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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


scottnak said:
So... cue the "I was bored..." preface explanation for doing something nerdy...
I did the number crunching for the predictions...
(161 players)
R  Player             Abs Diff
1  BuzzJive 		109

SWEET.  I'd like to thank all the people that made this possible.  Nintendo, for supplying enough hardware.  Microsoft, for sticking to their $400 price point a little longer than they should have.  And Sony, for being insane enough to try to sell a $600 gaming console.

Now what did I win?


Strap on your hooker ...
xaosslug said:
WOW, SPIDER-MAN 3 bombed hard allover. :lol
Um, stores weren't even supposed to start selling it until May 4, and the majority complied. The numbers are actually pretty insane considering its April sales are represented by a couple days' sales from the small fraction of stores that broke the street date.

Expect May's SM3 sales to easily top 1m+ across all platforms.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Pureauthor said:
The law of self-reinforcement - the same law every single console generation has followed to a T.

The strongest selling system gets the most support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, ...

Ahhh. So in a span of 6 months time, you are convinced the Wii has proven to all developers that it will be the system to beat and they must now put most of their eggs in its basket and design games for its system that cannot be played on any other console. Because I still don't see what they have to offer in the next twelve months that will compete against the appeal of Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden 2008, and Gran Turismo 5.


KeithFranklin said:
I would say that it isnt a franchise yet then.
I dunno about that, it got 3 SKUs at introduction followed by a Pokestyled upgrade release half a year later. It's already sold more copies than any game last gen barring GT3, Pokemon RuSa and GTA VC/SA, hell it's sold more units than 360 has consoles. It's certain to see a sequel and the related properties are getting a nod in Nintendo's mainstream mascot fighter... how should we define "franchise" exactly then?


DenogginizerOS said:
No. I am talking about ALL PS2 owners. They are still the largest userbase out there and they haven't spoken yet. The ones buying PS2's today will buy a PS3 or an X360 in a few years, if not sooner. But people close to purchasing a new system right now will not be buying a Wii, in my opinion, because it is more of a lateral move than a forward one in many areas. I just don't see people who didn't buy Nintendo games in the last 2 generations suddenly changing tastes and buying waggled up versions of PS2 games and Mario Party 15.

So what you're saying is, people who bought a PS2 for it's games, are then not going to buy the Wii because it only has the same kinds of games they played on the PS2 + extras? I like the cut of your jib.


Jive Turkey said:
The same way it can be considered a "freakin' Zelda game" and a "freakin' Pokemon game"?
Sure. The difference is that Super Zelda Strikers and Pokemon Galaxy aren't coming out anytime soon, to my knowledge.
DenogginizerOS said:
Price, portability, and the lack of a competitor in its market that could offer a worthy alternative.

None of which three are related to 'better-looking and better-playing' games, right?


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Pureauthor said:
The law of self-reinforcement - the same law every single console generation has followed to a T.

The strongest selling system gets the most support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which causes the system to get more support, which draws more consumers in and boosts sales, which...

Sorry to bother... but more dev support doesn't mean more sales. Quality Games does, and Quality Games means Zelda and also Wii Sports. It's all about Quality and marketting. Check for example N64 vs XBOX sales: N64 had tons fewer games, but the QA of those few made the system sell almost 40 millions. Xbox didn't get into that number.


DenogginizerOS said:
Ahhh. So in a span of 6 months time, you are convinced the Wii has proven to all developers that it will be the system to beat and they must now put most of their eggs in its basket and design games for its system that cannot be played on any other console. Because I still don't see what they have to offer in the next twelve months that will compete against the appeal of Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden 2008, and Gran Turismo 5.

They wont put all their eggs... just like developers didnt put all their eggs on the Ps2. but it will have most eggs in 6 months...

Gran Turismo wont be out in 12 months. Madden? Halo? GTAIV? you do know Nintendo has Super Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxy and Wii Health coming out you know? All 3 will be in that level of sales... 5M Plus.


