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NPD Sales Numbers for November 2008


knitoe said:
If it was a regular 3D Banjo platform action game, I would have bought it. Don't want Nuts and Bolts.
The fact that no one wanted BK:N&B is obvious as well, I love the game, it's easily in my top 10 list for this year. But I understand that most Banjo fans don't like the route they took. Mumbo already predicted this in the game: "Boat needs floaters otherwise sink, like this game at retail".


Just make an amazing Perfect Dark sequel you assholes... This googly eyed quasi platformer shit ain't working for you Microsoft. Such a shame, Nuts and Bolts is amazing thus far :(


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
liuelson said:
Actually, it probably makes sense to delay Rockband 2 for the Wii and milk the existing Rockband sales for a little longer. Games for Wii have long tales am confirmed.
It has to be cannibalizing sales of the RockBand 2 band kit though, which means that they are shrinking their profit margin significantly.

Fady K

Stumpokapow said:
Okay so then why did you ask "WHATS WORTH PLAYING JUST NAME IT". You already know what the possible options are, you've already evaluated them. There aren't any secret games you don't know about. You know about the games available, and you've chosen not to buy them.

I already answered why i asked that in my previous post, and ill post it again for you: Maybe, I dont know, he has a recommendation about a game I might not have thought about since he seemed to think differently than Bruce LeeRoy in the sense that the Wii didnt have worthy games as of late to have it sell an astonishing 2 million units.

Stumpokapow said:
... and we're back to Segata's EXACT point--that if you feel that there wasn't anything worth buying... and software sold anyway... then, magically, your taste must be different than other people's. There's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong is making a big hairy deal about it.

Again, you must have not read my post well. I stated to you already that i was referring to recent titles. Yes, suuuure, software sells anyway. Software that I already bought, and old stuff nevertheless - like Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Mario Kart - all of which released before June - and I already made it clear in my previous response to you that I was talking about AFTER June as it was the last time I bought a Wii game since Warioland Shake It in September.

Stumpokapow said:
No, if Segata was as foolish as I was and got caught up in dumb arguments like this, he'd say he didn't buy ANYTHING for the Wii in the back half of the year... or the ps3... or the 360... and then he'd make a snarky joke about how handhelds are the only thing saving him from jumping off Mt. Fuji. If we're lucky, he'd end the paragraph with "Tabernac!" or something.

He wasn't saying that he's chin deep in amazing Wii games to play (shit, I don't even know if he currently has a Wii he's able to access), he was saying this assinine "I can't believe the success! How on earth is this happening!?!?!" all boils down to "different strokes for different folks".

Yes, he gave, in my opinion, an excellent response to the shallow thought of how the Wii sells this well. But thats where the problem lies - I didnt, nor did Bruce LeeRoy state that we cant believe it sells this well and dont understand why - we clearly said we cant see what software would have it earn this kind of sales.

Im not, and was never, bitching about the crazy Wii sales Nintendo is having. Why would I? It makes absolutely perfect sense to me. The console came out cheaper than the competition when it did, was marketed EXTREMELY well until this day and on, and its got software that would provide many people who didnt bother with gaming or a gaming console to get one now.

Stumpokapow said:
... that's Segata's exact point. Other people have different tastes. Whether it's Petz Doctorz Monkeyz Babyz Party or de Blob or Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2009 or LittleBigPlanet, if stuff is selling then stuff is selling.

Clearly people feel there's stuff worth buying on the Wii. If you don't, is it really a huge leap to say "Wow, other people must feel differently than me"?

Yes, there is plenty of stuff worth buying on the Wii. Who said theres a problem? I know i didnt. I asked simply for what games were worth buying in the Wii that came out recently (and I should have added, besides Warioland because its a worthy game).

Stumpokapow said:
So, I guess my point is that the conversation has gone like this so far--
Bruce: How on earth is this happening!?
Segata: Different people have different tastes.
FadyK: Yeah, indeed, but how on earth is this happening!?
Stump: Different people have different tastes.
FadyK: Look, I know different people have different tastes. But how on earth is this happening!?

This summary you gave shows how you misunderstood me. Heres one thats more accurate:

Bruce: The Wii doesnt have something worthy of 2 million sold units in my opinion [dont forget, in my opinion is stated]
Segata: Different people have different tastes and opinions [even tho Bruce stated literally that it was just an opinion of his that the wii doesnt deserve sales like this since it doesnt have software that would make it this special as of now]
FadyK: Yeah, indeed, but Bruce did state that it was in his opinion that nothing is worthy of it getting such sales right now. I think so too, can you give me a suggestion of a recent title that may be worthy?
Stump: Different people have different tastes.

