acm2000 said:tbh, the most shocking thing in this NPD is:
CALL OF DUTY: WORLD AT WAR* (360) 1.41 million
wasnt expecting such a huge gap between the two, considering both are pretty hardcore gamer machines
Well, the physics in Super Mario Galaxy are very impressive!YYZ said:Dude, you forgot physics. Probably the most important one.
It was implied with the coinciding of price cuts and the Jasper board revision.Byakuya769 said:Finally, concerning the 360. We all seem to agree that price cuts would likely (and quickly) hurt sony's pocket, but why does everyone seem so confident that MS is not hurting from having to undercut their competition as they have? Is there some evidence that MS has been able to lower the manufacturing cost per system to balance their large price cuts?
Sir Fragula said:It was implied with the coinciding of price cuts and the Jasper board revision.
1cesc said:The highest console sales in a month is Dec 2002 when the PS2 sold 2.7 million.
The highest November sales were PS2's Nov 2002 total of 1.3 million.
Fenderputty said:I would rather see Sony and MS join forces since it appears as though the HD market is a little saturated.
Finally, concerning the 360. We all seem to agree that price cuts would likely (and quickly) hurt sony's pocket, but why does everyone seem so confident that MS is not hurting from having to undercut their competition as they have? Is there some evidence that MS has been able to lower the manufacturing cost per system to balance their large price cuts?
Stumpokapow said:PS3 numbers are awful. Substantially down YOY despite major software launches.
Byakuya769 said:PS3 in black
Byakuya769 said:Finally, concerning the 360. We all seem to agree that price cuts would likely (and quickly) hurt sony's pocket, but why does everyone seem so confident that MS is not hurting from having to undercut their competition as they have? Is there some evidence that MS has been able to lower the manufacturing cost per system to balance their large price cuts?
Not sure if they can ship enough. It needs more than they have told us so far ("50%+ compared to last year").DavidDayton said:Methinks the Wii will beat the December record this year.
pssst its called install baseacm2000 said:tbh, the most shocking thing in this NPD is:
CALL OF DUTY: WORLD AT WAR* (360) 1.41 million
wasnt expecting such a huge gap between the two, considering both are pretty hardcore gamer machines
Neo C. said:Not sure if they can ship enough. It needs more than they have told us so far ("50%+ compared to last year").
I've been thinking about that too. Seems like a lot of that extra 50% went to costumers in November. How much could be left for december?Neo C. said:Not sure if they can ship enough. It needs more than they have told us so far ("50%+ compared to last year").
Wasn't domokunrox the one who threw a hissy fit about people predicting ps3 numbers lower than last year's november in the hw prediction thread? :lol I'd like to see his reaction to these numbers.Hammer24 said:Hats off to...
...the Wii, shattering all kinds of sales records. Maybe Wii December=PS3 YTD? Amazing!
...Sony PR. Great job, considering how little there is to work with. I don´t know how anyone could have worded it any better.
...GAF for the usual hilarious thread. But I missed the really batshit insane posters like domokunrox, Hoffman, MikeB and the like.
bathala said:pssst its called install base
Can't find the original post so copying from a quote.tahrikmili said:Anyone have HW sales figures for Nov 07?
.Minsc said:Code:Nov. 2007 | 2008 | % Increase / Decrease Wii: 981K | 2040K | 108% NDS: 1530K | 1570K | 2.6% 360: 770K | 836K | 8.6% PSP: 567K | 421K | -25.7% PS3: 466K | 378K | -18.9% PS2: 496K | 206K | -58.5%
What are current USA install bases then according to NPD?acm2000 said:umm, install base isnt 2 1/2 x ps3's, also 360 had GoW2 @ 1.5m, whatever way you look at it, its a larger than expected gap
I think the only extra one so far was from the MS PR: another 200k+ for Fable 2, taking it to 970k or so.Brashnir said:did we ever get any software numbers outside the top 10? I'm not wading through 30 pages of OMG2Million and fan-baiting to find out.
M°°nblade said:What are current USA install bases then according to NPD?
Nocebo said:Can't find the original post so copying from a quote.
Hero said:Also where are all the haters who criticized Nintendo for 'only' having Animal Crossing and Wii Music as their holiday lineup?
In the top 10 we have Wii play which came out almost two years ago and Wii Fit and Mario Kart which came out more than six months ago. Nintendo titles have legs. The only companies who need holiday blockbuster games are companies that need those games to sell systems. As we can see clearly, Nintendo is having problem with supply and not demand.
tahrikmili said:Back to the drawing board Sony. The 10 year plan seems to have PHAILed.
