Rancid Mildew said:So Sony's biggest game of the season failed to chart, their cookie cutter bald marine sci-fi shooter puts up mediocre sales, and the PS3 performs below 400k in November during the year of a price drop. This also comes right after the news that their company is now listless and in financiall turmoil. If this isn't a surefire bright line that identifies the end of the system's hopes of a reversal, then I don't know what is.
Ah well. Some good from this will surface in the long run. Sony will never try to force upon the consumer a niche media standard packaged in a high entry fee ever again. On the gaming side, hopefully they can rediscover the magic that made the PS2 so great, that is diversity. They tried to engage the Xbox on Microsoft's terms and got spanked for it. I'm also giving up my expectations for the system as well. With DQX going to the Wii and independent RPG efforts like Valkyria Chronicles bombing universally, the PS3 will never have a chance at becoming the RPG powerhouse that I purchased the machine for. At least the hardware is worth it for being a PS2 upscaler and a terrific DVD/BD player.
Generally, I find it prudent to refrain from making such sweeping declarations but Shuhei Yoshida revealed all their cards when he called LBP their most important game this season. With these results and their games division hemorrhaging money to the limit of what the company can absorb, one can safely say that Sony's hand is a losing one.
Opiate said:I think CoD5 on Wii is a significant blow to the hardcore western third party for the Wii. It recieved good reviews, got advertising exclusive to it, and yet it still sold profoundly less than its counterparts. If the EU is anything to go by, CoD:WaW for the Wii likely won't even break the top 20 here, although I'm getting ahead of myself.
Stoney Mason said:I don't disagree with this but my point still stands. You have to start to build momentum somewhere and a good place to do it is always Xmas where everything is magnified. The early part of the year was pretty good for the PS3 but they dropped the ball this fall by not having a backend counterpart to MGS4. It's definitely not an exact science on how to stack a lineup especially since things can slip but Microsoft has a great combo setup with Halo and Gears alternating years and whatever else they plug into the slots like Fable. Sony doesn't have that. They may have it next year but they've already wasted this fall.
SMARTEST!sp0rsk said:I'm sure Sony's reponse to this embarassment will be to release a 300GB PS3 for 499!
What a deal!
Proven said:Nintendo has been so awesome at creating momentum that they have a game that released in April, a considered non-game that released in May, and a game that is looked upon as a pile of shit that released in February of 07, all selling in the top five in NPD several months later. And then that's not mentioning that they have the ace of a pack-in game that at the very least maintains momentum every single month for them.
Hawk269 said:I have been saying Wii HD for about 2 years now. I think it will be backwards compatible and have enough horse power to make games in HD resolutions. It wont have the power of a PS3/360, but enough to run a game like Mario Galaxy in HD Resolutions. It is not going to be a texture/polygon beast, but just barely powerfull enough to make game look decent on an HD set. Main reason is to keep costs low so they could in theory release it for $199.99 in 2010, undercutting price of what MS or Sony have in mind for the next round.
Hellsing321 said:I look forward to the month when every piece of software in the top 10 is Wii game.
Hawk269 said:I have been saying Wii HD for about 2 years now. I think it will be backwards compatible and have enough horse power to make games in HD resolutions. It wont have the power of a PS3/360, but enough to run a game like Mario Galaxy in HD Resolutions. It is not going to be a texture/polygon beast, but just barely powerfull enough to make game look decent on an HD set. Main reason is to keep costs low so they could in theory release it for $199.99 in 2010, undercutting price of what MS or Sony have in mind for the next round.
Hawk269 said:I have been saying Wii HD for about 2 years now. I think it will be backwards compatible and have enough horse power to make games in HD resolutions. It wont have the power of a PS3/360, but enough to run a game like Mario Galaxy in HD Resolutions. It is not going to be a texture/polygon beast, but just barely powerfull enough to make game look decent on an HD set. Main reason is to keep costs low so they could in theory release it for $199.99 in 2010, undercutting price of what MS or Sony have in mind for the next round.
camineet said:I disagree. No, I think the Wii HD will be a significant upgrade in graphics performance, a true Wii 2, not just a Wii+ in HD, which is what you're describing.
