Hot Coldman
For Mr. Iwata:
"There's an old saying in Tennessee I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, fool me once, shame on shame on you. Fool me you can't get fooled again."
For Mr. Iwata:
"There's an old saying in Tennessee I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, fool me once, shame on shame on you. Fool me you can't get fooled again."
Even the Virtual Boy / Saturn were better, guys.
The official lifetime total for the Virtual Boy is 770k.
I'm not saying he's making stuff up, but he's making stuff up.
I would love to see sources to back up that claim.
Virtual Boy, already enjoying strong retail sales, also is being tried out by more than 40,000 people per day through a rental program Nintendo has with Blockbuster Video. By the end of 1995, estimates show that more than seven million consumers will have experienced Virtual Boy through the rental program.
So your saying you think the Wii U deserved bad sales?
Wonder what will happen if the PS4 and Xbox 720 have the same sales or even lower, we should worry about the whole industry than.
Two handhelds and one console pushing handheld functionality.Setting aside the context for each, I would note that three major-brand console launches in a row have now cratered in the US. 3DS, vita, Wii U.
If there's a Vita price drop on 2/20 with even a single new game announcement, I see Vita outselling Wii U next NPD.
Doesn't bode well for the next two consoles. Especially since they are gonna be more expensive. They'll need a killer app like Mario 64 (N64) and Halo (Xbox) IMO.
Doesn't bode well for the next two consoles. Especially since they are gonna be more expensive. They'll need a killer app like Mario 64 (N64) and Halo (Xbox) IMO.
That's the first indication that the video game market is screwed.
Vita is waaaay more fucked than WiiU. Only thing that can save it is if they pack it in the ps4 or make it a phone.
Whew boy! I can't wait to hear Iwata's apology for this one!
That's the first indication that the video game market is screwed.
Pimp slap incoming?Goodness gracious, Iwata. You really f'ed up.
I don't think that would really count. That would be like saying Too Human was a great success because of the total number of sells and rentals.At least the Virtual Boy got into more homes, albeit for a more limited time.
That is an overly optimistic prediction for the Vita.
As I said earlier, it is dominating Japan and had a great holiday here. It's fine. It's no GBA/DS, which no dedicated game device ever will be again.
So your saying you think the Wii U deserved bad sales?
Wonder what will happen if the PS4 and Xbox 720 have the same sales or even lower, we should worry about the whole industry than.
Whew boy! I can't wait to hear Iwata's apology for this one!
The really sad thing is, to anybody who has been paying attention, the writing has been on the wall since last E3. So as bad as 55k is, I STILL can't say I'm shocked.
You can't say that. The chances might be slim, but if Nintendo somehow manages to pull out a Wii Sports hit everything can change.
Before you can declare Wii U dead there are still key points happening in the near future:
- the release of major IPs, the Wii U not selling right now should be no surprise looking at the library, the question is wether Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart etc. can turn it around
- The new consoles will release at 400+ dollars, ps360 will get abandoned completely, leaving Wii U as the cheap alternative
One of those need to be turning points, if not, then Wii U is doomed.
That is an overly optimistic prediction for the Vita.
Vita is already dead.Vita is waaaay more fucked than WiiU. Only thing that can save it is if they pack it in the ps4 or make it a phone.
The PS3 was $599. It's not about price, it's about market demographics and value proposition.Doesn't bode well for the next two consoles. Especially since they are gonna be more expensive.
Just when you think the Wii U has it, the Vita comes in at 35k. LOL
What about the Vita doing worse and being a better conceived console with games?When a poorly conceived console with no games flops out of the gate? Sounds like a good sign for the video game market.
He's probably including this:
...As part of the launch.
At least the Virtual Boy got into more homes, albeit for a more limited time.
No, it's not.That's the first indication that the video game market is screwed.
Of course the Wii U deserves its bad sales. Nintendo earned it. And it would be a pretty huge accomplishment if the PS4/720 sold this poorly.
They might not do as well as some think, but to do this bad? Doubt it......and I highly doubt even more that they'd deserve to sell that badly.
wrong. Watch Dogs, next-gen CoD and Bungie's Destiny alone will be enough to get the ball rolling. The reason the WiiU is doing so shit is because there's nothing for core gamers and non-gamers don't give a shit about it. Casual gamers (the CoD fanbase) don't care either.Doesn't bode well for the next two consoles. Especially since they are gonna be more expensive. They'll need a killer app like Mario 64 (N64) and Halo (Xbox) IMO.
The difference being that vita is a dedicated handheld in the age of smart phones and completely irrelevant to sony itself (themselves?). WiiU is supposedly nintendo's future.
Even if Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart turn it around it will only leave the system at most reaching Gamecube levels like I said. The Gamecube was a cheaper alternative with every Nintendo IP and great third party support, far better than the Wii U will ever receive, and it came in last.
Nintendo is coming in last this gen whether they're doomed or not.
I hope the Vita picks up. The Wii U deserves its sales while I really dont think the Vita does. It's not fair.
What about the Vita doing worse and being a better conceived console with games?
Look at PS3 early days, it's doing better than WiiU and it was $599 ...
It's understandable, Vita is an old system near the end of its lifeJust when you think the Wii U has it, the Vita comes in at 35k. LOL
The difference being that vita is a dedicated handheld in the age of smart phones and completely irrelevant to sony itself (themselves?). WiiU is supposedly nintendo's future.