Scottlarock said:by 24k?
Someday trolls will lean to leave off the predictions thread.
May that day be long in coming.
Scottlarock said:by 24k?
JoshuaJSlone said:System: Average weeks ownership (Average purchase date)
Wii: 44.3 (January 25, 2008)
PS3: 50.2 (December 14, 2007)
X360: 74.1 (June 30, 2007)
lowlylowlycook said:The PS3 is still selling for more than the PS1 or PS2 launch price. At that price "hardware mover" is a stunningly high bar.
Ranger X said:This is explainable here though. The Wii is there since a certain time and got a certain reputation. Same for 360.
It's impossible for a 360 to sell like a Wii right now, right after it dropped in price precisely because of their respective reputation.
Counting out the reputation though, The Wii wouldn't be ahead this much if other consoles would have launch head to head with the same price. The scenery around here would be completely different.
claviertekky said:Fine, let's do a NPD where we just list the #s starting from 11.
The 360 is?tinfoilhatman said:What possible advantage does having a PC have in the living room for media capabuilities than a 360 paired with a Vista Media center PC?
I already have a PS3 which is far far superior than any PC for playing Blu_ray movies.
Your PC is powerful enough to display 3+ 1080p shows at the same time, all while recording 2+ HD programs and decoding\re-encoding multiple HD TV programs at the same time?
So am I supposed to have a full blown media center PC in my bed room and my workshop and bar\game room too?
The only person that could possibly believe this is someone who hasn't actually used the 360 as a High def media cetner extender, it works flawlessly and it has a handy family friendly remote control that automaticaly brings them directly to the medai cetner interface without needing to know anything aboutt eh server or computers at all for that matter.
shpankey said:Price is king. That's all there really is to it. If PS3's sold at $199 I personally think they'd sell just as many of those as the 360, if not more.
Please never say that again. Ever.KR3W said:Fuck that CNN motherfucker, he doesn't know SHIT.
Meanwhile, I'm going to go play Motorstorm PR, and then furiously masturbate to LOST Season 4 and Dark Knight on Blu Ray.
Kolgar said:I dunno. PS3 is already perceived as a loser, and once that happens, I think that does it.
I seem to remember back in '94, Sony's Steve Race telling Next Generation magazine something like this when asked about the chances for Trip Hawkins' 3DO: "When you start to smell like a three-day-old fish, you're probably a three-day-old fish!"
Price is one thing. Mindshare is another. The PlayStation brand has lost a lot of relevance in people's minds.
Ranger X said:Counting out the reputation though, The Wii wouldn't be ahead this much if other consoles would have launch head to head with the same price. The scenery around here would be completely different.
From that link...KernelPanic said:Wow what's with mainstream media trolling the PS3 ? Getting the numbers wrong is one thing ...
EDIT: the article is actually from www.alleyinsider.com
The author also has this gem up as well:
Not Just The PS3: Sony's PSP Sales Stink Too (SNE)
It's hard to argue with the fact that PS3 sales are way down year-over-year. And for that to be happening with what was the strongest brand in video games, Sony must have made some huge mistakes along the way.KR3W said:Fuck that CNN motherfucker, he doesn't know SHIT.
PS3 is perceived as a loser when it is no longer perceived as a winner?Ranger X said:The cause of this? 599$
Before that announcement everybody were on the edge of their PS2 praising the holy grail that would have been the PS3 according to them.
jvm said:
jvm said:
Yep, the sales are low, but he's talking trash about the game and Blu Ray. He's obviously a troll on some forum---maybe he posts here?Salmonax said:It's hard to argue with the fact that PS3 sales are way down year-over-year. And for that to be happening with what was the strongest brand in video games, Sony must have made some huge mistakes along the way.
I've got a PS3 and I've enjoyed it a lot. But it doesn't take an analyst to see that Sony has blown this generation to an extent nobody could have imagined possible.
jvm said:
Regulus Tera said:Tons of DS games never make it to the Top Ten, but do well enough. It should be between positions eleven and thirty, so don't fret too much.