It's been reported that Wii to Wii HD will be like GameBoy to GBA, a true 'next-generation' machine. I'm thinking it'll be at least as powerful as 360/PS3 in graphics, and hopefully a little more so it could run games with 360/PS3-level detail at 60fps, 1080p.
Deku said:Momentum? Isn't it good to have games sell several months later rather than dropping off a cliff?
As a publisher I'd love to have the kind of numbers month in and month out and a few publishers have actually managed to do that. Just because some games don't perform like GTAIV doesn't mean they're the product of clever marketing or momentum.
It's good for the industry to break the blockbuster mold because its a guarantee that 90% of releases won't be a blockbuster.
Ysiadmihi said:I'm not so sure it matters as much as you think. Treyarch made the completely idiotic decision to limit the Wii to five modes online (all deathmatch, one being Boot Camp), use friend codes and set the player limit to 8. I'm sure it turned a lot of people off of the Wii version and I can't imagine Activision doesn't realize that.
Proven said:No! The games aren't a product of momentum, they create momentum!
Gaborn said:I think the problem you're having is that you're operating under the assumption that Sony WANTS to be first above all else. Sony is a business. In business it's certainly great to be first, to be the maker of the product in highest demand, but it's not crucial. Look at what Nintendo did during the N64 and GameCube eras. They sold relatively poorly each time compared to their competitors but they still were successful consoles for the companies because they made Nintendo money.
MidiSurf said:BTW is PS2 ever going to hit $99 price tag ? It's still doing fine and it could probably do even better with $99 tag.
Opiate said:I wouldn't call it the "final nail" or anything, but it's hardly a positive.
Post-launch, there have now been a handful of attempts at standard FPS on the Wii, and they've all flopped horribly. This list includes Call of Duty 5, Quantum of Solace, Brothers in Arms, and Medal of Honor.
You can make excuses for all of them, but at some point the excuses wear thin. I agree that circumstances can at times cause a specific game to do less well than it "should" do. However, it becomes less of an unfortunate coincidence and more of a pattern when you talk about 4-5 games in a row bombing in a specific genre, particularly when some of these games sold millions on competing systems.
Again, the Wii could turn it around, of course. This isn't infallible truth, but it is a consistent enough pattern at this point that I'm sure it's scaring third parties away.
ViperVisor said:I know you like to chat things up but this is a bridge too far. For the previous decade Sony had only been the market leader. That is how they operated with a profit. Nintendo board room could always say we will be OK if our marketplace fell by even 50% up until GameCube when it did fall that much.
Price drop of PS3 is like people have said just shaking things up. You still are dealing with the same stuff in the recipe.
What Sony needed was for LBP to catch on like a multi-player MarioSims hybrid. I don't know the quality of the game in reality so I am not judging that.
norinrad21 said:My heart swells with pride
its been long coming, we started this journey back in 2002 when people thought we were the next sega..........:lol :lol :lol
Minsc said:Probably already posted, but here's how YoY looks for November:
Code:Nov. 2007 | 2008 | % Increase / Decrease Wii: 981K | 2040K | 108% NDS: 1530K | 1570K | 2.6% 360: 770K | 836K | 8.6% PSP: 567K | 421K | 25.7% PS3: 466K | 378K | 18.9% PS2: 496K | 206K | 58.5%
Then for fun, using the % change from above used on last December's #s to project this year's December:
Code:Dec. 2007 | 2008 (est.) Wii: 1350K | 2808K NDS: 2470K | 2534K 360: 1260K | 1368K PSP: 1060K | 788K PS3: 798K | [B]647K[/B] PS2: 1100K | 457K
Sony PR said:From January to November 2008, more than 2.8 million PS3s have been sold in the U.S.
Hawk269 said:... Main reason is to keep costs low so they could in theory release it for $199.99 in 2010, undercutting price of what MS or Sony have in mind for the next round.
Opiate said:I wouldn't call it the "final nail" or anything, but it's hardly a positive.
Post-launch, there have now been a handful of attempts at standard FPS on the Wii, and they've all flopped horribly. This list includes Call of Duty 5, Quantum of Solace, Brothers in Arms, and Medal of Honor.
