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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


xbhaskarx said:
What multiplatform third-party games are / are not competent, who gets to decide that, and is it determined before or after sales numbers are known?

The audience that compares feature for feature the Wii vs HD consoles multiplat games.


xbhaskarx said:
Aside from Guitar Hero, how many third-party games have sold better for the Wii than 360?

Lego Indy
Lego Batman
Ubisoft indications say Shaun White Snowboarding
Rayman Raving Rabbids 1 (2 and TV Party were Wii only)

And Rock Band 1 Wii (the super gimped version) came close to outselling the PS3 version, and long surpassed the PS2 version.

I am sure there are some others, but from your post I bet your intention was to point out that the Wii sucks

The question should also be asked how many games get released on both platforms, its not like we see a whole lot of big Top 10 ranking games from the 360 getting released on Wii so its hard to have that debate


At the Veteran's hospital where I work they have some Wii's for sale and after talking to someone people in line for it I am really starting to see why this thing is selling as much as it is.

This goes beyond households. Churches and other groups are buying it too. One person was saying how their church's fitness group is now basically run by Wii fit on a big projection screen in front of them.


xbhaskarx said:
Aside from Guitar Hero, how many third-party games have sold better for the Wii than 360?
Lego anything, Tiger Woods... And possibly Sonic Unleashed (with no proof other than my guess).


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Shig said:
People picking up a game = people loving it? Take a look at GAF's general feelings on GTAIV in any GOTY thread.

Wii Play and Wii Fit succeed because they're games that people love the idea of. "I'm going to buy an extra remote anyway and there's one that comes with a game for only $10 more?" "I want to be healthier and this game will help me?" I'd bet they have a pretty large dropoff rate after the first couple of plays, though. Much higher than the other games in the top 10.

this is what it has come to? "yes they're buying games but they probably don't like them very much."

I've been saying for over a year now that most here would be surprised at how much people actually like playing Wii Play.


levious said:
I've been saying for over a year now that most here would be surprised at how much people actually like playing Wii Play.

I actually like Wii Play. Probably had more fun playing around with it than I did Smash Bros.


source: MTV Multiplayer

Ranger X

tahrikmili said:
Probably never.

Next to their HD counterparts, 'serious' Wii games just look horrendously ugly. Wii will probably always have casual friendly games of its own and poor selling HD-console ports of major franchises.

You could design Gears of War or Killzone 2 around Waggle but with Wii graphics it would just be.. well.. something else entirely. I refrain from posting last-gen screenshots to demonstrate what I mean.

The Wii can offer us games that are just as serious and good looking as they were on Xbox and PS2. The real problem is that i am not seeing those games on Wii as I should.
A "last-gen looking" good game is perfectly viable and its potential sales is pretty high, I mean, do you realise the userbase the Wii is getting? There's MOUNTAINS of cash sleeping around.
Ranger X said:

Has a console ever sold this much in a month? Holy fucking shit.

OK so when do we have serious gamer games support hmm?

Animal Crossing: City Folk just came out.
tinfoilhatman said:
perfect 1080p output, timing and scaling over HDMI

Also because we have 360's in our living room anyways, and it works better as an extender than most media PC's do on their own. Try recording 2+ HDTV(while doing real-time H.264\WMAHD re-encoding) shows and displaying another one at the same time on the same PC, the 360's takes all the work load off of my PC so it can act as a media server\DVR.

I have no interest in moving my PC to my living room or using it at all for that matter after spenidng 10+ hours a day on it to earn a buck.

I KNOW your not trying to say a xbox 360 is better at being a media center for the living room then a home theater pc...correct me if im wrong but thats just goofy to say lol :lol

A home theater pc in the living room is the ULTIMATE media center, period


CreatureX3 said:
Hey get these little kiddies out of here. This is a thread of testosterone and manliness. We don't need little babies that can't tell a pixel shader from a hole in the wall in this thread.
Ranger X said:
The Wii can offer us games that are just as serious and good looking as they were on Xbox and PS2. The real problem is that i am not seeing those games on Wii as I should.
A "last-gen looking" good game is perfectly viable and its potential sales is pretty high, I mean, do you realise the userbase the Wii is getting? There's MOUNTAINS of cash sleeping around.

