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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008

I was reading some earlier pages and i cant believe how many people here are still complaining about Wii software sales, like the top 10 is all there is. Do they not realize how many hundreds of thousands of copies of shovel ware were unquestionably sold this month? Publishers who cashed in are happy.


Anybody who seriously says 'wait for KZ2' anymore should probably be banned. R2 is the PS3's "big" FPS exclusive this fall, and it barely cracked the top 10. How will a game even less people know about do any better?
KR3W said:
I need to change my damn avatar.

Everytime I say something, you guys quote it. :lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
lawblob said:
And you're the asshole who convinced me to put two of them in the trunk of my car!




...hate me...
omg... this is gen is doing it for teh lulz CONFIRMED :lol

Please don't pull the plug Sony!! At the very least wait for Uncharted 2, GT5 and Trico mmmmkay?
Sho_Nuff82 said:
And use the 2005 trailer in the commercial, and have it cut seamlessly to gameplay. There's no reason this game shouldn't push 1 million its first month.

What will be fascinating to see is if Killzone 2 is more Resistance 2 or MGS 4. They need it to be MGS 4 but they have been sort of incompetent before at creating that sort of necessary buzz compared to Microsoft among the more casual crowd. Its hard to gauge to me. I think it definitely should be closer to MGS 4 type success but if it falls way short they will be in a hell of a lot of trouble.


Sony have stated for quite a while now that they are more interested in profit than quantity/market share. People need to drop the price drop stuff, Sony know, but they don't care. Sony are interested in their bottom line and nothing else.


The Autumn Wind
mio said:
omg... this is gen is doing it for teh lulz CONFIRMED :lol

Please don't pull the plug Sony!! At the very least wait for Uncharted 2, GT5 and Trico mmmmkay?
You know, I really don't think you need to worry about that.

mio said:
Hahaha, I love how it just trails off.


Stoney Mason said:
I have no idea what this means.

Holidays don't matter anymore. It's about having the games that people want at a market value they can afford/demand. All the holidays are just a period of time in which the consumer is more than likely to splurge, and if anything it can create some mind marketshare among friends and family of the splurger, but that's not what creates momentum. Momentum is in the games, and if the games are good enough then it doesn't matter when they're released. If you're marketing is good enough, it doesn't matter when the console or game is released either. Sony had Resistance come out, but for all it's adoration many didn't consider it a killer app. GTA4 could have been it, but it got multi-consoled. Same with Final Fantasy XIII, which also plain took too long to come out. The last stronghold was MGS4, but MGS has become a game that can't overcome the PS3's lack of perceived value by itself.

Microsoft topped Sony by having the system that was wanted by everyone with the games to come out. Nintendo topped that by having the system with the game already out, at one single easy to reach price point, and the game to have already released with it.

Sony won last gen by doing the same exact things that Microsoft is doing now, and Microsoft and Nintendo lost by being like the PS3. Neither launched with momentum, they built it after launch, and Sony had momentum just from the PS1 and being first out the gate.

Looking over this now, I realize that it's not the most coherent which means I'm too tired to argue like this. The quick get to the point version of this is that it's too late for Sony because Nintendo and Microsoft both aced them at building momentum, Microsoft by leeching away much of what would have been Sony's momentum, and that momentum isn't built/dependent on just the holiday season which is shown by the top three selling Wii games having been released a long time ago, incidentally all in the first half of their release years.


mio said:
omg... this is gen is doing it for teh lulz CONFIRMED :lol

Please don't pull the plug Sony!! At the very least wait for Uncharted 2, GT5 and Trico mmmmkay?

Pulling the plug would be the absolute worst thing they can do. The Sony name is still worth a damn, they can still get their hands on liquid assets. They need to start really ramping up the first party titles (guaranteed exclusives!!). I think they are so slow to come out partially because they are fixated on making them look "next-gen". Production budgets are huge, development times are dragging. They should have launched with a Gran Turismo. They should focus on quicker turn around.


