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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


he's Virgin Tight™
Speevy said:
They did at one point, but on the whole they're not making the industry's best games anymore.

I question you though... what do you mean for best games?



High budget awesome hardcore stuff like MGS4 and Gears?

Not defending the Wii though, it's gathering dust (Okami is being cleaning that though), but I wanna hear your points on what "best games" are. Mario Galaxy certainly is much better than most other games out there, and TP was great. Smash was pure fun.


So awesome. :lol
Speevy said:
They did at one point, but on the whole they're not making the industry's best games anymore.
I disagree, and can happily conclude (since this is a sales thread) that the market does as well.


Classic_Gs said:
Since it bomba'd out of the top ten, Fallout 3 (guessing here) is just over 600k in the US?

I don't know, but I got a running list here of other titles it would be great to have the numbers on Fable 2 and Fallout 3 probably are not too far behind top ten. Fable 2 almost for sure a million seller in the US to date. Fallout 3 combined most likely as well.


Gold Member
Probably already posted, but here's how YoY looks for November:

Nov. 2007  | 2008  | % Increase / Decrease
Wii: 981K  | 2040K | 108%
NDS: 1530K | 1570K | 2.6%
360: 770K  | 836K  | 8.6%
PSP: 567K  | 421K  | 25.7%
PS3: 466K  | 378K  | 18.9%
PS2: 496K  | 206K  | 58.5%

Then for fun, using the % change from above used on last December's #s to project this year's December:

Dec. 2007  | 2008 (est.)
Wii: 1350K | 2808K 
NDS: 2470K | 2534K
360: 1260K | 1368K 
PSP: 1060K | 788K
PS3: 798K  | 647K 
PS2: 1100K | 457K


Speevy said:
They did at one point, but on the whole they're not making the industry's best games anymore.
uh.. yes they are.. Super Mario Galaxy for example.. or rythm tengoku gold.. among many others


2 million Wii's - are freakin kidding me? That's insane! Good on Nintendo for supplying a gaming console for people who don't know any better like casual/social gaming.

360 came is as I expected - decent but nothing compared to what Nintendo is doing.

PS3 needs a price cut ASAP!

Software was pretty much as expected. Big 3rd party titles do well on 360, Wii sells mostly 1st party stuff, PS3 does about 1/3 to 1/2 the sales of 360. We really need the top 20 or 30 to get a better picture on important months like this.
Coolio McAwesome said:
Granted, Nintendo didn't have any high profile core titles out for Christmas but, since the launch of the Wii, Nintendo fanboys have gotten Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., and Mario Kart. That's a lot of high profile titles in a relatively short period of time. I honestly don't know anyone can honestly suggest that Nintendo has abandoned the core fans.

They have (btw, I'm giving you Twilight Princess here despite it being a Gamecube port). Well, it's more on the third party. In terms of quality, the Wii in 2008 had the worst year for a single platform in quite some time. It didn't even have the multiconsole games the Gamecube had to balance it out. 2009 seems to be a huge step up.


sonicmj1 said:
Does anyone have a source that proves that the Gamecube and the Nintendo 64 specifically made Nintendo money, and that their profits didn't just come from the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance?

Nothing specific, but Nintendo only sold the GameCube at a loss at launch and when it initially dropped to $99. The system was profitable for them, otherwise, to my knowledge. N64 even more so. Remember that Pokemon essentially saved handheld gaming from an distant also-ran in 1998.


farnham said:
no insomniac is a third party

i think ted price said that several times

are you seriously saying that nintendo never made good games..?

more like do not want to know

I'm saying your tastes for Nintendo prefered gaming are like those little munchkins in Willie Wonka dude. And those guys always freaked me out.:b

When you used examples of other developers such as Insomniac,and not prefering to see them work on a Nintendo machine while wanting more of the same Wiiware....now thats a huge WTF for me dude.


OldJadedGamer said:
It really is time for Insomniac to move on. If they truly are an independent third party, it just doesn't make any logical sense for them to leave all that money on the table by sticking to a machine that can't move copies of their games.

Going multiplatform will double if not triple their sales from what they currently are.

