Y2Kev said:Monster Hunter is not unknown. That is kind of weird to say. Both Freedom Unite and Tri a have had gigantic advertising campaigns and prerelease demos. The game doesn't sell well because it doesn't appeal to the western audience. I don't think it will ever be huge. It's not all that dissimilar from dq IMO.
It's a game without a market. It's playing style seems to fit PC users more, but even then it seems to have too much Japanese aesthetics and design to accomodate the market.
lawblob said:Nothing, just like a flippant comment about Nintendo's racketeering in the 80s has nothing to do with what the company does today. But that didn't stop you, now did it?
Um okay so this is how this conversation has worked out so far:
You: "If it was up to Nintendo they'd ban the rental game market, a market that has people purchase games legally with very little profit for publishers and Nintendo's pocket compared to buying new games at retail. Because they tried doing that nearly twenty five years ago."
Me: "So because they tried banning used games nearly twenty five years ago when the game market was in its infancy and when the company had completely different corporate culture and people pulling the strings they'd do so today? That doesn't make sense since, unlike most publishers, Nintendo isn't against the used game market, a market that similar to the renting market as it has people legally play full games that harms the console manufacturers royalties (only to a much worse extent)."
You: "Then explain why Nintendo makes it so hard for people to transfer their Virtual Console games to other Wii's, something that has more so to do with ridiculous piracy prevention measures than going after an alternative legal game market for playing games that results in them losing a lot of profit in royalties."
Me: "What does that have to do with anything?"
You: "Just like how you commenting against me saying that Nintendo would be unlikely to follow some of their decisions they made 25 years ago when the company and gaming market was as different as possible?"
Seems understandable.