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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


Neo C. said:
I'm not sure how long they can stay on their current situation. Shouldn't the guys from SCE be interested in a new cycle where they can turn the tide? The longer this generation lasts, the stronger is the support for the Wii (which affects the next gen).

In which year should they release their PS3 successor in your opinion?
Laguna said:
In which year should they release their PS3 successor in your opinion?
Dunno about him, but I think if they're smart, they'll release it Holiday 2011.

The PS3 will be pretty much completely dead by that point unless they bleed out a serious price drop or two, though.


Those 2 million people should all gather in a park somewhere and do a massive Wii music concert for us Xbox and PS3 owners. You know I'll be dancing to that shit.


2011 sounds reasonable and it´s also 3 years from now. But I´m still thinking that they would like to "postpone" the release for atleast one more year.


Ranger X said:
The Wii can offer us games that are just as serious and good looking as they were on Xbox and PS2. The real problem is that i am not seeing those games on Wii as I should.
A "last-gen looking" good game is perfectly viable and its potential sales is pretty high, I mean, do you realise the userbase the Wii is getting? There's MOUNTAINS of cash sleeping around.

Nintendo doesn't see things like you do and neither does your typical Wii owner. The Wii userbase is not being built upon a foundation of hardcore gamers. It's being built upon a foundation of folks looking for less traditional experiences.
soldat7 said:
Nintendo doesn't see things like you do and neither does your typical Wii owner. The Wii userbase is not being built upon a foundation of hardcore gamers. It's being built upon a foundation of folks looking for less traditional experiences.

Yeah but nothing on the Wii is a experience that should generate the kind of excitement
it is getting in my opinion.


2 million new Wii owners are not 2 million soccer moms. They are not 2 million nintendo fans, not 2 million "hardcore" gamers, not 2 million niche gamers, not 2 million gamers fooled by the allure of the Wii remote.

Truth is its ALL of those combined, plus more types of gamers you don't even think about.

Why the hell do you think it sells so much? If it appealed exclusively to soccer moms it would probably be selling as much as the 360 at MOST. It sells so damn much because of the combined different demographics buying the console. And the demographic you are in are part of ones buying the Wii, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
VeritasVierge said:
I couldn't get into GAF yesterday at all. Figured the NPD Wii numbers killed the site. :lol

Funny enough, it was the lead up to the numbers that was killing GAF but when the actual numbers came, it was as fast as usual. Stupid lurkers constantly refreshing the page :mad:
BruceLeeRoy said:
Yeah but nothing on the Wii is a experience that should generate the kind of excitement
it is getting in my opinion.
Well, I don't think anything in MGS is worth a 39 post OP, but the marvy thing about opinions is that we're all allowed our own.


damn I can't believe the 360 trounced the PS3 like that.. apparently all those TV spots about the 2 free games is really benefitting M$. (hugs 360)


BruceLeeRoy said:
Yeah but nothing on the Wii is a experience that should generate the kind of excitement
it is getting in my opinion.

I think that's because much of the excitement is coming from non-traditional gamers. It will be interesting to see how well the efforts of Vanillaware and Platinum Games do on the system.

It's weird really. My wife hates video games yet has let me pick up a 360 and PS3 (she hates both of them equally). She can't wait to open the Wii under the tree and is salivating at the thought of Wii Fit (I don't dare buy that for her for Christmas though lol).


Threi said:
2 million new Wii owners are not 2 million soccer moms. They are not 2 million nintendo fans, not 2 million "hardcore" gamers, not 2 million niche gamers, not 2 million gamers fooled by the allure of the Wii remote.

Truth is its ALL of those combined, plus more types of gamers you don't even think about.

Why the hell do you think it sells so much? If it appealed exclusively to soccer moms it would probably be selling as much as the 360 at MOST. It sells so damn much because of the combined different demographics buying the console. And the demographic you are in are part of ones buying the Wii, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.


Neo C.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Dunno about him, but I think if they're smart, they'll release it Holiday 2011.

The PS3 will be pretty much completely dead by that point unless they bleed out a serious price drop or two, though.
Segata shares my opinion.:D
Wow at Wii hardware. Wow at Wii Music making the top ten this month but not in its launch month. Wow that of all the various Guitar Hero / Rock Bands out there, Wii GH apparently did better than any other by at least 175K. Wow at X360 having two new million sellers.

DS actually gets the second best November ever by slightly beating its 2007 number, buuut for an obvious reason this tidbit is overshadowed.

System: Average weeks ownership (Average purchase date)

Wii: 44.3 (January 25, 2008)
PS3: 50.2 (December 14, 2007)
X360: 74.1 (June 30, 2007)

chespace said:
I do remember looking over at Kat Hunter when we were at the Sony E3 2006 conference when they announced $600 bucks. We were both like, waaaaaaat the fack. It was an unbelievable moment, and really, when the empire began to crumble.
I think the only other time I saw someone say something live (on television) that I immediately knew would be such a negative focus for a long time was when Howard Dean screamed.


