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NPD Sales Results for April 2010


AceBandage said:
Tell that to THQ that expected Deadly Creatures to sell well or EA who expected Extraction to sell gangbusters.

There is a difference between Call of Duty numbers, several million, and desperately trying to break 100k.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
EviLore said:
EmCeeGramr said:
The game started development in 2007 primarily out of consideration for Japan (MH's strongest region), where it outsold the PS2 versions and is the highest-selling third-party Wii game in that region.

I'm not sure if your note would have any effect on Capcom's three-year-old decision.
sillymonkey321 said:
There is a difference between Call of Duty numbers, several million, and desperately trying to break 100k.

There's also a difference between a war shooter with 100+ million marketing budget and a bug game with a 0 dollar marketing campaign.
Y2Kev said:
Monster Hunter is not unknown. That is kind of weird to say. Both Freedom Unite and Tri a have had gigantic advertising campaigns and prerelease demos. The game doesn't sell well because it doesn't appeal to the western audience. I don't think it will ever be huge. It's not all that dissimilar from dq IMO.

This. Capcom tried hard with the PSP titles and Tri, but the attitude that gave birth to Monster Hunter's explosion of popularity in Japan simply doesn't exist in America.

The closest thing that could possibly compare would be Pokemon and WoW, and MH is so vastly different that it would probably drive away the fans of those games ever moreso.


Junior Member
EmCeeGramr said:
The game started development in 2007 primarily out of consideration for Japan (MH's strongest region), where it outsold the PS2 versions and is the highest-selling third-party Wii game in that region.

I'm not sure if your note would have any effect on Capcom's three-year-old decision.
I figure what sales Capcom get in the West are gravy, but yeah I think the monster hunter series future in the west depends alot on Tri success. This game got an official Nintendo Controller and huge Marketing push and Capcom giving free online. Who to say Capcom will bring MHF3 or MH 4 to the west?


Y2Kev said:
Monster Hunter is not unknown. That is kind of weird to say. Both Freedom Unite and Tri a have had gigantic advertising campaigns and prerelease demos. The game doesn't sell well because it doesn't appeal to the western audience. I don't think it will ever be huge. It's not all that dissimilar from dq IMO.
I do feel if it was on a system with a larger online community (360/PS3) it would do a lot better. I seem to remember Sacred 2 doing ok on the HD twins, and that wasn't nearly as good of a game as Monster Hunter Tri.


The Faceless Master said:
oh wait, i just remembered Wii Fit Plus has a DISK ONLY version.

i guess Nintendo only counted the 'balance board' sku

Well ok still a mess though! its a shame we have to to many sites now to get the full top 10.


EmCeeGramr said:
This. Capcom tried hard with the PSP titles and Tri, but the attitude that gave birth to Monster Hunter's explosion of popularity in Japan simply doesn't exist in America.

The closest thing that could possibly compare would be Pokemon and WoW, and MH is so vastly different that it would probably drive away the fans of those games ever moreso.
MH is a bit too cubersome at the moment for the Western audience I think
lawblob said:
You're absolutely right. They're now the super-progressive company that forces you to re-purchase downloaded games if your system breaks and you buy a new one. That's only racketeering in like... five states.

And what you typed is libel in 50 states, since it's not true.

Beth Cyra

You know what fine, lets for a moment say that Monster Hunter Tri is a bomb like everyone wants to call it. You must remember that this is only NPD and there for only NA.

Monster Hunter Tri did awesome in Japan compared to it counter parts on the PS2 and is now above a million.

Not only that but from what we are hearing it is doing at least decent in Europe, now I am not aware of Monster Hunter 1 and 2's performance in Euro, but from what I have gathered it was about as good as they did in America which is crap.

My point is everyone calling failure and Wii shouldn't get games is basing this strictly on NA sales when in reality it is actually a huge step in the right direction in everyway compared to how the system was going on PS2.

Though I must say that I find it funny that this is proof that the Wii doesn't want hardcore games when the PS2 a system loaded with Hardcore games couldn't sell the franchise for crap.
JaxJag said:
I do feel if it was on a system with a larger online community (360/PS3) it would do a lot better. I seem to remember Sacred 2 doing ok on the HD twins, and that wasn't nearly as good of a game as Monster Hunter Tri.
That's the only argument I've heard so far for why it might have a better chance on the HD systems that actually makes sense.


Really Really Exciting Member!
If we can trust the number of people usually online at the same time in MH3, there's like 4k-5k people online at once in NA, at least.

There's like 1 server per server types with more than 1000 people online, and servers are separate in 4 types. Exclusing the 3 or 4 servers with over 1000, every other servers have 100-200 or less people.


Junior Member
JaxJag said:
I do feel if it was on a system with a larger online community (360/PS3) it would do a lot better. I seem to remember Sacred 2 doing ok on the HD twins, and that wasn't nearly as good of a game as Monster Hunter Tri.
Have u played Tri. Tri is not a "Dudebro" game its hard very hard for new players. Its very japanense in design lot of planning and strtatergy. You can't just bull your way through a battle, this isn't the type gaming experience popular to western game . And no I'm not talking about the few that visit sitte like Neogaf. I'm talking about the people who buys games like Boarderlands,Bioshock etc
TurtleSnatcher said:

SSF4 didnt even get a full weeks worth of sales.. how is that disappointing for popping in the top 10 like that.. especially on a game that obviously everyone knew wouldn't sell as well as the first..

