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NPD Sales Results for April 2010


Clearly these numbers are due to everyone spending their gaming dollar for the month of April on pre-ordering the Starcraft II Collector's Edition:D


Eteric Rice said:
I don't think it's not that they're smart enough or anything. In Monster Hunter, you can't really run and gun like you can in most American games. There is no easy mode.

Quite frankly the game is a bitch for anyone who hasn't played it before.
Yeah it probably wouldn't have done well in the West even on the PC where gamers are used to relatively low complexity games compared to Wii games.


Bizzyb said:
Sad state for the PSP.

I mean how do you even come back from that?? KH:BB and MGS:pW are not going to save that...no way in hell. Looks like PSP games at this point are just wasted investments (outside of Japan). If these are the hardware numbers I shudder to think about the software numbers...

DS: Games that are fun to play on DS.

PSP: Games you wish were on PS3/PSN.
Crisco said:
Clearly these numbers are due to everyone spending their gaming dollar for the month of April on pre-ordering the Starcraft II Collector's Edition:D
Yes, clearly!
Anyway, business is cyclical, no big deal. The industry will bounce back eventually when a game makes everybody feel like they have to own a system.


Y2Kev said:
Monster Hunter is not unknown. That is kind of weird to say. Both Freedom Unite and Tri a have had gigantic advertising campaigns and prerelease demos. The game doesn't sell well because it doesn't appeal to the western audience. I don't think it will ever be huge. It's not all that dissimilar from dq IMO.
Yep. It's just like DQ I think also. (I've also said as much in the past)
Ouch for PSP.

I wonder if Super would have been more successful if it was just 20 dollar DLC, which is what it really feels like.


Worst NDS+PSP+WII+360+PS3 months:
1. 2010	APR	1,149,700
2. 2007	MAY	1,218,724
3. 2009	JUL	1,238,900
4. 2008	JAN	1,254,000
5. 2007	APR	1,270,000


Crisco said:
Clearly these numbers are due to everyone spending their gaming dollar for the month of April on pre-ordering the Starcraft II Collector's Edition:D
Probably, Starcraft is a straight forward run and gun type game, easy for American gamers to get a grasp of compared to MH3.
kpop100 said:
Probably, Starcraft is a straight forward run and gun type game, easy for American gamers to get a grasp of compared to MH3.

More like a rush and zerg type game that is easy for Americans.

Eteric Rice

kpop100 said:
Yeah it probably wouldn't have done well in the West even on the PC where gamers are used to relatively low complexity games compared to Wii games.

PC owners could play Monster Hunter, the question is would they? I mean, they have hugely epic MMOs to play these days for their online adventure fix.

Unless it was a Monster Hunter MMO.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Where's the fucking Monster Hunter Tri?

Wii fanboys
and Americans
are just a bunch of pussies. God. Fuck this console.


YuriLowell said:
Ouch for PSP.

I wonder if Super would have been more successful if it was just 20 dollar DLC, which is what it really feels like.
No it doesn't, and it was priced at $40 anyway, good price.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Just realised that was worded badly.

You know what I meant though.

If you really are a SF fan, there is no way around SSFIV. It's far superior to the original. Just import it if you don't want to pay full price.
Brazil said:
Where's the fucking Monster Hunter Tri?

Wii fanboys are just a bunch of pussies. God. Fuck this console.

Could ask the same of PS2 and PSP fanboys for not buying the other Monster Hunter games.


Trucker Sexologist
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Street Fighter IV sold a ton when it first came out. But then again, it came out late April.

Another theory could be that a lot of people who bought the first one probably sucked so bad at it getting beat up by veterans that they decided not to get Super. But Capcom did say they shipped over a million.

And I knew Monster Hunter Tri would sell like crap. I'm just glad it came here. Hope Tales of Graces come here also.
I think part of it is just awareness. SFIV had a mile long hype train. SSFIV is gonna have to get by on word of mouth.
The reason I'm disappointed about MH3's lack of sales is because of Nintendo's involvement. I had faith if anyone they could sell a game no body has heard of to people who don't even know what they're buying it would be Nintendo who made it work. ;(

They genuinely seemed to make an effort for this one. Just a shame we'll never get a real MGS game or something actually established/popular in English for them to try their hand at selling to the core and those 'new audience' people.
SapientWolf said:
I think part of it is just awareness. SFIV had a mile long hype train. SSFIV is gonna have to get by on word of mouth.

