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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


Pennywise83 said:
They are too much busy with champagne :lol:

...and right now, I hear the sound of Wii Fit being started in the living room. Being played by a person who doesn't give two shits about NPDs or how Nintendo has dominated the console market.
speculawyer said:
At least it has a pack-in. I think Wii Sports and xbox's Lego Indy & Kung Fu Panda show that having pack-ins really help. The xbox 360 had some great black friday deals because the console box came with 2 pack-ins already and the black friday deals often added more s/w titles to sweeten the deal even more.
The 80GB bundles with Ratchet & Casino Royale that Best Buy had for the day after Thanksgiving, that was a bundle they should have pushed this Christmas. Instead they think consumers want bigger hard drives not backwards compatibility. So out of touch.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
2 things though dude.

1) How much is Street Fighter 2 on PS3?

2) You're hardly online. If I saw you on there more often, I probably would. Our timezones are pretty fucked up.

You still studying or you all done?
I'm hardly online on my PS3...

My Ps3 likes to sign me out of PSN at random intervals, though, so I'm probably on less than I seem to be.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
This is such a tired out argument. It's no more that then "People only buy the 360 to play shooters."

Both statements have some truth in them, obviously. There are people who buy the Wii primarily for party games, and there are people who buy the 360 primarily for shooters.

But if you look at all the software being sold for the Wii, it's pretty clear that the majority of Wii owners are buying software that wouldn't be classified as party games.

Like Wii Play?

I'm being facetious. But the point is not that the Wii sells only party games, but that the platforms appeal is driven by it.

I am using the term generally, but you yourself admit there is truth in it. By party I mean living room co-op gaming. If people aren't buying the Wii because of it's greatly superior casual social gaming then why aren't they buying a 360 with it's cheaper price and better core catalog?
F#A#Oo said:
Is there any actual truth to the possibility of Sony pulling out of the console market?


Sony as a core would have to be losing money perpetually in all divisions, particularly gaming, for them to jettison the games division. And if that ever happened Sony as a company probably wouldn't be far behind.


listen to the mad man
knitoe said:
100% True.

Nintendo dropped out after N64. Or, was it Gamecube?

not that a sony pullout is at all credible, but...

nintendo made a profit every year* of both of those generations and made a profit on every machine sold** (* = they had a loss one quarter of the gcn generation, ** = they lost money on the gcn at launch at very near the end, but not any other time)

sony's entertainment division has... well... not.


radjago said:
The old rule of the thumb says double Oct to get Nov and double Nov to get Dec numbers. How ... is Nintendo going to ship 4M Wiis in one month?

If Nintendo is flat in December (2.5 million), it'll be a triumph. Want some cake?


knitoe said:
100% True.

Nintendo dropped out after N64. Or, was it Gamecube?

Only thing is that Nintendo was very profitable from both those systems, even with their marketshare.

PS3 has been a loss machine.
AndersTheSwede said:
Like Wii Play?

I'm being facetious. But the point is not that the Wii sells only party games, but that the platforms appeal is driven by it.

I am using the term generally, but you yourself admit there is truth in it. By party I mean living room co-op gaming. If people aren't buying the Wii because of it's greatly superior casual social gaming then why aren't they buying a 360 with it's cheaper price and better core catalog?

Of course there's some truth it.

Just like some casuals are buying the 360 for GTA and Madden, or shooter fans for Halo and all the other shooters it has.

As far as why they're buying it? Did you ever consider that maybe they don't think the 360 has a better 'core catalog'. Personally, I think the Wii has the best game library right now. The 360 has a strong one, and certainly trumps the Wii in jRPGs, but the Wii also has a much stronger set up of platformers, not to mention creative games.

In short, people are buying the Wii for the same reason any person buys a console: They think it has a good library of games.


JudgeN said:
Fuck it, we all know PS3 owners don't buy games. They prove that shit every month :lol

:lol It hurts because it's true.