Big difference. Two completely different arguments, one of which would make me look like one of the fools that constantly say the Wii is a fad, its for kids, third party games dont sell on it, it has only good non-games, etc.


Junior Member
BishopLamont said:
I joke because I care, my heart is broken inside.

Cute, I haven't seen this side of yours before :p

In any case, I haven't commented about the hardware sales yet.

Wii: Crazy! There is no word to describe this phenomenon.
Xbox 360: Very good!
Ps3: Though luck...Try next time. NEXT!


TheBranca18 said:
No but it has Vyse and Aika in the game.

Weird, but thanks. Skies of Arcadia was the last JRPG I played (I'm really into the Western-style stuff nowadays), so I'll look it up.


knitoe said:
If it was a regular 3D Banjo platform action game, I would have bought it. Don't want Nuts and Bolts.

It really is a good game. Its just way too much to the left of a traditional plataformer. It kind of reminds me of Luigis Mansion.


JudgeN said:
They been in trouble since they launched, PS3 owners (The ones that buy games, fuck the others) should only worry about the quality of the games. Which now is really really good. Sales will just make them cry, and cry they shall.

*Cries for Valkyria*
Now, I don't know about anybody else, but I own 8 PSN games and have 2 disc-based PS3 games. (And 4 PS2 games.) Basically, I have little impact on PS3 NPD numbers despite purchasing a decent number of games.

I'd be interested in knowing numbers for online downloads.


I knew Wii sales would be huge, I was just unsure about a halfway precise number. The supply problem has been mostly solved, I'd say. With sales like this, Wii's lifetime will be longer than initially expected. 2011 would be too early for next-gen.

Sony's sales are brutal. I really feel bad about them. Of course they made mistakes, revealing an insanely high price at E3, etc. But the PS3 simply deserves better for the value it offers. The price difference matters the less the more games you buy, sadly not enough people realized this simple thing. And Blu-Ray makes your HDTV actually worth something besides just gaming. It's really an all around good deal.


Poor baby.


all of my posts are my avatar
poppabk said:
The 360 is?
The advantage is that you have complete freedom over control of your hardware and software.
I'm not saying that the 360 is a bad media extender, but you could build a 1080p capable PC for a similar price ($200-$300 maybe) and use that as your extender. You have the advantage of complete control over codecs, expandability (blu-ray), DRM etc, but you lose a little bit on ease of use and reliability.

The 360 doesn't need to, the work I mentioned above is distributed between my existing PC and 2-3 360's.

Nope and I know what your saying, what I'm saying is for my purposes I'd need 2-3 PC's(and HD capture hardware) and some insanly long(were talking 100's of feet here) expensive HDMI cables and repeaters to do what I do with a single PC, some long ethernet cables and multiple 360's working as HD extenders do perfectly well. I do all my own encoding\re-encoding of RAW MPEG streams so there's no point the 360 as an extender hadnles everything I throw at it and then some. The 360 also has native interface for HDMI(non of the DVI to HDMI adapter BS, I won't deal with that becaseu it has unpredictable results with variosu types of HDTV's) which you cannot easiely get for a PC.

Sorry I still don't see any tangable advantages to having a dedicated media PC in the living room, even if I didn't need to output to be in multiple locations.


(Stats about Nintendo YoY v. rest of industry)

Jammy said:
That's really telling. The industry would be nothing without Nintendo. Not only would sales be in a huge YOY decline, but budgets would remain high and more and more companies like Midway, EA, etc. would be hit even harder.

What confuses me is Anita Frazier's comment about the entire industry being up YoY. If Nintendo's results represent > 100% of that increase (198% in their press release), doesn't that mean the industry in general is actually down? Or are there only a few companies that are really down, while the rest are treading water or going up?

Microsoft's press release said total software revenue for 11/08 was $408 million, and I saw elsewhere that the ARP for the X360 was $270. That gives another $225.7 million, for a total of $633.7 million in revenue for Microsoft, excluding accessories. Any idea how that compares with 11/07?


myDingling said:
You're beginning to wonder? I've been a staunch advocate for the failure of one console platform (preferably Sony) for quite some time now. I don't think anyone who doesn't make 100k+/year enjoys having to buy 3 Machines every 4-5 years. And if I had to choose one to go, I would easily choosen Sony. Good riddance.

