Inside me belly
So damn hungry right now lol.
Inside me belly
Sony just announced 50m PS4s sold to customers.
Well, what is being argued is whether the decision not to include it "hurt" Sony. Regardless of what the actual numbers are, I don't see how that claim could be supported when Sony just announced over 50M units sold. They are very clearly not hurting from skipping it.Once we see some numbers.
Yes! My console manufacturer of choice wins again!
Nope it's actually fairly high and rapidly growing. I'm sure 4K tv marketshare got a hefty surge this past month too. There is still a lot of confusion about HDR thigh which I think may be hitting adoption rates more than some would care to admit.
UHD sales are a whole other story. Seems like most of the mass market has made the switch over to streaming services now a days. But it'd still be a nice feature to have the option for it IMO.
These are all the new, non-remaster first party announcements at PSX:
- Uncharted TLL
- Knack 2
- Starblood Arena
- TLOU Part 2
One of the games above? Announced earlier than it could've been.
Don't forget that MS has been trying to avoid announcing games too early nowadays and they don't have enough 3rd party stuff from especially Japanese devs to support a show at the same scale of E3.
I've never commented on how the lack of FEATURE X hurt anyone in terms of appeal to consumers because fuck do I individually know what were the secret sauces of success.
Before both of them turned out to be complete non-factors, I would had guessed that EA Access and 360 BC would've been killer apps that would've brought sales much closer to parity in regards to monthly sales in US. None of that happened.
It's important to at times recognise that our echo chamber may very well just be that.
Hell, even looking at some of the reaction videos on Youtube, there are a good handful of people who don't own PS4s and don't play video games but know about Last Of Us.The last of us 2 announcement was the number 1 trending topic of Facebook. I know it's Facebook but think of all the likes/shares/views. People definitely know about that game.
Inside me belly
I don't think BC has ever been a factor in the history of the industry.
Of course it's great to have, but people buy new consoles to play new games.
Inside me belly
Except for Blu-Ray. Oh, and DVD. But those were different times and many (most?) people are fine with streaming. Still, I would love to see the bizzaro GAF where Sony has it and MS doesn't.
What's with the partypoopers in this thread? Have you never been to an NPD thread before?
Hell, even looking at some of the reaction videos on Youtube, there are a good handful of people who don't own PS4s and don't play video games but know about Last Of Us.
Your use of "BC" to mean Backwars Compatibility was ambiguous.Huh? Were you trying to reply to someone else? I was talking about backwards compatibility.
Huh? Were you trying to reply to someone else? I was talking about backwards compatibility.
The last 6 weeks sales in Japan alone cancelled out the gains MS made in NA.
If Sony get a similar sized gap to 2015 they'll have erased the 'pre-season' gains of MS in two months.
All these people in here taking about how exclusives are going to garuntee Sony's dominance going forward seriously need to look at the software sales for this gen. The vast vast majority of the time it is third party SW that is driving HW sales not exclusive SW. And no a single trailer announcing an upcoming exclusive without a release date (TLoU Part II) is not going to drive any meaningful amount of sales this month either. Chances are high that they will indeed end up continuing to sell more going forward but that will not be because of first party or exclusive games. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news about the reality of SW sales but that's just how the cookie crumbles.
Your use of "BC" to mean Backwars Compatibility was ambiguous.
We all know on GAF it usually means Ultra Bluray Consumption*.
* The Ultra is silent.
Nope, I was replying to you but I thought you were talking about UHD Blu-Ray. I must have just read that in another comment. FWIW I'd also like to see the bizzaro conversation about BC too.
All these people in here taking about how exclusives are going to garuntee Sony's dominance going forward seriously need to look at the software sales for this gen. The vast vast majority of the time it is third party SW that is driving HW sales not exclusive SW. And no a single trailer announcing an upcoming exclusive without a release date (TLoU Part II) is not going to drive any meaningful amount of sales this month either. Chances are high that they will indeed end up continuing to sell more going forward but that will not be because of first party or exclusive games. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news about the reality of SW sales but that's just how the cookie crumbles.
Nah, no one thinks its cause of the exclusives.All these people in here taking about how exclusives are going to garuntee Sony's dominance going forward seriously need to look at the software sales for this gen. The vast vast majority of the time it is third party SW that is driving HW sales not exclusive SW. And no a single trailer announcing an upcoming exclusive without a release date (TLoU Part II) is not going to drive any meaningful amount of sales this month either. Chances are high that they will indeed end up continuing to sell more going forward but that will not be because of first party or exclusive games. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news about the reality of SW sales but that's just how the cookie crumbles.
Outside of hardcore gamers like we here on Gaf, the general public does not even know TL2 even exist.