DenogginizerOS said:
Price is the key. But as the sales suggest, Wii is hot, but PS2 is still burning as well. Given the time it has been on the market, 184K is pretty damn impressive. And in its current status, the selection of PS2 games absolutley dwarves the Wii selection.

If this is the case...

DenogginizerOS said:
No. I am talking about ALL PS2 owners. They are still the largest userbase out there and they haven't spoken yet. The ones buying PS2's today will buy a PS3 or an X360 in a few years, if not sooner.But people close to purchasing a new system right now will not be buying a Wii, in my opinion, because it is more of a lateral move than a forward one in many areas. I just don't see people who didn't buy Nintendo games in the last 2 generations suddenly changing tastes and buying waggled up versions of PS2 games and Mario Party 15.

How do you expect this to happen?
DenogginizerOS said:
Ahhh. So in a span of 6 months time, you are convinced the Wii has proven to all developers that it will be the system to beat and they must now put most of their eggs in its basket and design games for its system that cannot be played on any other console. .
Pretty much yes. Its already happening. Every announcement these days seems to be for the Wii. The only reason PS3 has been shown any love thus far from 3rd party developers is because they called it too early and development for PS3 titles had already started.

Because I still don't see what they have to offer in the next twelve months that will compete against the appeal of Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden 2008, and Gran Turismo 5.
Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros and Wii Health Pack and Wii Music will outsell each and every one of those titles.

Madden will also be on Wii with better controls and GTA will eventually appear on Wii in come form or another.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
justchris said:
So what you're saying is, people who bought a PS2 for it's games, are then not going to buy the Wii because it only has the same kinds of games they played on the PS2 + extras? I like the cut of your jib.

Yes. Because for $250 plus an additional $60 for an extra remote is a lot of money to play Call of Duty: The Finest Big Red One 2 with waggle.
DenogginizerOS said:
Ahhh. So in a span of 6 months time, you are convinced the Wii has proven to all developers that it will be the system to beat and they must now put most of their eggs in its basket and design games for its system that cannot be played on any other console. Because I still don't see what they have to offer in the next twelve months that will compete against the appeal of Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden 2008, and Gran Turismo 5.

Concerning bolded section: A system has 8 months to a year at most to set its perception on the market. After that, it is incredibly difficult to shift the perception. Just ask the PSP, with its 'no games', or the XBox, the 'shooter consoles', or hey, the 'kiddy' Gamecube.

Concerning highlighted section: Wii Health? Super Mario Galaxy? Super Smash Bros. Brawl? 2 of the 3 are multimillion seller franchises, and the last one is probably going to strike a chord with a large amount of America's population.

Sorry to bother... but more dev support doesn't mean more sales. Quality Games does

Yes it does. And that's because what you (or I or anyone in all of NeoGAF) deems 'quality' is almost completely irrelevant to mass market.


loosus said:
Sure. The difference is that Super Zelda Strikers and Pokemon Galaxy aren't coming out anytime soon, to my knowledge.
Phantom Hourglass, Tingle RPG, Pokemon Battle Revolution and Mystery Dungeon 2 are though. And Twilight Princess and Rokemon Ranger, Mystery Dungeon 1 and Diamond/Pearl just released... both franchises are seeing frequent releases, though obviously.

I still don't see what this has to do with Smash Bros being incorrectly labeled as a Mario game though?

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
loosus said:
Sure. The difference is that Super Zelda Strikers and Pokemon Galaxy aren't coming out anytime soon, to my knowledge.
Using that logic Die Hard and Lethal Weapon are both Christmas movies.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
darthbane2k said:
Oh please!
The majority of the market, yes that majority that made up the most of the 100mil PS2 sales, will not have even noticed that the Gamers Day happened at all.

Furthermore... just you wait until next week....
They might not have noticed it now, but over time or closer to the release, more people will notice it.

I didnt say that sony gamers day will help increase sales. I'll admit that i did exaggerate the effect that games such as Uncharted would have on gamers; it'll make some people turn their heads and take notice, but the majority wont notice it. I did mention that some of the games shown there will make some people want a PS3, but they wont buy one because of the price. I understand that sony gamers day isnt going to change the majorities view of the PS3. Over the next few months, people will become aware but its still going to be the minority of gamers.

