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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


So Nintendo is outselling Sony about 2:1 (total sales). Would think it was more, but if Nintendo had a better supply i think it would be higher.


Jealous Bastard
Branduil said:
They say the world's best chefs all use elements of human excrement in their top dishes for added spice.

see, and i would think including excrement in your dishes would disqualify you instatement into the pantheon of "world's best chefs"


AniHawk said:
The helmet will catch everyone flat-footed. Nintendo shouldn't have waited on it. They'll be disappointed they did.


beelzebozo said:
see, and i would think including excrement in your dishes would disqualify you instatement into the pantheon of "world's best chefs"

Tsk, tsk. That is so like you beelzebozo. You never could see past the insignificant things like health regulations and sanity. And that's why you flunked out of chef school. That's why you'll never be a great chef.


Branduil said:
Functional AND practical.
the best of both worlds - just a classy device.

And I kinda have to backpeddle a little - the juniors aren't all bad (as I thought in the 'Hello 1000' thread) - they extended the life of this NPD thread a good deal, adding some nice hilarity now and then. They're good cannon fodder.


I wish we could fast forward about four month, I don't think there is anything interesting going to happen until aug/sept.

Just a declining monthly meltdown of the sony fokes. They have bright hopes for the end of year.
Gah, just got through reading this start to finish, GAF isn't making it easy by posting loads, and I skipped the last few pages as it all went to hell.

82k WTF? OMG! How low can it go? Loving the Gifs and Charts


Add this to the 261k it sold in the first five days included in May NPD and it sold 458,000 copies, which is pretty bloody amazing.
I remember going into ps3 launch the crew that thought ps3 would overtake xbox 360 sales in 6 months...... and nintendo, who in world would have predicted this. they have so far played it perfect. (hey release some more damn games, please) and japan was ps3 land :lol . and I said it before, its time for MS to drop the price. ITs TIME! I wonder with how bad PS3 is doing, they will skip the $50 price point and go for the throat with a $100 cut across the board? $199 core with a $29 mem card? win, $299 premium? win, $399 elite? win. no doubt Wii will drop to $199 w/ wii sports or wii health. PS3 will be at $499 no win...
Vagabundo said:
The banks wont let them drop the price. The banks are watching Sony.

Dont think the other Blu ray manufacturers would be too happy either, they supported blu ray because they preventy Chinease CE manufactures from making cheap blu ray players but if SOny are doing that themselves they will not be too impressed.


I love Nintendo, but I'm seriously worried about the Xbox 360. The Wii and the DS have been a breath of fresh air for the industry, but if they completely cut the HD Gaming's legs we'll all be very sorry in a couple of years.

About the PS3: just give my ****ing wipeout, team ico game, tekken 6 before you die, dear 600€ console. I don't want to play tekken with the crappy 360 d-pad.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Deku said:
Yeah maybe drop the PS3 price by $600 by fall. I think its totally doable. Sales will pick up for sure.
I'm not sure that'll even help at this point.

Maybe call it the DS3 or the PlayStation Wii as well?


Given a choice I'd prefer WiiS3 over Wii60. However, Sony is so lost right now trying to ape the 360 with FPS after FPS that I've lost all interest in it.

Jive Turkey said:
I'm not sure that'll even help at this point.

Maybe call it the DS3 or the PlayStation Wii as well?

I suggested $1000 price drop in the MC thread, but that's for Japan only.
Fabiollo said:
I love Nintendo, but I'm seriously worried about the Xbox 360. The Wii and the DS have been a breath of fresh air for the industry, but if they completely cut the HD Gaming's legs we'll all be very sorry in a couple of years.
Why? We wont be stuck with SD forever!
The next Nintendo console WILL be HD because by then (around 5 yrs time) HD will be mainstream and widespread enough to make the investment worth it. HD is still very niche at the moment. You may argue that many people own HD TVs, yes - but how many of these people are clued up about HD, actually recieve HD broadcasts, are aware of what cables to use (HDMI vs Componant), are aware of the difference between 720p and 1080p etc.. its all too messy and confusing right now for the general consumer. In 5 years time things will become clearer and more standardised. That is when the 'casuals' will care.
Deku said:
Given a choice I'd prefer WiiS3 over Wii60. However, Sony is so lost right now trying to ape the 360 with FPS after FPS that I've lost all interest in it.