I think there is too much stock being put into games that are announced 2-3 or more years out on both sides. Sony is recently more into doing this and I think it is just a move for brownie points. It is going to be what 2 years soon of the famous big trio announcement of Last Guardian, Shenmue 3 and the FF Remake and all this time and only Last Guardian, which has had a 9+ year birthing process has made it out. Yeah, people went crazy and people acted like it was the 2nd coming, but in reality how much has it really impacted anything other than "reactions" at the time of the reveal of these three games?
Anyways, it will be nice to get actual numbers. I am just hoping that both Sony and MS have positive YOY growth, if sales are down YOY compared to last year that is not a great sign for the industry. Also wondering what the gap was in sales, I am going to assume it was a pretty close race which is a big win for everyone in the industry including us gamers if that is the case. YOY growth and attachment rates are important numbers as this will really show how strong the industry is. If MS/Sony is able to have growth in November/December, then we have the Switch in March, it will make the industry even healthier which is great for all of us.
While not exactly the "bizzaro" scenario you are referring to, last gen PS3 started with virtually complete BC with the previous two gens, while the 360 kinda had BC with the OG Xbox.
I think most people back then were saying that while the BC on the original 60gb PS3 was nice, it wasn't really going to sell the console. Eventually the PS3 had no PS2 BC at all and sales didn't really suffer from it.
Poor Mooch and Crapgamer.
Gotta love the description on his newest video.
"It only took the release of a PS4 Slim, PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro and deep, DEEP discounts on everything to squeak out a slim victory over Xbox One in November!"
Usually people buy a nintendo console and a playstation or a xbox.
I too think that digital media playback is the future. UHD media is great for quality, but I forsee that the lines of quality will blur there as well, with better codecs, better compression tech and faster internet. Soon, it really would not make much sense to pack all that data on a disc when it could be streamed at near equal quality. I look at what checkerboarding is doing for 4k, it may not be native but it looks pretty close. If better codecs and compression advances, and Netflix decides to improve the bandwidth and quality of their streams even further, I think the extra layer of fidelity people will miss in a UHD disc will be offset by the convenience of digital delivery where quality wise, it's not too far off..Yeah, I seriously doubt that UHD will even come close to Blu-Ray sales even years down the track. The movement towards streaming and digital media is real and strong. Physical formats are evidently becoming more niche.
That said, selfishly I would love if my PS4 Pro played UHD discs. I would probably only buy a handful over the next several years, but it's sort of frustrating having a 4K TV without being able to showcase it to the fullest extent (4K streaming services suck in comparison, and true 4K files are way too big to download for me). As a business decision? I think it makes sense not to include playback.
Fair enough, I guess we shall see how it pans out. I just find it hard to purchase a console for 300.00 when the other is much more powerful at 100.00 more. To me, if I was cash strapped, I'd just eat ramen for a week or two, but I see the appeal for the slim to hit the mass market and it should pull in some persons who were not in the console buying loop yet. I hope we get a breakdown at least after the holidays....On the bolded, though, I have to disagree. I think price is ultimately king and doubt Pro sales will come near Slim (but it will still sell well enough).
Didn't know there was more to that story.....hmmmmm....Haha.
That last comment especially.
I meant more the conversations and discussions and yeah, a lot of people propped up the feature and a lot of people down played it. You can figure out which group liked it and which group didn't. As for real world use history did indeed show us that it doesn't stop a console from selling.
My copy is on the way. But I have the og PS4, I've read performance isn't the best. ;(All you new PS4 owners go buy TLG nao!!
Such a great game. You too Xponies.
Lol! PSVR isn't even in the equation. I need some of that salt for my pretzels.Gotta love the description on his newest video.
"It only took the release of a PS4 Slim, PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro and deep, DEEP discounts on everything to squeak out a slim victory over Xbox One in November!"
Grown men... lolGotta love the description on his newest video.
"It only took the release of a PS4 Slim, PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro and deep, DEEP discounts on everything to squeak out a slim victory over Xbox One in November!"
Hahaa. Had a bet with my brother. He was certain Xbone had it. Now I'm gonna be like:
No MS had the same gameplan.Is this not true though?
That's everything but usual
Also this is talking about PS4, PSVR doesn't inflate sells of PS4 so it's not even an equation to Sony outselling MS. That'd be like saying surface Pro helped the Xbox outsell Sony.No MS had the same gameplan.
Its the same every holiday ,new bundles,discounts and models.
Is this not true though?
Gotta love the description on his newest video.
"It only took the release of a PS4 Slim, PlayStation VR, PS4 Pro and deep, DEEP discounts on everything to squeak out a slim victory over Xbox One in November!"