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NPD March 2012 Sales Results [Up3: ME3 Total, Binary Domain]


Death Prophet
In order for Vita to sell more than the 3DS did in 3 months it would have to sell ~260k in April.
Someone check my math, I'm doing this as I'm doing homework

Remember when Iwata was all, yeah Japan is getting tons of awesome shit for holiday 2011 and 3DS will explode and when asked about the west being all software starved he'd go all, well.. there's mario and mario kart and only those two are gonna push the 3DS until holiday 2012

power of mario bitches

Power to be the only software that sells. Well, Kid Icarus did well.


It's going to be interesting to see the numbers Max Payne 3 does.

R* will no doubt be ramping up their marketing properly soon.
Kinda figured the 360 would have taken the software lead by now but I would think Microsoft will let us know when that happens.

Should be getting close, can already see the PR for next month if it happens with Kinect Star Wars leading the charge.


Both 360 and PS3 console numbers are surprisingly good. Surprised at ORC numbers - reviews were extremely negative, but I guess some people were looking forward to it regardless.
I know everyone expects the Vita to sell like hotcakes like all new systems, but I honestly think the plan all along was to hang in there for the first 6 months or so and have early adopters foster word of mouth and pay the early adopter tax as I like to call it, then later comes a price cut and a flood of content by holiday season. Being close in sales with the 3DS at this moment is sort a comfortable position to be in, and Sony can say to Western Devs even today "games on our system have healthy sales across retail and digitally and are just as healthy as 3DS which has a larger install base. Our install base, though small but growing, has an extremely great attach rate and are eager to buy."

Of course I am slighty bias since I own a Vita, but didn't Uncharted sell better than RE:R just off retail alone, not including digital sales? So my comment/opinion might not be too far off base. One thing is for sure Sony is running a marathon with the Vita not a 40 yard dash. We will know more about where they stand in the race come Holiday season, but I do think a price cut AND at least a 4 GB memory card pack in are a must by Holiday season.

PS. I am well aware of how the 3DS is trouncing the Vita, and everything for that matter, in Japan. I don't know of anything that can change that ATM, the 3DS has become a cultural phenomenon over there and it would take a lot to over come it. Who knows how much a price cut, MonHun, and other Japanese centric titles for the Vita could help change that though?
I know everyone expects the Vita to sell like hotcakes like all new systems, but I honestly think the plan all along was to hang in there for the first 6 months or so and have early adopters foster word of mouth and pay the early adopter tax as I like to call it, then later comes a price cut and a flood of content by holiday season. Being close in sales with the 3DS at this moment is sort a comfortable position to be in, and Sony can say to Western Devs even today "games on our system have healthy sales across retail and digitally and are just as healthy as 3DS which has a larger install base. Our install base, though small but growing, has an extremely great attach rate and are eager to buy."

Of course I am slighty bias since I own a Vita, but didn't Uncharted sell better than RE:R just off retail alone, not including digital sales? So my comment/opinion might not be too far off base. One thing is for sure Sony is running a marathon with the Vita not a 40 yard dash. We will know more about where they stand in the race come Holiday season, but I do think a price cut AND at least a 4 GB memory card pack in are a must by Holiday season.

PS. I am well aware of how the 3DS is trouncing the Vita, and everything for that matter, in Japan. I don't know of anything that can change that ATM, the 3DS has become a cultural phenomenon over there and it would take a lot to over come it. Who knows how much a price cut, MonHun, and other Japanese centric titles for the Vita could help change that though?
If that wasn't the angle Sony was planning on taking initially, that's certainly the one they need to spin it as now.

It can work. Whether it will and how long it will take to grow like a new platform should remains to be seen.


Did not see those Vita sales coming.

Although the true test for the system will be in April, after all the launch hype dies down. Regardless if Sony can keep this going, then maybe it is a sign that they were able to convince the hardcore shooter fans to invest in the system.
We will know more about where they stand in the race come Holiday season, but I do think a price cut AND at least a 4 GB memory card pack in are a must by Holiday season.
We'll know by E3. If there's big games coming 6 out months after this, then Sony will certainly get the word out at that time.


Super Member
Kid Icarus was an odd choice to build a giant multiplayer experience around, and have that experience last long, and make anime and trading cards.

Hats off to Nintendo if they can make it last, though.


Both their press release and CEO (comment at the bottom in the second quote box) seemed very happy: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=465991

Those statements were really early. They were happy with day one NA sales and sell in, but I'd be really surprised if they say they're happy now. The 4-1 Xbox ratio does not bode well for European sales. Neither does Riccitiello saying it sold through ~800K in the US day one given where it ended up.

I don't think they're disappointed, just not happy.
Were people really expecting Graces f to crack the top 10? I don't think it was something people had hope for.

It doesn't mean it's not doing well though.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
No Tales of Graces f numbers?
It's a strange argument to make.

In publishers eyes the PS3/360 might be the same console, in the eyes of the market, and developers they are wholly different.

From the perspective of the market one is a lot cheaper, has a Kinect, and features the best online gaming mindshare marketing can buy. The other costs more, plays HD Blu discs, and has Indiana Jones after a psychotic break.

In the minds of developers... well they have stark differences in architecture. One is fairly straight forward, the other slightly esoteric. Unified RAM and Split pool.

They can't be the same in the minds of anyone but publishers. Developers have a hard time getting games designed under the constraints of the other to run effectively across. Some are better at it than others. But in the minds of a developer you always have to be mindful when working across the two platforms. One has a full 512MB of RAM that can be dedicated to certain tasks, the other has 256MB on the GPU and 256MB on the CPU.

And people? Well they look at the differing games, costs, and features.

In only one way are the two consoles the same my little special specialguy. They are close enough in tech that publishers will absorb the costs of porting if it means the potential exposure to 120 million players in total.