I thought this was interesting, so I did a little math. A Wii Box is 16 inches long. (Thanks, Yahoo Answers!) 2.04 million Wii boxes, put end to end, would stretch 515 miles. I love in Tucson, in Southern Arizona. That's a little more than the distance from my town to Los Angeles, CA.

JoshuaJSlone said:
Wow at Wii hardware. Wow at Wii Music making the top ten this month but not in its launch month. Wow that of all the various Guitar Hero / Rock Bands out there, Wii GH apparently did better than any other by at least 175K. Wow at X360 having two new million sellers.

DS actually gets the second best November ever by slightly beating its 2007 number, buuut for an obvious reason this tidbit is overshadowed.

System: Average weeks ownership (Average purchase date)

Wii: 44.3 (January 25, 2008)
PS3: 50.2 (December 14, 2007)
X360: 74.1 (June 30, 2007)

I think the only other time I saw someone say something live (on television) that I immediately knew would be such a negative focus for a long time was when Howard Dean screamed.

So previously I was of the opinion that the crazy success of the PS1&2 let to Sony's hubris and the doubling of the launch price for the PS3.

But going back to the thread where it was announced, the reaction was so strong, negative and universal, it's hard for me to believe that Sony's market research could have really been that blind to the problem that price was going to pose in the market.

Surely it must have been the case that they didn't realize how much the BR player and cell were going to cost them and then had to put a good a spin as possible on a bad situation.
Threi said:
2 million new Wii owners are not 2 million soccer moms. They are not 2 million nintendo fans, not 2 million "hardcore" gamers, not 2 million niche gamers, not 2 million gamers fooled by the allure of the Wii remote.

Truth is its ALL of those combined, plus more types of gamers you don't even think about.

Why the hell do you think it sells so much? If it appealed exclusively to soccer moms it would probably be selling as much as the 360 at MOST. It sells so damn much because of the combined different demographics buying the console. And the demographic you are in are part of ones buying the Wii, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.
This, This & This.

Neo C.

lowlylowlycook said:
But going back to the thread where it was announced, the reaction was so strong, negative and universal, it's hard for me to believe that Sony's market research could have really been that blind to the problem that price was going to pose in the market.
It's not the fault of the market research...

lowlylowlycook said:
Surely it must have been the case that they didn't realize how much the BR player and cell were going to cost them and then had to put a good a spin as possible on a bad situation.
...this is the problem. It was a big mistake not having someone looking over crazy Ken. And when things are developed, the pandora box is opened and you can't turn back. So they have to spin the shit out of it.


Neo C. said:
I'm not sure how long they can stay on their current situation. Shouldn't the guys from SCE be interested in a new cycle where they can turn the tide? The longer this generation lasts, the stronger is the support for the Wii (which affects the next gen).
Sony don't need to and won't release a new console. They'll Wii-fy PS3 and package it as PS3.5 and call it PS4. That way they optimize the hardware for maximum profit while refreshing the cycle.


DenogginizerOS said:
WOW! All I can say is the new Wii Sports will likely sell a bazillion copies. I love thinking that all these new gamers will eventually buy an X360 or PS3 or a new system from Nintendo down the road. Good for the industry.
Nah, not all of these new people need to buy another system or stay with the hobby to make this a good thing for the industry. Make that just 10.. or hell, 5%. Still an awesome increase in the gaming population. :)

Pureauthor said:
Stop asking Sony to drop the price. They cannot.
Pfft, fuck profitability. Let them bleed some more
so I can get one.


Threi said:
2 million new Wii owners are not 2 million soccer moms. They are not 2 million nintendo fans, not 2 million "hardcore" gamers, not 2 million niche gamers, not 2 million gamers fooled by the allure of the Wii remote.

Truth is its ALL of those combined, plus more types of gamers you don't even think about.

Why the hell do you think it sells so much? If it appealed exclusively to soccer moms it would probably be selling as much as the 360 at MOST. It sells so damn much because of the combined different demographics buying the console. And the demographic you are in are part of ones buying the Wii, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.

Don't think anyone would deny this but at the end of the day what people are wondering is what are they playing. Its why we have the weekly "Why the Wii isn't getting AAA 3rd party games" thread every week. Its why I haven't turned on my Wii in 9 months but I'm still apart of the massive Wii movement because I own one nor do I plan to sell it.

Fady K

Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, I don't think anything in MGS is worth a 39 post OP, but the marvy thing about opinions is that we're all allowed our own.

He knows that already, thats why he said "in my opinion" in the first place.

And not to troll or anything, but while you're at it can you tell me any Wii games that came out recently that are worth 2 million + sales, cause I havent bought a game in a while for mine and Id like to.