I disagree. A 'last-gen game', especially a PS2 level game, looks like SHIT compared to an even mediocre HD effort.

And before you post PS2 game screenshot comparisons, first resize them to an HD resolution, because that's what they look like on my big screen TV. I'll even let you use Photoshop's bicubic etc. sampling method for that, because it will look like shit regardless.

I realize the userbase Wii is getting and it's not one that wants COD5 Shitty Graphics Waggle Edition.


tahrikmili said:
I disagree. A 'last-gen game', especially a PS2 level game, looks like SHIT compared to an even mediocre HD effort.
Who cares about that except the hardest of the hardcores?


all of my posts are my avatar
Mr.Potato Head said:
I KNOW your not trying to say a xbox 360 is better at being a media center for the living room then a home theater pc...correct me if im wrong but thats just goofy to say lol :lol

A home theater pc in the living room is the ULTIMATE media center, period

What possible advantage does having a PC have in the living room for media capabuilities than a 360 paired with a Vista Media center PC?
I already have a PS3 which is far far superior than any PC for playing Blu_ray movies.

Your PC is powerful enough to display 3+ 1080p shows at the same time, all while recording 2+ HD programs and decoding\re-encoding multiple HD TV programs at the same time?

So am I supposed to have a full blown media center PC in my bed room and my workshop and bar\game room too?

The only person that could possibly believe this is someone who hasn't actually used the 360 as a High def media cetner extender, it works flawlessly and it has a handy family friendly remote control that automaticaly brings them directly to the medai cetner interface without needing to know anything aboutt eh server or computers at all for that matter.

Ranger X

tahrikmili said:
I disagree. A 'last-gen game', especially a PS2 level game, looks like SHIT compared to an even mediocre HD effort.

And before you post PS2 game screenshot comparisons, first resize them to an HD resolution, because that's what they look like on my big screen TV. I'll even let you use Photoshop's bicubic etc. sampling method for that, because it will look like shit regardless.

I realize the userbase Wii is getting and it's not one that wants COD5 Shitty Graphics Waggle Edition.

Hey, i'm being gentle here even mentionning the PS2. But the reality is that i'm yet to see good looking games like MGS3, GOW series, Shadow of Collusus, etc on the Wii and that's alarming.
I mean the Wii is at least an Xbox. It's clear we don't get much effort from publishers around the world.

Also, business is business. You want to hit where there's the largest/biggest audience. If graphics were the prime reason a game is selling, the Wii wouldn't be dramatically on top like now.
Nocebo said:
Who cares about that except the hardest of the hardcores?

Obviously more than just them, judging from COD Wii sales..

I mean, games WILL sell on the Wii, but not hardcore/serious games.

It's a console, as pointed out earlier, churchgoers use for WiiFit, etc. It's a console that at least one person each month steps up on GAF and rants about how it doesn't cater to the serious gamer.

Let's just face that fact.

It's been successful, but in a field of its own to the left, AFAIC.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
WOW! All I can say is the new Wii Sports will likely sell a bazillion copies. I love thinking that all these new gamers will eventually buy an X360 or PS3 or a new system from Nintendo down the road. Good for the industry.


Comics, serious business!
At this point, is Sony going to bet the farm on Killzone 2? It seems no matter what Sony does, US gamers just don't care.

They create one of the best FPS franchises in the last 5 years (R1, R2), create one of the most imaginative and original games in the last 5 years (LBP), and deliver a game that improves in every way one of the most groundbreaking games of all time (Tomb Raider, Uncharted). In 2008 you delivered the best software of all the big 3 (see metacritic). The 360 outsells you 2-1 in November (largely due to a sequel that actually does multiplayer WORSE than the first). Nintendo continues to kill it. Nobody gives a shit and your competitors are eating you alive.