It really is Sony's fault LBP is stumbling a bit out of the gate. Most people I show the game to are generally pretty impressed by it. When they are interested to the point where they ask me how much a PS3 is and I tell them "$400," that interest fades considerably.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Y2Kev said:
So why hasn't MS and/or Sony imitated Wii Play and made a controller bundle?
they have...

i say a viva pinata party animals and controller bundle at best buy this week...
i dont know why but it doesnt seem the same...

i dont even own wii play cuz i dont think its worth the 10 bucks....
(and i bought 4 wii controllers before it came out ;P)

WOW 2 million
the first time i ve entered a thread and felt strange...
Dax01 said:
I'm hardly online on my PS3...

My Ps3 likes to sign me out of PSN at random intervals, though, so I'm probably on less than I seem to be.

I know, but I see you online MORE than I see Xisiqomelir.

And I've got you on my 360 anyway.

X doesn't wanna touch a 'FailBox'.


Kevtones said:
Only thing is that Nintendo was very profitable from both those systems, even with their marketshare.

PS3 has been a loss machine.
People seem to forget that the Xbox division of Microsoft only started turning a profit recently.

There's still plenty of time left to this generation of gaming.

Predicting the "death" of Sony at this point is simply foolish.
a Master Ninja said:
From "Year of the PS3" to "Final Year of the PS3?"

Way to go, Kaz.

Kaz is only working with what he was handed. Ken Kutaragi sabotaged the PS3 a long time ago. Poor Kaz and Sir Howard are just trying to pick up the pieces.
knitoe said:
100% True.

Nintendo dropped out after N64. Or, was it Gamecube?

Gamecube. Notice that Nintendo is nowhere to be found on the Wii while it was on the previous systems.




It's just called "Wii". Wii owns the Wii not Nintendo.
Azrael said:
It's the criteria that keeps getting tossed around this thread. ~1 million worldwide sales in a little over a month for a 2D platformer from a small development team is a success. I'd like to know how some of you guys think Banjo is a hit and LBP is a failure when LBP has sold considerably more at a higher MSRP to boot.

And then you've got the whole 410k sales is a smash hit, while 385k sales is a turd silliness too running rampant.

Who on Earth thinks Banjo is a hit? It's the best fucking game of the year, but it didn't hit dick.


Xisiqomelir said:
I'm pretty sure Valkyria is 65-80k.

And yes I hate PS3 owners who didn't buy VC too :(

I know in my case, I'd like to pick VC up, but there are so many great games out there right now and not enough time for them all, that it's hard to justify picking up VC over another game when it lacks trophy support. Whether that's keeping other hardcore gamers away I don't know.
Kevtones said:
Only thing is that Nintendo was very profitable from both those systems, even with their marketshare.

PS3 has been a loss machine.

If you consider that one of their prime goals was to push Blu-ray, well that has been somewhat successful.

Besides, Sony isn't Sega. Aside from being a much larger corporation, Sega only withdrew from consoles after they had basically cranked out numerous mega-flop consoles all in a row, and couldn't even afford to keep the Dreamcast going.

Sony will survive, and they could very easily rebound, just as Nintendo has.

Now if we get around to the Playstation 5 and its still bringing up the rear, then they might start to think about it. But now? No way.
dreamer3kx said:
shouldn't little big planet sales be judged next month? Not sure just asking, i thought it came out late, correct?

That was the excuse last month. It was out the full reporting period this go around.


The Autumn Wind
AndersTheSwede said:
Like Wii Play?

I'm being facetious. But the point is not that the Wii sells only party games, but that the platforms appeal is driven by it.

I am using the term generally, but you yourself admit there is truth in it. By party I mean living room co-op gaming. If people aren't buying the Wii because of it's greatly superior casual social gaming then why aren't they buying a 360 with it's cheaper price and better core catalog?
Sure, but that's no different than PS2 sales being driven by Madden or GTA. Casual gamers are always going to drive hardware sales. But it doesn't mean that people are going to stop buying games at the point of entry. If even only 25% of those people buy more than one game a year, that leads to a lot of growth that would not have been there otherwise.

Not to mention a lot of those people graduating to more "core" games.
Kevtones said:
Only thing is that Nintendo was very profitable from both those systems, even with their marketshare.

PS3 has been a loss machine.

And they had Pokemon and the GameBoy line to fall back on as well for extra cash.
Niks said:
True. But I think things are pretty much settled at this point, wouldn't you say?

Oh for first it's a definite cause nobody's catching the wii.