And meanwhile the 360's coming out with like 4 JRPGS this year?

Mr. Mind seriously ****ed with multiverse on this one...


has calmed down a bit.
"The PlayStation 3 was obviously a little bit flat during the month. We didn't have a lot of hardware drivers out during the month, we didn't have any first-party titles," said Sony spokesman Dave Karraker.

"But we've got a pretty robust library coming for the rest of this year ... so I think you're going to see a real pick-up as these games start coming out," Karraker said.

Fantastic numbers by Nintendo, and terrible numbers by Sony. MS numbers are underwhelming also. It's time for a price drop ladies (MS/Sony) or prepare to die a grisly death at the hands of the Wii. Actually, I'm not even sure a price drop by them would even dent the Wii's armor at this point.

Still, how stupid did MS look last month by RAISING the price of the 360 (after witnessing the Ps3 massacre) and expecting it to actually sell well? The Elite and Ps3 just goes to show that neither Sony or MS actually "get" the market at this point. They are lost in the wilderness of an e-penis contest that mainstream gamers couldn't care less about. It's obvious that MS followed the hardcore gamers into thinking that HDMI and a bigger hard drive (along with a price increase) would actually garner them sales. Nintendo learned the hard way that you cannot live off the hardcore gamer. Or at least that the hardcore are a very vocal minority in gaming.
jordan0386 said:
They didnt raise anything...If you can afford, jump in...if not, buy another SKU

It costs the most, so I doubt it will be the one that is made the most...unless demand is so overwhelming

What they did was introduce a new SKU that is by far a better deal and close enough to the current best deal that people would wait for it. Then they didnt send out enough and people arent purchasing the premium in replacement.

"But we've got a pretty robust library coming for the rest of this year ... so I think you're going to see a real pick-up as these games start coming out," Karraker said.

... and then Nintendo unleashes the Wii Health Pack, and it will be like Nintendogs all over again! :lol :lol
I think its already over for the PS3 unless Sony can claw some key exclusives back again.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
When all these people buying PS2's decide to buy a next-gen console, they will more than likely buy a PS3 or an X360. There are still millions and millions of PS2 owners out there who still haven't bought one of the three new systems and I highly doubt they will buy a Wii just to play PS2 ports with waggle. The Wii may be great for getting some folks together with a case of Blue Moon and playing some Wii bowling, but I think the majority of gamers will either go with the PS3 or X360 when the prices come down.


darthbane2k said:
Why? We wont be stuck with SD forever!
The next Nintendo console WILL be HD because by then (around 5 yrs time) HD will be mainstream and widespread enough to make the investment worth it. HD is still very niche at the moment. You may argue that many people own HD TVs, yes - but how many of these people are clued up about HD, actually recieve HD broadcasts, are aware of what cables to use (HDMI vs Componant), are aware of the difference between 720p and 1080p etc.. its all too messy and confusing right now for the general consumer. In 5 years time things will become clearer and more standardised. That is when the 'casuals' will care.

This is exactly my concern. Obviously everything will be HD in around five years, but all the peaple with HD sets, HD consoles and a nerdy love for everything that's digital won't have as many good games as they would have had if the market share had been more equal (ex: 40% nint, 35% msft, 25% sony). With "WE" I talked about the kind of persons that post on NEOGAF. I'm just afraid that HD gaming won't really take off before five years.
Fabiollo said:
This is exactly my concern. Obviously everything will be HD in around five years, but all the peaple with HD sets, HD consoles and a nerdy love for everything that's digital won't have as many good games as they would have had if the market share had been more equal (ex: 40% nint, 35% msft, 25% sony). With "WE" I talked about the kind of persons that post on NEOGAF. I'm just afraid that HD gaming won't really take off before five years.

You can also apply this to HD broadcasting (in Europe), HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. Its going to take a while. Thats just the way it is and its hardly Nintendo's fault.
Im personally waiting for the time when HDTV is no longer refereed to as HDTV but just TV. When HD becomes standard and SD is forgotten. We are not at that point yet for a variety of reasons...