I missed the "bit" in my post. It's just a bit disappointing compared to Vanilla. But as we both said, it's not surprising and will still be a success for Capcom overall. Wouldn't expect to see it in the top 10 next month though.


PusherT said:
Have u played Tri. Tri is not a "Dudebro" game its hard very hard for new players. Its very japanense in design lot of planning and strtatergy. You can't just bull your way through a battle, this isn't the type gaming experience popular to western game . And no I'm not talking about the few that visit sitte like Neogaf. I'm talking about the people who buys games like Boarderlands,Bioshock etc
Yes, I own it, and absolutely love the game.

But your basically saying gamers on the HD consoles aren't smart enough to play a game like Monster Hunter Tri, and that's just silly.
Yoboman said:
Aren't Pokeman games usually much much higher?

Affect of piracy on DS?

First month :


Diamond/Pearl month 2 : 331k + 238k = 569k
HeartGold/SoulSilver : 243k + 193k = 436k

It's still very good for a remake.

Eteric Rice

JaxJag said:
Yes, I own it, and absolutely love the game.

But your basically saying gamers on the HD consoles aren't smart enough to play a game like Monster Hunter Tri, and that's just silly.

I don't think it's not that they're smart enough or anything. In Monster Hunter, you can't really run and gun like you can in most American games. There is no easy mode.

Quite frankly the game is a bitch for anyone who hasn't played it before.


Gold Member
user_nat said:
What a depressing month.

So out of curiosity, do people still think shortages? I very much doubt the 360 is in short supply, but what about the other 2?

I haven't seen a PS3 in stock at my local Walmart since late January while the 360 and Wii's have been stocked.


PusherT said:
Have u played Tri. Tri is not a "Dudebro" game its hard very hard for new players. Its very japanense in design lot of planning and strtatergy. You can't just bull your way through a battle, this isn't the type gaming experience popular to western game . And no I'm not talking about the few that visit sitte like Neogaf. I'm talking about the people who buys games like Boarderlands,Bioshock etc
Nintendo's Wii: the last bastion of the truly intelligent and discriminating gamer?


It might do a bit better on the HD consoles, or even PC. I'd kill to see the game and the creatures on MT Framework, holy fuck I'd weep tears of joy! But still, it makes NO sense for them to put it on those consoles for a very small chance and a very small increase in overall userbase. It would be a massive hike in budget for no payoff. Even putting it on the Wii was probably kind of a waste of time unless I'm missing some greater point.

It's an abnormal game in an abnormal genre, it has a steep learning curve, it has controls specific to it's environment and rules and not for the generic norm and it's unforgiving and teamworky.

It's my favorite franchise by far, and as far as I'm concerned it eviscerates every ORPG not named Diablo II by a canyon like gap but that is fucking poison to the greater console market.

Maybe try again on 3DS, if they decide to move it there in the future.

Who to say Capcom will bring MHF3 or MH 4 to the west?

150-200k+ for games that have text only localizations? I doubt it's going to be an issue. Look at some of the other stuff Capcom brings over on pure cult appeal, like Phoenix Wright. There's nothing at stake, just another attempt to push a steep, challenging online game at an unwilling audience.


When did Splinter Cell: Conviction go on sale last month? For a game that was in development for 4 years or so, Ubisoft surely can't be pleased with less than 500k units sold.
PusherT said:
Have u played Tri. Tri is not a "casual friendly" game its hard very hard for new players. Its very japanense in design lot of planning and strtatergy. You can't just waggle your way through a battle, this isn't the type gaming experience popular to the lapsed game . And no I'm not talking about the few that visit sitte like Neogaf. I'm talking about the people who buys games like Wii Sports Resort, WiiFit etc


PSP, what is sony gonna do with it at E3?

Just Dance, I thought it's only on chart in europe? surprise
and in general, Ninty takes it. NSMBWii still rocks


schuelma said:
Hmm...maybe Tri did do as bad as everyone is saying. If it broke 100K I would think they would have included it.

Nintendo is separating SKUs. As such, they would've only reported the highest SKU, anyway. It could be over 100K combined, but Nintendo wouldn't have reported it that way.
Street Fighter IV sold a ton when it first came out. But then again, it came out late April.

Another theory could be that a lot of people who bought the first one probably sucked so bad at it getting beat up by veterans that they decided not to get Super. But Capcom did say they shipped over a million.

And I knew Monster Hunter Tri would sell like crap. I'm just glad it came here. Hope Tales of Graces come here also.


Sad state for the PSP.

I mean how do you even come back from that?? KH:BB and MGS:pW are not going to save that...no way in hell. Looks like PSP games at this point are just wasted investments (outside of Japan). If these are the hardware numbers I shudder to think about the software numbers...


I just feel bad for Capcom. They make so many quality stuffs this generation, but their games rarely receive the sale they deserve.

Last year was awesome though, I remember they had 2 games in the #1 spot two months in a row (SFIV, RE5).


Bizzyb said:
Sad state for the PSP.

I mean how do you even come back from that?? KH:BB and MGS:pW are not going to save that...no way in hell. Looks like PSP games at this point are just wasted investments (outside of Japan). If these are the hardware numbers I shudder to think about the software numbers...
How about a price drop?

The thing hasn't had one in a billion years.
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