As a PS3 owner, I am a little frustrated with its direction. The PS3 was a good system, but marketed badly, especially in this very bad economy. They could have tried to push themselves as a value, like a swiss-army knife of systems - with BluRay, built-in wifi, free PSN service and easy to upgrade Hard-drive. They probably could have even tied LBP as a family game and deals where you get $150 credit for opening a Sony Credit Card.
But they continually cut features (no BC, no flash card) and maintain a price that is higher than its competitors without doing a good job marketing its advantages. I understand cost-cutting measures, but what is the cost benefit ratio of having PS2 BC, especially with PS2 sales petering out? Walk in any Gamestop and nearly a third of total shelf space is dedicated to used Ps2 games, hundreds of games less than 30 bucks. People still with a PS2 because they still have an enormous backlog me

. That is a HUGE advantage not capitalized on. (Do chips cost that much more to make and install? Its almost 9 year old technology. How about software emulation? Is it difficult? Correct me if I'm wrong)
Also it is ironic considering that part of the reason Sony won against the Sega Saturn was because it was released at a much lower pricing.
The games are good to great, the hardware is good. I still think it remains a viable platform for games, but it seems like it will get second dibs next to the 360 this generation in terms of development and in some cases release scheduling (like BioShock). It still has some great first party properties like God of War, GT, Resistance, LBP. Metal gear solid 4 was a good demonstration of that advantage in hardware. It is still a marketable brand name. It just has a huge uphill battle for next generation, especially in a bad economy.
(Although reports of firmware updates bricking systems are a little unsettling. Its not as bad as RRoD, but still sucks because if it is the firmware that is Sony's fault and customers should pay for it.)
They continue to spend resources on things like Playstation Home. Sure it is nice its free. I checked it out, and while it is a fun diversion chatting with random people and bowling, how much more function can it get? Do people really need another Facebook type service? How much money is virtual furniture and Diesel clothing going to earn? It just seems a bit cynical. Consumers are constantly looking for 1) games and 2) increased functionality at the best price
In the meantime 360 gets a Netflix service with NXE. I thought PS3 was the media hub? Sony owns tons of movie and music property and couldn't unite their divisions and tie these in?
Facts are the facts and the Wii is clearly the success of this generation, and its influence will be longterm. How they manage the next generation will be interesting and remains to be seen. When Nintendo is successful, they tend to play it more safe. Things may change with Iwata at the helm; I want to see how he manages a lead into the next generation. MS, while not winning the contest of most systems sold, did succeed in leapfrogging over Sony and are in a good position for next generation especially as HDTV becomes more and more mainstream. Sony needs to come up with a gameplan - they have to finish solid and prevent the brand from losing more luster.
Last point is that PS3 is not the GCN. The GCN was going toe to toe in terms of sales with Xbox until a decent chunk into its lifespan, fighting for #2 while PS2 was clearly the dominant system. It just didn't get a lot of the multiplat games and I guess that made it seem like it was a distant third. The PS3 was a clear third from the get go as the 360 had a year headstart and the Wii absolutely succeeded most predictions. Not worse than GCN, just totaly different scenario, different target market.