I'm not really a sales guy, and I won't pretend to be, but I'm curious about something if qualified Gaffers care to speculate at all. Whats the chance that Sony had intended on the Vita being more important in the West, then in East?

I'm not sure how successful they can be in this aspect if it were true, but considering their launch line-up being as western focused as it was, and looks to be in the near future so far, plus the biggest "Possible" games that have been stuff like announced being COD, Madden, and Bioshock, it seems to me that Sony might be intentionally trying to push the Vita as a western focused handheld. Like I said though, i'm not in the industry, or really into the sales stuff I just think it could be an interesting strategy if not alittle flawed.

It just always seemed like Sony was targeting something like the Ipad, over the 3DS.


They will be falling all over themselves for that hot hot 30k unit sales software action.

I think they (American devs) should really look at it as a cheap porting ground for their big projects and IOS efforts. Might as well make some extra money.

Something like Mass Effect Infiltrator should have been on the Vita as well, it's a no brainer.
Did not see those Vita sales coming.

Although the true test for the system will be in April, after all the launch hype dies down. Regardless if Sony can keep this going, then maybe it is a sign that they were able to convince the hardcore shooter fans to invest in the system.

People should not expect much from April.

March is the big month. Tax return season kicks in, there are usually a few high profile releases, so sales are strongest in March.

April, however, is a BIG drop off....expect 50-60% of the sales in March for April.

Vita could, and probably will be, around 100k or less in April. And I wouldn't expect that number to perk up significantly until they have a rush of content or a price drop in the fall.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I'm not really a sales guy, and I won't pretend to be, but I'm curious about something if qualified Gaffers care to speculate at all. Whats the chance that Sony had intended on the Vita being more important in the West, then in East?

I'm not sure how successful they can be in this aspect if it were true, but considering their launch line-up being as western focused as it was, and looks to be in the near future so far, plus the biggest "Possible" games that have been stuff like announced being COD, Madden, and Bioshock, it seems to me that Sony might be intentionally trying to push the Vita as a western focused handheld. Like I said though, i'm not in the industry, or really into the sales stuff I just think it could be an interesting strategy if not alittle flawed.

It just always seemed like Sony was targeting something like the Ipad, over the 3DS.

I don't think thats what was intended as much as thats what has happened thanks to SCEJ completely falling over the feet of their own incompetence as they tend to do.

Vita could have a few okay months ahead of itself over the summer here in the states (but April will be real bad). After that, well I guess it depends. Guess everybody will find out at E3.


Where did the Wii and 3DS numbers come from?

BTW, I was right about Wii so HA!

EDIT: Oh, links in the OP. DUH! And that means I was also right about Nintendo not giving PR. Still wanna call me crazy, guys?
I'm not really a sales guy, and I won't pretend to be, but I'm curious about something if qualified Gaffers care to speculate at all. Whats the chance that Sony had intended on the Vita being more important in the West, then in East?

I'm not sure how successful they can be in this aspect if it were true, but considering their launch line-up being as western focused as it was, and looks to be in the near future so far, plus the biggest "Possible" games that have been stuff like announced being COD, Madden, and Bioshock, it seems to me that Sony might be intentionally trying to push the Vita as a western focused handheld. Like I said though, i'm not in the industry, or really into the sales stuff I just think it could be an interesting strategy if not alittle flawed.

It just always seemed like Sony was targeting something like the Ipad, over the 3DS.
I don't believe this is something they intended at all, since they decided is was more important to launch the Vita in Japan first, launching it there 2 months ahead of its western release and thus making the holiday period in Japan but not elsewhere (although it is weird that even despite that, in Japan, they launched with a more western-focused line of games than anything, but you can only work with what you're given, I suppose), which doesn't really make sense at all if the west really was their true focus. They quite likely are noting these developments though and will try to make use of them the best they can and thus it could quite possibly turn out that they're shifting their focus to the west, but this doesn't seem to be the path they expected Vita to be taking back before launch.


Given the higher than expected numbers for both Vita hardware and MLB: The Show overall, I wonder how many MLB sales were on Vita? It'd be nice to see the system gain some kind of sales traction in the US.


Those Vita software sales seem really terrible considering just about every retailer had a "buy 2, get 1" deal on games. Or was that in February?


Those Vita software sales seem really terrible considering just about every retailer had a "buy 2, get 1" deal on games. Or was that in February?

Analyzing software sales with just a top 10 list is a mistake.

In any case, those promotions ran from late March to early April IIRC.


my name is Ted
No Tales of Graces F.


it a JRPG...they don't sell in the US this gen like they did last gen


I don't believe this is something they intended at all, since they decided is was more important to launch the Vita in Japan first, launching it there 2 months ahead of its western release and thus making the holiday period in Japan but not elsewhere (although it is weird that even despite that, in Japan, they launched with a more western-focused line of games than anything, but you can only work with what you're given, I suppose), which doesn't really make sense at all if the west really was their true focus. They quite likely are noting these developments though and will try to make use of them the best they can and thus it could quite possibly turn out that they're shifting their focus to the west, but this doesn't seem to be the path they expected Vita to be taking back before launch.

If the Vita launched in the west first, the drought in content would have been disastrous. The Vita's launch was completely front-loaded. I think they should have a drip of releases. Wip3out and lumines in April to even it out,
Where did the Wii and 3DS numbers come from?

BTW, I was right about Wii so HA!

EDIT: Oh, links in the OP. DUH! And that means I was also right about Nintendo not giving PR. Still wanna call me crazy, guys?
Except... where do you think IGN got all those Nintendo numbers from, in that case? They didn't pull them out of thin air...


My wife and I own a video game store, and we couldn't sell our copies of Racoon City to save our lives. T.T

Where were these 580,000 people when we needed them!
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