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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008

Shake Appeal said:
Game Over PS3. Continue? (Y/N)

At this point, its in their best interests to reset the market with a new console launch asap. When Microsoft were siting with pathetic market share and billions of losses they couldn't release the 360 fast enough so to think Sony would react at all differently is naive imo. Sadly for them, I can't see the market supporting a new generation for 3 years at least, so there's plenty more for them to lose.

Given the realisation of that very situation, I can totally understand their current PS3 strategy, its a lost cause for all intents and purposes. So by keeping the price high and working hard on cost reductions and spending on first rather than first party titles, at the very least they can minimise losses. Honestly, the fact that they weren't at all aggressive this holiday season and were positively pacifistic, pretty much confirms my suspicion that even those within Sony believe that there is no hope of coming anywhere but third place this generation.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Speevy, I'm gonna tell you something that keeps me very happy about my Wii's library: I don't go solely for the hyped games. I see something different, average maybe, but decent enough (say, Symphonia 2), and buy that. And have fun with it, since I got no preconceived notions of what the game has to be.

There may have not been any AAA blockbusters for Wii this Christmas, but there is still a lot of fun to have with the system if you know where to look.

RJT said:
Wii fans don't care about gaming. They buy the console as a novelty and then register on GAF to brag about sales. That's the only fun they're having. They're evil!



time for me to retire this one.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
AndersTheSwede said:
Yes but these games are really nothing new. Nintendo has been pumping them out for several generations. Having a cool Mario Kart on Gamecube didn't make it a world beater. Galaxy was definitely something different, but it's one game. And it certainly has sold to the equally insane levels that Wii hardware has.

Clearly it's the Wii Sports/Fit games that are leading to the insane hardware sales.

But that doesn't mean traditional games aren't thriving as well...the big budget traditional games, all made by Nintendo of course since 3rd parties aren't doing anything, are doing better than on the GC.
AndersTheSwede said:
Wii sales are just dumbfounding. What are people buying it for exactly?
Christmas presents and Wii Sports. It sold more than 2X the xbox 360 yet the top 2 games are xbox 360 games. The top selling Wii 'game' was an extra controller with a $10 tech demo included.


Master of the Google Search
RJT said:
Well, I don't take it for granted anymore. I found out some people don't understand the concepts of gross margin and fixed costs at a budget meeting today...
ouch. I hope that budget meeting was comprised of everyday joes or else that's kinda sad
Dax01 said:
:lol :lol OMG, Ed, I completely forgot!:lol

He was doing pretty well for a while. I've been watching him.

But now that Sony's in the shitter in the US, he can't help himself. I ALSO love how Domokunrox got banned on NexGenWars AND here.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Also, holy hell at GHWT on Wii.

I'm really surprised at CoD's numbers, I mean damn.

Does anyone know PS2's best month ever in US? Wii might pass it next month.


Tiktaalik said:
The videogame industry is finally mainstream and now we're now all elitists.

We're like foreign film fans that wonder why garbage like Wild Hogs makes $168 million dollars.

This is why I love the Wii and supporting Nintendo by buying one. Sure I love my old childhood franchises, as many in the public do, but it's the fact they have broadened the market.

I hope the Wii breaks sales records. Nintendo should ride this train for as long as it can. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
AndersTheSwede said:
Yes but these games are really nothing new. Nintendo has been pumping them out for several generations. Having a cool Mario Kart on Gamecube didn't make it a world beater. Galaxy was definitely something different, but it's one game. And it certainly has sold to the equally insane levels that Wii hardware has.

And what are people buying the 360 for? Halo 3 is their best selling title, followed by Call of Duty 4, then GTA and Madden. Gears of War is the only meagsuccesful game for the system that isn't a retread of something from last generation.

There's a lot we don't know, too. Boom Blox has sold decently, as was pointed out earlier in this thread. That's certainly pretty unique.
Zachack said:

Ergo, Wii Play is better than Super Mario Galaxy.

