Stumpokapow said:Either you're not aware of the software and the question is dumb because you have two hands, two eyes, and access to google... Actually, LET ME GOOGLE THAT FOR YOU
Or you are aware of the software and any response you get will be greeted with "lol dat gaem sux not worth shit i sold mah wii's dust bunnys to da dust factory and bought a house in da cayman's!!!! nublets!", in which case why did you ask?
For what it's worth, I've played maybe 100 games or so this year, and of those exactly 6 deserve 2 million sales in my most humble opinion--World of Goo, Fallout 3, Professor Layton, Final Fantasy IVr, Roogoo, and Ticket to Ride. Not a single one of those will achieve 2 million sales in the US. Fallout is the only one that has a chance at a million on a single-SKU basis
But I don't sit around saying "holy fuck why is everyone buying MGS4 oh my god the sky is falling why did Army of Two sell copies i can't believe people bought Guitar Hero World Tour who on earth is watching Four Christmases at the cinema how can kids like Twilight who on earth thought up the Honda Element why did my next door neighbour vote for the green party how does the guy next to me not notice that he didn't shave this morning!!!!!", because it's pretty easy to understand people's motivations if you don't start from the assumption that you have perfect taste and everyone else must be clinically deranged.
Why am I not surprised this post sounds the way it does? You always seemed to have this agenda against me and you never stated why, just saying that im not a good poster or whatnot. Anyway, to reply to your post:
I am completely aware of the software thats out for the Wii. Not only that, but for me, im not the kind of person whos into a few genres, I love many. And the year did start with a bang for my Wii with No More Heroes, Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart, and Boom Blox. But then what? Ever since June there was only ONE game I happily bought for my Wii - Warioland Shake It. You tell me - what else was worth buying for a full price? And of course I picked up World of Goo, when its one of the most amazing downloadable titles - I take notice.
And whats with the stupid repsonse that makes me look like im one of those guys that would think I should sell my Wii or something? EVEN if nothing came out for the Wii for another 6 months id still keep it because as a gamer I never know what'll get announced for it. And its not like I forgot about Madworld, Muramasa, Klonoa, and the others that will be hitting next year. And I never doubted the Wii's future - I was talking about the past few months STRICTLY and I said that in my post.
And the part where you ramble endlessly about all sorts of stereotypical stuff is blown way out of proportion. I said one little thing - and apparently you seemed to think I was being a smartass about it - which is not surprising - by asking Segata what games would deserve my cash for the Wii. Maybe, I dont know, he has a recommendation about a game I might not have thought about since he seemed to think differently than Bruce LeeRoy in the sense that the Wii didnt have worthy games as of late to have it sell an astonishing 2 million units.
And you end it in a terribly odd manner - I assume I have perfect taste? There is NO such thing as perfect taste.To each his own - you don't have to tell me that. Heck, even if someone loved a game as badly rated or hated as Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Too Human, Wii Music - cause everyone has different tastes, duh!