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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


Speevy said:
By blending genres and using the technology at their disposal (be it Wii, PS2, PS3, whatever) to bring artistic visions to life, and of course online multiplayer which is now ancient in console gaming years.

And Nintendo is lone in not accomplishing this? Either you have a jaded vision of them now or you look back on them too fondly. At least that is what I think I am understanding from your posts.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
As much as you've tried to hide it, your true self is really starting to shine through now.

If onyl these guys knew you from your NexGenWars days.
:lol :lol OMG, Ed, I completely forgot!:lol


KuwabaraTheMan said:
Not to mention we don't know how many copies evergreen titles like Galaxy and Brawl are selling outside the Top 10.
This is what I wish we could see, it sucks getting the top ten, the numbers below must be insane.
The-Switcher said:
Where is it?

Obviously, on the wrong platform.

Like, 2 million?


:lol :lol :lol @ gif
DKnight said:
Seriously why do you guys get so excited? it's not the same every month since this gen started?

If you get to mock some people once a month you're still going to look forward to it. It's like payday. But once a month...
1cesc said:
Private Hoffman quotes (from OA):

If he's reading this, I'd really like to see how he'd spin his prediction that Resistance/LBP will outsell Gears2/Fable2 WW, he argued for pages upon pages earlier this year.


GSG Flash said:
Even though I think the PS3 sales are disappointing, some of you are being drama queens, 378k is still 378k, not a completely abysmal number at all, lower than the other two, yes, but in the end that's still 378k of the most expensive console sold.

Since last November it picked up exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm 2 and GT5: Prologue, plus all the third party stuff, and sold 20% worse than last November.

That's bad. 378K in a November is really bad.
you can't rule out 'wait until Home' yet.

for one it launched in December not November.

for two, i'm still shagging waiting to get in.
Fredescu said:
You were asking why no one cares that MS and Sony outsource, and it's because the they create and release plenty of internally developed gamer games too. There is a current software drought on the Wii, specifically for gaming enthusiasts. Therefore we start questioning where the games are coming from for us. There is no need to do the same for MS and Sony because the games are here, they're out and we're playing them. Future lineups are great but I can't play them until they come out, and when they do they might be poor quality games (see: Warioland, Disaster, or in other words don't count your chickens).

chespace said:
:lol @ all those who think that LBP was not marketed enough.

The game was everywhere. NPD shows that 'core gamers just don't care.

Yes, Wii selling 2 million units with no worthy holiday titles is bittersweet. I still believe that Nintendo's success ultimately benefits our industry no matter what. More people playing games is always a good thing.

The only negative here are the Nintendo fanboys that got left behind from the company's roadmap to success.
We don't believe you, you need more people!
VALIS said:
Since last November it picked up exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm 2 and GT5: Prologue, plus all the third party stuff, and sold 20% worse than last November.

That's bad. 378K in a November is really bad.

Is it cheaper this year?


But, calling it Wii? That means pee pee doesn't it? :lol Nintendo. Just :lol

Seeing all the arrogant Sonybots get force-fed crow is actually the only fun the Wii has given me in like 10 months. It's almost worth it.


Woot for Left 4 Dead!

That's a strong showing for a game which was released on the 360 in the shadow of Gears 2 and has a huge chunk of it's potential market going for the PC version. Too bad we don't have PC or Steam numbers (then again they wouldn't wanna embarass the console warriors who conveniently ignore or try to marginalize the PC market at all times because they're not included in this monthly thread)

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I haven't posted on the gaming side tough in a while, people were putting secret PS3 game on future lists? That is sadder than the Sony PR we have to read.


plagiarize said:
Gabe is rich as hell and regularly bank rolls Valve's games. he has the money to do it himself if he feels it'd pay off.
I'll give you that, and I understand why he doesn't (it really doesn't make sense for Valve's strategy).

The point still stands though: are western developers so disgusted with the Wii as you guys like to point out? Or are publishers just afraid to fund a big Wii game?
PS3 barely outselling PS2 in its 3rd holiday season? Not too sure anybody could have predicted that a few years back. It really is the Gamecube 2.


markatisu said:
Bombed in relation to what? I would not be surprised if its right outside the Top 10 and then after the Wii Music resurgence I think every single person who claims bomba for Wii on anything needs to take a step back and consider how Wii games sell (Wii Music had a 3-400% increase)

I guess. I'm just so used to seeing games get so frontloaded. Really the only other game that is comparable in terms of its appeal would be LBP, which was hugely frontloaded and did incredibly well for the 5 days it was out in October, and yet was pushed out this month.
Flying_Phoenix said:
idk about the N64 but I do know that Nintendo posted profit with the Gamecube console itself. And if the GC did the N64 should have as well.

I am thinking they cleaned up pretty well in the USA and at least broke even elsewhere. A handful of Nintendo games sold truckloads. And the dev costs never got too high due to only so much production value can be spent on a cart with limited space.


Master of the Google Search
RJT said:
He said: sales1*price1>sales0*price0
When it should have been: sales1*(price1-unit cost)>sales0*(price0-unit cost)

Note that if (price1-unit cost) is negative and (price0-unit cost) isn't, that would never occur, whatever the increase in sales may be.
I thought that was naturally implied :p


Narcosis said:
Woot for Left 4 Dead!