Frankfurter said:
Just out of curiosity, do we have sales numbers for LBP? Or perhaps an educated guess?

The only number I've heard is that it's passed a million worldwide.

Sony's PR is claiming PS3 software sales have increased 150% since the start of the year and PS3 hardware revenue is up.

I think all Sony can do at this point is to ride out the storm and try to get hardware costs down as soon as possible. They had to know with the economy, Wii's momentum and the 360 price cut this holiday would be a blood bath in the U.S.


Sushen said:
Sony don't need to and won't release a new console. They'll Wii-fy PS3 and package it as PS3.5 and call it PS4. That way they optimize the hardware for maximum profit while refreshing the cycle.

Better yet, do a psthree. a shrunk down psone/pstwo type of model for cheaper price and with a waggle game.


TheKingsCrown said:
There's no reason for them to drop the price anymore, its not going to make enough of a difference. They are pinned. They're working on PS4 and they're going to release it asap.
Like what happened with the Dreamcast? No, there is no PS4 in the wings and this cycle will be quite long.


Neo C. said:
...this is the problem. It was a big mistake not having someone looking over crazy Ken. And when things are developed, the pandora box is opened and you can't turn back. So they have to spin the shit out of it.

I think it was also impossible to predict the global economic crisis, I don't doubt it's played some part in this.

Sony's idea that the PS3 would have a 10yr life cycle was always hyperbole, it was never going to happen unless they could sustain the same success they had previously with their previous 2 consoles.

I'm not about to spread doom and gloom on this situation like many seem to believe will come about. The PS3 will be fine, it won't be nearly as successful as previous consoles but when it does eventually come down in price, whenever that maybe, the PS3 sales will pick up.

At one point the PS3 was a cheap BluRay player (and a good one at that) but that market is basically shut off at this point, it will however, come back to that at some point where it will be comparable to cheaper BluRay players but a much more feature packed unit. At that point, I believe PS3 sales will pick up and have a strong tail end, whether it's enough to pull second place I doubt but PS3 will have a decent run regardless.

I had a PS3, Wii and 360 at one point, the PS3 is the only console I have sold due to a lack of interest and really, I don't see myself picking one up again, for me it just doesn't have the games I'm interested in (yes, I think MGS4 was an over rated, convulated wank fest and I regard Uncharted as an overhyped and overpraised 'mediocre' title) however I don't see the PS3 disappearing, nor the Playstation branding. I do think however, this will be a learning lesson for Sony.

No brand in the video gaming market is invincible and it always seems any company that enjoys large success gets a kick in the nuts and a wake up call with their third generation system. This is Sony's learning generation. You can't rely on brand name alone, you can't expect people to jump all over your product because you were successful in the previous two generations and you just can't make pompous statements to justify ridiculous pricing and constantly feature cutting your console.

Sony has introduced a lot of things that rectify earlier problems through firmware updates but this should have all been ready from day one. They've been incrimentally upgrading their system with extra features to compete with Live but they've just been so unorganised that many games even now still aren't making use of many of the features Sony keeps throwing in. They should have laid this all out for developers when the system shipped. Mandatory in game XMB, friends lists, cross game invites, trophies etc. It's just a mess right now. Sony need to outline and specifically focus on what they want their system to be because right now I think the Playstation brand has some what lost it's focus.


"10 yr plan" is same as "future proof."

Mostly marketing gimic to give buyers confidence in the product.

And, brand name means little when dealing with a "toy." Past gen already shows users can easily move from one company to the next.

Ranger X

soldat7 said:
I think that's because much of the excitement is coming from non-traditional gamers. It will be interesting to see how well the efforts of Vanillaware and Platinum Games do on the system.

It's weird really. My wife hates video games yet has let me pick up a 360 and PS3 (she hates both of them equally). She can't wait to open the Wii under the tree and is salivating at the thought of Wii Fit (I don't dare buy that for her for Christmas though lol).

Just ask yourself how many gamers bought a Wii. Gamers wouldn't complain this much if they wouldn't have bought the console. Take people on GAF as some sample of gamers if you want, it sure is more representative than phoning people hazardeously out there.
There are millions of Wii GAMERS that don't receive their part of the cake. If there was more good game for them on the Wii they would buy more Wii games. Right now it's evident they buy more 360 and PS3 because that's where it at if you want traditional stuff.


JudgeN said:
Don't think anyone would deny this but at the end of the day what people are wondering is what are they playing. Its why we have the weekly "Why the Wii isn't getting AAA 3rd party games" thread every week. Its why I haven't turned on my Wii in 9 months but I'm still apart of the massive Wii movement because I own one nor do I plan to sell it.
Maybe they are buying it for select games in the current library, or games in the future library.