Master of the Google Search
SapientWolf said:
So will not selling enough software. They are already millions (if not billions) in the hole for the PS3's development costs.
And droping the price will only make that loss even greater!
Proven said:
Looking over this now, I realize that it's not the most coherent which means I'm too tired to argue like this. The quick get to the point version of this is that it's too late for Sony because Nintendo and Microsoft both aced them at building momentum, Microsoft by leeching away much of what would have been Sony's momentum, and that momentum isn't built/dependent on just the holiday season which is shown by the top three selling Wii games having been released a long time ago, incidentally all in the first half of their release years.

I don't disagree with this but my point still stands. You have to start to build momentum somewhere and a good place to do it is always Xmas where everything is magnified. The early part of the year was pretty good for the PS3 but they dropped the ball this fall by not having a backend counterpart to MGS4. It's definitely not an exact science on how to stack a lineup especially since things can slip but Microsoft has a great combo setup with Halo and Gears alternating years and whatever else they plug into the slots like Fable. Sony doesn't have that. They may have it next year but they've already wasted this fall.


The Autumn Wind
grandjedi6 said:
And droping the price will only make that loss even greater!
It's a tough call to make. Do you stay the course to minimize your already enormous losses, while falling further and further behind in the race, or do you cut the price and absorb the damage of even more losses, while hoping they can be offset by the extra customers you'd gain buying more software?

All I can say is I'm glad I'm not running Sony right now. It's like Sophie's Choice.
mio said:
omg... this is gen is doing it for teh lulz CONFIRMED :lol

Please don't pull the plug Sony!! At the very least wait for Uncharted 2, GT5 and Trico mmmmkay?

Sony aren't going to pull the plug when the PS3 will soon be making a yearly profit. They won't recover the 3 bil but then again the majority of that was to establish bluray not the PS3.


This is my first generation with a sony console (im a nintendo/sega boy), and im having great fun with it (sure i cant get the media center or online to work grrr), so if its appealed to a normally anti-sony type like myself im sure the appeal is there for others, but once again the price is a barrier for allot of consumers.

i know a few nintendo fanboys who are looking and waiting for a pricedrop to get one also...so demmand is there, just sony isnt in a position to cater to that market yet...


Fredescu said:
So it's really a debate about the breadth of audience more than anything. It's not meant to be an all-encompassing comparison. You'll get no disagreement from me about Gears being shallow in story and setting.

Ah, I see the problem I think, Fred. I construed his argument, originally, to suggest that his games were intelligent and sophisticated: that we hardcore gamers are the esoteric elite. Clearly you took it a different way.

I think there are arguments to be made about it being more sophisticated in gameplay than say Wii Play, but I don't think I've gone there yet.

I absolutely agree. I wasn't trying to argue that Wii Play = Gears, but rather, it's all so childish that one being slightly less childish than the other isn't very meaningful. By comparison, I really do think you could make a legitimate argument that something like Straight Story or The Diving Bell and the Butterfly are legitimately more intelligent and sophisticated than things like 300 or Shoot Em Up. In fact, if I were to compare Gears to any movie, it would likely be something like Shoot Em Up: big budget, high action, clearly made with young males in mind.
Link said:
It's a tough call to make. Do you stay the course to minimize your already enormous losses, while falling further and further behind in the race, or do you cut the price and absorb the damage of even more losses, while hoping they can be offset by the extra customers you'd gain buying more software?

All I can say is I'm glad I'm not running Sony right now. It's like Sophie's Choice.
Except without the laughtrack.

edit: Topical answer: 2 fucking million Wii's?!!!


I laugh my ass off anytime a Sony Fanboy ripped on the Xbox for having a higher price point system. Then Sony releases the Uncharted Pack and it completely sells like shit. It is bad enough to get people to buy the $399.99 PS3, did Sony really think putting out a $499.99 was going to help them?

Don't get me wrong, I think the overall value of a $399.99 or $499.99 is pretty good for what you get, but with the the average consumer, it is outrageous to them. Many of these folks are looking for a game system, not a blu ray player. They want something to play some games. Yes, those interested in both a game machine and blu ray player are making a good choice on the Ps3, but today's average consumer is not and these numbers for the PS3 really show it.

Having lower numbers than Nov. 07, when price points were higher is really not a good thing for anyone at Sony or 3rd parties.


Neo Member
Sony is in a tough spot. The rise of the Yen combined with the downturn in the economy makes selling pricey hardware difficult and cutting prices impossible.


