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NPD Sales Results for April 2010


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
It probably helps that there's more breathing room before Other M comes out now.

True. Galaxy will suck up a lot of oxygen, but that's about it for the next few months.
SlipperySlope said:
Is there any real benefit of using the CC Pro over the normal CC? All I have is the regular CC (didn't buy the bundle).

Its way more comfortable to move the sticks because the handles on the pro spread your hands out more.
SlipperySlope said:
Is there any real benefit of using the CC Pro over the normal CC? All I have is the regular CC (didn't buy the bundle).

Apparently, it has a better feel. It doesn't have any extra buttons though or anything like that.
SlipperySlope said:
Is there any real benefit of using the CC Pro over the normal CC? All I have is the regular CC (didn't buy the bundle).
Ergonomics, shoulder buttons, cord from the top. Not a huge deal, but the differences are there.


Pretty good sales for MH3. I agree with Segata about the likely lack of legs though. It'll be interesting to see what the drop off is for next month.
Zen said:
Cry more.

Original Released February 17, 2009 (12 days)
2. Street Fighter IV - Xbox 360 - Capcom - 446K
3. Street Fighter IV - PS3 - Capcom - 403K
Combined: 849k

Super Released April 27, 2010 (4 days)
Super Street Fighter IV - PS3 - Capcom - 143K
Super Street Fighter IV - 360 - Capcom - 108K
Combined 251k

If Super sells at the same rate (relatively) that SFIV did it should sell around
753k By day 12.

Fuzzy bullshit math, but the real point is taht Super is a re-release of a year old game, of course Street Fighter IV was going to sell better, but chances are a DLC addon would have sold wose than a disc based release.

You think people taught Capcom a lesson with the 'low' sales of SSFIV? You're delusional. Capcom is probably very happy with these sales and the SFIV fans are very happy to by buying it. (You'd still be paying something like 29.99-39.99 if it was DLC).

In reality SSFIV might sell around half of what the original did in a similar timeframe. That's pretty damn good tbh.

Wait, why am I crying? Because I was right?

Capcom is disappointed in the results. I couldn't give less of a shit.
Kusagari said:
That generally means it SHOULD have legs :lol

It's not a rpg with lots of exploration and sidequests.


It's essentially a linear action game with lots of cut-scenes. That kind of cuts what legs a traditional FF title would get.


timetokill said:
We barely got the numbers for this month. What makes you think we'll be getting them for next month?

Same way we got them this month. A leak! Sometimes we end up getting vague sales that at least give us a feel for how things are doing. I recall after the first (or second?) month we stopped getting sales for Punch Out but after there for two or three months we kept getting reports that it was ~100k.

You're right though. Chances are we won't get them.


nods at old men
Segata Sanshiro said:
Ehn, I'll gladly admit it, I clearly low-balled the game, and I was wrong.

Sorry to: selig, Somnid, jrricky, Grotesque Beauty, Aaron Strife, gkryhewy, and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver.
Don't worry, selig predicted just under 300K to even it out.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Ehn, he was right, I was wrong. Besides, it will help lift his spirits if he's having trouble defeating that tricky tree boss in Kirby.

That Whispy Woods sure is a tenacious bastard!


Stumpokapow said:
why bother releasing numbers at all

well, i guess 10 of 20 numbers isn't bad

we didn't get those second 10 numbers anyway plus we see them anyway

five outta 10 sucks but they're a private organization what are you going to do

I wonder which system we'll get hardware numbers for this month
AniHawk said:
well, i guess 10 of 20 numbers isn't bad

we didn't get those second 10 numbers anyway plus we see them anyway

five outta 10 sucks but they're a private organization what are you going to do

I wonder which system we'll get hardware numbers for this month

Nah, by next year, it'll just be a recap of 10 games released over the past month in a random order with no numbers.
AniHawk said:
well, i guess 10 of 20 numbers isn't bad

we didn't get those second 10 numbers anyway plus we see them anyway

five outta 10 sucks but they're a private organization what are you going to do

I wonder which system we'll get hardware numbers for this month
"VGShortz Sales Results for April 2013"

and Segata goes soaring off the Asahi Brewery's observation deck with no regrets
omg rite said:

But it didn't.