What will make PS3 sell is a price cut. The big title games will help it sell but only if PSD3 is at a price that people are willing to pay. If the price stays the same, sony can release all the big title games they hacve and although it will have a good effect on sales, it wont make the huge difference that sony want because PS3 is too expensive.


Stuff like Wii Health, if marketed fairly well and placed into non-electronics stores, could do much better than the established franchises. GameCube (and even DS to a lesser extent) was a clear indicator that people do not care about these franchises much, anymore. Even stuff like New Super Mario Bros., which did fantastically, was more aligned with the Wii Sports/Wii Play crowd.


I think Sony has about milked 600 all its worth, I wonder how long they will try to ride it out. I am guessing E3 but who knows they might try to ride the wave till Sept/Oct. Sony's other problem is that while all the games they showed at Gamer's Day were awesome I don't think any of them were system sellers. I think SOCOM has potential though since they are the most played console games out there. What Sony needs though is GT5 which is their big seller in all regions.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I think many many many many people in this part of the thread don't understand the concept of development times, especially in relation to Gamer's Day. Gamer's Day had a lot of great games showing.. And those games are OBVIOUSLY still coming out for PS3. Even if PS3 sales were to drop to 50K/month, no developer is going to scrap 15 months of development because the console drops to a distant last place.

The problems that Sony is facing now aren't the games that were shown at Gamer's Day, and aren't the games coming out this fall. The problems Sony is facing now are where publishers are allocating development dollars today and tomorrow. Being entirely unbiased, if I were a publisher looking to create a new IP or extend an existing franchise I would ask myself the following questions in this order:

Can this games be done on the Wii?
If not, does the 360 have adequate numbers worldwide in the demo we're shooting for.
If not, do we have the resources to take this multiplatform to PS360.

Of course there are a few development teams out there who buck this methodology. Who wish to solely remain exclusive to one console. The other problem PS3 faces at this moment and in the near future is will the publisher force a platform shift in such development teams.

The PS3 is facing some serious problems. Falling to 10K a week in japan (previous numbers held by GCN), fallingunder 25K/week in the US.. publishers are taking notice of this... And while what some of you say about brand recognition may hold true for a few consumers, virtually no devs care about brand recognition, just viable development platforms.

This isn't meant to be a "Well, the PS3 had a good run" post.. The generation is just beginning and there is a lot of time left.. But I don't think even Nintendo faced it this bad last gen in terms of public perception and developer hesitation. At this moment the PS3 is, IMHO of course, one big name loss away from officially hitting GCN status. Unfortunately about the only exclusive big name third party titles left on the system are MGS and FF, and I think it would go without saying that the loss of either of those as exclusives would pretty much seal up third place at this point.

DenogginizerOS said:
Ahhh. So in a span of 6 months time, you are convinced the Wii has proven to all developers that it will be the system to beat and they must now put many of their eggs in its basket and design games for its system that cannot be played on any other console. Because I still don't see what they have to offer in the next twelve months that will compete against the appeal of Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Madden 2008, and Gran Turismo 5.
I was going to change your statement to reflect what I think, but realized only one word needed to be changed. Most of someone's eggs is pretty stupid considering as you say.. a game developed for Wii pretty much can't be ported elsewhere.. However I PROMISE you that ALL third parties are giving the Wii serious attention right now and are most definitely think of games and IPs they can bring to the system. It is the number one selling system currently, and is probably less than 5 months out from being the number one install base worldwide with the US margin between 360 and itself shrinking daily.

As for your final statement.. opinions and all that jazz. The same could be said about Big Brain Academy, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Pokemon Battle Revolution, not to mention the third party stuff... Heck, even one game on YOUR list, Madden, was generally regarded as BETTER on the Wii for 2007 than the other platforms. If EA gets Madden 2008 online for Wii, I can see a lot of Madden die-hards putting down $250 alone for it.. I also wouldn't count on NOT seeing a GTA of some sort appearing on Wii within the next 12-18 months. The other two games you mentioned are first party so pretty much irrelevant to this particular conversation.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
DoubleTap said:
If this is the case...