Stoney Mason said:
I don't disagree with this but my point still stands. You have to start to build momentum somewhere and a good place to do it is always Xmas where everything is magnified. The early part of the year was pretty good for the PS3 but they dropped the ball this fall by not having a backend counterpart to MGS4. It's definitely not an exact science on how to stack a lineup especially since things can slip but Microsoft has a great combo setup with Halo and Gears alternating years and whatever else they plug into the slots like Fable. Sony doesn't have that. They may have it next year but they've already wasted this fall.

I think the problem you're having is that you're operating under the assumption that Sony WANTS to be first above all else. Sony is a business. In business it's certainly great to be first, to be the maker of the product in highest demand, but it's not crucial. Look at what Nintendo did during the N64 and GameCube eras. They sold relatively poorly each time compared to their competitors but they still were successful consoles for the companies because they made Nintendo money.

At this point it's not worth the effort to Sony to become particularly competitive, their main goal has to be achieving profitability and building back up their financial war chest for the next generation to try again. They'll certainly lower the price at some point, but only if their internal projections show they can sell enough software to a larger audience they'll benefit from doing so. They're not in a position where they NEED to worry about taking risks to appealing to more consumers. They're like my Detroit Lions, out of the playoff hunt and therefore able to relax a bit and focus on making money.


Proven said:
Sony won last gen by doing the same exact things that Microsoft is doing now
Not really. They won last-gen through sheer dumb luck. DC was unsustainable, PS1 legacy too strong, XBox was late and GC... well, somehow GC didn't make it.

I can't think of anything Sony proactively did that can be strongly counted as contribution to PS2 success. It was dumb luck. Unfortunately Kutagari & frenzs were too arrogant to recognize this and played nonsense strategies like "people will work extra to buy a PS3", "people will buy it even if there are no games", "developers will beg us to let them release games on this", etc...


I am an older gamer and for some reason seeing those Wii numbers brings one thing to my mind....

The Atari 2600 Video Game Crash!!! Hear me out though...while I think it is a long shot, but software for the most part on the Wii is shit, I mean, wipe your ass shit. While they have some good games, the ratio is pretty off. There is so much shovelware on that system, that I think some consumers will get burned when they spend $29.99-$49.99 for a game that is a piece of shit.

I am not saying this is going to happen, but I can really see it being a possibility. Especially because of these sales. I work in retail and I laugh my ass off whenever we get some obscure game from a company I never heard of...there are so many of these crap games, that reviews do not even exist for them.

How bad is it...there are a 4-6 games that only Best Buy carries, about 4 games that only Fry's or Target carry. These are games made by no name companies that strike deals with retailers. These games are just horrid and I think that the more of these are released, people are going to get burned by the shitty games. Again, I am not painting the entire library in this light, but the majority of the games, some are stretch calling them games, are going to hurt the Wii in the long run.

Nintendo needs to have some quality control on the software front or they will be faced with a ton of shitty games that will kill it off....As soon as the first porno game hits, it is over....Custers Revenge anyone????
Gaborn said:
I think the problem you're having is that you're operating under the assumption that Sony WANTS to be first above all else. Sony is a business. In business it's certainly great to be first, to be the maker of the product in highest demand, but it's not crucial. Look at what Nintendo did during the N64 and GameCube eras. They sold relatively poorly each time compared to their competitors but they still were successful consoles for the companies because they made Nintendo money.

At this point it's not worth the effort to Sony to become particularly competitive, their main goal has to be achieving profitability and building back up their financial war chest for the next generation to try again. They'll certainly lower the price at some point, but only if their internal projections show they can sell enough software to a larger audience they'll benefit from doing so. They're not in a position where they NEED to worry about taking risks to appealing to more consumers. They're like my Detroit Lions, out of the playoff hunt and therefore able to relax a bit and focus on making money.

I don't have a problem with this interpretation and viewpoint but the problem they might start to run into is a problem of acceleration. There is a tendency in the console market for things to accelerate and if the Wii and 360 continue to pick up sales rate they might increasingly start to come at the expense of the PS3 which might turn into a declining sales rate.