A console with only marginal sales and marketshare like the PS3 has no chance of having a 10 year lifespan. That is just Sony PR-speak..pie in the sky wishful thinking.Metaphoreus said:While this definitely has to be disturbing for Sony, there's no reason to say that "the 10 year plan seems to have PHAILed." If they really are aiming at a 10 year cycle for the PS3 as a priority, then of course they can suffer through the first half of that and hope to make up for it during the second half.
On another note, I can't believe that, excluding DS, the Wii sold more than every other console COMBINED this month. That is unbelievable.
Mantorok said:So let me get this straight - what you're saying is, the Nintendo Wii has managed to sell a 10th of the GameCube's WORLDWIDE sales, in 1 month, in 1 territory?
Oh, fucking, my. Bordering on ridiculous now.
No the funniest part is they're doing better without anything amazing out that's new. It's still running off of launch hype. :lolcr_blah_blah said:You really can't be dense enough to think people criticize Nintendo for their holiday lineup because of its effect on sales. Just in case you are, people criticize because they want something to play on it. Not because Nintendo isn't going to sell out without them. I don't think it's too ridiculous to want games you're interested in, regardless of whether the company will do fine with or without them. So yes, they only have Animal Crossing and Wii Music as their holiday lineup and it sucks. Good for them that they can do so great without more games, but how does that change wanting more core games?
acm2000 said:tbh, the most shocking thing in this NPD is:
CALL OF DUTY: WORLD AT WAR* (360) 1.41 million
wasnt expecting such a huge gap between the two, considering both are pretty hardcore gamer machines
Kyo said:What major launches? LBP was the only one and it was hard to tell how well it would do. You can't possibly be talking about Resistance 2 and MotorStorm Pacific Rift - sequels to games that people originally bought mostly just because nothing else was available. People who didn't buy the PS3 for Resistance 1 surely won't buy it just to play Resistance 2 now. That's the kind of stuff that should be built up in addition to the big hitters, not as a substitute for them. So where is GT5? Where is God of War III? Why couldn't they get Killzone 2 out in time for this holiday season? They can't seriously expect their machine to sell well when they still haven't managed to release some of their most eagerly anticipated titles more than two years after the system's launch.
lawblob said:What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?
lawblob said:What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?
Don't worry. I think the wii is too confusing for many western devs.lawblob said:What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?
I checked a few months ago and they had about 20 titles in 18 months or something. If anybody is a Nintendo 'fanboy', then they aren't hurting for content. Yes, they probably aren't buying 3 games a month but you can't be a Nintendo 'Fanboy' and not have seen that coming. It's been 3 generations of Nintendo output. Nintendo can't do more. If you want more games, you have to depend on handhelds and other systems.Coolio McAwesome said:Granted, Nintendo didn't have any high profile core titles out for Christmas but, since the launch of the Wii, Nintendo fanboys have gotten Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., and Mario Kart. That's a lot of high profile titles in a relatively short period of time. I honestly don't know anyone can honestly suggest that Nintendo has abandoned the core fans.
Hammer24 said:Its hard to predict. If you would divert your resources to Wii production - where would you aim it at? A party game? A sports game? What is a sure fire thing on the Wii? That might be hard to judge.
On the other hand, if you are a PC developer, just do a push-the-button-port to the 360. The userbase eats it up anyways. And don´t bother porting to the PS3 if you don´t have a big marteking push behind it. It might not be worth the investment.
lawblob said:What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?
lawblob said:What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?
I think they'll ship far more than they want to admit: "Did we say 50% additional shipment? Sorry, it's actually double of the amount of last year."Nocebo said:I've been thinking about that too. Seems like a lot of that extra 50% went to costumers in November. How much could be left for december?
Which reminds me. Does anyone have a clear picture of how western developers are supporting the NDS with software? Are there any that land in the top 10 for instance?lawblob said:Yeah, and obviously the 360 and PS3 still have high enough user bases themselves to support tons of unique development, but it just seems like we might be getting to the tipping point with the Wii where there are so many consoles out there that you have a higher chance of breaking even with Wii development than you would with 360/PS3 development. You can develop games for probably half the cost, and only need to attract a much smaller % of install base.
The investment risk of Wii development is (I would imagine) very low; and in these economic times, devs and publishers will become extremely risk-averse.
:lol if there were ever a time to shatter ps2's record it is now. I doubt Wii will come close to 2 million in the years following.Neo C. said:I think they'll ship far more than they want to admit: "Did we say 50% additional shipment? Sorry, it's actually double of the amount of last year."
lawblob said:The investment risk of Wii development is (I would imagine) very low; and in these economic times, devs and publishers will become extremely risk-averse.
Nocebo said:Which reminds me. Does anyone have a clear picture of how western developers are supporting the NDS with software? Are there any that land in the top 10 for instance?
lawblob said:What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?