How do you expect this to happen?

Price reduction. Every userbase is broken down into tiers where they buy a system at a specific price point. Eventually, the PS3 and X360 will reach a price point that matches up with what the userbase demands. However, price is not everything. The type of games that are available for the system also has to match up. In the case of Dreamcast, it was cheaper than the PS2 but it lacked the games people wanted to play.

Look, I like the Wii. I think it will do a good business for Nintendo and it will continue to carve out a whole new niche for itself that may create new consumers for the PS3 and the X360. I really could care less which system sells more. But I think that none of the new systems have proven that they are worthy of leadership just yet and it may very well be a generation of three systems all very close to one another in sales with a much more unique and varied userbase.


loosus said:
Even stuff like New Super Mario Bros., which did fantastically, was more aligned with the Wii Sports/Wii Play crowd.
Eh, how so? I'm not following that one at all?

I think we should also point to the equally stunning sales of Mario Kart DS (over 6m ww iirc, more than GT4 in sellthrough), Animal Crossing (who saw that coming) and Pokemon DP (best debut sales in the history of the series). And very solid sales of traditional gaming franchise properties like Tetris DS, Yoshi's Island 2, Wario Ware Twisted, Kirby CC, Pokemon Dungeon... these games aren't exactly geared away from the traditional crowd. DS' unparalleled mass success is that (like PS2) it's offering something for everyone.


Bowen_B said:

Microsoft just put out Vista which will be bought by BILLIONS and Office 2007 which is a standard piece of software for almost every office in the world.
Sony is one of the largest electronics manufacturers in the world, their products fly off the shelf and they will be the company who most benefits from Blu-Ray's success.
Nintendo is making a small amount of money in the games market.

I'll bring this over from the Media-Create Thread:

Nintendo is almost a big as Sony nowadays

Nintendo has market Cap of nearly 50Billion
Sony has a market cap of 55Billion

All it would take is another successful year for Nintendo (considering they had a market cap of only $35Billion this time, last year) and it would push their market cap beyond Sony and make them bigger then the entirety of Sony Corp.

For Proof:
Nintendo (NTDOY)

Sony (SNE), Whole Company:

Check Market Cap on both Companies, not that far apart...


loosus said:
Wii is doing great, but I do agree that Nintendo seems to be meandering into their old shitty habits again: putting their characters into all their games, despite the fact that GameCube clearly showed that people don't want that. In the span of less than a year, all this crap is coming out:
1.) Super Mario Galaxy
2.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3.) Mario Strikers Charged
4.) Mario Party

That's just freaking Mario games. In less than one year. And not counting Wario Ware and any other Mario games that we don't know about yet.

Oh what the ****ing hell!? Should every game contain bald space marines now? Are you trying to tell me that if Shadow of the Colossus featured Mario, and all the Colossi were Koopa Kids or old Mario villains, and Mario rode a Yoshi and stabbed them with a wrench instead of a sword it would somehow make the game spontaneously inferior even if it played exactly the same way? If it was exactly the same game in everything but visual presentation, it suddenly ceases to be worthwhile?

Mario is a Trademark! He's been used to sell games from Kart Racers to RPGs to Adventure Games to Racing Games to Sports Games to Fighting Games. These are mostly all hardcore gaming genres that literally millions of people would never have played if Mario wasn't in them. These same people then, if they enjoyed it, went on to play more games in those genres because they now knew that they actually enjoyed playing them. Mario sells games, and because he sells those games, more people are exposed to different types of games. Just because you don't like the presentation does not somehow change the base mechanics of the ****ing game. Mario is used to introduce people to gameplay styles, so that when a new IP in that style comes out, people will be more likely to give it a ****ing chance. And a lot of genres need that ****ing chance, alright!?

This is a ridiculous argument, it is neither logical nor sensible. STOP USING IT!

