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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Hyoushi said:

Awww shit, if they got me trapped in the back of an alley, I am pretty sure that I will be taking all their wallets.
Diddy kong racing sold 262k that's pretty insane.

Is this rare's biggest selling title since nintendo sold them? Keep the n64 ports comming to DS rare! bring over perfect dark! and banjo!


What a rollercoaster. You guys really take this very seriously. :lol

Just one comment on one thing I've seen here that I'd like to comment about -- it is usually casuals that drive innovation, not the other way around.

This has a very simple explanation: hardcore look for small adjustments of the experience, which they already bought in a previous incarnation, while non-hardcore people that weren't interested, suddendly find that they are if you change completely the offering.


hadareud said:
With the Wii and the 360 popular choices and the PS2 still going incredibly strong (nearly 300k, wow), are people just not seeing the point of getting a PS3?

I guess this is the scenario most feared.

Sony keeping the PS2 alive is not giving people the incentive to get a next gen console NOW than in previous generations.

The upside is that it's fending off people getting a next gen console altogether in the vein of the Xbox 360 which is probably why MS's H/W sales are solid but not spectacular.

The downside is that it's stopping people from getting a PS3 as well and because the PS3 and PS2 are one of the same (thanks to B/C) people can patiently wait for a price drop of the PS3 until they think it's worth it if this is like a lemming collective mind then we'll see more of NPD data like this until the PS2 is dead or a price drop.
Sony needed to get the balance right so they keep market share retention.

What's also interesting is that i think the PS2 is also the culprit of keeping the Wii's third party support alive to an extent with the amount of Wii/PS2 cross platform games.
maxmars said:
What a rollercoaster. You guys really take this very seriously. :lol

It is Football for the guys here, this is like Chelsea losing one game, all the pubs, guys locker rooms, and football related forums turn into a frenzy of Mourinho getting sacked, Chelsea losing there best players and theories of them spiralling out of control till they're in the second division challenging for the LDV van Trophy.0


travisbickle said:
It is Football for the guys here, this is like Chelsea losing one game, all the pubs, guys locker rooms, and football related forums turn into a frenzy of Mourinho getting sacked, Chelsea losing there best players and theories of them spiralling out of control till they're in the second division challenging for the LDV van Trophy.0

Ah what a lovely day that will be.

Anyway it's Chelsea's own overreaction of not winning the biggest prize of all, anyway I better bail before i go off-topic even more.


travisbickle said:
It is Football for the guys here, this is like Chelsea losing one game, all the pubs, guys locker rooms, and football related forums turn into a frenzy of Mourinho getting sacked, Chelsea losing there best players and theories of them spiralling out of control till they're in the second division challenging for the LDV van Trophy.0

Yeah but it's more like they're losing on every cup and league match from day one.


I guess I have to post here as well.

Nintendo did great in February :D

XBox 360 is decent, PSP is pretty bad, PS3 is horrible, but at least PS2 saved Sony again. :)


For a Finer World
Yeah but it's more like they're losing on every cup and league match from day one.
Exactly - it's like they were at the bottom of the table right after Watford (Xbox) and West Ham (GameCube).

It's going to be a hard climb from there, especially as the other contenders are building up a solid lead.
i'm dizzy from all the spinning in this thread, and why attack Nintendo fans as a bunch of nerds.
I only know 6 people with a Wii and 4 of us are in good jobs in London earning relatively good or excellent money, and many people i see buying Wii games are ordinary folk many wearing suits!!
MickeyKnox said:
Don't count on it.
GDC is not E3, the things that were revealed there won't be advertised to the general public until September at the earliest.
Like I said earlier in the thread, the numbers are pretty bad but all the:

talk is a knee jerk reaction that is fueled by one of the following:
1) Sony fans upset their console isn't completely butchering the competition like PS2 did.
2) MS & Nintendo fans enjoying the reversal of roles after years of barely being a blip on the radar.
3) people throwing fuel onto the fire just to get reactions out of the other camps.

All the people talking about lowering the price next week fail to realise that it won't make the sales of the PS3 as a game console rocket up, if anything more people would buy it as a Bluray player.

The current obstacle is the LACK OF SOFTWARE. When talking to friends I tell them I honestly can't recommend the system to them as of now, because there is a lack of worth buying titles out there, hell I had to import a game in order to have a reason to actively play mine. (Gundam Musou is the best robot game since ZOE2)

There are games in the coming months that will change that, I'm looking at Heavenly Sword, Assassin's Creed and especially Warhawk. Once more solid and diverse titles are available sales WILL pick up, however by how much is the big question.