It's known that they are somehow compensated (via hats made of money) for the discrepancy, but you're right in that maybe they could be making even more with other platforms.


Minsc said:
Probably already posted, but here's how YoY looks for November:

Nov. 2007  | 2008  | % Increase / Decrease
Wii: 981K  | 2040K | 108%
NDS: 1530K | 1570K | 2.6%
360: 770K  | 836K  | 8.6%
PSP: 567K  | 421K  | 25.7%
PS3: 466K  | 378K  | 18.9%
PS2: 496K  | 206K  | 58.5%
Oh man.

Man oh man.


Gary Whitta said:
Unfortunately R2 never achieved buzz comparable to its competitors. In a particularly competitive holiday season something was inevitably going to get squeezed out and this year it was Resistance 2.

Resistance is not really as appealing to the masses as something like COD or GoW. It´s not a blockbuster.

Nearly 400k is still a great number first month out for any game. Get some perspective.
Gary Whitta said:
It's not even a what-if. It happened. Look at Gears and Resistance. Both high quality shooters, very similar in their demographic appeal. But one sells WAY more than the other because it's on the system with the larger and faster-growing hardware base. I submit that if Gears and Resistance were flipped (Gears PS exclusive, Resistance 360) you'd see the numbers flip too. So the point has already been proven.

As much as I like what you're saying, it's not true. Gears and Resistance aren't the same game and don't appeal to exactly the same demographic. Metacritic also doesn't rate them the same... you can't just pretend they are the same and it's just the hardware base... sure a larger base is better but pretending that's the only thing is wrong.


I keep waiting for something intelligent to say.... but I think I'm still dumbstruck at wii sales.

For the life of me, as a longtime core gamer (and previous wii owner), I just can't get excited about the system and the message it's sending.

I picture both Sony and MS completely changing their next-gen strategies presently (if they hadn't already)... that's just so much profit.
Fredescu said:
You were asking why no one cares that MS and Sony outsource, and it's because the they create and release plenty of internally developed gamer games too.
And my question is still:

And Nintendo isn't?

You've just repeated your claim.

There is a current software drought on the Wii, specifically for gaming enthusiasts. Therefore we start questioning where the games are coming from for us. There is no need to do the same for MS and Sony because the games are here, they're out and we're playing them.
I'm still talking about the future lineup (published games from N/M/S) if you didn't noticed, I know that there's a software drought currently, that's not my topic and wasn't at any point.

Future lineups are great but I can't play them until they come out, and when they do they might be poor quality games (see: Warioland, Disaster, or in other words don't count your chickens).
There're plenty of people who enyoj these games, that's a personal thing which I don't wan't to discuss, because it's too subjective.
Minsc said:
Probably already posted, but here's how YoY looks for November:

Nov. 2007  | 2008  | % Increase / Decrease
Wii: 981K  | 2040K | 108%
NDS: 1530K | 1570K | 2.6%
360: 770K  | 836K  | 8.6%
PSP: 567K  | 421K  | 25.7%
PS3: 466K  | 378K  | 18.9%
PS2: 496K  | 206K  | 58.5%

When you see it in red like that...
Angelus said:
I'm saying your tastes for Nintendo prefered gaming are like those little munchkins in Willie Wonka dude. And those guys always freaked me out.:b

When you used examples of other developers such as Insomniac,and not prefering to see them work on a Nintendo machine while wanting more of the same Wiiware....now thats a huge WTF for me dude.

You truly are the king of the geeks.

Cygnus X-1

I would like to rememebr you guys that this was a 4-week month. Next month is going to be a 5-week month. So, Wii selling 4 millions is not impossible.

TJ Spyke

Kunan said:
The banned site has DS at 90 million now, only a matter of time til we see a 100 million console this gen

It's possible to be at 90 million, it was at 84 million at the end of September.

camineet, I doubt it will take the Wii that long to pass the SNES. The Wii was already at 34.55 million at the end of September and the SNES sold 49.1 million. That's about 14.6 million, and they sold over 2 million just in the US in November. It will pass the SNES by June 2009 IMO.
Speevy said:
They did at one point, but on the whole they're not making the industry's best games anymore.