Lets say it's another 3 years to go before the next consoles are out, then I think a lot can still happen in the race for 2nd place. That's a long time for things to happen, but the PS3 is going to have to have some price cuts soon. Over the summer we saw it can outsell the 360 at a higher price point, but at this time the price difference is way too much.
OldJadedGamer said:
Kaz is only working with what he was handed. Ken Kutaragi sabotaged the PS3 a long time ago. Poor Kaz and Sir Howard are just trying to pick up the pieces.
I was intentionally being over-dramatic (NPD thread, after all), but you have a point there. Still, I believe there are steps they could take to improve their situation.


It's really too bad that the PS3's not picking up, despite the fall software and expanding library. Well, that's what happens when you don't market well enough or price your products competitively.

Wii sales are mindblowing.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Who on Earth thinks Banjo is a hit? It's the best fucking game of the year, but it didn't hit dick.
It's dumb, but my favorite is to make a vehicle entirely too long for a given level and attach enough power units to motor over anything in my path.

Totally mindless stupidity with utterly no purpose. Good times.
biggkidd32 said:

You can always upgrade the hard drive for much cheaper.


I just don't like the idea of 'taking apart' my PS3. Especially considering mine is a precious 60GB. Even if it IS a PAL one.

I can play PS2 games on it regardless.
Link said:
Sure, but that's no different than PS2 sales being driven by Madden or GTA. Casual gamers are always going to drive hardware sales. But it doesn't mean that people are going to stop buying games at the point of entry. If even only 25% of those people buy more than one game a year, that leads to a lot of growth that would not have been there otherwise.

Not to mention a lot of those people graduating to more "core" games.

Which is why I have said the Wii is definitely a positive for the industry. It's not really hurting the 360 or core gaming and is simply growing the market. I may be bewildered as to why so many people would want one, but it's still positive.


In November, “Fable 2” sold 184,000 units, bringing its life to date sales to 974,000 units in the US. (November NPD and Microsoft internal data)​
Really glad to see Fable II be a solid hit. Lovely game.
Ever since a standalone Blu-Ray player went cheaper than the PS3, PS3 sales have been dropping. Sony doesn't need to drop the price of the PS3, they need to raise the price of Blu-Ray players and make everyone believe that Blu-Ray IS the imminant future. Right Hillary Clinton?


BenjaminBirdie said:
Who on Earth thinks Banjo is a hit? It's the best fucking game of the year, but it didn't hit dick.

Exactly. Banjo got a fraction of the coverage in both print and online media as LBP.
AndersTheSwede said:
Which is why I have said the Wii is definitely a positive for the industry. It's not really hurting the 360 or core gaming and is simply growing the market. I may be bewildered as to why so many people would want one, but it's still positive.

To experience motion controls and all of the exclusives.


Sony really needed a price drop or at least an appealing bundle (that Uncharted 160gb one is a joke). They're getting slaughtered during the biggest and most important months of the year. Not only is PS3 hardware sales down from last November but their first party lineup also continues to underperform - LBP doesn't seem to have any legs, Motorstorm 2 didn't chart two months in a row, and Resistance 2 had a pretty poor debut (385k with an entire month of sales) for their premiere exclusive.

I'm sure they will drop the price in March but they really could've used something this time of year.


Stoney Mason said:
Well Nintendo has supported 2 handheld systems and a home console before.

And 2 home consoles and a handheld before (SNES+N64+GBOY). Pretty much, whenever you're the generational leader and have a console and handheld, you'll be supporting three systems across the transition period(s).


Flying_Phoenix said:
Gamecube. Notice that Nintendo is nowhere to be found on the Wii while it was on the previous systems.




It's just called "Wii". Wii owns the Wii not Nintendo.

Strange - i never noticed that before.
So there is no way that directly subsidizing BR-player sales and/or outright bribing studios to get on board would have been cheaper than killing off the Playstation Brand, right?

Yes Boss!


So awesome that Wii Music charted. Another bona fide hit from nintendo and further proof that GAF still does not understand how (even) first party games sell on the Wii.


A price drop will help with KZ2, but I expect it to get an MGS4 sized bump at best. They're going to need something more than that. It's crazy how their two biggest games MGS4 and KZ2 will end up releasing outside of the holiday period.
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