It makes no sense though. The commercial had Just Blaze beats.



If I were a third party with a big upcoming psp exclusive (let's say Konami or S-E) I would be pretty mad at Sony.

Outside of Japan (and in Japan it's only because MH saved their asses) they don't give a fuck since long time ago.


Checks to see if GAF is trashing MH3 with no context of the MH series in NA or EU..Done
Checks to see if GAF says MH would sell so much better on HD...Done

And no gifs, it really must be a shitty month all around
CartridgeBlower said:
People here continually say the x360 SFIV community is larger, yet SFIV sells more on the ps3 AGAIN...strange...
TurtleSnatcher said:
well not to like totally pwn you but.. the 360 vanilla did outsell the ps3 as of last months npd.. :\

I had a hunch that'd be correct.


timetokill said:
Anybody still think Sony isn't going to at least talk about a PSP2 at E3 this year?

Oh, they'll mention it alright. I really don't think they have anything near solid enough to launch it this year, though.


markatisu said:
Checks to see if GAF is trashing MH3 with no context of the MH series in NA or EU..Done
Checks to see if GAF says MH would sell so much better on HD...Done

And no gifs, it really must be a shitty month all around
We have context of the sales in NA and EU.

No game has sold over 150k, and the highest opening was MHF: U with 67k.

Also, no game had a huge advertising campaign like MH3 and was backed by Nintendo.


AceBandage said:
Could ask the same of PS2 and PSP fanboys for not buying the other Monster Hunter games.

If past third-party Wii games sales were simply due to lack of effort and advertising, then Monster Hunter Tri should've easily made a Top 10 this low. I accept that the play style isn't U.S. friendly, but unless the demo had very high penetration, most Wii owners wouldn't have known that. The online commercials were great, there was obvious effort put into the game, and it apparently had good advertising. 12 days in April's NPD should've had a stronger result than whatever it has had.

It could have legs, but this doesn't really seem the type of game to do that a lot. Probably could've done with more CCPro bundles, too. Oh, well.

Maybe third-parties will get it right on Wii 2.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
AceBandage said:
Could ask the same of PS2 and PSP fanboys for not buying the other Monster Hunter games.
That's not my point.

For the past four years we've been hearing "Oh God, please give me teh hardcorez" from them - and by "them" I mean GameFAQs- and YouTube-level fanboys -, and when it arrives, with all the advertising it deserves, they fail to buy it.

And I'm not asking anything. I'm making a statement.



Unlimited Capacity
PusherT said:
Have u played Tri. Tri is not a "Dudebro" game its hard very hard for new players. Its very japanense in design lot of planning and strtatergy. You can't just bull your way through a battle, this isn't the type gaming experience popular to western game . And no I'm not talking about the few that visit sitte like Neogaf. I'm talking about the people who buys games like Boarderlands,Bioshock etc

schuelma said:
I don't know how many people in this thread have actually played it, but it is not easy to get into. It took me 3-4 hours to get the hang of the controls and the camera in the demo, and honestly the only reason I stuck it out was because of the community on this board. Now, I absolutely love the game and it might be my favorite game for the system, but it has limited appeal to the shooter and action crowd, at least initially. I really don't think it would do much better on the HD twins.

I gave up on the demo when I could only kill the little guys, no matter how hard I tried. And if I recall, that's on the first or second enemy screen too. I'd keep hacking away, then dead. I didn't get it.


Who the fuck buys software for psp. Bragging that it is close to psp numbers is not really a good arguement. software numbers were always shit on psp.
Splinter Cell kinda meh, for the amount of promotion, heavy marketing they did for it and the long development time/issues, this seems kind of low, wonder if it's going to be really worth it for Ubi.
AceBandage said:
Could ask the same of PS2 and PSP fanboys for not buying the other Monster Hunter games.

