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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Home looks like just another dumb thing sony did this generation.

Hey, lets force everyone to play the hit game 'The Sims' all the time!




catfish said:
Home looks like just another dumb thing sony did this generation.

Hey, lets force everyone to play the hit game 'The Sims' all the time!

But dude, you can buy crazy clothes for your avatar, and shit!! I can make my house look just like Far Cry or something!!


lawblob said:
But dude, you can buy crazy clothes for your avatar, and shit!! I can make my house look just like Far Cry or something!!
And stand in line to play games like bowling! Just like in real life!


Stumpokapow said:
I would say that there are differences too. The 360 clearly has a lineup of JRPGs not present on the PS3, and the PS3 has software like Little Big Planet and even Heavenly Sword that do not have competing products on the 360, but I think on the whole there aren't many demographics who are tickled only by the PS3's exclusives and not the 360's (or even vice versa, really). I can't imagine individual franchise loyalties (to MGS or Resistance or Halo or whatever) come into play at this point, since pretty much everyone who really cared about a franchise enough to make a purchasing decision probably already did in the first 2/3 years of both systems.
Ninja Gaiden II?
Prine said:
Is Wii Sports/Play a pack in game and is it counted as a unit sold on NPD?

I remember getting a game with my Wii some time ago but forgot what it was
Wii Sports = bundled with the Wii

Wii Play = bundled with Wiimote
Dunlop said:
says who?

Says the worldwide console sales. Says the $250 Wii outselling the $199 Xbox 360. These sales prove that the majority of the gaming audience doesn't care about "multimedia capabilities" of a console.


listen to the mad man
Prine said:
Is Wii Sports/Play a pack in game and is it counted as a unit sold on NPD?

I remember getting a game with my Wii some time ago but forgot what it was

Wii Sports is a packin and is not counted.
Wii Play is not a packin and is counted.

Packins are not counted for any console unless the bundle is on a retail level. Anything manufactured by Nintendo, Sony, or MS, does not count.

RBH said:
Ninja Gaiden II?

Yeah, that was the closest comparison I could think of but I decided that it probably skewed differently enough to not include it. Maybe Ninja Blade next year will be a closer match?


has calmed down a bit.
CreatureX3 said:
Says the worldwide console sales. Says the $250 Wii outselling the $199 Xbox 360. These sales prove that the majority of the gaming audience doesn't care about "multimedia capabilities" of a console.

It also shows they don't care about games. We're back at square one.
VanMardigan said:
It also shows they don't care about games. We're back at square one.
Half the top 10 are Wii games. If you don't like those games that is your opinion. But obviously there are many others who love those games. :D
<intercom> Just a reminder to all our shoppers that Nintendo make their money from consoles and games, and Sony and Microsoft need people to buy many more games and media to make a profit since they loss-lead. Our shoppers are reminded not to compare apples to a collector's edition of The History of Oranges, as offenders will be prosecuted. Thank you for shopping at NeoGAF, please enjoy your day, and remember our motto, "bitter tears for many years!"


tahrikmili said:
I don't understand the comic :(

I could be wrong, but I think its in reference to PS Home having some Red Bull sponsored game in it. I think the idea is that Home was supposed to be a unique & user-driven experience; but the Red Bull game is an indication that it will probably just turn into a huge orgy of tasteless marketing.


CreatureX3 said:
Says the worldwide console sales. Says the $250 Wii outselling the $199 Xbox 360. These sales prove that the majority of the gaming audience doesn't care about "multimedia capabilities" of a console.

I'd love to see your figures on this where you get to speak on behalf of the gaming audience.

Let's remove the fact the media hub 360 has a higher attach rate or ignore people like myself that own multiple systems. How many people purchased a PS2 for it's DVD capability?A PS3 for BD?

No doubt games are the largest influence but to say a majority do not care is just ignorant.


TheKingsCrown said:
By the way, I still feel the Wiifit total should be added to the Wii hardware total. Its like its own console IMO.


It is it's own platform, with an ever growing list of software being designed specifically for it's use. +1 Shaun White Snowboarding Wii


I remember, I think was at least a year to 18 months ago Iwata saying something along the lines of "Wii may be able to equal or surpass PS2 sales".

At the time I thought he was being a bit premature.....

Oh Iwata, please forgive me, I have sinned, I doubted you great one, you fucking psychic, mystic-meg-fucking, fortune-telling, palm-reading, long-sighted, visionary-console-selling motherfucker genius! I am not worthy.