Who knows of course. Sony might be perfectly willing or perhaps forced to tolerate the current marketshare for this generation. It seems like they will have major difficulties though if they have to scrabble at this marketshare without putting up a healthy fight.


WYWY said:
Not really. They won last-gen through sheer dumb luck. DC was unsustainable, PS1 legacy too strong, XBox was late and GC... well, somehow GC didn't make it.

Come now, this is silly. That history is so far gone now that it's difficult to have any substantive argument, but Sony did a lot of things right last generation. And a lot wrong, too; I'm not arguing that they didn't make mistakes, I'm just saying they made a lot of intelligent choices.

Off the top of my head, Sony's aggressive early launch really helped (just as it has helped the 360), Sony's aggressive price cutting (which has also helped them this generation, just not enough to overcome their other mistakes), and Sony's profoundly better third party relations when compared to Nintendo or Sega (although once Microsoft entered, I personally think MS became the third party relations king).

I'm sure I could come up with more if I thought for a long time about it, or had more concrete data in front of me.


Kills Photobucket
Mainstream get.



The Wii is a winner. Again.

Nintendo sold over 2 million of the popular video game consoles in the United States U.S. last month, according to data from market researcher NPD Group. Its smaller sibling, the Nintendo DS, sold over 1.5 million units — not bad for a handheld system in its fourth year of life.

"For both products, this is a new all-time sales record for the U.S. for months outside of December," said Cammie Dunaway, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Nintendo. "What we’re seeing is that families are looking for fun, inexpensive activities that they can enjoy together. And the Wii and the DS satisfy that need."

Nintendo sold over 2 million of the popular video game consoles in the United States U.S. last month, according to data from market researcher NPD Group. Its smaller sibling, the Nintendo DS, sold over 1.5 million units — not bad for a handheld system in its fourth year of life.

"For both products, this is a new all-time sales record for the U.S. for months outside of December," said Cammie Dunaway, executive vice president of sales and marketing at Nintendo. "What we’re seeing is that families are looking for fun, inexpensive activities that they can enjoy together. And the Wii and the DS satisfy that need."
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Indeed, it was another strong month for video game sales despite the ever-worsening economic news. Industry watchers have theorized that consumers see a high bang-for-the-buck value in video games, which can be played over and over, versus a $12 movie ticket.

Whatever the reason, Americans bought $2.91 billion worth of game hardware, software and accessories in November — a month where employers cut 533,000 jobs nationwide according to the Department of Labor.

“The video games industry continues to set a blistering sales pace, overall,” wrote NPD analyst Anita Frazier in an e-mail. Revenues, she said, were 10 percent higher this November than last.

Game hardware accounted for $1.2 billion in revenue last month, led by Nintendo’s consoles. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 took the bronze in the monthly console slugfest, with 836,000 units sold.

“We had our biggest November ever, and feel great about leading into the final stretch of the holiday season,” said company spokesperson David Dennis. "We look at game sales and feel really strong."

Overall, game software sales grew 31 percent to $1.45 million last month. Microsoft’s much-anticipated "Gears of War 2" was the best-selling game with more than 1.5 million units sold, followed by Activision Blizzard’s Xbox 360 version of "Call of Duty: World at War," which sold more than just over 1.4 million units.

Nintendo had four games in the top 10, including "Wii Play" (which comes bundled with a Wii remote), "Wii Fit," "Mario Kart" and "Wii Music." "Guitar Hero World Tour" for the Wii and "Left 4 Dead" for the Xbox 360 also made the list.

Two PlayStation 3 games also cracked the top 10 last month: “Resistance 2” and its version of “Call of Duty: World at War.” Sony continued to trail its competitors, though, selling 378,071 PlayStation 3 consoles in November.

And although Sony’s PlayStation 3 sales saw a 93 percent uptick over October sales, the company confirmed that its year-over-year November sales had decreased. A company spokesperson pointed out that last November was an abnormally high month for PS3 sales due to a price decrease and the introduction of a new, 40-GB model.

“Throughout the year, PS3 and the PlayStation brand have demonstrated consistent growth and we remain confident in meeting our fiscal targets,” said Sony vice president of sales Ian Jackson in a statement.

