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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


koam said:
PS3 is pretty much a lost cause at this point. Is it even doing as bad as the xbox1/Gamecube did?

Gamecube Novembers
2002: 468,000
2003: 754,000
2004: 350,000
2005: 278,284
2006: 70,000

Xbox Novembers:
2002: 468,000
2003: 491,000
2004: 708,000
2005: 191,000

Can't find 2001 numbers.



kame-sennin said:
No. No you're not. You people are praising fucking Gears of War and Call of Duty - computerized versions of GI-Joe with blood and foul language. You can shit on Wii Fit all you like, but don't pretend your action figures are Michelangelo sculptures.

I know this post is old btw, but it was so ridiculous I had to say something. Jesus Christ.

oh man, that got me all hot and bothered...

Wii Music redeemed!

has anyone looked at videos of people's composition on this game? There's so much room for creativity. and i know creativity is something that's relative to the person so it's hard to judge a game which is essentially more of an "instrument" than a game since its enjoyment is directly relative to the user level of creativity. Wii Music is more akin to the KORG DS-10 than any actual game.

That's why I find it annoying that just because peple don't have any level of creativity they fault the game when all the game does it enable the user's creativity. I'm looking at you MattIGN.


kame-sennin said:
No. No you're not. You people are praising fucking Gears of War and Call of Duty - computerized versions of GI-Joe with blood and foul language. You can shit on Wii Fit all you like, but don't pretend your action figures are Michelangelo sculptures.

I know this post is old btw, but it was so ridiculous I had to say something. Jesus Christ.
:lol awesome


Master of the Google Search
MercuryLS said:
Your GAF Handle is Hal_Fucking_Labratory, you probably have a Nintendo altar that you spank to 3 times a day.

Most actual gamers barely turn on the thing cause Nintendo has almost abandoned us in order to get our mom's interested in waggle gaming.
B33 said:
You don't need any self respect or dignity when your console prints money.

I've seen better trolls 2/10


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Y2Kev said:
Assuming a flying reindeer has 10 horsepower, how many reindeer would Santa's sleigh need to pull 2.04 million Wiis?

8,334 reindeer.

That's assuming that a reindeer is 10 times stronger than a horse than could pull 180 pounds, of course. So each reindeer would be pulling almost a literal ton of weight.


koam said:
Do you have ps3 yearlies?

2006: 192,000
2007: 466,000
2008: 378,000

PS3 is the only system of those three where sales actually decreased in the third November. I'm interested to know what the LTDs were for the GC and Xbox were at this comparatively. I don't think it's done worse than those overall. The GC sold really poorly for a while, even though the PS3's 2007 was terrible.


Neo Member
Good numbers for Microsoft and Nintendo, especially in software sales....Playstation 3 has a bit of room to make up but at least they are still moving some systems. Personally I am happy to own both and also like seeing that the 360 will be supported by software companies. Well done gaming industry, it's good to see any increase in sales during this economic recession!
MercuryLS said:
Your GAF Handle is Hal_Fucking_Labratory, you probably have a Nintendo altar that you spank to 3 times a day.

Most actual gamers barely turn on the thing cause Nintendo has almost abandoned us in order to get our mom's interested in waggle gaming.
Bitter tears, much?


sazzy said:
So I was thinking about the logistics of distributing 2.04 million units of a product across the US (supply chain management interests me).

An average 16 wheeler with a length of ~75ft, max. load (not counting the truck's weight) can carry 40,000lbs. Each Wii weighs 7.5 lbs.

This amounts to ~383 trucks, and end to end would form a line of ~2.4km or ~4miles.

Just something interesting.

383 x 75 feet = 28,725 feet = ~5.44 miles = ~8.76 kilometers



kame-sennin said:
No. No you're not. You people are praising fucking Gears of War and Call of Duty - computerized versions of GI-Joe with blood and foul language. You can shit on Wii Fit all you like, but don't pretend your action figures are Michelangelo sculptures.