But really, the comedy is seeing Nintendo fans, still hurting... down there... from last-gen, getting to use the same terrible arguments that Sony fans used against Nintendo fans.

Or at least it would be funny if they weren't being totally serious.
Yeah that's funny, but the really funny thing are bitter fanboys like yourself who take sales-age so seriously. The Wii sells, the PS3 doesn't. You still have your hardcore games to enjoy, get over it!
speculawyer said:
Christmas presents and Wii Sports. It sold more than 2X the xbox 360 yet the top 2 games are xbox 360 games. The top selling Wii 'game' was an extra controller with a $10 tech demo included.

Are you ignoring the fact that 5 of the top 10 titles are Wii games?

Wii has more games in the top ten than any other console.


speculawyer said:
Christmas presents and Wii Sports. It sold more than 2X the xbox 360 yet the top 2 games are xbox 360 games. The top selling Wii 'game' was an extra controller with a $10 tech demo included.

We don't have a good idea of total software sales and top 10 are historically a bad measurement for actual software sales. For example, the Wii's software attach rate is higher than the PS3.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
But now that Sony's in the shitter in the US, he can't help himself. I ALSO love how Domokunrox got banned on NexGenWars AND here.
Whoa that shithead Domo is gone as well?
The internet has been loving me lately.


brain_stew said:
At this point, its in their best interests to reset the market with a new console launch asap.

Wasn't Sony supposed to have finally broke even on the Playstation division? If so their best interest is to NOT push out another console in the near future. The company as a whole is hurting lately and spending more money on R&D, manufacturing and componet costs as well as game development for a new piece of hardware would be a very bad move at this time. They just have to ride things out a bit for now and take the hand that Kutaragi dealt them.


Sony is most definetly taking notes for their next console, this is because it will be their last one should it fail to sell. It's clear going by sales that more then anything people care about how cheap something is, especially now. The PS3 isn't exactly dead in the water, it's tech can be re-focused in another year or 2 into a slimmer FAR cheaper model , it just won't see the success of the ps2.

This is why I don't see sony cutting the price much until next year, they are already losing money on the system and given it's only the start of it's 3rd year of availability they aren't exactly in a rush to clear stock of store shelves. It's like I said in another thread, the ps3 is sony's "xbox 1". It's expensive to build but rather then try to compete aggressively they'll just cut their losses and hope the sales will come later on. I mean, eventually 360 owners who've had one since 2005 or 2006 might look into grabbing a ps3 to play the handful of exclusive good titles on it and you've got 30 million + ps2 owners that likely haven't even jumped in to the 360 , bought a wii or looked at a ps3 purchase. They are no longer out to win this round but they will turn a profit when the dust settles. The ps2 numbers are just gravy, I mean they must be making 50+% profit on one of those things seeing as it's still priced at 130 bucks , it's entering into it's 9th year of existence too so eventually the sales have to drop off, I mean just about everyone bought one who wanted one by now so it's a few people replacing broken units, poorer families looking for a cheap game system and perhaps people who've been sleeping in caves for a few years. The audience that would have otherwise grabbed a ps2 has officially chosen their next champion and it's the wii.

As for PSP, well sony has kind of lost focus with that thing, it's still pricey (70 bucks more then a ds last I checked) has a crappy medium and is too high tech for younger children to bother with. Again though, sony is making money on it and it's easily the most successful handheld outside of nintendo so you can't really complain about it. The decline in sales is almost certainly because all the older kids have one allready and a lack of decent software that isn't' also available on the ps2 for less money.

Call it spin if you want but basically I wouldn't start counting to 10 for sony yet, should ps3 sales be like this 2 years from now without a successor in sight then you may have some worries.


Ninja Scooter said:
PS3 barely outselling PS2 in its 3rd holiday season? Not too sure anybody could have predicted that a few years back. It really is the Gamecube 2.
The PS3 is much like Nintendo's 3rd system, the N64. However, instead of alienating developers with unreasonable expenses as Nintendo did, they've alienated consumers with unreasonable expenses.

