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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


grandjedi6 said:
So you're saying Gears of War is akin to a foreign film?
Sure, but certainly not in story and setting, let me get that out of the way.

The people that play every shooter they can get their hands on can appreciate slight advances in mechanics and set pieces from game to game. People that have had one good experience with a shooter might see all the new shooters on the shelf and think, man these are all the same as Doom 2 or Half Life, or whatever, so whats the point.

People who watch foreign films generally do so because they have watched many many films and can appreciate the differences in styles by the various foreign schools and often crave difference. Others might watch a handful of films a year and why bother hunting around for a copy of Three Colours: Blue when Shrek 2 is out.

Gears of War is a particularly disgustingly popular foreign film with a huge budget though. Hey, as Neil once said, not all analogies bear close examination. The point is, a lot of people turn their noses up and people that buy every shooter (or jrpg or racer etc) they can get their hands on. It's a niche audience. The Wii Play/Mario Kart etc audience is the new mainstream.









provides useful feedback
....OH HOLY GOD I only just got to the end of this topic. That took TWO FUCKING HOURS to read. My have there been some bannings.

I can't even say anything about the sales now that hasn't been said a million times before, since I'm officially...


(Yeah the Secret Santa thread is pretty dead, I needed some excuse to post this again.)
Dead Man Typing said:
2.1 Million units sold in November, eh?

Pfft, there was 2.592 Million seconds in November. What's the matter Nintendo? Can't manage 1 console sold per second?

Global warming affected pikmen productivity.


It's really not that easy to pirate on PSP. The whole pandora's battery thing can be confusing I think. Of course once it's modified then yeah, easy as hell. The DS is by far much easier to pirate on.


donny2112 said:
PS2 will be up again once they lower the cost to $99. The problem is that the losses on the PS3 is what's probably keeping them from lower the cost on the PS2.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Sony drop the PS2 price to $100, but I don't think it is a sure thing at all. As you pointed out, Sony's gaming division has taken a beating in losses due to the PS3, and the PS2 is being used to help offset some of that beating.

Also, Sony said themselves that one of the driving forces for removing backwards compatibility from the PS3 was because they didn't want PS2 software sales to eat into potential PS3 software sales.

And finally - it would be financially difficult to justify another drop in price at this late stage. Dropping another $30 from the hardware price would be next to impossible to recoup from software sales. The only software still selling anymore on the PS2 is budget $20 software. For full-price $50 games, Sony got roughly $8 per game in licensing fees. But for $20 titles, Sony can't be getting much more than $3 or $4 per game at this point. So they would need to sell 9 or 10 pieces of software to each person who bought a $99 system, which if it ever gets to that price, it still won't get there for another several months. I'd be surprised if the actual attach ratio on $99 systems ever even got as high as 3 - it certainly would never come anywhere close to 9 or 10.

Now, there would be some other factors that would help Sony. Some of those software sales would be 1st-party software, where Sony would get a larger cut. And if Sony is still making a sizable profit on $99 hardware, then that profit from the increase in hardware sales would help to subsidize the price drop. But any hardware bump in sales would be relatively short-lived. The mass-market has already begun moving to the Wii in full-force. The PS2 is already the cheapest system out there by far, and it is dying. $99 would give a short-term spike, but I couldn't see it lasting. Very few publishers are developing anything for the PS2 anymore, and even Sony has moved on from the PS2.

And just to top it all off, a price drop on the PS2 would take even more attention away from the PS3, and possibly delay even more people from picking up a PS3. Not a situation that Sony is interested in pursuing.

If Sony would still be making a hefty profit on $99 hardware, and they believed that the sales spike due to a price drop would be both significant and sustained - then they may decide that it is in their interest. But just from a software perspective - it is too late in the cycle to ever recoup the price drop from increased software sales.


Firestorm said:
It's really not that easy to pirate on PSP. The whole pandora's battery thing can be confusing I think. Of course once it's modified then yeah, easy as hell. The DS is by far much easier to pirate on.

PSP is easy to mod but after that is done - what is there to actually pirate??


kame-sennin said:
No. No you're not. You people are praising fucking Gears of War and Call of Duty - computerized versions of GI-Joe with blood and foul language. You can shit on Wii Fit all you like, but don't pretend your action figures are Michelangelo sculptures.

I know this post is old btw, but it was so ridiculous I had to say something. Jesus Christ.
Nooo, where were you when someone said Killzone2 had better 'art' than most 'art-films'?? From a 'three-year' graduate no less!


donny2112 said:
I really like Wii Play. I've said before that I think the pool simulation on there is about the best I've played.

Sorry, this needs to be repeated. Honestly, I wish Nintendo would make a full-fledged Wii or WiiWare pool game based on what they produced for Wii Play.

Also, the Duck Hunt-esque game and air hockey are tons of fun when you have friends over.

