I don't think anyone was saying "The PS3 is not worth it". Obviously it is, to a large number of people. What they were saying was "It's not worth it in comparison to the other stuff on the market".
You mention a blu-ray player, free online, and games you like playing. Right now, it's possible to buy an arcade 360 bundle (which comes with one decent game and a family junk game), a low-end blu-ray player, and a Live membership for around the same price as a $399 PS3. If you bumped that up to a decent, profile 2.0 high-quality Blu-Ray player, you could do 360+Blu-Ray within the same ballpark as the PS3. The numbers fudge up or down on both sides if you get deals on any one product. If a consumer opts out of Blu-Ray, it's not even close.
It's true that the PS3 has some fantastic exclusives. No one is going to doubt that. It might also be true that those exclusives appeal to you more than 360 exclusives. Even then, though, the exclusive on both systems hit a lot of the same genres--for example, both the 360 and the PS3 have high quality exclusive FPS games. Both the 360 and the PS3 have high quality exclusive TPS games (even if, say, Uncharted probably targets a different audience than GoW). Both have high quality exclusive racing games. Both have exclusive singing games and exclusive trivia games.
I would say that there are differences too. The 360 clearly has a lineup of JRPGs not present on the PS3, and the PS3 has software like Little Big Planet and even Heavenly Sword that do not have competing products on the 360, but I think on the whole there aren't many demographics who are tickled only by the PS3's exclusives and not the 360's (or even vice versa, really). I can't imagine individual franchise loyalties (to MGS or Resistance or Halo or whatever) come into play at this point, since pretty much everyone who really cared about a franchise enough to make a purchasing decision probably already did in the first 2/3 years of both systems.
By and large, though, both systems share >80% of their library, and so exclusives are going to be in the back of the mind of most consumers in the sense that whether they are getting a PS3 or a 360, they are getting mostly the same games.
It's not that people are saying that the PS3 is a bad value--they're saying that the way prices are right now, the 360 is seen by most consumers as being a BETTER value. That's no attempt at trolling, it's an attempt at explaining the sales numbers you're seeing in a pretty obvious way. If the PS3 had a superior value proposition to the 360 right now, you wouldn't be seeing a large disparity in hardware sales.
~190k, lifetime total of a hair under a million.