I know this post is old btw, but it was so ridiculous I had to say something. Jesus Christ.
It's not actually ridiculous. Most Nintendo fans say the same thing on a daily basis, people who like shooters or what have you are no longer the "core" audience. That you focus on the action figures and not the slow evolution of the gameplay shows that you don't really get his point. It's not the purile setting that sells these games.
2.1 Million units sold in November, eh?

Pfft, there was 2.592 Million seconds in November. What's the matter Nintendo? Can't manage 1 console sold per second?
donny2112 said:
Try to look at it from a non-elitist perspective. Other people can enjoy games that you don't. I know it's tough. Just keep trying.

I actually understand this quite well. For example, I'm not a big fan of MGS4, but I recognize that, because it received almost universal critical acclaim, the problem is with my personal preferences, not the game.

But didn't both Wii Play and Wii Music get crapped on by almost everyone, and isn't LBP a GOTY candidate? So, exactly what are you talking about?

Edit: Okay, too harsh. You can go about your business. . .


kame-sennin said:
No. No you're not. You people are praising fucking Gears of War and Call of Duty - computerized versions of GI-Joe with blood and foul language. You can shit on Wii Fit all you like, but don't pretend your action figures are Michelangelo sculptures.

I know this post is old btw, but it was so ridiculous I had to say something. Jesus Christ.

Why are you so angry? Damn.


The Autumn Wind
professor_t said:
I actually understand this quite well. For example, I'm not a big fan of MGS4, but I recognize that, because it received almost universal critical acclaim, the problem is with my personal preferences, not the game.

But didn't both Wii Play and Wii Music get crapped on by almost everyone, and isn't LBP a GOTY candidate? So, exactly what are you talking about? Or does shit just pour out of your head with interacting with any sort of cerebral cortex first?

I guess we can add that to my list of questions. And just for you I'll try *really* hard to discern the answers.
This forum does not represent real life. That's all you really need to know.


HOw the FUCK do you sell 2 million consoles in 1 month!?!!?!!


I am beyond impressed.....Is this even for real???


AniHawk said:
2006: 192,000
2007: 466,000
2008: 378,000

PS3 is the only system of those three where sales actually decreased in the third November. I'm interested to know what the LTDs were for the GC and Xbox were at this comparatively.

Yikes! Well, at least they have another 7 years to make up for it :)

Actually, I think i asked my original question poorly, i was wondering what the LTDs where for the GC + XBOX vs PS3 for the first 2 years.

Also, to whoever does the charts around here, it would be interesting to see a PS2 vs Wii chart as well.


professor_t said:
But didn't both Wii Play and Wii Music get crapped on by almost everyone, and isn't LBP a GOTY candidate?

The world exists outside GAF and game reviewers...Shocking, isn't it?


Master of the Google Search
Fredescu said:
It's not actually ridiculous. Most Nintendo fans say the same thing on a daily basis, people who like shooters or what have you are no longer the "core" audience. That you focus on the action figures and not the slow evolution of the gameplay shows that you don't really get his point. It's not the purile setting that sells these games.
So you're saying Gears of War is akin to a foreign film?


Dead Man Typing said:
2.1 Million units sold in November, eh?

Pfft, there was 2.592 Million seconds in November. What's the matter Nintendo? Can't manage 1 console sold per second?

Maybe this month.


grandjedi6 said:
So you're saying Gears of War is akin to a foreign film?

I know what you are getting at, but I think it's funny that foreign film = artsy sappy emo story to most Americans. There are cheesy action flicks that come from countries other than the US :D


Mr.Potato Head said:
As much as a 360 fan as i am.... its pretty sad and strange to see the PS3's current state.. its just the complete opposite of what PS1 and PS2 was.. the last two sony consoles were creating so many new IP's on those past sony machines, just a constant steady flow of uber AAA games....but now, its the total opposite with PS3 and that baffles me to a high degree.