People need to stop ragging on Wii Play and just accept it for what it is - a very popular $10 game that people have to buy with a $40 controller :D


Aaron Strife said:
Third November curse!

Gamecube Novembers
2002: 468,000
2003: 754,000
2004: 350,000
2005: 278,284
2006: 70,000

So next year we'll see even worse PS3 sales, given the pattern of the previous 3rd place console? I feel like this is apples and oranges though..

Also, Sony said themselves that one of the driving forces for removing backwards compatibility from the PS3 was because they didn't want PS2 software sales to eat into potential PS3 software sales.

PS2 can't eat into PS3 software sales if the PS3 isn't even fucking selling, which is why I'm amazed at their rationale: many people won't buy the newer HDDs because they don't have BC on them. Come on Sony, put BC back on the HDDs and let us play our old PS2 games and new PS3 software. Get the hardware selling.
SkySonata said:
Gamecube Novembers
2002: 468,000
2003: 754,000
2004: 350,000
2005: 278,284
2006: 70,000

So next year we'll see even worse PS3 sales, given the pattern of the previous 3rd place console? I feel like this is apples and oranges though..
And possibly totally fucked by the end of 2010. Probably by the release of the XBox 360 - Part Deux.... if we're going by a straight analogy.


damn, such insane sales for a console that's just collecting dust on my shelf....

In the end I think we are just going to go from lots of shovel ware to a FUCK LOAD of shovel ware.

oh well. hoping for a few gems.


SkySonata said:
So next year we'll see even worse PS3 sales, given the pattern of the previous 3rd place console? I feel like this is apples and oranges though..

It is like apples and oranges. GameCube's 2003 was its first $99 November. PS3 will be having its first (likely) $299 November next year, so it should be much higher than this year's November at a second year $399.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Y2Kev said:
I wonder why it bombed. Was marketed heavily, is a big franchise, last few iterations have sold pretty well and been well received...

I think the economy is going to destroy a number of publishers in the next year.

im sure a lot of them will regret not supporting the seemingly recession proof wii....

there is just too much high quality, high budget, high hype stuff for 360/ps3 this fall...
cod waw, gears2, resistance 2, little big plannet, mirrors edge, prince of persia, left for dead, fall out, fable 2, far cry 2

PLUS high selling, expensive games like rock band 2 and guitar hero wt, and lower hype games.

just look at the list! its insane!.... what does the wii get from third parties....????

it gets some good midhype stuff like Tales of S. decent ports like call of duty. and good ports with a userbase like GHWT. (pays off big time)

Wii gets not one single HIGH HYPE GAME.... NOT ONE... and during the holiday season when nintendo left a freaking huge opening for new games....

developers seriously messed up...
I'm impressed Resistance 2 charted. I didn't think it would end up in the top 10 only because so many other games were released in the month that were heavy hitters or stood a good chance of charting above it.

amtentori said:
developers seriously messed up...

If your big release doesn't sell on its target HD console its unlikely it would have done better on Wii. There may have been a big opening for a decent game but that doesn't guarantee people will buy it even if it is good.


amtentori said:
im sure a lot of them will regret not supporting the seemingly recession proof wii....

there is just too much high quality, high budget, high hype stuff for 360/ps3 this fall...
cod waw, gears2, resistance 2, little big plannet, mirrors edge, prince of persia, left for dead, fall out, fable 2, far cry 2

PLUS high selling, expensive games like rock band 2 and guitar hero wt, and lower hype games.

just look at the list! its insane!.... what does the wii get from third parties....????

it gets some good midhype stuff like Tales of S. decent ports like call of duty. and good ports with a userbase like GHWT. (pays off big time)

Wii gets not one single HIGH HYPE GAME.... NOT ONE... and during the holiday season when nintendo left a freaking huge opening for new games....

developers seriously messed up...

Nintendo is making so much money they could give a fuck about AAA third party games. What incentive do they have really?


The Autumn Wind
SovanJedi said:
....OH HOLY GOD I only just got to the end of this topic. That took TWO FUCKING HOURS to read. My have there been some bannings.

I can't even say anything about the sales now that hasn't been said a million times before, since I'm officially...


(Yeah the Secret Santa thread is pretty dead, I needed some excuse to post this again.)
Oh man.

*right click, save as*
Warm Machine said:
I'm impressed Resistance 2 charted. I didn't think it would end up in the top 10 only because so many other games were released in the month that were heavy hitters or stood a good chance of charting above it.

If Resistance hadn't charted I would have been surprised and it would have only shown what real trouble they are in. It's an exclusive game and something they and the fans tried to tout as a Halo level franchise. It never was of course but at least the perception is there that this is supposed to be a big PS3 game. I'll ignore COD:WAW because that's sort of gimmee that big franchise will chart now on both platforms simply due to its broad popularity.

I think the more interesting question obviously at this point will be trying to peg how big a hit Killzone 2 will be.


Stop comparing games to films. :lol

It's a ridiculous comparison.

