect and play it on a computer screen, it's not tennis anymore, it's PONG.

is basketball the same game if it's played...hmm..with your feet? in a pool?

What do you call tennis when you shrink the court, shrink the rackets, and shrink the ball? Tennis? no. it's ping pong. different game, different gameplay.

now imagine you're playing "chopsticks" on a piano. with your hands, natch.

now imagine playing "chopsticks" on a giant piano, with your feet, like tom hanks in "Big".
Is it the same experience? hell no.

Physical interaction with the game can redefine and change the gameplay. it's not rocket science.


A few random observations after staring at my spreadsheet:

-360 has had the top-selling game four months in a row, (Gears, Gears, Lost Planet, Crackdown)

-PS3 sales in four months are almost the same as the Wii after two, and just a hair over the 360 (tied factoring out January's extra week)

-The Wii has sold in four months what it took the 360 7 1/2 months

-PS3 tops 1m this month

-360 tops 5m this month

-360 is up 42% from last year, and 15% from the Xbox at the same point in its lifecycle

-It took the Gamecube eight months to hit the Wii's LTD, and that's with a bigger GC launch.

-February PS3 sales are lower than the PS2 ever sold so far

-PS2 after 3 months > PS3 after 4 months


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Flo_Evans said:
The gameplay is the same! You are just inputing gas/brake/steering with a different set of controls. Chess is not a different game if its played on a wooden board or on a computer screen. Physicaly picking up your peice and moving it is not the gameplay. Deciding where to move it is.

Jesus, you are one of those people. Who cares about arguing about this? Play some videogames, talk to the ladies, learn the guitar, bet on some horses good sir (I am just going to assume you are a man, you are on a videogame forum).


MickeyKnox said:
There are games in the coming months that will change that, I'm looking at Heavenly Sword, Assassin's Creed and especially Warhawk. Once more solid and diverse titles are available sales WILL pick up, however by how much is the big question.
This isn't a troll question, I'm just wondering, do you think the general public will pick up a PS3 to buy a quaility game like warhawk from the PSN? For a casual gamer is buying a game from online and downloading it more daunting then picking up a physical copy?

I don't mean this in terms of someone who already has the system, more someone who is buying the system specifically for one game. It will be interesting to see how Sony market warhawk.
Manmademan said:
I agree with pretty much everything you said EXCEPT for this. the Ps3 doesn't HAVE a $500 pricetag. the 20 gigs are nowhere to be found. If Sony actually started making and promoting them, we'd see higher sales. Don't give me the "retailers want the 60 gig" line...retailers want systems that sell.
That's why I wrote $6/500. Ant to be perfectly honest here I feel the sticker shock of $499 is just as bad as the $599. That $100 is just not enough of a gap to matter.
now if we were talking $499 vs $399 on the other hand that would matter.

As long as we're pulling things out of your ass let me reach in there and get my own theory.

Once you cross the 500 mark you enter into half a grand territory, half a thousand dollars carries with it the psychological weight of being HALF A ****ING THOUSAND DOLLARS, so the jump to 600 is not as big as the jump from 400 to 500 would be even though it's still the same amount: $100.
AlternativeUlster said:
Jesus, you are one of those people. Who cares about arguing about this? Play some videogames, talk to the ladies, learn the guitar, bet on some horses good sir (I am just going to assume you are a man, you are on a videogame forum).


I lol'ed indeed!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So if the Wii sells about say 1.25 million a month WW it will reach 17 million and change by the end of the year.

MickeyKnox said:
That's why I wrote $6/500. Ant to be perfectly honest here I feel the sticker shock of $499 is just as bad as the $599. That $100 is just not enough of a gap to matter.
now if we were talking $499 vs $399 on the other hand that would matter.

As long as we're pulling things out of your ass let me reach in there and get my own theory.