Maybe ps2, but not PSP. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite didn't have the marketing blitz that MHTri had. Also, the PSP game wasn't expected to be released in the west, until massive pressure from fans. By that time, more than a year later, many just downloaded the Japanese version and patched English translations that were created by fans.

It selling 67k on the psp, after 1 year is pretty good. If the game had the same benefits as the wii version it would have done over 100k the first month.

Just a little context.


neutralgamer02 said:
Maybe ps2, but not PSP. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite didn't have the marketing blitz that MHTri had. Also, the PSP game wasn't expected to be released in the west, until massive pressure from fans. By that time, more than a year later, many just downloaded the Japanese version and patched English translations that were created by fans.

It selling 67k on the psp, after 1 year is pretty good. If the game had the same benefits as the wii version it would have done over 100k the first month.

Just a little context.
No game on psp does over 100k. That shit is like software cancer. Putting somethig on that hardware you know it isn't going to sell.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Brazil said:
That's not my point.

For the past four years we've been hearing "Oh God, please give me teh hardcorez" from them - and by "them" I mean GameFAQs- and YouTube-level fanboys -, and when it arrives, with all the advertising it deserves, they fail to buy it.

And I'm not asking anything. I'm making a statement.


Who said they didn't buy it? Maybe they were the only ones to buy it.

I've always hated this argument.


DMeisterJ said:
We have context of the sales in NA and EU.

No game has sold over 150k, and the highest opening was MHF: U with 67k.

Also, no game had a huge advertising campaign like MH3 and was backed by Nintendo.

So huge advertising changes the expectation of a niche game? We had this discussion already in the EU sales thread

I am talking about context in the form of GAF who thinks this game was going to magically sell 300-500k 1st month solely because Nintendo was pushing it, that was and always will be ridiculous
Considering PSP and PS2 were statistically even last month (iirc), I wouldn't be surprised if PS2 actually outsold it this month :lol


markatisu said:
So huge advertising changes the expectation of a niche game? We had this discussion already in the EU sales thread

I am talking about context in the form of GAF who thinks this game was going to magically sell 300-500k 1st month solely because Nintendo was pushing it, that was and always will be ridiculous
Oh yeah, of course that sentiment wad ridiculous. I have no idea where that came from, but lots of people were setting themselves up for failure with that train of thought.


Brazil said:
That's not my point.

For the past four years we've been hearing "Oh God, please give me teh hardcorez" from them - and by "them" I mean GameFAQs- and YouTube-level fanboys -, and when it arrives, with all the advertising it deserves, they fail to buy it.

And I'm not asking anything. I'm making a statement.


Then let me ask you:
Why did 3rd parties fail to give the Wii NORMAL "hardcore" games? It is either ultra-violent stuff like Madworld, or it is niche stuff like MH3 (and go play it, it IS niche stuff in terms of its unforgiving gameplay).

The only 3rd-Party game that I consider to be a "normal" "hardcore" game released this year is Silent Hill: Shattered Memories...and that was abandoned by Konami themselves. And just in case someone asks, "normal" "hardcore" games means games that reach a broad audience, have a big enough budget and are not party-games. See Splinter Cell, se Bad Company, see Alan Wake, see God of War 3. 3rd Parties arent making such games for the Wii, when it is what would sell (obviously, not NOW anymore :/).

I believe MH3 deserves a lot of sales, but to call it a bomb is just dumb. When Mario Galaxy 2 sells only 200k, you can call it a bomb...


neutralgamer02 said:
It selling 67k on the psp, after 1 year is pretty good. If the game had the same benefits as the wii version it would have done over 100k the first month.

Just a little context.

That is pure bullshit, there is no way the PSP one launches at over 100k regardless of any changes or added advertising

Hell even big budget high profile NA oriented PSP games have a hard time and yet you expect everyone to believe Frontier would pull it off


markatisu said:
So huge advertising changes the expectation of a niche game?

I didn't expect it to sell a bunch, but with the Classic Controller Pro pack-in and the heavy advertising, I expected it to do pretty well.
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