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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008

Fady K

Stumpokapow said:
Either you're not aware of the software and the question is dumb because you have two hands, two eyes, and access to google... Actually, LET ME GOOGLE THAT FOR YOU

Or you are aware of the software and any response you get will be greeted with "lol dat gaem sux not worth shit i sold mah wii's dust bunnys to da dust factory and bought a house in da cayman's!!!! nublets!", in which case why did you ask?

For what it's worth, I've played maybe 100 games or so this year, and of those exactly 6 deserve 2 million sales in my most humble opinion--World of Goo, Fallout 3, Professor Layton, Final Fantasy IVr, Roogoo, and Ticket to Ride. Not a single one of those will achieve 2 million sales in the US. Fallout is the only one that has a chance at a million on a single-SKU basis

But I don't sit around saying "holy fuck why is everyone buying MGS4 oh my god the sky is falling why did Army of Two sell copies i can't believe people bought Guitar Hero World Tour who on earth is watching Four Christmases at the cinema how can kids like Twilight who on earth thought up the Honda Element why did my next door neighbour vote for the green party how does the guy next to me not notice that he didn't shave this morning!!!!!", because it's pretty easy to understand people's motivations if you don't start from the assumption that you have perfect taste and everyone else must be clinically deranged.

Why am I not surprised this post sounds the way it does? You always seemed to have this agenda against me and you never stated why, just saying that im not a good poster or whatnot. Anyway, to reply to your post:

I am completely aware of the software thats out for the Wii. Not only that, but for me, im not the kind of person whos into a few genres, I love many. And the year did start with a bang for my Wii with No More Heroes, Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, and Boom Blox. But then what? Ever since June there was only ONE game I happily bought for my Wii - Warioland Shake It. You tell me - what else was worth buying for a full price? And of course I picked up World of Goo, when its one of the most amazing downloadable titles - I take notice.

And whats with the stupid repsonse that makes me look like im one of those guys that would think I should sell my Wii or something? EVEN if nothing came out for the Wii for another 6 months id still keep it because as a gamer I never know what'll get announced for it. And its not like I forgot about Madworld, Muramasa, Klonoa, and the others that will be hitting next year. And I never doubted the Wii's future - I was talking about the past few months STRICTLY and I said that in my post.

And the part where you ramble endlessly about all sorts of stereotypical stuff is blown way out of proportion. I said one little thing - and apparently you seemed to think I was being a smartass about it - which is not surprising - by asking Segata what games would deserve my cash for the Wii. Maybe, I dont know, he has a recommendation about a game I might not have thought about since he seemed to think differently than Bruce LeeRoy in the sense that the Wii didnt have worthy games as of late to have it sell an astonishing 2 million units.

And you end it in a terribly odd manner - I assume I have perfect taste? There is NO such thing as perfect taste.To each his own - you don't have to tell me that. Heck, even if someone loved a game as badly rated or hated as Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Too Human, Wii Music - cause everyone has different tastes, duh!
Jokeropia said:
The 360 installed base (in the US) has for most of this generation been larger than Wiis and PS3s combined.
This used to be true, but as of September PS3 and Wii as a pair have passed 50% of "console ownership time" for this generation, so any particular stat (in this case third party sales) putting X360 in the lead means it does that at least a bit better to overcome the difference. The ownership split through November works out to about 48.3% X360, 35.8% Wii, 16.0% PS3; so it is still a quite close thing, though.


Jokeropia said:
Opinions aren't right or wrong.
Inane statement. Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, Super Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 3…
You're either really stupid or ludicrously bitter. If it's the former, let me know so I can explain why, otherwise the most proper response is :lol
Welcome to 14 years ago. (Or if you're referring to the US, 23 years ago.)
Wii is selling software at a much faster rate than 360, so trying to make such statements based on the monthly top 10 (or top 2!) is incredibly stupid. Furthermore, the fact that Microsoft only mentioned beating PS3 software in their PR strongly suggests Wii was ahead this month as well.
Umbrella Chronicles, No More Heroes. It's also amusing how you feel the need to discredit RE4 by calling it discounted, completely failing to mention that it's the third port of a game that could already be played on the Wii.
Judging by your posts, you're either 1) not trying very hard 2) not very smart or 3) spinning/trolling. If you insist that it's not 3), what is it?
This was also confirmed by NPD. (71% of Wii owners are also PS2 owners.)
The 360 installed base (in the US) has for most of this generation been larger than Wiis and PS3s combined.
Long legs suggest good word of mouth, and no games have longer legs than Nintendo games.