They still have them, they just don't really use them, or really even need to use them. Right now you can just take their word that the good teams are working on projects as good as Mario Galaxy.


Relix said:
I question you though... what do you mean for best games?



High budget awesome hardcore stuff like MGS4 and Gears?

Not defending the Wii though, it's gathering dust (Okami is being cleaning that though), but I wanna hear your points on what "best games" are. Mario Galaxy certainly is much better than most other games out there, and TP was great. Smash was pure fun.

I mean best games. Nintendo is not pushing forward as a company. They're running around in circles, collecting cash and releasing safe, uninspired sequels to supplement the garbage like Wii Music.


Minsc said:
Probably already posted, but here's how YoY looks for November:

Nov. 2007  | 2008  | % Increase / Decrease
Wii: 981K  | 2040K | 108%
NDS: 1530K | 1570K | 2.6%
360: 770K  | 836K  | 8.6%
PSP: 567K  | 421K  | 25.7%
PS3: 466K  | 378K  | 18.9%
PS2: 496K  | 206K  | 58.5%

Then for fun, using the % change from above used on last December's #s to project this year's December:

Dec. 2007  | 2008 (est.)
Wii: 1350K | 2808K 
NDS: 2470K | 2534K
360: 1260K | 1368K 
PSP: 1060K | 788K
PS3: 798K  | 647K 
PS2: 1100K | 457K

It could be a really rough month for the PS3 for December if this keeps up and the economy weighing it down.

Crayon said:
wish private hoffman wasnt banned right now. =/

Can't say I do. Although it would be nice to talk about our little discussion back in June predicting what would happen here. It's just at a much faster rate than even I thought.


Linkzg said:
They have (btw, I'm giving you Twilight Princess here despite it being a Gamecube port). Well, it's more on the third party. In terms of quality, the Wii in 2008 had the worst year for a single platform in quite some time. It didn't even have the multiconsole games the Gamecube had to balance it out. 2009 seems to be a huge step up.
uh.. the gamecube did not receive a lot of multiplats circa 2005~ 2006

and the wii had a pretty good year thirdpartywise compared to 2007.. boom blox, de blob, okami, no more heroes, samba de amigo (which works good for me contrary to some peoples opinions), shaun white, We Ski, tos2, chocobo dungeon and winning eleven Playmaker

Speevy said:
I mean best games. Nintendo is not pushing forward as a company. They're running around in circles, collecting cash and releasing safe, uninspired sequels to supplement the garbage like Wii Music.
so in otherwords everyone should just suit your taste

i mean most of the 360 games i play are exactly the same things i played last gen with better graphics..

that seems pretty safe and uninspired to me


Canadians burned my passport
Angelus said:
I'm saying your tastes for Nintendo prefered gaming are like those little munchkins in Willie Wonka dude. And those guys always freaked me out.:b

When you used examples of other developers such as Insomniac,and not prefering to see them work on a Nintendo machine while wanting more of the same Wiiware....now thats a huge WTF for me dude.

What does this even mean?


Sony's response:

PlayStation by the Numbers November 2008

PlayStation Brand Continues Strong Sales Momentum Into the Holiday Season; PS3 Hardware Sales Grow 60% Year-to-Date
Total PlayStation Hardware Unit Sales in November 2008 Top 1 Million
The PlayStation brand began the holiday season by posting solid sales at retail across its three platforms, with more than 1 million hardware units sold in November 2008, a 93% growth from the October 2008, according to NPD.

PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) has continued its strong momentum during the holiday season with 378,071 hardware units sold in November, representing an increase of almost 100% from October. From January to November 2008, more than 2.8 million PS3s have been sold in the U.S., representing a year-to-date hardware sales growth of more than 60%.