And im all for the PS3 succeeding... most of my best gaming memory's were from a PS1 and PS2 but those new franchises are just not being born on the sony systems like they once were..dont get me wrong, there are some nice sony exclusives but not nearly the amount we are use to seeing coming out for a sony game machine and its hard to grasp for me for some reason.

...i dont know, i dont think the PS3 is a total failure..infact its really not THAT BAD honestly...its doing enough to get by and make it worth while owning but im just use to so much more then this from a sony console.

Well PS3 has tons of new IP, especially coming from its first party camp. Hell most of them are new IPs. Everything else, well ..................................... enjoy the games.


Niks said:

Holy shit..I literally just spat all over my monitor :lol :lol :lol

tell me about it, my boss just asked me what I was laughing about (lucky i had my headphones in could claim a comedy podcast of some sort)


Dead Man Typing said:
2.1 Million units sold in November, eh?

Pfft, there was 2.592 Million seconds in November. What's the matter Nintendo? Can't manage 1 console sold per second?

this, really.
Those PS3 gifs are awesome!

Anyway, someone seriously needs to put Iwata or Miyamoto's (or Mario's!) face over the Joker in the shot in TDK with him sliding down the pile of money. Replace Lau with Krazy Ken and you've got a winner.


professor_t said:
I actually understand this quite well. For example, I'm not a big fan of MGS4, but I recognize that, because it received almost universal critical acclaim, the problem is with my personal preferences, not the game.

Great! I figured you were just being sarcastic. :)

professor_t said:
But didn't both Wii Play and Wii Music get crapped on by almost everyone, and isn't LBP a GOTY candidate? So, exactly what are you talking about?

Can't speak for Wii Music ($50?!?), but I really like Wii Play. I've said before that I think the pool simulation on there is about the best I've played. There's probably 3 or 4 from the 9 smallish games on there that most everyone who just likes games would enjoy some. It's not just selling because it's only $10 over a Wii-mote price, but that's the majority of why most everyone is so willing to pick it up for a $10 premium. I suspect it would be a million-seller even at $20 for the game itself.

Without knowing November numbers, it's hard to say if Little Big Planet is actually doing less than Wii Music LTD, though. It wouldn't surprise me if it's still higher when looking at October+November numbers.


B33 said:
They have plenty of brand recognition, but the price point is what is holding the console back.

On a side note, am I the only one that's never understood the whole "Wii60" phenomenon?

Funny, in a thread a while back I said that sony needs to drop the price and everyone attacked me and proceeded to laugh at me. Fuck it, as long as sony keeps on making good games the system will still be relevant. It's a shame because it truly is the best and most sophisticated peice of hardware. Unfortunately it costs $400 fucking dollars. I'll still buy my 3rd party games for PS3 because I don't have to worry about my house burning down like I do for my 360.


kame-sennin said:
No. No you're not. You people are praising fucking Gears of War and Call of Duty - computerized versions of GI-Joe with blood and foul language. You can shit on Wii Fit all you like, but don't pretend your action figures are Michelangelo sculptures.

I know this post is old btw, but it was so ridiculous I had to say something. Jesus Christ.
Uh, GoW and CoD both made top 10. I'm bitching about Mirror's Edge not.
CommancheRaisinToast ps3... boo. sucks said:
only reason is that ps3 could end up being a psp this gen and just keep a steady, mild, pace the rest of it's life[/B]- with a few brief spikes from monster hunter portable type stuffs.
I think the main reason PSP sales have picked up and been steady is due to how easy it is to pirate games on that system (look how awful PSP software sales are in comparison to PSP hardware sales).


Batteries the CRISIS!
Sony PR said:
From January to November 2008, more than 2.8 million PS3s have been sold in the U.S., representing a year-to-date hardware sales growth of more than 60%.

Holy freaking crap. Almost as many Wiis were sold in November as PS3s were sold in the entire year. If that comparison doesn't make a strong statement about the current market conditions, I don't know what does.
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