I'm beginning to wonder if there are actually people out there that want to see MS and Sony leave the gaming business. I'm really starting to wonder...


I wonder what Sega's expectations were given that the game was incredibly hard to find and it seemed like no one was carrying it.
soldat7 said:

I'm beginning to wonder if there are actually people out there that want to see MS and Sony leave the gaming business. I'm really starting to wonder...

You're beginning to wonder? I've been a staunch advocate for the failure of one console platform (preferably Sony) for quite some time now. I don't think anyone who doesn't make 100k+/year enjoys having to buy 3 Machines every 4-5 years. And if I had to choose one to go, I would easily choosen Sony. Good riddance.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
soldat7 said:
I'm beginning to wonder if there are actually people out there that want to see MS and Sony leave the gaming business. I'm really starting to wonder...
I'm not sure how your statement relates to the post you quoted.


myDingling said:
You're beginning to wonder? I've been a staunch advocate for the failure of one console platform (preferably Sony) for quite some time now. I don't think anyone who doesn't make 100k+/year enjoys having to buy 3 Machines every 4-5 years. And if I had to choose one to go, I would easily choosen Sony. Good riddance.

I'm more speaking of the Nintendo Hive Mind and their myopic view on gaming. Competition is healthy for the industry and there is absolutely zero reason as a gamer to desire the downfall of any console.

poppabk said:
I'm not sure how your statement relates to the post you quoted.

There was a lot of vitriol in that post and it wasn't directed at Nintendo.


jvm said:
LBP = 141K

So Wii Music is above Little Big Planet, after all. I'm surprised it dropped so much in its second month and first full month. Doesn't bode well for December or for sustained high legs.

Thanks for getting the number. :)


listen to the mad man
Fady K said:
I am completely aware of the software thats out for the Wii. Not only that, but for me, im not the kind of person whos into a few genres, I love many. And the year did start with a bang for my Wii with No More Heroes, Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, and Boom Blox. But then what? Ever since June there was only ONE game I happily bought for my Wii - Warioland Shake It. You tell me - what else was worth buying for a full price? And of course I picked up World of Goo, when its one of the most amazing downloadable titles - I take notice.

Okay so then why did you ask "WHATS WORTH PLAYING JUST NAME IT". You already know what the possible options are, you've already evaluated them. There aren't any secret games you don't know about. You know about the games available, and you've chosen not to buy them.

... and we're back to Segata's EXACT point--that if you feel that there wasn't anything worth buying... and software sold anyway... then, magically, your taste must be different than other people's. There's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is making a big hairy deal about it.

And the part where you ramble endlessly about all sorts of stereotypical stuff is blown way out of proportion. I said one little thing - and apparently you seemed to think I was being a smartass about it - which is not surprising - by asking Segata what games would deserve my cash for the Wii. Maybe, I dont know, he has a recommendation about a game I might not have thought about since he seemed to think differently than Bruce LeeRoy in the sense that the Wii didnt have worthy games as of late to have it sell an astonishing 2 million units.

No, if Segata was as foolish as I was and got caught up in dumb arguments like this, he'd say he didn't buy ANYTHING for the Wii in the back half of the year... or the ps3... or the 360... and then he'd make a snarky joke about how handhelds are the only thing saving him from jumping off Mt. Fuji. If we're lucky, he'd end the paragraph with "Tabernac!" or something.

He wasn't saying that he's chin deep in amazing Wii games to play (shit, I don't even know if he currently has a Wii he's able to access), he was saying this assinine "I can't believe the success! How on earth is this happening!?!?!" all boils down to "different strokes for different folks".

I assume I have perfect taste? There is NO such thing as perfect taste.To each his own - you don't have to tell me that. Heck, even if someone loved a game as badly rated or hated as Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Too Human, Wii Music - cause everyone has different tastes, duh!