Not every game has to involve guns, space, marines, swearing, or nudity to be good/epic/hardcore.

If most of the games that made the industry what it was were to be released today they would be laughed at as casual and/or kiddy.



Marble Madness

Yet I'd like to see these kiddies compete for the high score on any of these games.


amtentori said:
im sure a lot of them will regret not supporting the seemingly recession proof wii...

it gets some good midhype stuff like Tales of S. decent ports like call of duty. and good ports with a userbase like GHWT. (pays off big time)

Wii gets not one single HIGH HYPE GAME.... NOT ONE... and during the holiday season when nintendo left a freaking huge opening for new games....

developers seriously messed up...

That's putting it in nice terms. Pride before the fall I suppose. No wonder we're seeing many developers file for bankruptcy now.

It will sicken me to see high profile developers request huge loans and still scoff at the Wii, even if it means having to cut a percentage of their work force and 'stick to their guns', before those guns are taken away by the repo depot.
skyfinch said:
Families are buying 2 Wiis at a time, so they can engage in hand to hand combat with each other since there's no games to play.
Families that are buying Wii's now are going to have just as much fun with Wii Sports as they would have two years ago.

It's not going to bother them that Mario Galaxy is a year old or that Wii Music didn't review well.

They're going to buy games from the backlog and enjoy them.


jmdajr said:
Nintendo is making so much money they could give a fuck about AAA third party games. What incentive do they have really?

They don't, really, especially at this point. Titles like Monster Hunter 3 and Dragon Quest X are just icing on the cake.

Where Nintendo's really going to benefit is whenever they get ready to roll out DS and Wii successors. Every developer and their mother will be on top of that to try to capitalize early and fast. It's basically the PS2 effect, having GTA3, MGS2, FFX, etc. a year after release.


amtentori said:
im sure a lot of them will regret not supporting the seemingly recession proof wii....

there is just too much high quality, high budget, high hype stuff for 360/ps3 this fall...
cod waw, gears2, resistance 2, little big plannet, mirrors edge, prince of persia, left for dead, fall out, fable 2, far cry 2

PLUS high selling, expensive games like rock band 2 and guitar hero wt, and lower hype games.

just look at the list! its insane!.... what does the wii get from third parties....????

it gets some good midhype stuff like Tales of S. decent ports like call of duty. and good ports with a userbase like GHWT. (pays off big time)

Wii gets not one single HIGH HYPE GAME.... NOT ONE... and during the holiday season when nintendo left a freaking huge opening for new games....

developers seriously messed up...

Visuals tend to push hype so...


hokahey said:
Not every game has to involve guns, space, marines, swearing, or nudity to be good/epic/hardcore.
Of course not, but doing so doesn't automatically make them tired/immature/generic, which is an argument you see more often.
ShockingAlberto said:
Families that are buying Wii's now are going to have just as much fun with Wii Sports as they would have two years ago.

It's not going to bother them that Mario Galaxy is a year old or that Wii Music didn't review well.

They're going to buy games from the backlog and enjoy them.

Very much the case with casual fans. Some of GAF can't seem to understand that the casual market doesn't have as voracious an appetite for new material as GAF does and when you buy a Wii people are dipping into the Nintendo back catalog. They are the only console that has that major strength to that degree at least.


SkySonata said:
I feel like this is apples and oranges though.

It is. The PS3's only had one price drop. The only reason the Gamecube had such high sales was because it dropped to $100 by its third November. PS3 will probably do better a year from now when stores are running clearance sales to burn through stock.


Batteries the CRISIS!
SkySonata said:
Gamecube Novembers
2002: 468,000
2003: 754,000
2004: 350,000
2005: 278,284
2006: 70,000

uhhhh GameCube came out in November 2001, so that would have been its first November, making 2003 its third November. And that was its best.

So PS3 is not following the Cube's track for November sales.


Sony should pay Nintendo to put blu-ray in the Wii's : P

The movie studios can't be happy about the penetration this holiday season.

Is the PS3 the best selling blu-ray player?


jmdajr said:
damn, such insane sales for a console that's just collecting dust on my shelf....

In the end I think we are just going to go from lots of shovel ware to a FUCK LOAD of shovel ware.

oh well. hoping for a few gems.

Why don't any of you Wii non-players ever fucking dust?


Jammy said:
Where Nintendo's really going to benefit is whenever they get ready to roll out DS and Wii successors. Every developer and their mother will be on top of that to try to capitalize early and fast. It's basically the PS2 effect, having GTA3, MGS2, FFX, etc. a year after release.

I think so too.

Nintendo will be a tremendously powerful force going into next-gen.
I cannot wait to experience their 'PS2' (Wii HD).
Danthrax said:
uhhhh GameCube came out in November 2001, so that would have been its first November, making 2003 its third November. And that was its best.

So PS3 is not following the Cube's track for November sales.
Sure it is, it's just compressed.
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