So, what the fuck do you do at this point? You have the most expensive console that still loses money per unit. You refuse to drop the price. Your competitive position continues to be eroded.

Do you bet the hole fucking thing that gamers WILL care when they see Killzone 2?


manueldelalas said:
I wonder why MikeB hasn't posted anything.

It's because the 2.8+ million people who bought a console in November not named PS3 don't give a shit about SPEs or how they're used.
RSTEIN said:
At this point, is Sony going to bet the farm on Killzone 2? It seems no matter what Sony does, US gamers just don't care.

They create one of the best FPS franchises in the last 5 years (R1, R2), create one of the most imaginative and original games in the last 5 years (LBP), and deliver a game that improves in every way one of the most groundbreaking games of all time (Tomb Raider, Uncharted). In 2008 you delivered the best software of all the big 3 (see metacritic). The 360 outsells you 2-1 in November (largely due to a sequel that actually does multiplayer WORSE than the first). Nintendo continues to kill it. Nobody gives a shit and your competitors are eating you alive.

So, what the fuck do you do at this point? You have the most expensive console that still loses money per unit. You refuse to drop the price. Your competitive position continues to be eroded.

Do you bet the hole fucking thing that gamers WILL care when they see Killzone 2?
Turtle up, try to cost reduce, try to profit, don't worry about marketshare. The PS3 is pretty much boned, though. They just have to ride out the gen now and come back hard next time.

The only thing they should bet on Killzone 2 is to try to sell lots of games.


Anerythristic said:
It sucks but as much as I look at the sales data the more I feel there is ony enough room for two in the market.

I doubt it'll happen but I'd be all for MS and Sony teaming up next gen.

Nintendo can do their thing and try and expand the market.
While MS/Sony can produce a ridiculously powerful console with all kinds of crazy multimedia shit to please me.

I usually buy Sony and MS consoles each gen anyway so this would just save me money and would probably mean that all my friends were playing on the same console.
RSTEIN said:
Do you bet the hole fucking thing that gamers WILL care when they see Killzone 2?

They have invested so much time, money and effort into Killzone 2 already that they have no choice. The fact that Resistance 2 has been completely overshadowed by Killzone 2 (rightly or wrongly) shows the intentions of Sony.
VanMardigan said:
So this month, I'm going to totally pretend the NPD's never happened. Just too painful. So I'll perform the forum equivalent of holding my hands to my ears and yelling "la la la" ignoring Nintendo Wii's undeserved (imo) success.

Here is VanMardigan's NPD results (based on each console's offerings for the non-Soccer mom crowd). Basically, what I think they DESERVE to sell based on what they offer for gamers this holiday season:

Xbox 360: 1.4 Million
DS: 1.2 Million
Ps3: 885k
PsP: 440k
Ps2: 402k
Wii: 127k

And the Top Ten games (based on their awesomeness, not the amount of minigames they can cram into a dvd):

1. Gears of War 2
2. Little Big Planet
3. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
4. Left 4 Dead
5. Resistance 2
6. Rock Band 2
7. Mario Kart Wii
8. Call of Duty: World At War
9. Mirror's Edge
10. Wii Music (lulz, just kidding, its Valkria Chronicles)

So I'm going to reflect on my NPD's and what an awesome thing that is for gamers everywhere.
You are a sad, strange little man.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
RSTEIN said:
At this point, is Sony going to bet the farm on Killzone 2? It seems no matter what Sony does, US gamers just don't care.

They create one of the best FPS franchises in the last 5 years (R1, R2), create one of the most imaginative and original games in the last 5 years (LBP), and deliver a game that improves in every way one of the most groundbreaking games of all time (Tomb Raider, Uncharted). In 2008 you delivered the best software of all the big 3 (see metacritic). The 360 outsells you 2-1 in November (largely due to a sequel that actually does multiplayer WORSE than the first). Nintendo continues to kill it. Nobody gives a shit and your competitors are eating you alive.