HD won't take off until you see $49 sets at Wal-Mart. It's a long way away, 4-5 years is reasonable starting point for mass market adoption but it may take a couple of years more for the market to finally complete switching. It's next-next-gen territory.


DenogginizerOS said:
There are still millions and millions of PS2 owners out there who still haven't bought one of the three new systems and I highly doubt they will buy a Wii just to play PS2 ports with waggle..

Of course they will buy a Wii, by the time they get around to buying something new the Wii will have the most games and shelf space.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
One other thing to consider. The high-dollar systems are even less affordable due to rising costs at the pump, the grocery store, and any other place affected by fuel costs. Add to it that people had to pay taxes in April and also tend to go on vacation around Eastertime, and it is understandable that the trend is a downward one.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Vagabundo said:
Of course they will buy a Wii, by the time they get around to buying something new the Wii will have the most games and shelf space.

You assume that the gameplay of Nintendo systems will suddenly appeal to people that didn't buy their system in the last two generations and that PS2esque graphics will be worth buying a Wii for just because of waggle. I think there is a huge untapped market for the Wii, but I don' think it includes the majority of current PS2 owners.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
My Chemical Mouse said:
After Sony's amazing performance this last week at their gamers day, and the impending price drop likely this fall or early 08, how can anyone think it will not come roaring back when the PS2 is still selling 200k units a month?

There is no rational in the world that can fight this logically, it's going to happen. Simply a matter of time.

Ouch for 360 though, this was the time to take advantage, and still getting outsold by PS2 on a monthly basis...that's GOTTA hurt.

I have checked all the ****ing thread. :lol at all the amazing gif in there.

From all the replys I rode, I think this is the best one. For sure the Wii is on the hot spot now, but this could not last forever. This gen it is going to be a long race due to tech factors. If Nintendo doesn't release first a new game console, neither Microsoft or Sony will (that's what I think).

Now Wii is on the spot due to the good press and the novelty of the Wiimote. I think we all agree with this. The system has yet to prove that can hold the momentun with the casual crowd and moreover, satisfy gamers who buys like 2 games a month (casuals don't).

And I think that Wii has more hurry than the other two system, due to the lack of HD. What if... 2/3 years into the future, Wii looks like a cheap old game system meanwhile PS3 looks cool and Xbox 360 hangs on. I think this scenario can easily happen, and them maybe casuals wouldn't want to buy a Wii anymore and a PS3 instead, because price will be affordable, HD quality and BlueRay. Would the difference on userbase enough to keep developers doing gamers for it?

So resuming, Wii is hot now, but PS3 is surely to be the hot item 2 years from now. We all know that the PS3 is a technical masterpiece, that the Blue Ray seems to be winning the race and has a bigger support from publishers (movie related), and HD TV will grow quietly but steady. The war is not over, and will not in close terms.

I think that Iwata's 33% apx. for each system was the most logic and accurate. So keep looking forward.


KeithFranklin said:
What they did was introduce a new SKU that is by far a better deal and close enough to the current best deal that people would wait for it. Then they didnt send out enough and people arent purchasing the premium in replacement.
A few diehards are holding out, sure. But if MS hasn't been able to convince the general public to part with $400 for a 360, I doubt that the prospect of paying even more is going to sway them en masse. (especially when the added benefits are a bigger hard drive and port which they've probably never heard of)

"Better deal" to the Walmart crowd means paying less, not more.


DenogginizerOS said:
You assume that the gameplay of Nintendo systems will suddenll appeal to people that didn't buy their system in the last two generations and that PS2esque graphics will be worth buying a Wii for just because of waggle. I think there is a huge untapped market for the Wii, but I don' think it includes the majority of current PS2 owners.

You do know that the majority of PS2 owners couldnt really give a monkeys about the playstation brand, dont you?

They will buy the system has games that appeals to their tastes when it is at a price they can stomach.

The Wii will be getting the majority of the software by this time next year. Sales will continue to climb to heaven and it's game library will have something for everyone as all devs will be producing games for it. It will be the natural upgrade for most of the PS2 casuals.
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