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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


Not Banned from OT
I never thought I would see a console crack 2 mil in a non December month. The scary thing is they could of sold more if they could of put more on the shelves. I am sure the Wii could set the December record with ease but thanks to supply will fall short. I wish they had the supply because 3-5 million in December would be epic. Imagine the wii selling in 2 months as the PS3 has in 2 years.

MS is making the best out of a bad situation. They will be a solid second in NA and a close 3rd world wide.


The Autumn Wind
Probably too afraid to type "wii" into google image search.
So I tried this just out of sheer curiosity, and it took until page 12 just to come up with anything NSFW.


quest said:
MS is making the best out of a bad situation. They will be a solid second in NA and a close 3rd world wide.
I'm actually not too sure about that now. I think there's a realistic shot for MS to be #2 worldwide, even if they don't beat the PS3 in Japan or Europe.
HAL_Laboratory said:
Wii is on track to become the Nirvana of this industry. Let's just hope Miyamoto doesn't take up heroin...

I hope he does, I miss the Miyamoto coming out as Link at E3 compared to the Miyamoto coming out to play Wii Music at E3.


HAL_Laboratory said:
Wii is on track to become the Nirvana of this industry. Let's just hope Miyamoto doesn't take up heroin...

Nintendo is in the way of becoming a black hole, start consuming the whole marketshare from the HD space.


HAL_Laboratory said:
Don't understand this. I can't go a day without playing a few rounds of Mario Kart, Smash or Tetris online.

Same here. Currently for me it's been CoD:WaW, GH:WT and World of Goo.

Left 4 Dead numbers make me very very happy.


Ahh...just finished reading the thread. I enjoyed it. Like 6 people got banned for repeating the same thing that they are not supposed to do.:lol :lol


wow, I am seriously late to this thread.

I totally underestimated the Wii. I was expecting around 1.2 to 1.4 million. I thought they would still be supply constrained in the same way as last year.

it's pretty epic that the Wii has finally outsold the PS3 and 360 combined in the US + Japan. that's amazing.

boiled goose

good with gravy
gears of war is not niche.... mario kart is not niche... madden is not niche... guitar hero is not niche... wii sports is not niche

trauma center is... no more heroes is... killer 7 is... okami is...

quality has nothing to do with the broadness of the applea of a game...

I think the wii is a great platform for real hardcore gamers... there are a lot of gems that dont get much appreciation from the mainstream crowds...

Fredescu said:
Sure, but certainly not in story and setting, let me get that out of the way.

The people that play every shooter they can get their hands on can appreciate slight advances in mechanics and set pieces from game to game. People that have had one good experience with a shooter might see all the new shooters on the shelf and think, man these are all the same as Doom 2 or Half Life, or whatever, so whats the point.

People who watch foreign films generally do so because they have watched many many films and can appreciate the differences in styles by the various foreign schools and often crave difference. Others might watch a handful of films a year and why bother hunting around for a copy of Three Colours: Blue when Shrek 2 is out.

Gears of War is a particularly disgustingly popular foreign film with a huge budget though. Hey, as Neil once said, not all analogies bear close examination. The point is, a lot of people turn their noses up and people that buy every shooter (or jrpg or racer etc) they can get their hands on. It's a niche audience. The Wii Play/Mario Kart etc audience is the new mainstream.
Wow, Im LTTP (been in class all day).

Holy damn! Did NOT expect 2 mill 0_o

And sony . . . damn . . . 0_o

And Wii Music . . .I expected that one :D

Time to walk the graveyard . . . Im pretty sure theres some nice meltdowns!
Threi said:
Is your brain locked and in need of a reboot?

Ok, bigger picture time, folks. Subject: Software.

There were some very impressive software sales numbers for key titles, but as you look through the list and check out the bottom of the top 10, some problems appear.

- Wii Fit, Wii Play and Mario Kart Wii were in the top 5. They were all released over 6 months ago. What happened to the big November releases that have historically dominated the software top 10?
- The discrepency between the #1 and #10 is pretty huge. I don't have numbers in front of me, but I recall even the lower part of the top 10 having very large software numbers in previous years.

While records were broken as a whole, there are far too many holiday releases that underperformed. We've already had rumbles about low earnings and layoffs in the industry (Sony, EA, Factor 5, etc). Expect to hear a LOT more after this holiday season. Industry ISN'T recession proof and piling on the releases every holiday MUST change. The industry cannot and will not support it anymore.


amtentori said:
gears of war is not niche.... mario kart is not niche... madden is not niche... guitar hero is not niche... wii sports is not niche
None of those might be niche on GAF. In terms of the broader market, Madden and Gears are certainly aimed at a niche. No one cares about Madden where I'm from. Talk about Gears of War in polite company and no one will know what the fuck. Wii Sports and Guitar Hero on the other hand are becoming titles everyone knows even if they don't play games at all.
Fredescu said:
None of those might be niche on GAF. In terms of the broader market, Madden and Gears are certainly aimed at a niche. No one cares about Madden where I'm from. Talk about Gears of War in polite company and no one will know what the fuck. Wii Sports and Guitar Hero on the other hand are becoming titles everyone knows even if they don't play games at all.

Anything that sells millions isn't niche. By its very definition.


Blablurn said:
i'm really looking forward to 1Up Yours :lol :lol

OMG, mention some garbage

good but not that great considering the price.

not the best, needs a price drop, still doing good for the year, lbp legs, at least 2 mentions of Killzone 2, 3/5 odds someone says Europe

etc etc $$$
Darth Tigris said:
- Wii Fit, Wii Play and Mario Kart Wii were in the top 5. They were all released over 6 months ago. What happened to the big November releases that have historically dominated the software top 10?
Wii games have legs. Look at Wii Play; it's almost two years old!
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