And now I will post an anecdote of my own experience that really doesn't mean anything but vaguely supports my point:

I just recently purchased a 360, but not for any of the games being released currently in the holiday season, or anything in the backlog. I purchased it for SF4 and possibly FFXIII. So ya...there you go.


My .02 on the actual sales

Wow on continued 360 software sales: they don't have legs like Nintendo's evergreen stuff but MS is clearly headed for another really profitable quarter on licensing fees alone. GOW and WAW saw massive sold figures and this will probably continue until Christmas.

What if you were Ted Price right now? You ship two really solid shooters in the holidays and a top tier platformer last year and you can't get the real big volume....that cozy 2nd party relationship isn't looking so hot right now, eh Ted? What if they were a multiplplatform dev (Could have continued Ratchet as Wii series and Resistance for the "big boy" consoles....sales, um, wow)

Little Big Planet? Yeah, I a called that one. It doesn't connect with the mainstream because NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THE HELL IT IS.

Wii, Wii Music, Mario Kart, etc.....shouldn't really surprise anyone.

We should really hope that MS pulls a strong business model out of this generation of consoles, if they don't, it might be the end of core gaming as we know it. What will Sony do here? They have a 6+ million gap in consoles between 360 and PS3 and no end in sight to MS pulling away....can they afford a price drop in these tough economic times? Would MS still even consider some sort of joint venture for the next generation?

Will MS make a Wii type console next gen and throw away the core games base that has built its reputation and sales to where it is today? The effects of these numbers could be staggering for the industry.
CreatureX3 said:

source: MTV Multiplayer
Requires Wollan-styled shop stat.


Ranger X said:
There are millions of Wii GAMERS that don't receive their part of the cake. If there was more good game for them on the Wii they would buy more Wii games. Right now it's evident they buy more 360 and PS3 because that's where it at if you want traditional stuff.

I don't really have a problem with the games coming for Wii. Yes it receives a lot of shit shovel ware and yes Nintendo have started developing games that are more 'casual' focussed but I believe one of the reasons MS almost specifically ignore Wii in many ways is because the Wii doesn;t offer more traditional games. The Wii's install base isn't going to take away many of the great titles arriving on multiplatform for PS3 and 360. There will always be development houses working on the next Dead Space, Prince of Persia of Left 4 Dead. They won't drop development of these titles because they have evidently been selling well on their respective platforms and the Wii isn't really taking away from that.

But the Wii is also introducing some cool games for these types of gamers aswell. No More Heroes, Super Mario Galaxy, RE4 Wii (the best version by far), Mad World, Zak & Wiki. Despite Wii owning the hardware install base, I don't see it ever taking away from gamers looking for games on the cutting edge of technology as far as consoles are concerned. Wii does however, aside from introduce casuals to the gaming in a more approachable environment with games that aren't nearly as daunting, but theres also enough unique and fresh ideas being introduced on the Wii that wouldn't really work without the whole 'Wiimote' idea either.

My main system is my Xbox360. I would say its probly the best system I have ever owned (shit hardware aside) but the Wii, for all it's shovel ware does bring enough top tier, original games out there to warrant the attention of any gamer and imo compliments either a 360 or PS3 well. It's a refreshing break at times.

I wouldn't like Sony and Microsoft to go down the same path, but at the same time, I would be happy to see Nintendo continue in their current direction. For me personally, its the best of both worlds; the more traditional games that evolve with computing power and those games that uniquely off the wall.


Wow even Cnn is getting in on the reporting


Sony's PS3 A Sinking Ship: Sales Plummet
By Eric Krangel

Alone among the three major videogame consoles, sales of the PS3 are down about 19% from November 2007, according to the latest stats from the NPD Group. Sony was only able to sell 378,000 PS3s this November, compared to 466,000 last year.

And the problem for Sony isn't the recession, it's the PS3. Microsoft (MSFT) put up respectable numbers with its Xbox 360, selling 836,000 units vs 777,000 in November 2007. And Nintendo's (NTDOY) Wii continues to dominate the market, more than doubling sales from 981,000 to 2.04 million.

So why is the PS3 flopping so badly?

  1. It's the most expensive console on the market, $150 - $200 more than its rivals. Even if you believe the video game industry is "recession-proof" (it isn't), a tanking economy makes consumers more price-conscious.
  2. The PS3's big bonus is its ability to double as a Blu-Ray player. Too bad no one seems to care about hi-def DVDs. The differences between Blu-Ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50".
  3. The PS3 just doesn't have any must-have titles exclusive to the console. "LittleBigPlanet" has generated decent buzz but isn't a game-changer, and neither is Sony's new virtual world "Home."

There's really only one option left for Sony to remain in the game: deep price cuts, and not just for people with good credit. Tell yourself the PS3 has superior graphics if it makes you feel better, but a $400 console with a mediocre game library simply cannot compete against an Xbox 360 priced at $200 in this economy.

Drop the price the second you can Sony, and drop it big.
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