I eagerly await the one console future, as prophetized by the great Dyack. Who need choice when the choices are made for us!


VC only sold 33k?! so which console is gonna get the port? ds, wii or 360, at least one will, they need to make some money off it
Opiate said:
They can't. They cannot. I'm sorry to be so emphatic, but I see people in nearly every sales thread suggesting this, and it's frustrating to see it pop up repeatedly when it clearly doesn't consider financial concerns.

It is simply not financially possible. They've already lost 3.3 billion dollars in the gaming division over the last 3 years, and are almost assuredly going to lose some more this quarter.

All of the money has been spent. It's gone. There is no more. The PS3 has to stand on its own two feet now, and any price cuts or other things that cost money won't happen unless and until the system can make some money. Since Sony lost 400 million last quarter and is likely to lose more this one, that hasn't happened yet.

They can. They CAN. They have the PS2 and PSP to fall back on. Microsoft lost a shiton of money thanks to the RRoD, but they are focusing on selling more systems before only obsessing over profits to line their CEOs pockets, which is what got Sony in this shithole to begin with. Remember what happened to the Saturn when they came out with that 400 console bullshit? They lost. Nobody in the mainstream will pay 400+ for a videogame system. It will never, ever happen. Nintendo is the only one that understands this basic concept, and why they have never gone above the reasonable price range.

Sony, lower the price if you want to live.

Eteric Rice

I'm kind of worried, it seems a lot of big deal games didn't do that well.

I can see a lot of companies closing up shop, or letting a lot of people go if this continues.
Woah, what happened to Rock Band 2? How can Rock Band Wii outsell Rock Band 2?!

Can't wait to see how RB2 Wii fares! (OMG @ Mario Kart DS, it's still there in the top 20!)
Eteric Rice said:
I'm kind of worried, it seems a lot of big deal games didn't do that well.

I can see a lot of companies closing up shop, or letting a lot of people go if this continues.

Which games are these? Tomb Raider?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Stoney Mason said:
Which games are these? Tomb Raider?

Last Remnant, Banjo, Mirrors Edge etc. many high budget Games are bombing - if those games were on wii, with the same results ppl here would go crazy and convinced that it`s because those kind of game can`t sell on wii.

btw. Next bomba in Dec NPD will be probably Prince of Persia....

Chris R

Jammy said:
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts can be bought from Amazon for just $27 right now... and it's still only on the second page of bestsellers.

Either people were bored to death from the demo like I was, or the 360 userbase just really doesn't appreciate the absence of guns and abundance of colors.
The demo was horrible, turning lots of people off. The actual game deserves to sell though, its my GOTY easily.

As for LBP and VC, not surprised they sold so low.
cw_sasuke said:
Last Remnant, Banjo, Mirrors Edge etc. many high budget Games are bombing - if those games were on wii, with the same results ppl here would go crazy and convinced that it`s because those kind of game can`t sell on wii.

btw. Next bomba in Dec NPD will be probably Prince of Persia....

I think some of the games you mentioned are bigger among the GAF demo than the general demo. Even Tomb Raider isn't quite the franchise it use to be. Every Xmas you have some winners and some losers.


cw_sasuke said:
Last Remnant, Banjo, Mirrors Edge etc. many high budget Games are bombing - if those games were on wii, with the same results ppl here would go crazy and convinced that it`s because those kind of game can`t sell on wii.

btw. Next bomba in Dec NPD will be probably Prince of Persia....
Prince of Persia will do well. There aren't any major titles release this month for it to compete against. Oct / Nov had way too many titles.
Animal Crossing is not a surprise. Non haters couldn't have thought it was going to bomb now or long term.
Sure it is a meh sequel of a console game that has already been an online game in another form. The uniqueness is worn now but they added another thing to it with voice chat which fits it well. They didn't do many ads cause they know it already has a base of support and they will buy it and spread from them to newbs. And like the DS version it will have a long life.


knitoe said:
If it was a regular 3D Banjo platform action game, I would have bought it. Don't want Nuts and Bolts.

Yup. Would have bought an Arcade 360 for it too.

Here's hoping they don't wait 8 years to give us Banjo 3.


