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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


EviLore said:
GEARS OF WAR 2* (360) 1.56 million
CALL OF DUTY: WORLD AT WAR* (360) 1.41 million
LEFT 4 DEAD (360) 410K

Good job Wii Music, good job.
outunderthestars said:
Why are so many people shocked to see LBP outside of the top ten? It really isn't a an easy game to explain to parents/gift buyers. It isn't a holiday tent pole type of game. I think it will be the closest thing to a Nintendo style "evergreen" title for the ps3 though.

I don't think most people are surprised.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
And that's what people buy the Wii for, too.

The 360 may have all those top games, but their best selling ones are games that have been around prior to this generation, too. You can't dismiss the Wi on that basis.

Certainly Wii Sports and Wii Fit play into, too.

But we've got Mario Kart with over 4 million sales, and Brawl and Galaxy are over 3 million, and possibly over 4 million, depending on how much they've been selling the past half a year or so.

The games driving the 360's success are way beyond in features and game play to their Xbox predecessors (if they even have one). Any many (like GTA) weren't available at their launches on Xbox1. The 360 is doing well because it has dramatically expanded it's profile of games over Xbox1.

I don't see the Wii doing the same. Hell it's hardware is directly based on the Gamecube and as such followup games on the Wii are refinements (again, Galaxy is a good exception, but one game like that can't drive the insane sales we are seeing). And these are all games you absolutely expect to always have on any Nintendo platform regardless.

The key here is what's new in the Wii that is driving this success beyond Gamecube? Waggle + Wii Sports? What is that the Wii has specifically touched upon to explode like this? I simply don't see it.
outunderthestars said:
Why are so many people shocked to see LBP outside of the top ten? It really isn't a an easy game to explain to parents/gift buyers. It isn't a holiday tent pole type of game. I think it will be the closest thing to a Nintendo style "evergreen" title for the ps3 though.
I think everyone knew how LBP was going to perform, except maybe a crazy here or there.

chespace said:
The games business is fickle. They can come back in a few years with PS4 if they play their cards right.
Wait for.....PS4!!


Junior Member
With $298 million in third-party game sales in November, the Xbox 360 has generated more revenue at retail for third-party publishers than the PS3 and Wii combined this generation. (November NPD data)

In addition to a 3:1 console sales lead over the PS3 during the Black Friday weekend, Xbox 360 finished the month of November with more than a 2:1 sales advantage over PS3. (November NPD data and Microsoft internal data) This momentum is happening around the world as well; Xbox 360 was the fastest-growing console in Europe for the month of November, with sales up 124 percent year-over-year, versus 43 percent for Wii and three percent for PS3. (Microsoft Internal data)

The gaming business is more than just console sales – strong software sales and a growing online community is critical to long-term success of a platform. Xbox 360 outperformed the PS3 on total software sales for November at $408 million, thanks to the best and broadest games line up. (November NPD data) Additionally, Xbox LIVE continues to outpace both competitors with more than 14 million active members online worldwide, with the average number of unique visitors rising 66% in the past year. (Microsoft internal data) As an example of its industry-leading growth, every day, more than 1.5 million transactions and nearly 4 million game sessions take place on Xbox LIVE. In total, 45 network and studio partners, as well as Netflix, offer more than 30,000 pieces of entertainment content over Xbox LIVE.
So, since they don't include Wii in that comparison, is it safe to assume Wii sold the most SW this month?


People called Romanes they go the house?
I was wondering why I was getting so many 500 errors earlier...

Holy fuck at Wii 2 million, etc....

I'm almost as surprised by Cod:WaW just below Gears 2, tho.
mysticstylez said:
What is gonna happen if Killzone 2 doesn't save the PS3? I don't know of any other game with the hype of Killzone 2 for PS3.

Killzone? I think it'll do spectacularly...just as spectacularly as Resistance 2 has done!!


listen to the mad man
Weisheit said:
So, since they don't include Wii in that comparison, is it safe to assume Wii sold the most SW this month?

safe by a long shot.

the wii and the 360 have been back-and-forthing all year in terms of software units sold, but even taking into account the wii's lower software monthly attach rate, such utter hardware domination sort of necessitates that the wii wins in terms of software numbers.


Weisheit said:
So, since they don't include Wii in that comparison, is it safe to assume Wii sold the most SW this month?

Considering the Wii sold 1.1+ million more then the 360? Yes, I'd say it's safe to assume.
donny2112 said:
When I started reading this thread, I was about a page behind. Now I am 7 pages behind. I'd like to catch up first, though I can say that Wii has now passed the PS360 in the U.S.+Japan and is right at 1 million behind in my estimated worldwide numbers. Wii may just pass up PS360 this year, after all. :)
You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.


shooting blanks
AndersTheSwede said:
The key here is what's new in the Wii that is driving this success beyond Gamecube? Waggle + Wii Sports? What is that the Wii has specifically touched upon to explode like this? I simply don't see it.

Waggle, wii fit, far and away the best local multiplayer

It's a console that's bringing the family together.

Last year for christmas I got EVERYONE in my family to play wii tennis. The controller is so easy for people to use, my relatives couldnt even figure out how to walk around in a fps


Master of the Google Search
Stoney Mason said:
If COD:WAW has any legs then its arguable this is maybe the biggest franchise around now. And it's going to be a yearly cash cow for awhile.
Until Activision runs it dry like they do to everyone one of their franchises.


Weisheit said:
So, since they don't include Wii in that comparison, is it safe to assume Wii sold the most SW this month?