Once you cross the 500 mark you enter into half a grand territory, half a thousand dollars carries with it the psychological weight of being HALF A ****ING THOUSAND DOLLARS, so the jump to 600 is not as big as the jump from 400 to 500 would be even though it's still the same amount: $100.

I disagree, because we're not looking at these numbers in a vacuum. you need to take into account the costs of the 360 and to a lesser extent the Wii when considering the price of the PS3.

Imagine GTA4 comes out tomorrow. It's big, and it's multiplatform. I don't own a 360, I don't own a Ps3 but I NEED to play this game.

to play it, I can plunk down $400 for a 360, or $600 for a similarly equipped Ps3. yes, the Ps3 has some advantages that the 360 doesn't, but is it worth $200 to me? might be a tough sell.

If we shrink that Gap $100, it becomes a little easier to persuade joe gamer to choose a Ps3 over a cheaper 360. the Ps3 is still more expensive, but MAYBE the price is a little more justifiable if I'm into Blu-Ray, Ps2 compatability, Linux, or Free online play.
Sony fan mode: ON

I cannot wait to see a new HUNGRY Sony that does everything it can to keep its dominance of the market. The arrogant Sony will have to go. If you think SCEI is going down without a fight, think again. they are PlayStation for crying out loud. nobody' F***'s with McDonnalds or Coca Cola, nobody is gonna F*** with PlayStation and escape a severe battering.


[/Sony fan mode]


Flo_Evans said:
The gameplay is the same! You are just inputing gas/brake/steering with a different set of controls. Chess is not a different game if its played on a wooden board or on a computer screen. Physicaly picking up your peice and moving it is not the gameplay. Deciding where to move it is.
incorrect. Playing GT4 with a pad is totally different to with my Driving Force Pro steering wheel. With a pad when you move the analog stick it gets to a point where the game starts to turn automatically for you. This is because cars have a ~ 2.5/2.2 turns to lock. However, my steering wheel does have full 900 degree rotation, which means that as I turn my wheel the game turns in exactly the same fashion, giving me much more precise control.

Also, anyone who compares an analog pedal in a steering wheel to buttons or even triggers on a pad is not thinking very clearly, they are similar but not the same.

so according to your argument, a dancing game, lightgun game and driving game are all the same with pad or their respective peripheral? Boy the samba di amigo fan boys are going to have fun with you
TheIkariWarrior said:
Sony fan mode: ON

I cannot wait to see a new HUNGRY Sony that does everything it can to keep its dominance of the market. The arrogant Sony will have to go. If you think SCEI is going down without a fight, think again. they are PlayStation for crying out loud. nobody' F***'s with McDonnalds or Coca Cola, nobody is gonna F*** with PlayStation and escape a severe battering.


[/Sony fan mode]

what? burger king and pepsi mess with mcdonalds and coke all the time. What kind of crack are you on? have you never seen a commercial?


Nintendo DS 485,000
Wii 335,000
PlayStation 2 295,000
Xbox 360 228,000
PlayStation Portable 176,000
Game Boy Advance 136,000
PlayStation 3 127,000
GameCube 24,000
Xbox 480

LJ11 said:
I don't want them to just walk away and die. PSX/PS2 are two of my favorite consoles. I loved Sega as a kid, and when I saw them bow out, I was disappointed. Each company brought something different to the table.

One of the reasons I supported MS from day one was that I believed they could introduce PC games to a wider audience. And they did just that with games like Halo, KOTOR, Riddick, Morrowind, Deus Ex 2 and countless others. They brought Western gaming to the forefront in my opinion. They're online strategy is tops, and Nintendo/Sony are always be called out for not having a similar strategy.

Nintendo innovated in their own unique way to differentiate themselves from their competitors. So far their strategy is looking ace, but would Nintendo have gone this way if it wasn't pressed by both Sony and MS?

I want competition to foster growth and innovation, not retrenchment. Yeah, it would make a hell of a GAF thread but we have plenty of those ahead *cough* Konami *cough*. If all three could stay healthy it would make for a much better industry in my opinion.