NPD’s Frazier wrote that “all three of the newer-generation console systems have something to brag about” this holiday, and that "it's clear there can be more multiple victors."

While price and the economy remain issues, "the most important factor that will drive success in 2009 will be the line-up of compelling games that will keep consumers involved in the industry,” she said.

But not all video-game news was good this week.

Electronic Arts, which publishes “Left 4 Dead” on the Xbox 360, warned Tuesday that it was seeing weaker-than-expected holiday sales. The company, which expects to miss its revenue and earnings targets for 2009, also said it plans to shed more jobs in the coming months.


Hawk269 said:
I am an older gamer and for some reason seeing those Wii numbers brings one thing to my mind....

The Atari 2600 Video Game Crash!!! Hear me out though...while I think it is a long shot, but software for the most part on the Wii is shit, I mean, wipe your ass shit. While they have some good games, the ratio is pretty off. There is so much shovelware on that system, that I think some consumers will get burned when they spend $29.99-$49.99 for a game that is a piece of shit.

I am not saying this is going to happen, but I can really see it being a possibility. Especially because of these sales. I work in retail and I laugh my ass off whenever we get some obscure game from a company I never heard of...there are so many of these crap games, that reviews do not even exist for them.

How bad is it...there are a 4-6 games that only Best Buy carries, about 4 games that only Fry's or Target carry. These are games made by no name companies that strike deals with retailers. These games are just horrid and I think that the more of these are released, people are going to get burned by the shitty games. Again, I am not painting the entire library in this light, but the majority of the games, some are stretch calling them games, are going to hurt the Wii in the long run.

Nintendo needs to have some quality control on the software front or they will be faced with a ton of shitty games that will kill it off....As soon as the first porno game hits, it is over....Custers Revenge anyone????

You are absolutely right. The Wii will be prematurely killed off, only achieving 120 million in sales, because of the shovelware. But there is a knight in shining armor on the horizon...its Wii HD!
Go319 said:
This is my first generation with a sony console (im a nintendo/sega boy), and im having great fun with it (sure i cant get the media center or online to work grrr), so if its appealed to a normally anti-sony type like myself im sure the appeal is there for others, but once again the price is a barrier for allot of consumers.

i know a few nintendo fanboys who are looking and waiting for a pricedrop to get one also...so demmand is there, just sony isnt in a position to cater to that market yet...

I think that's Sony's biggest problem, they're trying to appeal to people who didn't buy the PS2 instead of people who did.


NPD analyst Anita Frazier:

"All three of the newer generation console systems have something to brag about. The expanded supply of Wii systems at retail was clearly evident in the sales figures this month. The 360 realized a nice unit sales bump over last November and the PS3 year-to-date unit sales growth is impressive.
Dead Man Typing said:
I think that's Sony's biggest problem, they're trying to appeal to people who didn't buy the PS2 instead of people who did.

Absolutely. I love my PS 2. It's still hooked up. I don't own a PS 3 though.


Stoney Mason said:
I don't have a problem with this interpretation and viewpoint but the problem they might start to run into is a problem of acceleration. There is a tendency in the console market for things to accelerate and if the Wii and 360 continue to pick up sales rate they might increasingly start to come at the expense of the PS3 which might turn into a declining sales rate.

Who knows of course. Sony might be perfectly willing or perhaps forced to tolerate the current marketshare for this generation. It seems like they will have major difficulties though if they have to scrabble at this marketshare without putting up a healthy fight.

I think they'll put up a healthy fight still, but I think it will be at the margins, a greater focus on software and trying to add value without actually affecting the cost or doing so minimally, for example the various SKUs Sony has introduced for the PS3. Sony's trying to do anything and everything to spark interest in the PS3... except doing what everyone "knows" needs to be done. And the problem is they're right, to increase market share Sony is going to need to drop the price.

What Sony should do, in my view, is create a marketing campaign not on NEW titles, but on OLD titles. They should drop the price around the time of KillZone 2 and instead of just focusing adds ON KillZone do a comprehensive campaign on KZ2, Resistance 1 and 2, Uncharted, LBP, anything and everything and a tag line something along the lines of "Why haven't YOU joined the future yet?" They can't rely on new games alone to sell the system because one game is not going to easily convince doubters to jump in if they haven't already.
Whipped Spartan said:
I bet most wii owners don't even know this game exists. :(
you are certianly right there, I bought Zack and Wiki and I am just waiting for a price drop on Wii as I think 250 is a bit too much, I am also looking for deals on other Games. So I am surprised that Nintendo is not making different colored Wiis ...