Once the software drought is over and we see some must have titles out there we can get a clearer picture of just how much of a barrier to entry the $6/500 price tag really is.
i know i dug this one up from a few pages back, but here's the thing... not only is the PS3 tracking well behind the Xbox (it's about 2/3rds of what the Xbox was by the end of it's first february) but it sold less in february than the xbox did in it's first february.

as i keep saying, february > march > april in terms of hardware sales pretty much universally. microsoft cut the price of the xbox in may of it's first year as a desperate measure to turn around flagging sales, and the sales of the system unquestionably improved when they did that.

the xbox's problem i'm sure you remember was lack of software too... but a price cut helped.

so far the PS3 is doing *worse*. if march's numbers are less than februarys, then it's almost guaranteed that the ps3 will only sell five figures in april.

if they don't drop the price in or before may, then not only will they be losing ground to the xbox 360, not only will they be tracking behind the xbox 360, but they'll be tracking *well* behind the xbox too.
DoubleTap said:
So much overreaction, Sony isn't going anywhere and so will traditional controls. This industry itself is big enough to have room for all 3. Variety is never a bad thing. If Sony would just stop with this madness and start shipping the 20gb versions I'd be on board already. They already have a cheaper way of getting into homes and they're not shipping the freaking thing.

I guess the question is whether Sony would rather make more of a loss but sell more (i.e. shipping 20gb models) or keep their business side a little bit happier by sticking to 60gb only.

Sony have really ****ed themselves over with the $600 machine. The $500 PS3 is more than enough to compete against the 360, but the production of a more expensive SKU just gives the impression that the $500 models is a tard pack. In reality, you'd have to be a retard to buy it, unless you really needed WiFi and a couple of card readers. Obviously I understand Sony want to lose as little money as possible, but just releasing the core pack at around $525 probably would have been an easier sell than a $600 machine, even if we're only talking $75.

Motorstorm and co should give the PS3 a boost next month, but I think what Luke Smith and a bunch of other people said last year is probably gonna come true; PS3 hardware sales this year are going to be very similar to 360 hardware sales last year. The 360 is in the envious position of having room for a possible price cut and a significantly stronger library of titles set to be released this year than any other console, but the 360 is facing the same probably of branching out of it's own market. Crackdown may be a huge game, but is it getting any kind of market the original Xbox didn't get? Halo 3 and GTA will almost certainly help in that respect, but unless there's a price cut (which is more than possible) you're again limiting the potential audience. No console that has ever appealed exclusively to one market has ever reached fantastic sales, and I don't know if the 360 has the Wii like appeal to reach people. It all comes down to software, and how many third parties are taking a chance on Xbox software, really? Crackdown is awesome, probably the best game I've played in a long time, but it's a by-the-numbers example of catering to a userbase. Even Microsoft, bar Viva, is failing in this respect, and they can really afford to take more risks.

Nintendo of course is doing fantastically, at this point any software draught just doesn't matter; the units are selling regardless. I've been quite happy with the Wii's library to this point (EXCITE Truck, Zelda, Wario, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Elebits and Trauma Center are pretty strong for the first 4 months) but it's obvious Wii Sports will be the Wii's killer app for a long, long time, and anybody that thinks it's a Zelda machine at this point is delusional. Wii Play's sales are a little hard to digest due to the remote pack in, but there's certainly a market being tapped here when that game can do so well. NinteNdo just really need to get through Q2 and it's pretty lame line up and hope they still have mindshare when they release the big guns. I think they should be OK; the UK Amazon site just had Wii's on sale yesterday from around 7:30pm, by 8 they were gone. Anecdotal perhaps, but demand still seems to be there.
Sony have really ****ed themselves over with the $600 machine. The $500 PS3 is more than enough to compete against the 360, but the production of a more expensive SKU just gives the impression that the $500 models is a tard pack. In reality, you'd have to be a retard to buy it, unless you really needed WiFi and a couple of card readers. Obviously I understand Sony want to lose as little money as possible, but just releasing the core pack at around $525 probably would have been an easier sell than a $600 machine, even if we're only talking $75.
Indeed, being able to buy the 60GB version for $100 less at EB with that trade-in is what made me jump the fence. It's amazing how much of a difference a $100 price drop can do for a customer who is on the fence. It's a shame Sony can't supposedly afford to go lower at the moment or for possibly a few more years.
donkey show said:
Indeed, being able to buy the 60GB version for $100 less at EB with that trade-in is what made me jump the fence. It's amazing how much of a difference a $100 price drop can do for a customer who is on the fence. It's a shame Sony can't supposedly afford to go lower at the moment or for possibly a few more years.