Yeah as I said... I don't want Sony to fail... I would just find it entertaining and humorus if they did fail.


Xbox 360 228,000 x $400 = $91.2M
Xbox 480 x $130 = $0.06M
TOTAL = $91.26M

When did Microsoft released the Xbox 480????
Karma Kramer said:
Yeah as I said... I don't want Sony to fail... I would just find it entertaining and humorus if they did fail.

ech, that's fanboy talk. I don't want Sony, Microsoft, OR Nintendo to fail- all three bring something different to the market and we're getting some great games as a result of the competition that otherwise wouldn't be there.

If Sony hadn't handed Nintendo It's ass last round, we'd likely be looking at a lackluster gamecube 2 rather than the Wii and DS.

Sony out of the console market leaves the high-end gaming almost exclusively to microsoft, and I can't imagine that being a good thing for anyone.


So, Sony sold 1Million PS3 total in US now in less than 4 month. Thats basically what Xbox360 did at its first 4 month as well. The dynamics is not as good for PS3 though, box sales were way more uniform. If PS3 will sell less than 150k next month they will actually fall behind Xbox360 sales tempo.

Wii growth is amazing on the other hand, seems its officially fastest selling console in US now, and sales do not seem to saturate.

But overall next-gen is doing its job in expanding the market perfectly - 53% industry growth is something to admire.


Manmademan said:
Physical interaction is most certainly an integral part of gameplay. Taking your "chess" analogy, if I take a game of tennis and remove the physical aspect and play it on a computer screen, it's not tennis anymore, it's PONG.

is basketball the same game if it's played...hmm..with your feet? in a pool?

What do you call tennis when you shrink the court, shrink the rackets, and shrink the ball? Tennis? no. it's ping pong. different game, different gameplay.

now imagine you're playing "chopsticks" on a piano. with your hands, natch.

now imagine playing "chopsticks" on a giant piano, with your feet, like tom hanks in "Big".
Is it the same experience? hell no.

Physical interaction with the game can redefine and change the gameplay. it's not rocket science.

You are not really understanding me. The rules of tennis and ping pong are not the same. The balls bounce diffrently and the arena is smaller. The rules in a driving game are the same with a controler or a wheel. A wheel is a 100% better and more fun control method, but the gameplay is the same.

anyway this thread is supposed to be about how sony is d00med! Just keep pretending you are right and I will do the same.


$599 lol
reilo said:
I understand the appeal of it, which I'm fine with. But Nintendo touted that the Wiimote will be used to not only immerse you and make playing games easier, but that it will be used to innovate gameplay itself. So far I have not found a game besides WarioWare that does that -- and I don't like mini-games like that -- nor have I seen a Nintendo game in the foreseeable future that will. Metroid Prime 3 -- the game I am most looking forward to -- I'm afraid will have the same gameplay as MP2 but using a different input method.

Maybe you need a dictionary, because you're not using the word 'innovative' correctly. Innovative by definition is something which is ground-breaking; something which has never been experienced before; something ahead of its time. The very fact that Wii games use the Wiimote has innovated gameplay; it has forced a paradigm shift in the way we play games.

Now, will it get more innovative as time goes on? Of course. But the general gaming public is still recovering from the stunned shock from motion-sensor technology implemented in WiiSports. The hardcore crowd is still feeling the aftershocks of Twilight Princess' innovative control scheme. These things have never been experienced before.

Nintendo has single-handedly reshaped the industry in a way that Microsoft or Sony never even imagined. If you think the Wiimote hasn't innovated gameplay yet you think HL2's Gravity gun is "innovative", perhaps you need to look at a thesaurus, because innovative isn't the word you're looking for there.