Firestorm said:Problem is that they all start looking like shit on LCDTVsAnd yes, I'd say there are. I mean, cel-shading was doable on the PS2 and GCN, but nothing to the extent we see in Eternal Sonata or Tales of Vesperia.
Kuroyume said:Actually, I shouldn't have mentioned AI. The guy is talking about graphics. It doesn't matter whether you think they matter or not. It's a response to his post.
LiquidMamba said:Conker ran at half the framerate, wasn't in widescreen, had load times while SFA had none, and came out 3 years after SFA. Who knows what Rare could have done with 3 more years with the GC or Wii.
jvm said:
November's weaker showing dropped the title out of the top 20 across all consoles. Across all PlayStation 3 software in November, though, LittleBigPlanet was ranked fourth behind Activision's Call of Duty: World at War, Sony's own Resistance 2, and Midway's brawler, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.
jvm said:
jvm said:
jvm said:
Joe Molotov said:Less than MK vs. DC.
Wii and DS were both said to be about 800K for that week. Since November has 4 weeks, we can subtract 800K from their totals and divide by 3 to get something close.liuelson said:Also, do we know the Black Friday week's sales numbers, and can we use that to estimate the weekly sales for the rest of November?
I think it makes sense. You can see some interesting shifts over time. PS3 and Wii I think are especially interesting, since they launched at the same time and have had some back and forth. Wii was getting to have the younger userbase of the two, but with the massive relative bump in PS3 hardware sales last November/December, it became the one with the younger userbase for a few months. Now that Wii is exploding while PS3 isn't, the gap is opening the other way again.liuelson said:JJS - can you give us a sense of how the Avg wks ownership for the 3 consoles has changed over time? Or does asking that not really make sense since it's already a timescale metric?
swerve said:Like if MS never had Halo or Nintendo never found those pesky PokeMon to save their N64 era business, right?
Like how the PSP would have trounced the DS were it not for the huge, budget-breaking price difference?
Because people don't buy what they want, and success is never to do with a good product. People just buy what's the best value in terms of processors. Is that it?
Value, is not simply 'actual cost of components' versus 'retail price'.
Search > npd october 2008 (hey I'm not gonna do the work for you :lol).AlternativeUlster said:Who is the dude I had a bet against where if the Wii sold less than 2.5 million in December, he would have to make out with a dog? Damn it, I don't want to research it.
How else will we serve instant crow then?lowlylowlycook said:Someday trolls will lean to leave off the predictions thread.
May that day be long in coming.
I want your avatar.Fuu said:A bit disappointed here too. I'm always more interested in software numbers.
Sega's Valkyria Chronicles was never expected to be a huge hit in the U.S.--Japanese tactical RPGs aren't exactly lighting up the charts these days.
Nevertheless, pockets of gamers admired the stylish PS3 exclusive for its unique look and interesting mix of real-time and turn-based tactics. Those fans might like to know that the game sold just 33K units in the U.S. during November, according to NPD Group.
NPD's David Riley told Edge the game didn't manage to crack the top 100 game SKUs for November, whose software sales roster was ruled by titles including World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Gears of War 2, Wii Fit and Call of Duty: World at War.
Valkyria Chronicles released on November 4 in the U.S. The title first shipped in Japan in late April, where it performed much better, shifting 77K units in its first week. It debuted at number three behind blockbusters Mario Kart Wii and Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, according to Media Create.
But in a U.S. shopping season that included such commercial heavy-hitters, it's no surprise that this uncommon title was lost in the shuffle.
Opinions aren't right or wrong.TheBranca18 said:The majority isn't always right.
Inane statement. Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, Super Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 3Tiktaalik said:Speevy is right. The Wii stuff is either garbage or safe rehashes.
You're either really stupid or ludicrously bitter. If it's the former, let me know so I can explain why, otherwise the most proper response is :lolZachack said:Well,
Ergo, Wii Play is better than Super Mario Galaxy.