Super Member
soldat7 said:
I'm more speaking of the Nintendo Hive Mind and their myopic view on gaming. Competition is healthy for the industry and there is absolutely zero reason as a gamer to desire the downfall of any console.
If it weren't for Nintendo rejecting MS' buyout and their earlier mutual backstabbing with Sony neither of them would be in the industry, so it would only be fitting that Nintendo show them how it's done.
and potentially drive them out

Sure, competition is nice and I really don't loathe MS/Sony anymore, but they were/are promoting trends that are unhealthy for the industry (high production costs/waiting to break even for profit/making themselves vulnerable to the recession/etc.), and no one is paying for it more than themselves.

Competition this gen/late last gen was so great that companies were merging/buying each other out because they knew that individually they weren't going to endure AAA-production costs due to the inflated expectations of HD and 'hardcore' gamers with the advent of these high-powered machines. It was that awesome.

Sure as a gamer you can remain ignorant of their failings but this is the internet, where we can state these concerns. Nintendo has some failings as well, but they aren't the degree of trouble Sony is. MS fared a bit better having sold more than Xbox1, so they aren't in much trouble either.


cw_sasuke said:
Last Remnant, Banjo, Mirrors Edge etc. many high budget Games are bombing - if those games were on wii, with the same results ppl here would go crazy and convinced that it`s because those kind of game can`t sell on wii.

btw. Next bomba in Dec NPD will be probably Prince of Persia....

If those games were on Wii and they sold poor the first month GAF would overreact because two years into it nobody accepts that games on Wii sell over time

Prince of Persia will do fine, especially on the 360. If it "bombs" it will be on the PS3


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
tinfoilhatman said:
The 360 doesn't need to, the work I mentioned above is distributed between my existing PC and 2-3 360's.

Nope and I know what your saying, what I'm saying is for my purposes I'd need 2-3 PC's(and HD capture hardware) and some insanly long(were talking 100's of feet here) expensive HDMI cables and repeaters to do what I do with a single PC, some long ethernet cables and multiple 360's working as HD extenders do perfectly well. I do all my own encoding\re-encoding of RAW MPEG streams so there's no point the 360 as an extender hadnles everything I throw at it and then some. The 360 also has native interface for HDMI(non of the DVI to HDMI adapter BS, I won't deal with that becaseu it has unpredictable results with variosu types of HDTV's) which you cannot easiely get for a PC.

Sorry I still don't see any tangable advantages to having a dedicated media PC in the living room, even if I didn't need to output to be in multiple locations.
I'm talking about using a lower end PC as a replacement for the 360 as the client/extender.
So one server PC and multiple client PC's networked however you want.
If you never deal with awkward codecs and never want blu-ray drives on your clients and don't want to go wireless, are not worried about DRM, and don't want to control post processing on your output then it is probably cheaper and easier using the 360, but there are several reasons why someone would choose a PC over a 360 as a client.
A lot of motherboards have integrated graphics sufficient for 1080p and have HDMI out just for the record.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
knitoe said:
Prince of Persia will do well. There aren't any major titles release this month for it to compete against. Oct / Nov had way too many titles.
I don`t know , at least here in europe the game i bombin - didn`t even chart in uk top 40 in it`s launch week - and i would assume the PoP IP to be more popular here in europe...


Junior Member
knitoe said:
Prince of Persia will do well. There aren't any major titles release this month for it to compete against. Oct / Nov had way too many titles.

It's not doing very well in Europe. Didn't even make the top 40 in its launch week in the UK.
Tom Penny said:
No LBP on the list. Total floppage for a great game.

We know it sold 141k in November, just shows how front loaded games are (well 360 and Ps3 at least), when a game goes on sale all the online preorders and such get processed so its not just one day's sales it can be many months worth.
fps fanatic said:
This just saddens me right here. You don't have to buy all three consoles. If you choose to and you have the money, by all means, go for it. But you have choices. I only own a PS3 so I imagine there's plenty I'm missing. But then again, I'm happy with the games I'm getting for the PS3. Third parties for the most part make games multiplatform, so PS3 is getting a lot of the same titles 360 gets. And I'm excited for some of the titles coming in the new year. But that's the point, you have a choice...

I want choices for my SOFTWARE not my hardware, as it should be for hardcore console gamers. I hate that buying a console nowadays means you're throwing up your support for a certain brand, a certain "philosophy" on what gaming culture should be. I just wanna play your damn games!

On the other hand, I'm glad exclusives have quickly eroded this generation making hardware choice less of a limiting path. But until all exclusives are banished, serious gamers will have to pay (literally) for the privilege to play.
Nicktals said:
Yup. Would have bought an Arcade 360 for it too.