Sony better hope that the 10 year strategy plays out. If it does, then this bad start won't really matter. I highly doubt developers would be ready to move to some new hardware in 5 years as expensive as this current gen will be. It's no longer power as much as it is budget that is limiting games. Sony's inclusion of Blu-Ray may have advantaged them in the long-run if a longer cycle plays out. If games start getting to the point where they just won't easily fit onto a DVD, it may force Microsoft to react earlier than expected if it means the 360 will start having to have most games be two or more discs or receiving a pared down version. A $200 PS3 would do well against a $3 or $400 new, next-gen X-Box. The longer this generation stretches out, the more beneficial it will be for Sony. Their main problem is to avoid getting skunked in the next couple of years. If they can do that, they will be fine.

My main strategy for Sony would be to release media on a regular basis until around the dropping of Halo 3 and GTA. When those games drop, drop new media on ALL of your big hitters. Get ready to deliver a kick to the nads of competition. Right around the Halo release date, a few days beforehand, Sony needs to approach Square and get them to release a nice, long trailer of FF13, allow magazines to have huge write ups of the title, etc. Show the best media of Uncharted. Bring out some new GT: HD screens. MGS... Killzone. SOCOM << this is a big one right here. Little Big Planet. Home. GTA can be a swing title for either console. If Sony shows enough value around the release date of GTA, people will buy the PS3 to play it. However, if they remain mum and gamers see more value in the 360, they will buy that to get GTA. I guess Sony is remaining quiet to really put out a big showing in the fall area where they will be facing their heaviest competition.
santouras said:
This isn't a troll question, I'm just wondering, do you think the general public will pick up a PS3 to buy a quaility game like warhawk from the PSN? For a casual gamer is buying a game from online and downloading it more daunting then picking up a physical copy?

I don't mean this in terms of someone who already has the system, more someone who is buying the system specifically for one game. It will be interesting to see how Sony market warhawk.
I had a passing interest in Warhawk as a retail title, the change to download only didn't affect me at first, but once I saw the gametrailers footage of the multiplayer session that BuddyC took part in the game jumped to the top of my immediate must have list.

As far as mass market appeal, no people won't go out to buy a PS3 just to play Warhawk but that's not the point. Very few titles have the power to shift systems, GTA, Halo, GT these are landmark franchises that are on their 3rd and 4th iterations. For a new ip to shift a system like the PS3 on it's own will be nigh on impossible.

However, 1)if Warhawk is as fun to play as those videos made it out to be and 2) if it's marketed right, Sony will have the definitive console equivalent to the battlefield series which helps to bolster the PS3's currently shitty portfolio of games and potentially turn the next iteration into a system seller.

If Sony wants Warhawk to be a huge hit they need to do the following:
Do a public beta this summer, this will go a long way towards building momentum.
Price the game at ~$30 +/- $5 This will help justify the digital purchase to some people and turn it into impulse buy territory for the rest.

Now this next one is a lot less likely but would seal the deal, bundle the game with the 60gig units, have it come pre installed on the hard drive and ready to play once you complete your PSN account registration.
kevm3 said:
Sony better hope that the 10 year strategy plays out. If it does, then this bad start won't really matter.

Um, this bad start is integral to whether or not their 10 year strategy plays out in the first place.
Flo_Evans said:
You are not really understanding me. The rules of tennis and ping pong are not the same. The balls bounce diffrently and the arena is smaller. The rules in a driving game are the same with a controler or a wheel. A wheel is a 100% better and more fun control method, but the gameplay is the same.

the gameplay is not the same because the mechanics of playing the game is not the same. why is this hard to understand?

and FYI: you proved my point. shrinking the arena or shrinking the balls is exactly the same type of shift as playing a game with your feet, or using a steering wheel and a shifter as opposed to a pad.

because of the way the input/control changes, it's IMPOSSIBLE to play the game the same way, and the gameplay changes.

enough of this, I'm through with you.
As far as the Wiimote discussion goes, I see it like this:

I agree that fundamentally, the controller offers little in the way of new gameplay.
So, however that tickles your hardcore gaming fancy is just fine.

