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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008

Guy Legend

Based on Sony's press release, Mortal Kombat vs DC was one of the best selling third party games on the system. Any sales numbers for the game on PS3/XB360?


Speevy said:
I mean best games. Nintendo is not pushing forward as a company. They're running around in circles, collecting cash and releasing safe, uninspired sequels to supplement the garbage like Wii Music.

If I really crane my neck, I can see your point. But how are the other development houses "pushing forward as a company"? Wiifit is much more unique than Gears of War II. FWIW, why would anybody want WiiMusic when you can have Korg DS-10?

Addresssing topic as a whole:

Those WII #s are wow. I can see why DQ X is on Wii now. FF VII remake will probably go on Wii. Konami needs to release a BIG title on Wii. I predict more Japanese love coming to 360 too. What happened to the PS3?


Stumpokapow said:
beavis and butthead do america the video game

why the hell are you in a sales thread if you don't want to talk about sales
Nintendo shill said:
I disagree, and can happily conclude (since this is a sales thread) that the market does as well.
Ergo, Wii Play is better than Super Mario Galaxy.

But really, the comedy is seeing Nintendo fans, still hurting... down there... from last-gen, getting to use the same terrible arguments that Sony fans used against Nintendo fans.

Or at least it would be funny if they weren't being totally serious.
Fallout 3? Just got over the hump in this game and it really is turning out to be a masterpiece.

Wii sales are just dumbfounding. What are people buying it for exactly? It's clearly targeting a consumer base radically different from the 360, to the point where it has more in common with the DS than the 360.

But it hasn't seemed to take any sales from the 360 so I guess its all a plus for the industry. Wii for the casuals, 360 for the people who care. ;-)

PS3 is gamecube redux. Mission accomplished Microsoft.


I honestly cannot believe how badly Sony has fucked this up. Whenever they're looking at the cost of their system and its impact on its sales, they keep flip-flopping between drastic action to help avert disaster and doing absolutely nothing (or watering down its strengths), cringing at how much money they're losing.

Their initial design choices for the system are what lost them this war. The PS3 is a great system, but it was not designed to win. At best, they could have hoped to coast uphill to victory based entirely on the PS2's success.

At least I can take comfort that everything is still being demolished by the Wii. It's traditional console gaming's last hurrah. Well, that and the downloadable selections on all the consoles.


Cooter said:
So....... are they gonna get 3 million in Dec.?
Doubt it unless they have some secret warehouses full. They're making 2.4 million a month. It'll be interesting to see how they're distributing the numbers.

And WOW at Wii + DS


mr_bishiuk said:
Problem is the best artists, best programmers, best game makers simply dont want to work on the wii.

If Epic or insomniac decided that they were going Wii exclusive I imagine most of the staff would walk out, all companies want to do is palm the wii off to junior staff.

Problem is you have guys like Will Wright and Gabe Newell praising the Wii, and publishers aren't giving them a ton of money to make a Wii blockbuster ASAP.


sionyboy said:
Somewhat off-topic, but what's going to happen with the prediction results donny?

It'll be in a new thread. The prediction thread has been locked a couple of times before, and the results were just put in a new thread each time.
SkySonata said:
Square-Enix asks what the fuck are you pulling out of your ass?

Think their A teams are working on other platforms don't you? If i was a top of the line programmer or top computer artist I would demand to work on the best kit for the sake of my career.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So just by own unofficial estimates, Wii>360+PS3 world wide.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Man, I honestly thought that's why the thread was relatively quiet.
no such luck, i think it's more the bannings keeping some of the more vocal/fruitier types out of here. spwolf showed up but he's calmed down a lot over this year to the point where sometimes it feels like he's making valid contributions to threads.

wollan is a trooper i will always respect. he doesn't misinterpret reality either.


Rlan said:
Looks like Animal Crossing Bombed. It had a good full two weeks of sales.

Then again, it was only 4 more than Wii Music got in its first month.

In Australia all I've seen in terms of game advertising in the lucrative 7-10 time gap on TV is Animal Crossing Wii AND Animal Crossing DS :\

Bombed in relation to what? I would not be surprised if its right outside the Top 10 and then after the Wii Music resurgence I think every single person who claims bomba for Wii on anything needs to take a step back and consider how Wii games sell (Wii Music had a 3-400% increase)
jamesinclair said:
1) Whoever at MS decided to launch the Xbox 360 a year early should get a massive bonus. By being a year ahead of Sony on the price-drop curve, but day and date with the big releases, its clear that Sony has no way to win.
yeah, well the rush to get the 360 may have caused the RRoD . . . and the RRoD has cost MS plenty.


2 million is just crazy.

I do hope that this is a wake up call for Sony, they need a price cut, and need one soon. When your console cost twice as much as the competition in a bad economy, it's hard to sell units.


The videogame industry is finally mainstream and now we're now all elitists.

We're like foreign film fans that wonder why garbage like Wild Hogs makes $168 million dollars.