You can make excuses for all of them, but at some point the excuses wear thin. I agree that circumstances can at times cause a specific game to do less well than it "should" do. However, it becomes less of an unfortunate coincidence and more of a pattern when you talk about 4-5 games in a row bombing in a specific genre, particularly when some of these games sold millions on competing systems.
Again, the Wii could turn it around, of course. This isn't infallible truth, but it is a consistent enough pattern at this point that I'm sure it's scaring third parties away.
Deku said:How do they create momentum? the only way that happens is word of mouth or continued flow of new gamers who finds the existing 6 month old catalog fresh enough that they continue to pick up those games which you deem to have an expired shelf life. Game's arent active participants, they cannot create momentum, but you speak of these titles which continue to sell as somehow benefit from some sort of special treatment.
the point is that the big launches that subsequently fall off, something which has been so typical this generation, is not something that should be celebrated, you should be happy a game continues to sell and not try to rationalize it through the intervention of something called 'momentum' which apparently only Nintendo can create. This does a great disservice to everyone else in the industry who have succeed or are trying to make games that sell steadily and sell to an expanding audience as they purchase the hardware.
Deku said:How do they create momentum? the only way that happens is word of mouth or continued flow of new gamers who finds the existing 6 month old catalog fresh enough that they continue to pick up those games which you deem to have an expired shelf life. Game's arent active participants, they cannot create momentum, but you speak of these titles which continue to sell as somehow benefit from some sort of special treatment.
the point is that the big launches that subsequently fall off, something which has been so typical this generation, is not something that should be celebrated, you should be happy a game continues to sell and not try to rationalize it through the intervention of something called 'momentum' which apparently only Nintendo can create. This does a great disservice to everyone else in the industry who have succeed or are trying to make games that sell steadily and sell to an expanding audience as they purchase the hardware.
It is funny how he has such a boner for Zack & wiki but hates wii music with such passion.jibblypop said:by the way i'm glad wiimusic is selling well. fuck matt from ign. he sounds like an out of touch old man when he talks about that game. I have lots of fun playing that with my girlfriend so boo hoo that he thinks its not a game.
Go 1gig for $599!sp0rsk said:I'm sure Sony's reponse to this embarassment will be to release a 300GB PS3 for 499!
What a deal!
Whipped Spartan said:I bet most wii owners don't even know this game exists.![]()
Deku said:You're from NOA ? If so GAF wants to have a word with you. You suck.
Opiate said:I think CoD5 on Wii is a significant blow to the hardcore western third party for the Wii. It recieved good reviews, got advertising exclusive to it, and yet it still sold profoundly less than its counterparts. If the EU is anything to go by, CoD:WaW for the Wii likely won't even break the top 20 here, although I'm getting ahead of myself.
norinrad21 said:My heart swells with pride
its been long coming, we started this journey back in 2002 when people thought we were the next sega..........:lol :lol :lol
The reason why Nintendonorinrad21 said:No just an extreme Nintendo fanatic. I'm sorry but its the greatest company in the world :lol
I love the fact the Mk just drop by to say hello. MarioKart for 2009
Proven said:I'm only saying that only Nintendo can create so much of it on their own. Other games sell like this too, up until this holiday season it's been Halo 3, Gears of War, and CoD4, and I'd like to see charts for Resistance and Motorstorm too.
Proven said:Blah, can you even say it's terrible that the games sold many times more on a competing system when the two systems pretty much had different games?
When you compare multiplatform games for the PS3 and 360, you don't have them selling so far and ahead of each other like they do to the Wii, because they're the same game.
A fair example would be something like Guitar Hero, which is mostly the same on all systems, and in this scenario, despite the 360 being considered the best system for it the game is doing extremely well on the Wii.
thats about what MS would charge for a 300gb hard drive on its ownsp0rsk said:I'm sure Sony's reponse to this embarassment will be to release a 300GB PS3 for 499!
What a deal!
Ysiadmihi said:I would absolutely agree with you *if* the games you listed were honest attempts to make the best experience possible on Wii. Quantum of Solace and Band of Brothers were both horrid (I'm sure you know this), World at War is a solid effort but intentionally feature light for seemingly no reason and Heroes 2...well, I think the developers were held back by EA on that one.
BIG BUBBA said:Do you know if they're gonna make a Midtown Madness 4? I'd kill for a next-gen MM, and I don't even like racers...