Dunlop said:
I'd love to see your figures on this where you get to speak on behalf of the gaming audience.

Let's remove the fact the media hub 360 has a higher attach rate or ignore people like myself that own multiple systems. How many people purchased a PS2 for it's DVD capability?A PS3 for BD?

No doubt games are the largest influence but to say a majority do not care is just ignorant.
You realize majority means over 50% of the gaming populace right? You really believe over 50% cares?


GameGamer said:
Why not just extend your PC to your TV? Why the middle hardware?

Because I am not the only one using it. I can give the remote to my 4 year old and he can load up his collection of Go Diego or whater. Plus he loves seeing his avatar.

Repeat for wife, babysitter, etc...
Dunlop said:
I'd love to see your figures on this where you get to speak on behalf of the gaming audience.

Let's remove the fact the media hub 360 has a higher attach rate or ignore people like myself that own multiple systems. How many people purchased a PS2 for it's DVD capability?A PS3 for BD?

No doubt games are the largest influence but to say a majority do not care is just ignorant.
Sure there are many multi console owners, but the sales data shows they are in the minority. Wii sales are growing by huge numbers year over year, while the HD systems are not. This shows that "Wii only" homes are growing faster than "multi console" homes.


CreatureX3 said:
Sure their are many multi console owners, but the sales data shows they are in the minority. Wii sales are growing by huge numbers year over year, while the HD systems are not. This shows that "Wii only" homes are growing faster than "multi console" homes.

I know, my only point was do not claim as fact that a majority of gamers do not care about the media capabilities. Especially now with the seamless integration of things like Netflix.

But we've derailed the thread enough about such a silly topic.

how about dem Nintendo's? :D


I'm honestly sorry for LittleBigPlanet.
Wii is something out of this world, really.
And the whole situation is just a little surreal, since all the major projects are always on PS360 and so much more could be done with the Wiimote gameplay-wise.


Dunlop said:
Let's remove the fact the media hub 360 has a higher attach rate or ignore people like myself that own multiple systems. How many people purchased a PS2 for it's DVD capability?A PS3 for BD?

Sony might be losing that BD exclusivity on the console front soon from what I hear, so I guess we will see.


Strap on your hooker ...
CreatureX3 said:
Half the top 10 are Wii games. If you don't like those games that is your opinion. But obviously there are many others who love those games. :D
People picking up a game = people loving it? Take a look at GAF's general feelings on GTAIV in any GOTY thread.

Wii Play and Wii Fit succeed because they're games that people love the idea of. "I'm going to buy an extra remote anyway and there's one that comes with a game for only $10 more?" "I want to be healthier and this game will help me?" I'd bet they have a pretty large dropoff rate after the first couple of plays, though. Much higher than the other games in the top 10.

Ranger X


Has a console ever sold this much in a month? Holy fucking shit.

OK so when do we have serious gamer games support hmm?



catfish said:
Home looks like just another dumb thing sony did this generation.

Hey, lets force everyone to play the hit game 'The Sims' all the time!

Only a retard would force themselves to play Home. Home is an application that you can choose to boot or not, its optional and it does have potential. But this aint the Home thread. If you want to discuss it, go to its thread.

Anyhow, just saw the numbers! Impressive for Wii, 360 did great, ps3 not so much(psp did better!) Sony has the drop the price asap and get rid of the 500 bucks SKU. Seriously, Sony if you are gunning for 10 year life cycle, drop the damn price for long run profit.


Junior Member
So what's the saturation point for the Wii for the USA? 1/4 or 1/3 of US households? I imagine it will be better than the Super Nintendo/NES days.

From 1995:
Growth in Video Game Households
In late 1995, Alexander & Associates was conducting research for our annual Computer/Video Game Benchmark Study. A survey of 2,000 U.S. households showed a penetration of 32.5%, or 31.4 million homes, that owned a video game system (defined as a “system that connects to your TV and plays games that come in cartridges or on CDs”). Approximately 11.7 million homes owned a Super Nintendo, 12.9 million owned a Sega Genesis, and 22.3 million U.S. households had a video game console that had either a 16-bit or 32-bit processor (i.e., SNES, Genesis, Atari Jaguar, Sega Saturn or Sony Playstation). Sony Playstation was released in 1995, and had not yet gained a significant penetration level by the time of this study (under 1 million units). Nintendo officially dropped the Nintendo Entertainment System from their product line in 1995, but there were approximately 12 million homes that listed that device as either their primary or secondary console.



