best comment whole thread.:lol :loljett said:YEAR OF THE PS3 MOTHERFUCKERS
best comment whole thread.:lol :loljett said:YEAR OF THE PS3 MOTHERFUCKERS
Spike said:I agree that they'll hurt themselves if they drop the price. But, if they don't they'll be hurting themselves even more. Look at the 800K+ sales of the 360, and the 2.04M sales of the Wii. If the PS3 had already dropped to $299, which is on par with 360 Pro, and only $50 more than Wii, they may have gotten some better sales. They might have stolen some of the sales from the other two consoles.
Or, maybe not. Maybe even with a price cut, the system would have failed to move enough units. We'll never know.
Opiate said:Post-launch, there have now been a handful of attempts at standard, third party FPS on the Wii, and they've all flopped horribly. This list includes Call of Duty 5, Quantum of Solace, Brothers in Arms, and Medal of Honor.
You can make excuses for all of them, but at some point the excuses wear thin. I agree that circumstances can at times cause a specific game to do less well than it "should" do. However, it becomes less of an unfortunate coincidence and more of a pattern when you talk about 4-5 games in a row bombing in a specific genre, particularly when some of these games sold millions on competing systems.
Log4Girlz said:Ok, now imagine Star Fox Adventures with a 50% more powerful graphics engine
Log4Girlz said:I think it would match Conker. Shit, there are shots of Mario Galaxy that match Conker.
Jammy said:Wii owns that record... along with all the other ones. :lol
grandjedi6 said:The more consoles Sony sells the more money they lose. Ironic, no?
Flying_Phoenix said:But it doesn't.
Yes I am aware of that (I own the game) but Super Mario Galaxy's graphics (as well as Conker's) were more so due to smart artistic design and texture working. I was just trying to point out that the average developer would be able to pull off those graphics without immense talent.
KuwabaraTheMan said:But at the same time, the more consoles they sell, the more games get purchased, offsetting some of those losses.
I'm not saying its as simple as that, but it's obvious that Sony is going to need stronger software sales to profit this generation, which necessitates getting more hardware into people's houses.
no... they wont.fizzelopeguss said:PS3 deserves better. Maybe they will claw something back that's half way respectable in 09.
Jirotrom said:no... they wont.
Perfect. Couldn't have said it better (you know my stance on this).bmf said:It will be a minor upgrade in 2012. Really. It will be. My thought is - what can they sell for $249 in 2012 and break even, and then I extrapolate from there.
systems dont bounce back from a deficit like this, its too late. Mindshare has already been lost.Log4Girlz said:Well, ya never know. Component costs will come down. They just have to marry a price cut (which will be affordable in the future) with a major AAA title. They can't just slash the price at random.
Log4Girlz said:Though it doesn't, in a round-about way, it shows that Wii is capable of Xbox level graphics, because the Wii is naturally more powerful than the Gamecube.
As for the second comment, matching conker or halo would be no great achievement or testiment to the units power. Wii already can match Xbox graphics on most levels, the Wii HD should be going well beyond that. Conker just shouldn't hold up very well against even a mediocre Wii game.
Shouldn't. Lord knows there will be tons of shovelware proving me wrong.
Flying_Phoenix said:Other then a resolution increase is there anything that the Xbox 360 or PS3 can improve the graphics on in these games? Not really the art-styles they've chosen has been perfected. Basically this is what I expect from the Wii 2 only for much broader art-styles such as the ones I've listed. Because to me you can't really improve the graphics in those games do to their respectable art-styles.
None of those things would matter for those games, except for maybe texture and anti aliasing. But they wouldn't make those games significantly better.Kuroyume said:Yes... AI, scale, textures, shadows, lighting, anti aliasing, etc.
grandjedi6 said:NO, DON'T!!!
Kuroyume said:Yes... AI, scale, textures, shadows, lighting, anti aliasing, etc.
Musashi Wins! said:I can't believe the PS3 numbers. Ugh. WTF happened to this company?
Milhouse31 said:Am I late ?
Nocebo said:None of those things would matter for those games, except for maybe texture and anti aliasing. But they wouldn't make those games significantly better.
AI? :lol Scale? :lol You probably don't know what these games are about so you'll get a pass for now.
Not funny.Status said:racist.gif
wowGEARS OF WAR 2* (360) 1.56 million
LEFT 4 DEAD (360) 410K
nah man... it was funny.Htown said:Not funny.
Dude, you forgot physics. Probably the most important one.Kuroyume said:Yes... AI, scale, textures, shadows, lighting, anti aliasing, etc.
Trevor360 said:Wii already is already capable of those graphics, pop in Star Fox Adventures and see for yourself.
Status said:
Problem is that they all start looking like shit on LCDTVsFlying_Phoenix said:Conker holds up well even against current generation powered games. But again that game solely used every breaking ounce of the Xbox's power since it was essentially a N64 game on the Xbox. Also the Wii can't do Halo 3's graphics. Basically I'm trying to say that I expect the Wii 2 to have enough graphical power to perfect a fair share of artstyles.
I guess to put into example I should list games in which the Wii has perfected their art-styles:
Other then a resolution increase is there anything that the Xbox 360 or PS3 can improve the graphics on in these games? Not really the art-styles they've chosen has been perfected. Basically this is what I expect from the Wii 2 only for much broader art-styles such as the ones I've listed. Because to me you can't really improve the graphics in those games do to their respectable art-styles.
It's from a joke account from this new site I found with a bunch of GAF exiles.Orbitcube said:amidoinitrite?
EDIT: Dude... this guy has only made 2 posts, both of them GIFs relating to African Americans and KFC. Racist much?
oh shit... maybe he is racist...Orbitcube said:![]()
EDIT: Dude... this guy has only made 2 posts, both of them GIFs relating to African Americans and KFC. Racist much?
Firestorm said:Problem is that they all start looking like shit on LCDTVsAnd yes, I'd say there are. I mean, cel-shading was doable on the PS2 and GCN, but nothing to the extent we see in Eternal Sonata or Tales of Vesperia.
Probably playing games as that might be what they really care about?Hero said:Also where are all the haters who criticized Nintendo for 'only' having Animal Crossing and Wii Music as their holiday lineup?
cedric69 said:Probably playing games as that might be what they really care about?
I think it's a little from A and a little from B.vanguardian1 said:The problem is that is the fault of the DISPLAY, not the game or the console.
shykyoichi said:I just remembered. Where is Chrono Trigger DS?
This is the one great piece of reasoning for Nintendo to keep their next console scaled back a bit.Yes Boss! said:That is true but the game-development tools and costs need to come down as well.
Not sure if it was the highest November sales but someone (One of the sales-sages) said PS2's best november was 1.3 million. Ps2's best December was 2.7 million.sionyboy said:What was the previous November hardware sales record? I know DS posted the biggest numbers last year, but what about home consoles?
Conker ran at half the framerate, wasn't in widescreen, had load times while SFA had none, and came out 3 years after SFA. Who knows what Rare could have done with 3 more years with the GC or Wii.Flying_Phoenix said:I admit the game looks good for being a last generation game but Conker is just leagues ahead of it.
Azrael said:I know in my case, I'd like to pick VC up, but there are so many great games out there right now and not enough time for them all, that it's hard to justify picking up VC over another game when it lacks trophy support. Whether that's keeping other hardcore gamers away I don't know.