Hopefully their hand will be forced just in time for MGS4. At least that's what I'm banking on :(


plagiarize said:
microsoft cut the price of the xbox in may of it's first year as a desperate measure to turn around flagging sales, and the sales of the system unquestionably improved when they did that.

They cut the price only because Sony did it first.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
WOW, even the GBA is kicking PS3's ass. Oh my...

Well, now it's a matter of... games? time? pricedrop?

Xbox360 looks a clear winner this time, closely followed by Wii. Worldwide, the Wii looks absolutely strong. WOW
Finally posting in this legendary thread. Congratulations Nintendo!

As for the PS3 this is what I would do, dump the 60GB model completely and stick with the 20GB model. When the PS3 switches to 65nm and the PS2/PS1 hardware gets removed, drop the price of the 20GB by $100 (should be doable, doesn`t the EE/GS chip alone cost $50?)

Do this by September at the latest and maybe there`s a chance that Sony could rebound.

As for MS it`s time for a price drop, the 360 is LONG overdue for one and it should be done by may, just in time for the great 360 rush of games every month to begin. Dump the core and drop the premium to $300 (That`d wake Nintendo up!)
MickeyKnox said:
Once the software drought is over and we see some must have titles out there we can get a clearer picture of just how much of a barrier to entry the $6/500 price tag really is.

It likely won't change much at all.

The same thing was said last March about the 360 when Oblivion and GRAW hit. Sales remained relatively constant throughout the rest of the year until the Gears of War/Holiday sales bump. And even that bump couldn't take it over 1 million units in December (like what happened with the original Xbox in its second December).

I honestly think that not even Halo 3 on the PS3 would help much. When you're talking about a $700 entry fee (console + one game + tax), you're cutting an enormous chunk of potential buyers out of your market.

All MS has to do is drop the premium to $300 before Halo 3 and GTA IV hit and they will own this generation........along with Nintendo.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Pureauthor said:
What? Wii sold more than X360 this month, unless we're talking software...

You know, the line up from Microsoft is coming great too. I don't expect the Wii outselling closely the Xbox360, not easily. The Xbox360 has the opportunity to be the US market leader this generation, only if they keep a good software list like they have been doing lately.
Why is everyone discounting Wii Health Pack and Wii Music already. Wii Sports is a true bonafide system seller more than comparable to Final Fantasy, Halo, Mario, Gran Turismo, Gears of War and Grand Theft Auto. Wii Brand games are off to a great start.
donkey show said:
Indeed, being able to buy the 60GB version for $100 less at EB with that trade-in is what made me jump the fence. It's amazing how much of a difference a $100 price drop can do for a customer who is on the fence. It's a shame Sony can't supposedly afford to go lower at the moment or for possibly a few more years.
edit: just thought of something though... if Sony truly believe that the PS3 can last them ten years, they need to swallow their pride and drop the price *now*. the longer they wait, the more software support they lose, and we know how that becomes a viscious cycle.


speculawyer said:
Stop posting this crap . . . here LOOK AT THE SOFTWARE SALES. Yes, publishers will go where the money is . . . . the SOFTWARE money. And it is not so much the Wii. (unless you are Nintendo.)

Official Feb NPD SW Thread (Wedbush coverage - top 3's & Wii/PS3 tie ratio@ post 169) #1


* Source: The NPD Group

if the wii wins by a large margin, that will be irrelevant.
chibcicylist said:
Why is everyone discounting Wii Health Pack and Wii Music already. Wii Sports is a true bonafide system seller more than comparable to Final Fantasy, Halo, Mario, Gran Turismo, Gears of War and Grand Theft Auto. Wii Brand games are off to a great start.

Because people ignore things until NPD forces them to believe.
siamesedreamer said:
And even that bump couldn't take it over 1 million units in December (like what happened with the original Xbox in its second December).

Xbox 360 sold 1.1 million units in December in the US.

PS3 doesn't need a "wait for...", because that almost never bears fruit. Sony needs a whole new marketing strategy and price drops, both hardware and software. Their premium "This is Living" plan was a flop.

I don't expect Home and Little Big Planet to do much. Even games like MGS sell well but they don't move millions of units en masse. Final Fantasy XIII could but at that time, it will be 2008 and I'm sure at that time, Xbox 360 and Wii will be over 15 million units each in terms of hardware sales. The sales won't do any good in catching up.
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