I think CoD5 on Wii is a significant blow to the hardcore western third party for the Wii. It recieved good reviews, got advertising exclusive to it, and yet it still sold profoundly less than its counterparts. If the EU is anything to go by, CoD:WaW for the Wii likely won't even break the top 20 here, although I'm getting ahead of myself.


MY GOD at the Wii, and I don't how sales of CoD were before CoD4 but that franchise is printing money atm. I really wonder how long they can keep once a year going till people lose interest.
Unregistered007 said:
you are certianly right there, I bought Zack and Wiki and I am just waiting for a price drop on Wii as I think 250 is a bit too much, I am also looking for deals on other Games. So I am surprised that Nintendo is not making different colored Wiis ...
I know right. I guess that is once the sales seem human again. Like year five when it's not as cool anymore and needs spiced up.:lol


RBH said:

Year over year growth, year to date. That's what it means. So, the PS3 has sold more at this point in the year in 2008 than it did at this point in 2007, despite the fact that it sold less this particular month.


Log4Girlz said:
You are absolutely right. The Wii will be prematurely killed off, only achieving 120 million in sales, because of the shovelware. But there is a knight in shining armor on the horizon...its Wii HD!

I have been saying Wii HD for about 2 years now. I think it will be backwards compatible and have enough horse power to make games in HD resolutions. It wont have the power of a PS3/360, but enough to run a game like Mario Galaxy in HD Resolutions. It is not going to be a texture/polygon beast, but just barely powerfull enough to make game look decent on an HD set. Main reason is to keep costs low so they could in theory release it for $199.99 in 2010, undercutting price of what MS or Sony have in mind for the next round.


Link said:
It sold more from January through November this year than it sold from January through November last year.
Opiate said:
Year over year growth, year to date. That's what it means. So, the PS3 has sold more at this point in the year in 2008 than it did at this point in 2007, despite the fact that it sold less this particular month.
It was the "impressive" part that elicited the "wat" response from me. :p
So Sony's biggest game of the season failed to chart, their cookie cutter bald marine sci-fi shooter puts up mediocre sales, and the PS3 performs below 400k in November during the year of a price drop. This also comes right after the news that their company is now listless and in financial turmoil. If this isn't a surefire bright line that identifies the end of the system's hopes of a reversal, then I don't know what is.

Ah well. Some good from this will surface in the long run. Sony will never try to force upon the consumer a niche media standard packaged in a high entry fee ever again. On the gaming side, hopefully they can rediscover the magic that made the PS2 so great, that is diversity. They tried to engage the Xbox on Microsoft's terms and got spanked for it. I'm also giving up my expectations for the system as well. With DQX going to the Wii and independent RPG efforts like Valkyria Chronicles bombing universally, the PS3 will never have a chance at becoming the RPG powerhouse that I purchased the machine for. At least the hardware is worth it for being a PS2 upscaler and a terrific DVD/BD player.

Generally, I find it prudent to refrain from making such sweeping declarations but Shuhei Yoshida revealed all their cards when he called LBP their most important game this season. With these results and their games division hemorrhaging money to the limit of what the company can absorb, one can safely say that Sony's hand is a losing one.
Hawk269 said:
I have been saying Wii HD for about 2 years now. I think it will be backwards compatible and have enough horse power to make games in HD resolutions. It wont have the power of a PS3/360, but enough to run a game like Mario Galaxy in HD Resolutions. It is not going to be a texture/polygon beast, but just barely powerfull enough to make game look decent on an HD set. Main reason is to keep costs low so they could in theory release it for $199.99 in 2010, undercutting price of what MS or Sony have in mind for the next round.

I think it would be in their best interests to provide just enough horsepower to satiate Western developers, so they won't be left out of anymore multiplatform releases. Given that Guitar Hero has started selling the most on the Wii, I really do think they could take the lead on multiplatform game sales if this were the case.
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