So, what the fuck do you do at this point? You have the most expensive console that still loses money per unit. You refuse to drop the price. Your competitive position continues to be eroded.

Do you bet the hole fucking thing that gamers WILL care when they see Killzone 2?
Whether it be TVs, computers, game systems, or anything else Sony makes they rarely drop prices in line with their competition. And with a couple of very good Blu-ray players out there that are at $199-$230, the reason to buy a PS3 for Blu-ray is eroding. I think the PS3 will go down in history as a gaming system that came out early to respond to competitive pressure and then did very little to respond to the competitive pressure once it came out.

As to the games, I look at LBP and Motorstorm 2 as the two games of this year that truly stand out. As someone who loves FPS's, I have to admit that the Call of Duty franchise, the Gears franchise, and the new features of the New Xbox Experience have played a major part in me just not caring about R2. Perhaps Sony can turn the entire industry's heads with Killzone 2. But who knows.

Ranger X

RSTEIN said:
At this point, is Sony going to bet the farm on Killzone 2? It seems no matter what Sony does, US gamers just don't care.

They create one of the best FPS franchises in the last 5 years (R1, R2), create one of the most imaginative and original games in the last 5 years (LBP), and deliver a game that improves in every way one of the most groundbreaking games of all time (Tomb Raider, Uncharted). In 2008 you delivered the best software of all the big 3 (see metacritic). The 360 outsells you 2-1 in November (largely due to a sequel that actually does multiplayer WORSE than the first). Nintendo continues to kill it. Nobody gives a shit and your competitors are eating you alive.

So, what the fuck do you do at this point? You have the most expensive console that still loses money per unit. You refuse to drop the price. Your competitive position continues to be eroded.

Do you bet the hole fucking thing that gamers WILL care when they see Killzone 2?

The answer is so simple. When you can't sell your console even by great games it should ring a bell to you that price point is the problem. It's so easy and evident! Sony doesn't want to see it and prefer to struggle.
They should just take a bigger hit in order to become more popular and they i'm sure they would recoup faster in mid-long terms.
Ranger X said:
The answer is so simple. When you can't sell your console even by great games it should ring a bell to you that price point is the problem. It's so easy and evident! Sony doesn't want to see it and prefer to struggle.
They should just take a bigger hit in order to become more popular and they i'm sure they would recoup faster in mid-long terms.
There's no reason for them to drop the price anymore, its not going to make enough of a difference. They are pinned. They're working on PS4 and they're going to release it asap.

Ranger X

TheKingsCrown said:
There's no reason for them to drop the price anymore, its not going to make enough of a difference. They are pinned. They're working on PS4 and they're going to release it asap.

I really really doubt this. And this gen shows you (again) how much price is king. Their sales would have at least doubled just like the 360 and probably even more.
TheKingsCrown said:
There's no reason for them to drop the price anymore, its not going to make enough of a difference. They are pinned. They're working on PS4 and they're going to release it asap.

Agreed. They will be first to market their next gen offering. The PS3 has 8-12 months left to show them something.
Ranger X said:
I really really doubt this. And this gen shows you (again) how much price is king. Their sales would have at least doubled just like the 360 and probably even more.
Oh price definitely factored into this generation. It was a huge determinant of who came out winners. If you couldn't be Wii, you might as well be the next best thing, and Xbox360 has filled that void amazingly well. In the eyes of the every day consumer, that has left little reason to purchase a PS3 it seems.

But Sony is plotting their next move, make no mistake. They will react just as everyone else has.
RSTEIN said:
At this point, is Sony going to bet the farm on Killzone 2? It seems no matter what Sony does, US gamers just don't care.

They create one of the best FPS franchises in the last 5 years (R1, R2), create one of the most imaginative and original games in the last 5 years (LBP), and deliver a game that improves in every way one of the most groundbreaking games of all time (Tomb Raider, Uncharted). In 2008 you delivered the best software of all the big 3 (see metacritic). The 360 outsells you 2-1 in November (largely due to a sequel that actually does multiplayer WORSE than the first). Nintendo continues to kill it. Nobody gives a shit and your competitors are eating you alive.