Rlan said:
In Australia all I've seen in terms of game advertising in the lucrative 7-10 time gap on TV is Animal Crossing Wii AND Animal Crossing DS :\
Those ads are so cringeworthy, my god.
Fredescu said:
As far as games that are out right now? No.
Look, that's an argument:

1.) Claim (<- you are still here)
2.) Reason
3.) Evidence
(4.) Reference to claim)

I'm just saying the software drought is why people are more critical of the software development going on at Nintendo, since that's the question you asked. Future software does not actually exist yet. Remember when PS3 fans were including stuff like Lair in their "awesome lineup" lists before it came out? We can look at what teams are doing what for the future, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. If 09 for the Wii ends up being great, and I hope it does, then people will be less critical.
I wasn't talking about "how awesome" their Lineup is, I can't proof that (noone can), I was just talking about the amount/type of games published by them, that's it.


PS3 Hardware Sales Grow 60% Year-to-Date

So basically their spin is that while November was horrible, it wasn't quite horrible enough to destroy everything else they worked for in the rest of the year?


P90 said:
But how are the other development houses "pushing forward as a company"?

By blending genres and using the technology at their disposal (be it Wii, PS2, PS3, whatever) to bring artistic visions to life, and of course online multiplayer which is now ancient in console gaming years.
Gary Whitta said:
Can't wait to see what arcane statistics Sony will contort in order to spin this latest disaster.

Isn't it obvious? The Playstation family came in second.

I'd like to cast another vote for Valkyria numbers. What a beautiful game.
speculawyer said:
yeah, well the rush to get the 360 may have caused the RRoD . . . and the RRoD has cost MS plenty.

True, but there's no way they'd be where they are now without the head start. As someone else pointed out, they're in a position where they can match the PS3 exclusive very competitively but at half the price for the console. That's a tremendous advantage.


Private Hoffman quotes (from OA):

True, but the PS3 will be ahead globally in 2010. That's my prediction.

Then I guess xfags will have nothing to crow about. No games. No sales. Nothing.
I was right about the PS3 dominating for most of 2008 once Blu-Ray won. You xfags didn't believe it. And yet, PS3 sales for 2008 (up until 360 dropped the price) were dominating the 360.

Just wait till the price cut comes, and KZ2 releases.
How much has the PS3 outsold the 360 in Japan?

Like 200k or so?

And the PS3 is outselling the 360 in Europe.

The lead Microsoft will have in the US will be probably around, or over, 1 million, but worldwide I don't see the math adding up.
And I'm also disappointed wih 360 sales. It's a $199 priced console, and it's selling way less than the Wii is. It should be doing a lot better at the lower price. It's only very SLIGHTLY above 2007's numbers where they sold around 770k.

A 7% increase despite a huge price drop is a bit worrying.
How the fuck can GAF handle E3 but they can't handle a november NPD? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lol.gif) wtf

Does EviLore know how to run a server?
Angelus said:
Well shit bring it on son. Don't just use some smart ass reply. Explain yourself.


I find your entitlement absolutely ridiculous considering we're talking about video game consoles. Your comment is essentially a geek telling other geeks that they are geeky as hell and beneath you. Congratulations on your coronation as King of the losers, buddy. Your choice of console has truly made you a deity among men.
womfalcs3 said:
All Sony has to do is cut price. The software is there. It's just the price hindrance. Most people can't spent $400 right now on a PS3.

The good thing that has come from PS3 for Sony is the fact they have generated a revenue stream from blu-ray.

As much as you've tried to hide it, your true self is really starting to shine through now.

If onyl these guys knew you from your NexGenWars days.


AndersTheSwede said:
Wii sales are just dumbfounding. What are people buying it for exactly? It's clearly targeting a consumer base radically different from the 360, to the point where it has more in common with the DS than the 360.

But it hasn't seemed to take any sales from the 360 so I guess its all a plus for the industry. Wii for the casuals, 360 for the people who care. ;-)
Wii fans don't care about gaming. They buy the console as a novelty and then register on GAF to brag about sales. That's the only fun they're having. They're evil!


speculawyer said:
yeah, well the rush to get the 360 may have caused the RRoD . . . and the RRoD has cost MS plenty.
It almost certainly was, but clearly it was worth it. Had they launched at the same time as the PS3 and Wii, this would be a very, very different generation. The Xbox would not have gained the traction it did.

I doubt they'd have changed a thing even if they could.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
LiveFromKyoto said:
Isn't it obvious? The Playstation family came in second.

I'd like to cast another vote for Valkyria numbers. What a beautiful game.

Considering the ensuing silence for the Valkyria requests, I bet it isn't pretty.


Iksenpets said:
So basically their spin is that while November was horrible, it wasn't quite horrible enough to destroy everything else they worked for in the rest of the year?
I don't have my data at work, but what was the % increase YoY as of October? It went down this month, of course.
DKnight said:
Seriously why do you guys get so excited? it's not the same every month since this gen started?
highest november sales ever.

so no, it's not the same every month since this gen started.
Kuroyume said:
Where's Little Big Planet?

Where is it?

Obviously, on the wrong platform.

Like, 2 million?


AndersTheSwede said:
Wii sales are just dumbfounding. What are people buying it for exactly?

Well, Mario Kart sold 637,000 this month. A good number of those probably went to new Wii owners. Nearly 500,000 copies of Guitar Hero this month, too.

Not to mention we don't know how many copies evergreen titles like Galaxy and Brawl are selling outside the Top 10.
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