However , we are in a sales thread talking about why this thing is selling so well.
As PR as it sounds and as cliché as it has become on this forum, I can't believe my parents play the thing. My mom beat me in tennis the other day. "Ick! Gross! I have no interest in that kind of thing." you might say. "Non-gamers ftl" and whatnot.

Non-gamers aren't non-people, for crying out loud. Once they get into a game, they enjoy it for the same reasons we do. It isn't just for the "This is just like the real thing!" effect.
I was pretty sure my dad would lose interest in Wiisports Golf when he discovered that it didn't completely match his swing. I explained to him how the D-pad and power "dots" worked and figured he'd lose interest in the abstraction, something that a normal gamer would have no problem with and would likely take pleasure in analyzing and experimenting with. Rather, once he understood it, he began, as any gamer would, to use it to his advantage. I'm pretty sure he took pleasure in understanding one of the intricacies of the game, even if it didn't perfectly match the sport.

All this to say that the Wiimote is an attempt to break down just one barrier that stops people from understanding and enjoying games. Once they've surpassed it, they can enjoy games for the same reasons we do. Who knows if they'll "graduate" to more complex gameplay or controllers?

"But what can it offer me, a hardcore gamer?"

To be honest, mainly novelty. It's some pretty strong stuff though, and nothing to scoff at. I pick up the wiimote 5 months after I've bought it and still can't believe just how strange and new it feels. I won't deny that it's a major selling point of the console and I think people underestimate just how much the industry has historically thrived on novelty in general. That being said, the pointing is a true evolution of game controls and whatever can be achieved with the motion control is icing on the cake.

I'm glad that this means more 3rd party support and I'm definately not regretting going the Wii60 route.


Manmademan said:
and FYI: you proved my point. shrinking the arena or shrinking the balls is exactly the same type of shift as playing a game with your feet, or using a steering wheel and a shifter as opposed to a pad.

no its not. :lol

shrinking the track or changing the tire physics is a gameplay change. Using "A" for gas instead of "B" for gas is not.


Manmademan said:
the gameplay is not the same because the mechanics of playing the game is not the same. why is this hard to understand?

and FYI: you proved my point. shrinking the arena or shrinking the balls is exactly the same type of shift as playing a game with your feet, or using a steering wheel and a shifter as opposed to a pad.

because of the way the input/control changes, it's IMPOSSIBLE to play the game the same way, and the gameplay changes.

enough of this, I'm through with you.
Manmademan said:
I disagree, because we're not looking at these numbers in a vacuum. you need to take into account the costs of the 360 and to a lesser extent the Wii when considering the price of the PS3.

Imagine GTA4 comes out tomorrow. It's big, and it's multiplatform. I don't own a 360, I don't own a Ps3 but I NEED to play this game.

to play it, I can plunk down $400 for a 360, or $600 for a similarly equipped Ps3. yes, the Ps3 has some advantages that the 360 doesn't, but is it worth $200 to me? might be a tough sell.

If we shrink that Gap $100, it becomes a little easier to persuade joe gamer to choose a Ps3 over a cheaper 360. the Ps3 is still more expensive, but MAYBE the price is a little more justifiable if I'm into Blu-Ray, Ps2 compatability, Linux, or Free online play.
Did you read my post?
My point (fresh from your sphincter) is if Joe gamer wants X game really badly and has to choose between console Y(500) and console Z(400) it would be a bigger psychological hurdle for him to go with console Y instead of console Z than it would be for him to go with console Y(600) over console Z(500).


What makes me think the worst is the PSP...it just seems like Sony is content on being second place and are several decades away from being aggressive in the handheld market. It's the exact same stance too, that stubborn " we are better than our competition, therefore we will be in first" attitude. What's the difference between " taking the handheld out of the gaming ghetto" and " next gen starts when we say so"?