So, what the fuck do you do at this point? You have the most expensive console that still loses money per unit. You refuse to drop the price. Your competitive position continues to be eroded.

Do you bet the hole fucking thing that gamers WILL care when they see Killzone 2?

Yeah you certainly can't blame content or hardware at this point. It must be price and marketing. At this point Sony is running their own race and they are never going to compare favourably to 360 and wii in sales data. Maybe things make sense in their own books when you account for their bluray victory and whatever else they have going for them. At least the system isn't getting neglected by 3rd party devs.
Ranger X said:
The answer is so simple. When you can't sell your console even by great games it should ring a bell to you that price point is the problem. It's so easy and evident! Sony doesn't want to see it and prefer to struggle.
They should just take a bigger hit in order to become more popular and they i'm sure they would recoup faster in mid-long terms.


The PS3 has the stench of failure and 'no games" on it. It will never get that off. People would buy the Wii over the PS3 even if the PS3 is cheaper. Why? Because they are already doing it ot the 360.

Why does the PS3 after a very strong year, still get shafted by the average consumer on games? Every mutliplatform game becomes a defacto 360 title because its the cheaper HD system, that came out earlier, that your friends own.


Nintendo won´t release a new console anytime soon because they are distant first

Microsoft won´t release a new console anytime soon because they are are atleast ahead of Sony and about to turn profit


Sony won´t release a new console anytime soon because they actually want to start making money with their console rather sooner than later again. That was also the reason why there wasn´t a pricedrop. And as long as the competition won´t make the first move by announing next-gen consoles they´ll gratefully remain current-gen as long as possible. And instead release "PSthree" in presumably 2-3 years.
Laguna said:
Nintendo won´t release a new console anytime soon because they are distant first

Microsoft won´t release a new console anytime soon because they are are atleast ahead of Sony and about to turn profit


Sony won´t release a new console anytime soon because they actually want to start making money with their console rather sooner than later again. That was also the reason why there wasn´t a pricedrop. And as long as the competition won´t make the first move by announing next-gen consoles they´ll gratefully remain current-gen as long as possible. And instead release "PSthree" in presumably 2-3 years.
so basically there will never be another new home console ever again


CreatureX3 said:
Well according to MTV Multiplayer, the average Wii Play owner plays the game for over nine hours. Giving over nine hours of your time to any game pretty much shows you love it. :D

What 9 hours after they've bought the product is really rather short considering that 9 hours is almost over 4 people in a household. 2hours and 15 mins isn't really alot ....:lol


I doubt there´ll be a new console from Nintendo before 2013. MS could want to be first again but I don´t think the next Xbox will come out before 2012/end2011.
jjasper said:
At the Veteran's hospital where I work they have some Wii's for sale and after talking to someone people in line for it I am really starting to see why this thing is selling as much as it is.

This goes beyond households. Churches and other groups are buying it too. One person was saying how their church's fitness group is now basically run by Wii fit on a big projection screen in front of them.

jjasper is right on - I walked into a bar last weekend and they were hooking up Mario Kart Wii on the screens. I was like, whawhawha!?

It's obviously you're not listening, and probably much tougher to do now than you should have pre-recession, but Sony, drop the fucking price you nitwits.

Neo C.

Laguna said:
Sony won´t release a new console anytime soon because they actually want to start making money with their console rather sooner than later again. That was also the reason why there wasn´t a pricedrop. And as long as the competition won´t make the first move by announing next-gen consoles they´ll gratefully remain current-gen as long as possible. And instead release "PSthree" in presumably 2-3 years.
I'm not sure how long they can stay on their current situation. Shouldn't the guys from SCE be interested in a new cycle where they can turn the tide? The longer this generation lasts, the stronger is the support for the Wii (which affects the next gen).
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