... that's Segata's exact point. Other people have different tastes. Whether it's Petz Doctorz Monkeyz Babyz Party or de Blob or Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2009 or LittleBigPlanet, if stuff is selling then stuff is selling.

Clearly people feel there's stuff worth buying on the Wii. If you don't, is it really a huge leap to say "Wow, other people must feel differently than me"?

So, I guess my point is that the conversation has gone like this so far--
Bruce: How on earth is this happening!?
Segata: Different people have different tastes.
FadyK: Yeah, indeed, but how on earth is this happening!?
Stump: Different people have different tastes.
FadyK: Look, I know different people have different tastes. But how on earth is this happening!?


myDingling said:
You're beginning to wonder? I've been a staunch advocate for the failure of one console platform (preferably Sony) for quite some time now. I don't think anyone who doesn't make 100k+/year enjoys having to buy 3 Machines every 4-5 years. And if I had to choose one to go, I would easily choosen Sony. Good riddance.

I agree with this man (however Dark Knight on Blu Ray looks Sooooooo Goooooood)


JoshuaJSlone said:
This used to be true, but as of September PS3 and Wii as a pair have passed 50% of "console ownership time" for this generation, so any particular stat (in this case third party sales) putting X360 in the lead means it does that at least a bit better to overcome the difference. The ownership split through November works out to about 48.3% X360, 35.8% Wii, 16.0% PS3; so it is still a quite close thing, though.

I was wondering about that 3rd party revenue stat in Microsoft's press release. Any educated guesses about how much longer before Microsoft drops the "combined" in comparing its 3rd party sales with Nintendo and Sony?


myDingling said:
You're beginning to wonder? I've been a staunch advocate for the failure of one console platform (preferably Sony) for quite some time now. I don't think anyone who doesn't make 100k+/year enjoys having to buy 3 Machines every 4-5 years. And if I had to choose one to go, I would easily choosen Sony. Good riddance.

You wanted the the PS2 to die?
LBP and Valkyria :(

Didn't play LBP that much but Valkyria is really good and it has Vyse! D;

There are only HD - Shooters in the Top10, SONY and Microsoft are destroying the market!!!1!!1!!11

;) :p
You know all this "Wii doesn't sell software" comments would be non-existent or very low if NPD didn't stop giving us full sales data.

So next time your angry that your favourite games are getting demolished in sales, don't blame the Wii, blame NPD.


soldat7 said:
I'm beginning to wonder if there are actually people out there that want to see MS and Sony leave the gaming business. I'm really starting to wonder...
I kinda like my 360, but if it made you really really sad then maybe it'd be worth it.
JoshuaJSlone said:
This used to be true, but as of September PS3 and Wii as a pair have passed 50% of "console ownership time" for this generation, so any particular stat (in this case third party sales) putting X360 in the lead means it does that at least a bit better to overcome the difference. The ownership split through November works out to about 48.3% X360, 35.8% Wii, 16.0% PS3; so it is still a quite close thing, though.
This November was the 37th month of the generation, yes? So "most of this generation" would be 18.5+ months. The 19th month of this generation was May 07, when 360 still had over 50% marketshare.

You'll note that I didn't make a "360 had an on average 50%+ marketshare throughout this generation" claim, as I wasn't sure of the numbers. ;) Thanks for providing them, though.
vilmer_ said:
You wanted the the PS2 to die?

I sure as hell didn't want to buy one that's for sure. I was more angry that Microsoft decided to get in on this and I was more anti-Xbox than PS2 for some time. But Xbox (to me at least) eventually proved that they were really dedicated to the industry and the gamer culture and eventually I warmed up to them. While PS2 had some great games on it, Sony as a whole did little for me. The vision that company holds for the PSX platform quickly eroded into a tumutous mess of electronic hardware supremacy in the home (i.e. it stopped being about games and gamers). That's how I continue to feel about the PS3 coming into this generation and I've seen little to say otherwise.
felipeko said:
GB was just fine. And software competition would still be the same.... but this is reaaaally a discussion for another thread.