DenogginizerOS said:
Yes. Because for $250 plus an additional $60 for an extra remote is a lot of money to play Call of Duty: The Finest Big Red One 2 with waggle.

Ah, right, of course, so the PS3 and 360 will see price drops, but the Wii will be $250 until the end of time.

Well, at least you're consistently illogical.
DenogginizerOS said:
Price reduction. Every userbase is broken down into tiers where they buy a system at a specific price point. Eventually, the PS3 and X360 will reach a price point that matches up with what the userbase demands.
You really dont understand the reason behind Nintendo's success at all, dont you... This is not mainly to do with price, its to do with targeting the mass market and perception. While MS and Sony go on about HD this, 1080p that and Bluray this, Nintendo offer a mere games machine with a simplistic non-intimidating control method and a lot of 'cool looking' games - thats why they're successful. Although the PS3 price is hurting it.

it may very well be a generation of three systems all very close to one another in sales with a much more unique and varied userbase.
Except this isnt really happening at all, is it...


borghe said:
At this moment the PS3 is, IMHO of course, one big name loss away from officially hitting GCN status. Unfortunately about the only exclusive big name third party titles left on the system are MGS and FF, and I think it would go without saying that the loss of either of those as exclusives would pretty much seal up third place at this point.

Should we start taking bets on which one will go multi??

My guess is they will be delayed for a long time, until it is believed they userbase is big enough and then released, not sure if either could go non-exclusive at this point.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
DenogginizerOS said:
Price reduction. Every userbase is broken down into tiers where they buy a system at a specific price point. Eventually, the PS3 and X360 will reach a price point that matches up with what the userbase demands. However, price is not everything. The type of games that are available for the system also has to match up. In the case of Dreamcast, it was cheaper than the PS2 but it lacked the games people wanted to play.
Sony need to make sure that they can keep their big title games such as MGS4 and FFXIII exclusive. Keeping those titles exclusive and implementing a price cut will make a big difference for sony. Losing exclusivity is going to make things a lot more difficult for them even when a price cut happens.


Not enough gifs over the last several pages, so I'm requoting this. :p

XiaNaphryz said:
Still catching up on this thread in the early pages so I dunno if this has been posted yet, but I had to do it:



borghe said:
The problems that Sony is facing now aren't the games that were shown at Gamer's Day, and aren't the games coming out this fall. The problems Sony is facing now are where publishers are allocating development dollars today and tomorrow. Being entirely unbiased, if I were a publisher looking to create a new IP or extend an existing franchise I would ask myself the following questions in this order:

Can this games be done on the Wii?
If not, does the 360 have adequate numbers worldwide in the demo we're shooting for.
If not, do we have the resources to take this multiplatform to PS360.

Of course there are a few development teams out there who buck this methodology. Who wish to solely remain exclusive to one console. The other problem PS3 faces at this moment and in the near future is will the publisher force a platform shift in such.

I think what we are going to see is a lof of PS360 releases from 3rd parties, some time exculsives and very few true exculsives and then exculsive Wii titles ment to take advantage of what it has to offer.

Well I guess that is what I hope for so that we get good games across all platforms.
Are you trying to tell me that if Shadow of the Colossus featured Mario, and all the Colossi were Koopa Kids or old Mario villains, and Mario rode a Yoshi and stabbed them with a wrench instead of a sword

I would pay good money for this game.
MGS4 may very well remain a Sony exclusive. Let us not forget that Kojima is Sony's bitch. While Sony pictures continue to dangle that movie deal in front of him, he will remain a loyal sellout.. :lol


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
justchris said:
Ah, right, of course, so the PS3 and 360 will see price drops, but the Wii will be $250 until the end of time.

Well, at least you're consistently illogical.

We will see a price drop for the PS3 and X360 before we see one for the Wii. Bank it.


darthbane2k said:
MGS4 may very well remain a Sony exclusive. Let us not forget that Kojima is Sony's bitch. While Sony pictures continue to dangle that movie deal in front of him, he will remain a loyal sellout.. :lol



butthole fishhooking yes
darthbane2k said:
You really dont understand the reason behind Nintendo's success at all, dont you... This is not mainly to do with price, its to do with targeting the mass market and perception.