Fueled by an unmatched holiday line-up of blockbuster first and third-party titles, more that 3,552,456 software units were sold for PS3 in November, representing a year-to-date growth of 150%.
Top-selling exclusive games for PS3 in November included hot titles for the hardcore gamer and family alike, from the pulse-pounding first-person shooter Resistance 2, to one of the best-rated games of the year, LittleBigPlanet.Third-party must-have titles — including Activision’s Call of Duty: World at War, Midway Games’ Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, and Electronic Arts Sports’ Madden NFL 09 – rounded-out the best-selling games for the platform.
In November, the PlayStation nation continued to turn to the PlayStation®Network for entertainment content, including: new PlayStation games such Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Age of Booty; original content such as Qore: Episode 5 and Xam’d: Lost Memories, Season 2; and new blockbuster additions to the video delivery service, including Hancock and Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. There are currently more than 15 million registered PlayStation Network accounts worldwide.
PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and the Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters PSP Entertainment Pack proved to be a popular choice for movies, games and entertainment content on-the-go in November, with 420,539 units sold. This represents an increase of 118% from October.

PlayStation®2 (PS2) and the LEGO Batman: The Videogame PS2 Entertainment Pack posted solid sales in November, with 205,944 hardware units sold, a 51% increase from the previous month.

Power of the PlayStation Portfolio
The PlayStation brand generated strong sales across all three platforms, earning $663 million in November.
Year-to-date (Jan-Nov), the PlayStation brand generated more than 5 billion in revenue, representing an 11% growth year-to-date.
PlayStation total hardware revenue was $261 million in November, representing a year-to-date growth of 9%.
PlayStation total software revenue in November was $352 million, representing a year-to-date growth of 16%.


Gary Whitta said:
It's not even a what-if. It happened. Look at Gears and Resistance. Both high quality shooters, very similar in their demographic appeal. But one sells WAY more than the other because it's on the system with the larger and faster-growing hardware base. I submit that if Gears and Resistance were flipped (Gears PS exclusive, Resistance 360) you'd see the numbers flip too. So the point has already been proven.

To support that, a non-Infinity Ward Call of Duty, sold 1m+ on the 360 and 600K or so on the PS3, which outsold R2 despite everything that was chucked on Treyrach.


listen to the mad man
TheBranca18 said:
The majority isn't always right.

i also clicked on this thread trying to find the "argue about system libraries and talk about what games you're playing" thread. we should form a club!
xbhaskarx said:
Very true, as long as the 360 can keep matching future PS3 price drops.

Thats why the plan is so great.

Say Sony drops $50 in March....MS can be right there and drop prices with them, thus killing any momentum.

Essentially, the same strategy the PS2 had.

A PS3 at 339$ is impressive when considering the launch price of 599$.... but nothing when compared to Xbox SKUs at 169, 239 and 299.
Luckyman said:
Resistance is not really as appealing to the masses as something like COD or GoW. It´s not a blockbuster.

Nearly 400k is still a great number first month out for any game. Get some perspective.

When a new IP like Left 4 Dead outsells the sequel to a high profile, over 1mil selling launch game, that is not a good thing.


farnham said:
uh.. yes they are.. Super Mario Galaxy for example.. or rythm tengoku gold.. among many others

What others? What are these AAA games Nintendo has in the oven? Name them.
Jtyettis said:
It could be a really rough month for the PS3 for December if this keeps up and the economy weighing it down.

Yeah. The firings and job losses are just starting to kick into high gear, although Obama plans to sign a stimmie package on Day 1. Depending on when that kicks in, it might be in time for stuff like KZ2.


Looking at the PS2 numbers. I wonder how good the original xbox would have continued to sell if MS didn't drop it so quickly?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Stumpokapow said:
i also clicked on this thread trying to find the "argue about system libraries and talk about what games you're playing" thread. we should form a club!
i'll call it the MARKET PREVAILS~~~ club


Speevy said:
I mean best games. Nintendo is not pushing forward as a company. They're running around in circles, collecting cash and releasing safe, uninspired sequels to supplement the garbage like Wii Music.

I thought Mario Galaxy was inspired, unsafe.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Dirtbag said:
I picture both Sony and MS completely changing their next-gen strategies presently (if they hadn't already)... that's just so much profit.

If it means this generation lasts a few more years than normal, then I'm all for it.
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