the rest
Under $15 million? Most WiiU games are $60 right? So that's under 250,000 games sold.
the rest
How bad is 15m in software? Compare it to the ps3 or 360... or the vita.
This would presumably be NPD only.
wikipedia said:Nintendo had shipped 350,000 units of the Virtual Boy by December 1995, around three and a half months after its North American release..
Virtual Boy sold 770k WW LTD. THis guy is full of shit.
Edit: Also Vita is just dead right now. Sony shouldn't thrown any more money into that sinkhole and focus on PS4.
This would presumably be NPD only.
Under $15 million? Most WiiU games are $60 right? So that's under 250,000 games sold.
Not Vita's lowest month but if it were normalized it would have been 28k. Terribad.
Virtual Boy sold 770k WW LTD. THis guy is full of shit.
I think it did well going by this and the Europe charts.I wonder how much did Ni no Kuni sell worldwide now.
I'm glad there's a JRPG up there in the NPD charts that's not FF/DQ/KH/Pokemon.
Yeah, I can't wait to see what Retro is doing though. Maybe they'll be making just the type of attention grabbing game I'm talking about?
Now, just for a moment I think an exercise might be interesting:
Do we think this state of Wii U is purely going to be representative of the failings of Nintendo, or do you think PS4 and Xbox 720 might do the same? Might we be seeing the first true sign of what awaits the industry in a few months? Why or why not?
I've always maintained I hate system launches and their "launch windows" because generally speaking we might get ONE good game at best and two mediocre ones, and then eleven-twenty atrocious ones followed by no games for 3-6 months. And I still suspect the same will be true of Xbox 720 and PS4. Games take a long time to develop, and there's generally never enough time to ensure your game is in a healthy state by the time devs got the final dev kits and modified their vision and content to make it on time.
What type of games do we think Xbox 720 or PS4 might have to change the game in their own way? I certainly feel Sony is in a much better position in terms of game development than Nintendo is, given that they've put out tentacles all over the place this gen and have experience with it now. But I don't know if it'd be enough... because it's clearly probably going to launch at $399.99 along with Xbox 720, and that's a lot of money for people these days coupled with a terrible launch window and experiences they've already had before.
Just wondering what people might think of this
The free ride is over Nintendo. Time to start giving a shit once again.
Even the Virtual Boy / Saturn were better, guys.
This is what I thought as well.
As for this news: the good news? It is still only 3 months in with only two real major first-party titles, and the 3DS went through the same thing but is doing fine.
The bad news? This isn't the handheld market and it is going to take a TON of things to fall perfectly in place for them to turn it around.
Not hard to do it anonymously...About numbers? The NPD won't allow it.
Because Platinum Games, son. Also, Nintendo will bring it with their first party titles. The 3DS has proven that.
Nooooo. I don't want the Vita to die.
Well, there were 885K other hardware buyers.
This essentially would lower the tie ratio though. If anyone remembers the ratio from last month - can make a guestimate.
Muramasa, dragons crown, killzone, tearaway and soul sacrifice. Embrace them, love them, but prepare to say your goodbyes anyway.
Aliens: Colonial Marines is most definitely cancelled for the Wii U now.
I would love to see sources to back up that claim.
Ouch at Vita and WiiU.
It was played by a Kotaku Blogger just last week.Dragons Crown doesn't exist.
We shall soon see?
Nintendo did need some good news today I guess.
I think he's referring to Nintendo's shipment figure. It's nowhere close to 3M WW in sell-through. I doubt it's even anywhere near 2.5M with these sales.
Well look at 15m as selling maybe 300k pieces of software.
As of December NPD Mario had sold 337k by itself.... so it is not a good look.
That 5 to 1 attach ratio!
We have no idea how 3ds did. Other than software sales are down 4% for 3ds compared to last year from ign which is alarming for a system that is still fairly young with a lot more software than it did last year.This is what I thought as well.
As for this news: the good news? It is still only 3 months in with only two real major first-party titles, and the 3DS went through the same thing but is doing fine now.
The bad news? This isn't the handheld market and it is going to take a TON of things to fall perfectly in place for them to turn it around.
I would love to see sources to back up that claim.
I'm leaving the VB one out of the OP since it's disputed, but the rest matches up with other sources so I'm adding that.
I'm listening to The Morrow as I type and I can't help feeling the need to photoshop Iwata's face onto Vincent Freeman in his janitor suit right about now.