And mass market and perception has everything to do with price. If you want to pretend that Nintendo isn't in the sweet spot for launch hardware, go right ahead, but you're kidding yourself.


urk said:
And mass market and perception has everything to do with price. If you want to pretend that Nintendo isn't in the sweet spot for launch hardware, go right ahead, but you're kidding yourself.

Price is a factor, but not the Major one. Hype is needed and the Wii got plenty of hype to move units. And Wii Sports the ultimate system seller.

They had their userbase sell systems for them by inviting over family and friends at christmas and demoing the system.
urk said:
And mass market and perception has everything to do with price. If you want to pretend that Nintendo isn't in the sweet spot for launch hardware, go right ahead, but you're kidding yourself.
But price isn't a sole guarantee that a system will hit mass market and gain a positive perception -- see GC.


DenogginizerOS said:
We will see a price drop for the PS3 and X360 before we see one for the Wii. Bank it.

Oh, I'm sure you're right about that, I expect both PS3 & 360 to see price cuts this year, and I don't expect one for Wii until next year at this point, I just don't believe it'll make as much difference as you seem to. Your argument is flawed, you're confusing the general market with the enthusiast market. And the greater majority of the gaming market (those 100 million+ people who own PS2s) are general consumers, not enthusiasts. The entire value proposition is different for the two markets.
urk said:
And mass market and perception has everything to do with price. If you want to pretend that Nintendo isn't in the sweet spot for launch hardware, go right ahead, but you're kidding yourself.

Im guessing thats why Gamecube pulled a reversal and actually WON towards the end of last gen!:lol


butthole fishhooking yes
Vagabundo said:
Price is a factor, but not the Major one. Hype is needed and the Wii got plenty of hype to move units. And Wii Sports the ultimate system seller.

They had their userbase sell systems for them by inviting over family and friends at christmas and demoing the system.

Magicpaint said:
But price isn't a sole guarantee that a system will hit mass market and gain a positive perception -- see GC.

Of course. But let's not pretend that the Wii would be flying off shelves faster than Wally World could stock them if they were priced at six hundred bucks.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
For the record, I hope we get great games for all three systems that take full advantage of each system's strengths. Whether or not the third parties can support this wish is uincertain, but I sure hope the first-party teams continue to thrive and be creative.


I love these threads, but at the same time my intellectual side is baffled by the Neogaf pastime of rooting for companies that the posters have no direct interest in as opposed to specific games. It seems absurd in an abstract way. Imagine what you would think if you found a message board arguing over sales figures in a totally different market:
"Well, yeah, of course Tylenol outsold Advil last month. With their price drop anyone would expect that."
"Advil Cold and Sinus is a fad. The novelty will wear off in a few months."
"Just wait until Tylenol releases their new improved Extra Strength Tylenol next month. Sales will pick up then and Tylenol will be fine."
"A.Tylenol = Sophisticated pain reliever
B.Advil = Capsule loaded with piss

Who would prefer option b? DOES. NOT. COMPUTE."

Even with all this said, Media Create and NPD threads are my most anticipated threads on the forum. Sometimes you just need to tell your intellectual side to shut up. Woo! Nintendo r0xx0rs my b0x0rs!


butthole fishhooking yes
darthbane2k said:
Im guessing thats why Gamecube pulled a reversal and actually WON towards the end of last gen!:lol

PS2 had a larger library of appealing titles and it was at a similar price point.

I'm not saying marketing isn't a factor. I'm saying that price is. But hey, I expected everyone here to add whatever context they choose to my posts. I'm sure someone will come along and use ebay sales to counter my argument, as if a tiny fraction of consumers is representative of the whole.


urk said:
Of course. But let's not pretend that the Wii would be flying off shelves faster than Wally World could stock them if they were priced at six hundred bucks.

Of course not the Wii was well priced. Not too cheap to seem like a toy, not to dear and people felt they were getting value for money (pack in game too)
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