Do we know what the LTD's for GHWT are by platform? I know the Wii was just barely behind the 360 as of last month, but selling almost 500k just on the Wii had to have either closed the gap or moved GHWT sales lead from 360 to Wii


lawblob said:
What frightens me is the thought that a lot of software Devs will truly start diverting their resources to develop for the Wii, doing less work on PS3 / 360. When the Wii has such a drastically higher install base, why would you not?

Microsoft PR said:
· Record-setting software attach rate leads the industry, now at 8.1
With $298 million in third-party game sales in November, the Xbox 360 has generated more revenue at retail for third-party publishers than the PS3 and Wii combined this generation. (November NPD data)

Aside from Guitar Hero, how many third-party games have sold better for the Wii than 360?


Cruzader said:
Only a retard would force themselves to play Home. Home is an application that you can choose to boot or not, its optional and it does have potential. But this aint the Home thread. If you want to discuss it, go to its thread.

Anyhow, just saw the numbers! Impressive for Wii, 360 did great, ps3 not so much(psp did better!) Sony has the drop the price asap and get rid of the 500 bucks SKU. Seriously, Sony if you are gunning for 10 year life cycle, drop the damn price for long run profit.

well a 10 year life cycle would mean it can afford to stay at a higher price longer, the problem is that this cycle will be disrupted once one of the other console companies launches a new console.
Ranger X said:

Has a console ever sold this much in a month? Holy fucking shit.

OK so when do we have serious gamer games support hmm?


Probably never.

Next to their HD counterparts, 'serious' Wii games just look horrendously ugly. Wii will probably always have casual friendly games of its own and poor selling HD-console ports of major franchises.

You could design Gears of War or Killzone 2 around Waggle but with Wii graphics it would just be.. well.. something else entirely. I refrain from posting last-gen screenshots to demonstrate what I mean.


xbhaskarx said:
Aside from Guitar Hero, how many third-party games have sold better for the Wii than 360?

Aside from Guitar Hero / Rock Band, how many Wii versions have been competent?

tahrikmili said:
Probably never.

Next to their HD counterparts, 'serious' Wii games just look horrendously ugly. Wii will probably always have casual friendly games of its own and poor selling HD-console ports of major franchises.

Well, also exclusive versions of major franchises as appopriate (e.g., Dragon Quest X, probably a few Final Fantasy games as we move along..)


Even if i couldn't care less of sales, i would be really happy to see Little Big Planet replacing COD5 sales placement.

It really deserves it; the n.12312 WWII shooters...not so much, imho- but sales != originality or quality, anyway


gkrykewy said:
Aside from Guitar Hero / Rock Band, how many Wii versions have been competent?

What multiplatform third-party games are / are not competent, who gets to decide that, and is it determined before or after sales numbers are known?


xbhaskarx said:
What multiplatform third-party games are / are not competent, who gets to decide that, and is it determined before or after sales numbers are known?

Let's start at "not a port of the PS2 version"
Shig said:
People picking up a game = people loving it? Take a look at GAF's general feelings on GTAIV in any GOTY thread.

Wii Play and Wii Fit succeed because they're games that people love the idea of. "I'm going to buy an extra remote anyway and there's one that comes with a game for only $10 more?" "I want to be healthier and this game will help me?" I'd bet they have a pretty large dropoff rate after the first couple of plays, though. Much higher than the other games in the top 10.
Well according to MTV Multiplayer, the average Wii Play owner plays the game for over nine hours. Giving over nine hours of your time to any game pretty much shows you love it. :D


all of my posts are my avatar
GameGamer said:
Why not just extend your PC to your TV? Why the middle hardware?

perfect 1080p output, timing and scaling over HDMI

Also because we have 360's in our living room anyways, and it works better as an extender than most media PC's do on their own. Try recording 2+ HDTV(while doing real-time H.264\WMAHD re-encoding) shows and displaying another one(or 2 or 3 HD shows) at the same time on the same PC, the 360's takes all the work load off of my PC so it can act as a media server\DVR.

I have no interest in moving my PC to my living room or using it at all for that matter after spenidng 10+ hours a day on it to earn a buck.
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