You mean that system where it took a decade in which they added color. And they didn't even make the system significantly more powerful...they just added color to it.

Anyway I expect standardization in the industry in the not so distant future anyway.

Mantorok said:
Is the Wii to the PS3 like the PS was to the N64?

It just shocks me how Sony have done a 'Nintendo' even after being responsible for Nintendo's downhill slide, and witnessing Nintendo dropping the ball in '95. You'd think they would ensure that they didn't do the same - wouldn't you?

Nintendo screwed up by screwing over developers, SONY screwed up by screwing over consumers. ($600? Same controller with no rumble? Hardly any use of the six-axis? $600?)

Ranger X said:

Has a console ever sold this much in a month? Holy fucking shit.

OK so when do we have serious gamer games support hmm?


*looks at Wii's 2009 line-up*

Next year.

tinfoilhatman said:
perfect 1080p output, timing and scaling over HDMI

In which the former PC can do.

Threi said:
2 million new Wii owners are not 2 million soccer moms. They are not 2 million nintendo fans, not 2 million "hardcore" gamers, not 2 million niche gamers, not 2 million gamers fooled by the allure of the Wii remote.

Truth is its ALL of those combined, plus more types of gamers you don't even think about.

Why the hell do you think it sells so much? If it appealed exclusively to soccer moms it would probably be selling as much as the 360 at MOST. It sells so damn much because of the combined different demographics buying the console. And the demographic you are in are part of ones buying the Wii, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.


I also love how the DS is basically in the same situation as the Wii in yet nobody says that only casuals are buying the DS. Wasn't there a ESA survey stating that 70% of Wii owners also own a 360/PS3 or something?

JudgeN said:
Don't think anyone would deny this but at the end of the day what people are wondering is what are they playing.

Now? Hmm...probably Shaun White with balance board, Guitar Hero: World Tour, still holding Smash Bros. Brawl competitions, screwing around with the virtual console.

I mean most people who buy gaming consoles period (Wii, 360, PS2) don't even know about games like "Tales of Vesperia", "Little Big Planet", or "Dragon Quest". Most people just play consoles once in a while as in just pop in a game for 30 minutes every other day. They don't need games ever month nor do they even have backlogs to finish. To the majority of game players the Wii's library is more then enough to satisfy them.

Eteric Rice said:
The biggest difference between HD and SD games for me has always been the jaggies.

If they make a Wii that has AA that gets rid of that shit, I'll buy it instantly.

Other than that I've never really cared.

I personally just enjoy how much clearer everything is. It's like the objects come to life in a way.

jvm said:

Tsk, tsk, tsk SONY and your horrid marketing.

LCfiner said:
didn't see this posted.

Valkyria Chronicles numbers


I guess that the PS3 can't really sell games to hardcore gamers. This proves it. ;)
myDingling said:
You're beginning to wonder? I've been a staunch advocate for the failure of one console platform (preferably Sony) for quite some time now. I don't think anyone who doesn't make 100k+/year enjoys having to buy 3 Machines every 4-5 years. And if I had to choose one to go, I would easily choosen Sony. Good riddance.

Same here, plus i hate the playstation brand with a passion , i just dont like it ... its just the same as some people here with the wii brand
My absolute favorite are those coming out saying that the economy is to blame for PS3s performance. Yeah, that's only a part of the puzzle. "Five hundred and ninety nine US dollars" was a lot of money even when this beast was announced :lol. Seriously guys, don't kid yourself. The moment that number came up, the fate of this system was sealed. They even had a chance to turn the tide but their pride seemed to get in the way.

Way to go, Nintendo. Fortune favoring the bold.


liuelson said:
Any educated guesses about how much longer before Microsoft drops the "combined" in comparing its 3rd party sales with Nintendo and Sony?

I haven't done extensive analysis, but I think that December software sales for the Wii should go a long way to making that happen.
jjasper said:
It really is awful. Right now you can barely even see the games they are showing on the main commercial.

That is hip dude. Why show a full screen image of a game when you can show it reflected in a puddle of water on the sidewalk. You just don't get it...