The lesson should be clear, you can't coast to victory on a brand if you do a poor job on designing your product. A half-assed job, sure. Make an uninspired sequel and you can do just great!
Not naming names
Make $600 sequel, though, and that's that.


Ysiadmihi said:
I'm amazed at how someone could have their feelings hurt by a picture like that, but here we are. Congratulations.

If you check my posts I'm a Microsoft fan since the days of the early XBox launch.
Things haven't changed.

My reply(or view) is towards the double standard that goes on in the forum. If somebody posts a Wii thats ductaped theyre on vacation for a month,I got nailed 3 times last year for that. And yet the guy who made the PS3 photoshop I quoted will probably run around posting it forever,most likely. See my point now.

In other words,you really don't know whats gonna get you banned anymore.
And that takes the fun away from raising abit of hell in these threads.:(

I'm no Sony fan though. Sega fan first,Microsoft fan second. So the PS3 photoShop doesn't hurt me really.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Are you ignoring the fact that 5 of the top 10 titles are Wii games?

Wii has more games in the top ten than any other console.

Wii Play= not a game

Wii Fit= definitely not a game

Wii Music= the most non non game in the history of non-games

Mario Kart- a game, but just barely. Plus it's made by Nintendo so minus half a game status

Guitar Hero-..hold on a second..umm...it's a game, but it's successful and popular so it's like a quasi game.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
VALIS said:
Since last November it picked up exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Motorstorm 2 and GT5: Prologue, plus all the third party stuff, and sold 20% worse than last November.

That's bad. 378K in a November is really bad.

That's a direct result of the economy coming back to bite Sony in the ass, but like I said, if it wasn't for the Arcade pack being so cheap, MS would probably be doing around Sony numbers right now, this whole gen has shown that games mean shit all for hardware sales for the most part (I mean look at the Wii, basically shit all released since WiiFit, and yet it still puts the other consoles into submission).

I hope the PS3 sales will show Sony that the Playstation brand isn't as invincible as they thought (even though I think the PSP should have shown them that) and that you can't get away with ridiculously expensive pricing of your console.

Jack B said:
I can only imagine what would have happened to the PS3 if it weren't for the RROD problem. That's been the killer app for Sony. RROD is the PS3's killer app, but if that goes away...

Sad but true, I think RROD problems have been more good news for Sony than bad news for MS.

Also, losing GTA as an exclusive (atleast at release time) left a huge mark as well.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Whoa that shithead Domo is gone as well?
The internet has been loving me lately.
He had a premature meltdown in the predictions thread.

I guess you could say he...


Jizzed in his pants.



Spire said:
And the parade of "wait for..." PS3 sales excuses continues. It's just sad at this point guys, I wouldn't be surprised if I start seeing stuff like "Wait for Best Buy to have their 10% off all Blu-Ray movies sale this weekend, that's when PS3 sales will really start!".
*Sigh* The life of a PS3 only owner. Price definitely needs to come down to start stimulating sales. I think another thing that's hit Sony hard is not having PS3 versions of some of their biggest franchises out sooner, like GT5 (full game, not Prologue), God of War, and Final Fantasy. It's taken longer than usual to ramp up production on these titles, which has done Sony no favors.


Not as deep as he thinks
schuelma said:
Wii Play= not a game

Wii Fit= definitely not a game

Wii Music= the most non non game in the history of non-games

Mario Kart- a game, but just barely. Plus it's made by Nintendo so minus half a game status

Guitar Hero-..hold on a second..umm...it's a game, but it's successful and popular so it's like a quasi game.
:lol Okay.