But really, the comedy is seeing Nintendo fans, still hurting... down there... from last-gen, getting to use the same terrible arguments that Sony fans used against Nintendo fans.
Or at least it would be funny if they weren't being totally serious.
Welcome to 14 years ago. (Or if you're referring to the US, 23 years ago.)Tiktaalik said:The videogame industry is finally mainstream and now we're now all elitists.
YES.TheListener said:
Wii is selling software at a much faster rate than 360, so trying to make such statements based on the monthly top 10 (or top 2!) is incredibly stupid. Furthermore, the fact that Microsoft only mentioned beating PS3 software in their PR strongly suggests Wii was ahead this month as well.speculawyer said:Christmas presents and Wii Sports. It sold more than 2X the xbox 360 yet the top 2 games are xbox 360 games. The top selling Wii 'game' was an extra controller with a $10 tech demo included.
Umbrella Chronicles, No More Heroes. It's also amusing how you feel the need to discredit RE4 by calling it discounted, completely failing to mention that it's the third port of a game that could already be played on the Wii.speculawyer said:nor has any 'M' rated game with the exception of the discounted Resident Evil 4. So don't expect much new IP.
Judging by your posts, you're either 1) not trying very hard 2) not very smart or 3) spinning/trolling. If you insist that it's not 3), what is it?speculawyer said:have all 3 consoles, I'm just looking at things and trying to figure things out . . . it is really annoying to have every comment attacked by a fanboy defense force.
This was also confirmed by NPD. (71% of Wii owners are also PS2 owners.)Slavik81 said:Anecdotally, the evidence to me has been that the Wii is stealing the casual PS2 audience that Microsoft wanted to snag.
754k.Link said:Incidentally, what were the GC's November 2003 sales?
The 360 installed base (in the US) has for most of this generation been larger than Wiis and PS3s combined.WarLox said:This is why the Wii and 360 can coexist."With $298 million in third-party game sales in November, the Xbox 360 has generated more revenue at retail for third-party publishers than the PS3 and Wii combined this generation. (November NPD data)"
Long legs suggest good word of mouth, and no games have longer legs than Nintendo games.Shig said:People picking up a game = people loving it? Take a look at GAF's general feelings on GTAIV in any GOTY thread.
Wii Play and Wii Fit succeed because they're games that people love the idea of. "I'm going to buy an extra remote anyway and there's one that comes with a game for only $10 more?" "I want to be healthier and this game will help me?" I'd bet they have a pretty large dropoff rate after the first couple of plays, though. Much higher than the other games in the top 10.
jvm said:
Salmonax said:I've got a PS3 and I've enjoyed it a lot. But it doesn't take an analyst to see that Sony has blown this generation to an extent nobody could have imagined possible.
Ranger X said:I think the price is the major deciding factor that's all. Feel free to disagree.
Gamers suck. D:<LCfiner said:didn't see this posted.
Valkyria Chronicles numbers
Dunlop said:Exactly.
I could of worn the other day when I booted my PS3 the otherday a Dreamcast image appeared with the caption, "Karma is a bitch eh?"
Hopefully Dark Knight lights a fire under BD's ass and a lot of players are sold
LCfiner said:didn't see this posted.
Valkyria Chronicles numbers
Grecco said:Did anyone expect VC to sell better than that?
JoshuaJSlone said:As a more general thing to notice, the average ownership time dips when the userbase increases by a large percentage in a short time...
...Or here's the same data launch-aligned. You can see that X360 and Wii were pretty similar for about the first year and a half, but X360 hit a lull that Wii didn't...
It's the best selling game called Valkyria Chronicles! Yippee!Stumpokapow said:Look on the bright side,
Valkyria Chronicles is the second-best selling HD console cel shaded RPG of the back half of 2008 in its first month!
... err, actually, did we get Eternal Sonata PS3 numbers? Maybe VC is the third best![]()
BishopLamont said:It's the best selling game called Valkyria Chronicles! Yippee!