Are we also blaming marketing again for Sonys issues? How long has it been since the whole ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMASS IS A PSPPPPP

Marketing has not been the issue. Sony has spent millions on ads. Weve come along way from the awfull white room baby crying commercials


BishopLamont said:
You know all this "Wii doesn't sell software" comments would be non-existent or very low if NPD didn't stop giving us full sales data.

NPD didn't stop giving us full sales data, since they never did. They just put the squeeze on anyone who might've been.


Wii Will Rock U said:
That really hurts to see Valkyria and LBP doing so poorly. :(

I would have loved it it if the game even matched its Japanese sales. However, the writing was on the wall once Sega decided to release it at the worst possible time for new IP SRPG with an anime aesthetic.


BishopLamont said:
You know all this "Wii doesn't sell software" comments would be non-existent or very low if NPD didn't stop giving us full sales data.

So next time your angry that your favourite games are getting demolished in sales, don't blame the Wii, blame NPD.

Considering that there are at most 3 PS3 titles in the top 20 according to jvm (LBP is out of the top twenty, and he didn't confirm whether or not MK vs DC was in it or not) it really shouldn't even be a "Wii doesn't sell games" argument in the first place.
Gamespot's updated their November NPD article to include Top 11-20, no specific sales numbers though, just the rankings.

Title / Publisher / Units*
1) Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360) / Microsoft / 1,560,000
2) Call of Duty: World at War (Xbox 360) / Activision Blizzard / 1,410,000
3) Wii Play w/ Remote (WII) / Nintendo / 796,000
4) Wii Fit w/ Balance Board (WII) / Nintendo / 697,000
5) Mario Kart Wii w/ Wheel (WII) / Nintendo / 637,000
6) Call of Duty: World at War (PS3) / Activision Blizzard / 597,000
7) Guitar Hero World Tour (Wii) / Activision Blizzard / 475,000
8) Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360) / Electronic Arts / 410,000
9) Resistance 2 (PS3) / Sony / 385,000
10) Wii Music / Nintendo / 297,000
11) Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii) / Nintendo
12) Fallout 3 (Xbox 360) / Bethesda Softworks
13) Rock Band (Wii) / MTV Games
14) Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia (DS) / Nintendo
15) Guitar Hero World Tour (Xbox 360) / Activision Blizzard
16) Mario Kart (DS) / Nintendo
17) Guitar Hero World Tour (PS2) / Activision Blizzard
18) WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2009 (PS2) / THQ
19) Fable II (Xbox 360) / Microsoft
20) Madden NFL 09 (Xbox 360) / Electronic Arts

* Figures include Collector's Editions and non-hardware bundles.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I wanna see Banjo LTD...


(Or maybe I don't.)

It deserves to do Fable 2 numbers but that demo really screwed it up, also i'm pissed for reviewers for not giving it a fair crack of the whip no one seems to have put any time into it.

Such a great game


Starchasing said:
Same here, plus i hate the playstation brand with a passion , i just dont like it ... its just the same as some people here with the wii brand

Well to be fair, the Playstation "brand" has at least had a reputation for producing games over the years. Most of this kind of hate always seems to stem from the balls to the wall Nintendo supporters. I have a few friends who also grew up with Nintendo (like myself), and they share the exact same opinion: "I hate Sony I wish they'd die and disappear forever, die! wii60!" To me, this all started with the PS1, and the hatred has been brewing for YEARS. I dunno, I'm not the biggest Nintendo fan anymore (since the end of the SNES), but I certainly don't want to see them die or get out of the industry.
Fredescu said:
The second most expensive platform just sold two million. Price is a non-issue.
who from the Wiis MAIN audience is going to buy a 360 over a Wii?

Regulus Tera said:
If this were the case the 360 would have outsold the Wii.
the 360 probably did sell more systems to the CORE gaming base than the Wii did in November.

Grecco said:
Hasnt been an issue for a good long while now.
and then whats seemingly happening to the economy now?

the Wii is off in its own world now unbound from our reality

between the 360 and PS3 Price at this point in time IS now the main issue
Wow, VC did less than half of what No More Heroes did in it's first month! (And in November to boot!)

Sad really, same goes for LBP, should've done much better :(
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