I have no idea when they will drop price, but if you told me that PSP would STILL be $199 all by itself ( memory stick = hey, more money) i'd have laughed it off. I do think Sony cares more about PS3 than PSP though, especially with their precious Blu Ray format. So yeah, when the system is cheaper it will take off. Now, i'd love to read that letter Sony sends all the third parties proclaiming " Hang in there guys, you'll make money on our system sometime soon we promise." Virtua Fighter 5. 50k sales. Sega needs that memo.
MickeyKnox said:
Did you read my post?
My point (fresh from your sphincter) is if Joe gamer wants X game really badly and has to choose between console Y(500) and console Z(400) it would be a bigger psychological hurdle for him to go with console Y instead of console Z than it would be for him to go with console Y(600) over console Z(500).

read it, but don't totally agree with it. I feel that the difference between a $200 price gap between comparable consoles vs. a $100 gap between comparable consoles is a more significant psychological hurdle than the difference between say...$400 and $500. (edit: whoops!)

when I personally see a $500 pricetag I don't think "OMG half a grand!" but of course, I'm not the majority and in addition I did not do well in my psych classes at university so perhaps I should shut up now :lol :lol


Polari said:
TopDreg said:
Square Enix can't have enough stretchers for this. Aren't they budgeting 40 million dollars into FFXIII?
Bingo. Square Enix must be shitting themselves right now. That or ordering additional 360 development kits.
Sorry, it's more likely that they'd want their game to sell in Japan, as well, so when they say they're "tweaking the White Engine" for FFXIII, I think that's code for "trying to create a stripped-down White Engine derivative for Wii just in case the PS3 situation doesn't get any better." Cuz as good as it would be to move the game to 360 and be near-equal in beauty, that is just as unlikely to offer a full return-on-investment as PS3.
Terrell said:
Sorry, it's more likely that they'd want their game to sell in Japan, as well, so when they say they're "tweaking the White Engine" for FFXIII, I think that's code for "trying to create a stripped-down White Engine derivative for Wii just in case the PS3 situation doesn't get any better." Cuz as good as it would be to move the game to 360 and be near-equal in beauty, that is just as unlikely to offer a full return-on-investment as PS3.

I know I'm dancing dangerously close to flamewar territory, but I don't think the wii could handle even a "stripped down" version of the white engine. the performance gap (not just graphics, but physics) between the PS3/360 and the Wii is just too damn large.

If they're going to develop for the Wii, it's more likely than not going to be different properties with a completely different engine.


wow this thread really blew up. just.....wow

i guess the playstation brand mentality should be thrown out the window now.

its safe to say if sales dont pick up from this point on with all the hubbub about home and little big planet (probably not because mainstream doesnt know squat) , sony phails.

i :lol at the comparisons between ds + wii sales against competition. its happy day to be a wii and ds owner. peace.
Before there is anymore rampant fanboy delusions I think this needs to be said.

The PS2 style domination where one company hold more market share than the other two combined is not happening again. Nor do Sony or Ms necessarily want that kind of dynamic in the first place. Whoever the "victor" is, it will be by a much closer margin than last gen.

And that is probably what's best for the industry in terms of keeping things competitive and insuring decent length hardware cycles.


ethelred said:
But it's just a different input method. How is pushing a button not the same as jumping up and down like a monkey on speed?

Because pushing a button is pushing a button and jumping up and down is jumping up and down? In nerd terms, they are two different actions that require different sensory input and different motor output from your brain.
MickeyKnox said:
Before there is anymore rampant fanboy delusions I think this needs to be said.

The PS2 style domination where one company hold more market share than the other two combined is not happening again. Nor do Sony or Ms necessarily want that kind of dynamic in the first place. Whoever the "victor" is, it will be by a much closer margin than last gen.

And that is probably what's best for the industry in terms of keeping things competitive and insuring decent length hardware cycles.

agreed, agreed, agreed.

except in handheld land, where the DS is just a runaway success.
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