Here's hoping they don't wait 8 years to give us Banjo 3.

If you guys are fans of the old Banjo games, you're seriously missing out and don't fucking realize it :(
CowGirl said:
It's not doing very well in Europe. Didn't even make the top 40 in its launch week in the UK.

And its now £25 at Gamestation stores.

Released too late in the quarter, most of the big titles are now snowballing as we get towards Xmas.


cw_sasuke said:
Last Remnant, Banjo, Mirrors Edge etc. many high budget Games are bombing - if those games were on wii, with the same results ppl here would go crazy and convinced that it`s because those kind of game can`t sell on wii.

Truer words have never been spoken (for here and the industry in general).
Teams are going to have to get used to making higher budget games anyway. In the short run they will make money off of Wii due to lower dev costs, but they are only delaying the inevitable. Nintendos next console will likely be HD and have tech in the range of PS3/360, so there is a certain point where these companies have to get with the times. They aren't going to be able to live off of 480p forever.


Public Health Threat
RpgN said:
VC is performing exactly like ToV in the first month.
Wasn't the original JRPG argument the assumption that all JRPG fans are loyal to the Sony brand and will follow the system and support its original games?

Can we now all admit the genre just isn't strong as it used to be in the US and realize the choice of platform doesn't matter anymore?


icecream said:
Wasn't the original JRPG argument the assumption that all JRPG fans are loyal to the Sony brand and will follow the system and support its original games?

Can we now all admit the genre just isn't strong as it used to be in the US and realize the choice of platform doesn't matter anymore?
I think RPG's will do fine, but without games like Final Fantasy to get the masses interested there isn't much of a RPG fanbase on the HD consoles. If I was a fan of JRPG games I'd buy a DS or stick to my PS2.


icecream said:
Wasn't the original JRPG argument the assumption that all JRPG fans are loyal to the Sony brand and will follow the system and support its original games?

Can we now all admit the genre just isn't strong as it used to be in the US and realize the choice of platform doesn't matter anymore?

VC and Vesperia would have performed exactly the same last generation. Just look at Abyss's epic bombing. Very few JRPGs have EVER done good in the U.S. We've already had one this gen with Lost Odyssey that did well. Last generation we had some select ones like Star Ocean 3 and Tales of Symphonia.


Public Health Threat
Paracelsus said:
What about it? Both the 360 and PS3 seem only capable of selling around 100K for their top J-RPG titles over there too. It doesn't seem to make a difference there either.


Loudninja said:

So that puts the game at around 400k-500k now? That's pretty good, especially for a new IP on the PS3 (Uncharted was a bigger "bomb" IIRC). And especially for this kind of new IP on the PS3. Also, the night is darkest just before the dawn. And as they say, the dawn is coming unless some maniac clown horribly disfigures you and makes you go on a rampage against those that wronged you.


Junior Member
icecream said:
Wasn't the original JRPG argument the assumption that all JRPG fans are loyal to the Sony brand and will follow the system and support its original games?

Can we now all admit the genre just isn't strong as it used to be in the US and realize the choice of platform doesn't matter anymore?

I can say that this comment didn't come from me.

I honestly don't know where the rpg crowd is right now. Maybe we need a game like FFXIII to get things started on the HD consoles.

Regarding VC, this game is sold out in many places and it's getting rare (check for yourself). I have no idea how much Sega expected out of VC and wether it will get new prints in the US.
RpgN said:
I can say that this comment didn't come from me.

I honestly don't know where the rpg crowd is right now. Maybe we need a game like FFXIII to get things started on the HD consoles.

Regarding VC, this game is sold out in many places and it's getting rare (check for yourself). I have no idea how much Sega expected out of VC and wether it will get new prints in the US.

Jrpg's were never quite as big as some made out in this country outside of the Final Fantasy franchise. The Sony perception came about because Sony had a stranglehold on both the US and Japan market as a whole for two straight generations. It was related to who controlled the market. Not a reflection of a Sony bias.


AniHawk said:
So that puts the game at around 400k-500k now? That's pretty good, especially for a new IP on the PS3 (Uncharted was a bigger "bomb" IIRC). And especially for this kind of new IP on the PS3. Also, the night is darkest just before the dawn. And as they say, the dawn is coming unless some maniac clown horribly disfigures you and makes you go on a rampage against those that wronged you.

Yeah over 500k now.
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