Still incredible numbers for November. It's insane.


schuelma said:
Wii Play= not a game

Wii Fit= definitely not a game

Wii Music= the most non non game in the history of non-games

Mario Kart- a game, but just barely. Plus it's made by Nintendo so minus half a game status

Guitar Hero-..hold on a second..umm...it's a game, but it's successful and popular so it's like a quasi game.
just make the kiddie argument

its just more honest then this non game, casual whatever argument

TJ Spyke

schuelma said:
Wii Play= not a game

Wii Fit= definitely not a game

Wii Music= the most non non game in the history of non-games

Mario Kart- a game, but just barely. Plus it's made by Nintendo so minus half a game status

Guitar Hero-..hold on a second..umm...it's a game, but it's successful and popular so it's like a quasi game.

Wow, another troll.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Are you ignoring the fact that 5 of the top 10 titles are Wii games?

Wii has more games in the top ten than any other console.

That will just be answered by saying all but 1 of those are 1st Party Nintendo

Its too bad we do not get a Top 20, Ubisoft said they expect to sell 1 million units of Shaun White Wii and 1.5m of Raving Rabbids over the next few months so it would be nice to see a Top 20 since both games were pushed heavily on Black Friday


UntoldDreams said:
What have you been playing?

A lot of games. I don't think of them as hardcore or casual though. I play games all the time though, and have for the past 25 years. I am a hardcore gamer that plays all kinds of games.

But to answer your question, I've been playing through No More Heroes and Call of Duty in between session of Super Sluggers and Wii Fit.

I have more games than I know what to do with. I still need to finish Zack and Wiki and I still need to buy BWii.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
And what are people buying the 360 for? Halo 3 is their best selling title, followed by Call of Duty 4, then GTA and Madden. Gears of War is the only meagsuccesful game for the system that isn't a retread of something from last generation.

There's a lot we don't know, too. Boom Blox has sold decently, as was pointed out earlier in this thread. That's certainly pretty unique.

Nice try, but the reverse doesn't really work with the 360. I don't how anyone could argue the Wii library is anywhere near as robust as the 360's. It filled with quality "hardcore" games in multiple genres. That's what people buy the 360 for, great games.

Nintendo franchise games are a constant that have changed little (Galaxy notwithstanding) over the generations. It can't be the cause for this sales explosion.


schuelma said:
Wii Play= not a game

Wii Fit= definitely not a game

Wii Music= the most non non game in the history of non-games

Mario Kart- a game, but just barely. Plus it's made by Nintendo so minus half a game status

Guitar Hero-..hold on a second..umm...it's a game, but it's successful and popular so it's like a quasi game.

I like the cut of your jib.


plagiarize said:
i think they just don't really get it. they see something like wii sports doing well and they think 'oh so the thing to do is minigames!' then there minigames don't sell well and they go, 'oh i guess people just want nintendo software'.
The thing is, no minigame compilation had the perfect mix of depth and accessibility that Wii Sports had. I blame reviewers for giving Wii Sports 6s and 7s, when it clearly deserved 8-9. Disruptive software shouldn't be held back for lack of features (yes, online and more options would be great, but really... the thing is a masterpiece!).


schuelma said:
So just by own unofficial estimates, Wii>360+PS3 world wide.

JP, we all know about.

I assume this is the case in PALand as well?

So, just waiting for NA to fall and it won't only be overall global domination, but also domination in every major regional market. Daaaamn.


mr_bishiuk said:
Think their A teams are working on other platforms don't you? If i was a top of the line programmer or top computer artist I would demand to work on the best kit for the sake of my career.

If that were true, we'd never see those programmers on the consoles....... they'd still be at the PC game industry.

Simple economics dictate that a company goes to the best selling platform eventually. Talk about the best hardware, coding utilities, and engines all you like...... eventually you need to face the real sales, sales potential, and costs figures. N64 had stronger hardware than the PS1, did you see the best of every field stick to that console? No, people flocked to the PS1 and then PS2, where Sony presented sales potential that put Nintendo to fucking shame.

Now it's the other way around, and far too many people are gawking in disbelief of the same pattern that hit the industry not too long ago.
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