Probably. Last holiday season was where Wii software sales exploded and started outselling 360 software overall, too. Most people didn't believe it, though, just because they only look at the top two or three games in the top ten. :lol

Also, I love how Microsoft always points out revenue, revenue, revenue. Christ, just think if Nintendo and all the companies that put out games on their systems mentioned profits! :lol


Cygnus X-1 said:
I would like to rememebr you guys that this was a 4-week month. Next month is going to be a 5-week month. So, Wii selling 4 millions is not impossible.

They would have to ship/sell Black Friday week numbers every week. Yes, 4 million is impossible, at least this year.
speculawyer said:
Christmas presents and Wii Sports. It sold more than 2X the xbox 360 yet the top 2 games are xbox 360 games. The top selling Wii 'game' was an extra controller with a $10 tech demo included.

:lol Good one. I don't know why so many of you get annoyed by Wii's success. It's not affecting any of the fuckawesome games we have been getting all year long. Who cares if Wii sells 200million consoles?? As long as 360 has the software sales gamers looking for a more mature experience will always have something to play.


BishopLamont said:
I think everyone knew how LBP was going to perform, except maybe a crazy here or there.
I'll admit, given the insanity surrounding the beta keys, I expected better. Maybe a North American million before next year.

It'll get there eventually, I think. But it's going to take a while.


Xisiqomelir said:
JP, we all know about.

I assume this is the case in PALand as well?

So, just waiting for NA to fall and it won't only be overall global domination, but also domination in every major regional market. Daaaamn.

NA fall some months ago
ChrisGoldstein said:
Waggle, wii fit, far and away the best local multiplayer

It's a console that's bringing the family together.

Last year for christmas I got EVERYONE in my family to play wii tennis. The controller is so easy for people to use, my relatives couldnt even figure out how to walk around in a fps

Essentially a party console then?


Stoney Mason said:
If COD:WAW has any legs then its arguable this is maybe the biggest franchise around now. And it's going to be a yearly cash cow for awhile.

god i hope not......I've been a COD gamer since 2003/4. The quality of COD games has dipped since COD2. The animations alone during gameplay have made it slower and less spontaneous.... and noob friendly. In CODUO you needed 40 kills to get artillery, now you just need 5 in a row for a air strike in COD4, and you get to see the whole radar instead of skilled guess work. Way way too easy to get a high score in that game. Plus shooting through walls....


Slavik81 said:
I'll admit, given the insanity surrounding the beta keys, I expected better. Maybe a North American million before next year.

It'll get there eventually, I think. But it's going to take a while.

The sad part is it's probably the best PS3 game out IMO. Just Sony fucking up the marketing as usual.
clashfan said:
I believe this person has deep physiological problems...



Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Schwowsers said:
I'm still amazed at Nintendo's huge turn around since Gamecube. I personally find Wii's selection of games to be abyssmal even compared to Gamecube's, but that isn't stopping people from buying it. The promising remote seems to cast a powerful spell.

It's value for the whole family, you have to look at it from a different perspective. The value was always there to a certain extent for Nintendo systems, but it was never marketed properly. And the systems never looked attractive enough for this inherent value to be effectively brought out, this included the controller too. So it's really like shedding light on something that was already there.

Most consoles today sell to households based on the owning desire of a single person, so it's a completely different value that we're dealing with now. It's many people sharing a common interest for owning a product in a household and the value afterward is also completely different because of that. It's a real life community aspect neutral enough for many kinds of people to join.


Junior Member
Stumpokapow said:
safe by a long shot.

the wii and the 360 have been back-and-forthing all year in terms of software units sold, but even taking into account the wii's lower software monthly attach rate, such utter hardware domination sort of necessitates that the wii wins in terms of software numbers.
That's what I figured, seems like common sense.

Which really makes you wonder about the parade of idiots constantly spouting bs about Wii sw sales.
Xisiqomelir said:
Domo is actually not banned on NGW, as far as I know. And I have to admit that Dax is 30x the poster he was back in the Dark Ages.

He was never that bad 'brah' (heh) remember, the PS3 and Wii were virtually non-existant consoles back then as far as having something to play/talk about.

Come now. I know YOU still have your thing for 'FailBox' and all that but you know.

Anyway, don't see you online much. I'm tempted to get SSF2HDTR on PS3 just to play you :lol
SkySonata said:
god i hope not......I've been a COD gamer since 2003/4. The quality of COD games has dipped since COD2. The animations alone during gameplay have made it slower and less spontaneous.... and noob friendly. In CODUO you needed 40 kills to get artillery, now you just need 5 in a row for a air strike in COD4, and you get to see the whole radar instead of skilled guess work. Way way too easy to get a high score in that game. Plus shooting through walls....

I'll disagree but then that's based almost solely on the multiplayer (and infinity ward). COD 4 was the first Call of Duty that got me hooked. I always respected the series but I was always turned off for the most part when I actually played it.

Hunter D

I'm going to post what I have posted in every NPD thread since jan 2008. This gen has already been decided. Sony's prelaunch clusterfuck and one full year of 3rd place killed he PS3. The first year decides how a console gen will go.
MWS Natural said:
:lol Good one. I don't know why so many of you get annoyed by Wii's success. It's not affecting any of the fuckawesome games we have been getting all year long. Who cares if Wii sells 200million consoles?? As long as 360 has the software sales gamers looking for a more mature experience will always have something to play.
What makes you think I'm annoyed by the Wii's success? I'm just trying to understand the market.
Pimpbaa said:
Looking at the PS2 numbers. I wonder how good the original xbox would have continued to sell if MS didn't drop it so quickly?

It doesn't matter because the Xbox cost them too much to make. The inclusion of a HDD standard combined with them not owning the rights to the chipset effectively killed any profit potential at $99.

They learned the HDD lesson from their mistakes and applied it this gen with good results. Although price per gig goes down over time, the price of a drive of any size remains relatively high compared to other components.
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