That's a strong showing for a game which was released on the 360 in the shadow of Gears 2 and has a huge chunk of it;s potentiial market going for the PC version. Too bad we don't have PC or Steam numbers (then again they wouldn't wanna embarass the console warriors who conveniently ignore or try to marginalize the PC market at all times because they're not included in this monthly thread)

PC got some love from NPD in the OP. I'll let you find it. :p

Agent Icebeezy said:
I haven't posted on the gaming side tough in a while, people were putting secret PS3 game on future lists? That is sadder than the Sony PR we have to read.

SecretPS3Game thread actually popped up after last NPD, and by popped up I mean instantly. Tis a good thread you should check it out.


Clearly, this proves to Sony that they can't bank on the $400 price point with the current state of the economy and industry as a whole. If Sony wants to increase it's user base, a price drop needs to happen.
Agent Icebeezy said:
I haven't posted on the gaming side tough in a while, people were putting secret PS3 game on future lists? That is sadder than the Sony PR we have to read.
as i said before, what's sad is that it is someone's job to try and find a way to make these numbers look like a good thing. i hope it pays a shitload because that's the only way i'd ever consider taking such a job.

the guy who writes the sony pr does a decent job making a really nice bow. unfortunately he has to tie it around a piece of shit.
X26 said:
Some will argue that the Wii is making the pie bigger and that in the long run some of the new consumers will branch out and also purchase things other than uber casual titles.

Others say it's more likely Microsoft and Sony will adapt Nintendo's low cost, low quality, super casual approach and those who like games to have effort put into them and appeal to more than just kids (say, the average GAFer) will be left with less to look forward too and the insudtry as a whole will become completely casual.

Who's right? Who really knows, time will tell. But honestly, the most likely and probable otucome is going to be the latter, companies are motivated first and foremost by profit afterall, and if they can accomplish that without having to invest in quality it's all the better.

Wii = the next gen sweatshop

If that happens it will be 1983 all over again. Maybe not on the same scale but this 20% growth year in year out will disappear and maybe go negative. The Wii's user base really isn't anything new, last gen they bought the PS2. Casuals will always buy something but core gamers will not buy crap and if the industry makes only crap there will be a major downturn.

Cygnus X-1

1cesc said:
Private Hoffman quotes (from OA):

How the fuck can GAF handle E3 but they can't handle a november NPD? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lol.gif) wtf

Does EviLore know how to run a server?

He's still angry. Too bad for him. Why does he consider Sony' performance as important is quite a mistery.
camineet said:
I started a new game of Super Mario Galaxy just to celebrate :D
What are we celebrating? That this confirms Nintendo can put out shit, and still sell gorgeously? If thats it I'm up for a play-through too.


Angelus said:
Thinking abut joining in on the fun with ductaped Wii photos but its not worth the ban.
That picture is pure troll material.:lol

I'm amazed at how someone could have their feelings hurt by a picture like that, but here we are. Congratulations.
RSTEIN said:
Hey... wasn't Sony supposed to leverage the fanatical PS2 fanbase? :lol

Difference is MS aren't stupid enough to take their hook (XBL, friends lists, community, gamerscore etc) out of their next console unlike Sony who took their last gen hook out of the PS3 (BC) just as it got near a reasonable price point.

Jack B

Just imagine how many PS3's would have been sold if it weren't for the system selling Little Big Planet.

I guess Home will be the savior. 2009 is now the new Year of the PS3. 3rd Xmas season in a row the 360 will sell more than the PS3. 4 if you count the year the PS3 wasn't out yet.

I can only imagine what would have happened to the PS3 if it weren't for the RROD problem. That's been the killer app for Sony. RROD is the PS3's killer app, but if that goes away...
KuwabaraTheMan said:
Well, Mario Kart sold 637,000 this month. A good number of those probably went to new Wii owners. Nearly 500,000 copies of Guitar Hero this month, too.

Not to mention we don't know how many copies evergreen titles like Galaxy and Brawl are selling outside the Top 10.

Yes but these games are really nothing new. Nintendo has been pumping them out for several generations. Having a cool Mario Kart on Gamecube didn't make it a world beater. Galaxy was definitely something different, but it's one game. And it certainly *hasn't sold to the equally insane levels that Wii hardware has.


grandjedi6 said:
I thought that was naturally implied :p
Well, I don't take it for granted anymore. I found out some people don't understand the concepts of gross margin and fixed costs at a budget meeting today...


Subconscious Brolonging
And the parade of "wait for..." PS3 sales excuses continues. It's just sad at this point guys, I wouldn't be surprised if I start seeing stuff like "Wait for Best Buy to have their 10% off all Blu-Ray movies sale this weekend, that's when PS3 sales will really start!".
RJT said:
I'll give you that, and I understand why he doesn't (it really doesn't make sense for Valve's strategy).

The point still stands though: are western developers so disgusted with the Wii as you guys like to point out? Or are publishers just afraid to fund a big Wii game?
i think they just don't really get it. they see something like wii sports doing well and they think 'oh so the thing to do is minigames!' then there minigames don't sell well and they go, 'oh i guess people just want nintendo software'.

music games came along and started to do well, and see what happened? now we have loads of those coming from third parties to the wii. publishers just aren't willing to take the risk on the system. they don't understand it well enough to do much other than copy what's selling.

sure you get some taking a chance here and there like EA did with Boom Blox and Activision have done in pushing World at War on Wii, but that's pretty much the story... and when Nintendo stop making core games for a while, you get the last few months.
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