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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I wonder how much did Ni no Kuni sell worldwide now.

I'm glad there's a JRPG up there in the NPD charts that's not FF/DQ/KH/Pokemon.





The free ride is over Nintendo. Time to start giving a shit once again.
wikipedia said:
Nintendo had shipped 350,000 units of the Virtual Boy by December 1995, around three and a half months after its North American release..

So no, Wii U is not a worse launch than Virtual Boy.

Wii U sold about 940,000 in three months.
I call BS on that Virtual Boy statement. I don't even think VB shipped more than 700k units LIFETIME, let alone sold them. That said, the Wii U is in such a bad condition that people would actually believe that statement.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Virtual Boy sold 770k WW LTD. THis guy is full of shit.

This is what I thought as well.

As for this news: the good news? It is still only 3 months in with only two real major first-party titles, and the 3DS went through the same thing but is doing fine now.

The bad news? This isn't the handheld market and it is going to take a TON of things to fall perfectly in place for them to turn it around.


Yeah, I can't wait to see what Retro is doing though. Maybe they'll be making just the type of attention grabbing game I'm talking about?

Now, just for a moment I think an exercise might be interesting:

Do we think this state of Wii U is purely going to be representative of the failings of Nintendo, or do you think PS4 and Xbox 720 might do the same? Might we be seeing the first true sign of what awaits the industry in a few months? Why or why not?

I've always maintained I hate system launches and their "launch windows" because generally speaking we might get ONE good game at best and two mediocre ones, and then eleven-twenty atrocious ones followed by no games for 3-6 months. And I still suspect the same will be true of Xbox 720 and PS4. Games take a long time to develop, and there's generally never enough time to ensure your game is in a healthy state by the time devs got the final dev kits and modified their vision and content to make it on time.

What type of games do we think Xbox 720 or PS4 might have to change the game in their own way? I certainly feel Sony is in a much better position in terms of game development than Nintendo is, given that they've put out tentacles all over the place this gen and have experience with it now. But I don't know if it'd be enough... because it's clearly probably going to launch at $399.99 along with Xbox 720, and that's a lot of money for people these days coupled with a terrible launch window and experiences they've already had before.

Just wondering what people might think of this

no way will the ps4 AND the 720 do what the wii u is doing. the 360 and ps3 are both selling okay at $200-$300.

that said, i think the console market is shrinking. or the traditional console market is, at least. fortunately for sony and microsoft, they aren't targeting the traditional console market anymore, and they're going to try and branch out towards a much wider audience from the word go.

but we have seen the traditional market shrink over the last year now. the xbox 360 might be up month over month, but that's taking an extra week of sales into account. this is reminiscent of the ds still doing well in 2010, but clearly starting to falter. microsoft will at least have some momentum going into next gen, and sony might as well (they don't seem to fare as well during the holidays in the us though).

at the very least, there should be _some_ games out for these things- if not from first-parties, then at least from third-parties.

as far as the wii u goes, it's dead jim. microsoft and sony won't have to worry about that piece of competition. people keep comparing the wii u to the dreamcast. i think the sega saturn is more accurate.
This is what I thought as well.

As for this news: the good news? It is still only 3 months in with only two real major first-party titles, and the 3DS went through the same thing but is doing fine.

The bad news? This isn't the handheld market and it is going to take a TON of things to fall perfectly in place for them to turn it around.

We shall soon see?

Cake Boss

Because Platinum Games, son. Also, Nintendo will bring it with their first party titles. The 3DS has proven that.

The 3DS competition is the Vita.

WiiU soon to be competitors is the PS4 and Xbox, huge difference when you got 2 companies focused largly on that product compared to Sony lack of interest and focus on the Vita.


There is no turning the Wii U around. At most they'll turn it from the epic disaster it is currently into Gamecube 2.0.

There is no DS/3DS turnaround happening in the console spectrum. There's far too much competition and other factors going against them.


Setting aside the context for each, I would note that three major-brand console launches in a row have now cratered in the US. 3DS, vita, Wii U.


Don't know if Wii U sold worse than VB but it is funny to see how many people get offended at the idea and call for Twitter Guy's head.


At this point I think just want the Vita to bomb so they will drop the price so I can fucking get one just for Persona 4. Hardware is incredible, but there is jack shit for games I want on it, and doesn't look like a whole lot coming out anytime soon either (unless they drop some major bombs next week).


Bomba confirmed. C'mon Nintendo, price drop that shit and I'll add a system sold. I wouldn't have grabbed the Vita had it not been for that amazing Amazon deal.


This is what I thought as well.

As for this news: the good news? It is still only 3 months in with only two real major first-party titles, and the 3DS went through the same thing but is doing fine now.

The bad news? This isn't the handheld market and it is going to take a TON of things to fall perfectly in place for them to turn it around.
We have no idea how 3ds did. Other than software sales are down 4% for 3ds compared to last year from ign which is alarming for a system that is still fairly young with a lot more software than it did last year.
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