Just Dance is being marketed to hell and back, and is easy to get into and has a wide variety of pop music.
Pretty much a winning combination.
Segata Sanshiro said:
"VGShortz Sales Results for April 2013"

and Segata goes soaring off the Asahi Brewery's observation deck with no regrets
That's gruesome and horrific... Resorting to Shortz numbers. What a horrible fate.


Hm. Super Street Fighter 4 moving 251,000 combined units in 4 days on NPD doesn't sound to bad. It won't do as well as original SS4 but I'd imagine combined over 500,000 in the next couple of months to be more than likely.


Are there any FFXIII numbers anywhere? Would like to see if the PS3 version still outsold the 360 version with both of them having large drops. (Though it was to be expected.)


jabipun said:
Hm. Super Street Fighter 4 moving 251,000 combined units in 4 days on NPD doesn't sound to bad. It won't do as well as original SS4 but I'd imagine combined over 500,000 in the next couple of months to be more than likely.

Yeah, people throw around "bomb" far too often. It's a year-later rehash of a game in a genre that isn't very mainstream these days.

Also, I would assume the production cost was FAR less than the original for obvious reasons.
DR2K said:
Is this sort of drop common for FF? If not, bad word of mouth was probably the reason.

There is usually a large drop in the second month, but this one seems to be bigger than it should be.


DR2K said:
Is this sort of drop common for FF? If not, bad word of mouth was probably the reason.

I seem to recall a similar fate befalling FFXII and FFX-2. The only one I'm not sure on is FFX, but you can thank its last minute date change for that.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Wait, why am I crying? Because I was right?

Capcom is disappointed in the results. I couldn't give less of a shit.

Show me where Capcom said that they're disappointed.


Crystal Bearer
Ridley327 said:
I seem to recall a similar fate befalling FFXII and FFX-2. The only one I'm not sure on is FFX, but you can thank its last minute date change for that.

FFX did really really well. I don't think FFXIII will reach FFXII numbers at this rate. It still needs to sell around another 500K to catch up to that.


Yeah, I knew that it had a really good first two months, but that was because it ended up coming out a month earlier than they had originally announced. :lol
SSF4 did quite well for a game that is just an upgrade, not to mention almost zero marketing it's gotten. SF4 regular had a ton of hype and marketing behind it, this is just a cash grab and I'm sure it's doing just fine.
PusherT said:
Have u played Tri. Tri is not a "Dudebro" game its hard very hard for new players. Its very japanense in design lot of planning and strtatergy. You can't just bull your way through a battle, this isn't the type gaming experience popular to western game . And no I'm not talking about the few that visit sitte like Neogaf. I'm talking about the people who buys games like Boarderlands,Bioshock etc

I own MH3. It's no harder to get into than Demon's Souls.


Crystal Bearer
Ridley327 said:
Yeah, I knew that it had a really good first two months, but that was because it ended up coming out a month earlier than they had originally announced. :lol

FFX did around 2.46 million in the US LTD, iirc.


Monster Hunter 3 pushing 125k is alright I suppose. When I went to buy it I got the last copy, so I was kind of hoping it'd be higher (for wii's sake).

I'm not so sure Metroid Other M will ever chart now.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
Thanks for the sentiment, but there's no need to apologize to me. I don't count you among the questionable posters who were practically tap dancing on the Wii's grave without actual numbers.

Do you mean Burai? I think you may mean Burai.

Unless you mean Burai.
hatchx said:
Monster Hunter 3 pushing 125k is alright I suppose. When I went to buy it I got the last copy, so I was kind of hoping it'd be higher (for wii's sake).

I'm not so sure Metroid Other M will ever chart now.

Eh, the Metroid fanbase that has always bought them will buy Other M.
It'll probably hit MP3 numbers.

Eteric Rice

velvet_nitemare said:
I own MH3. It's no harder to get into than Demon's Souls.

I own both as well, I'd say Tri is a bit harder due to the controls, not to mention Tri feels slower.

Also the 10 billion combinations for items.

Basically, Monster Hunter feels like a new genre that hasn't been... Optimized?... yet. What I'm saying is there is a lot of stuff they could do to make the game a bit easier to get into.


If that 126k number is right, that's pretty damn good for Tri. Way to go.

Everything outside of the DS, on the other hand, is pretty sad this month.


listen to the mad man
chuckddd said:
NPD exists purely to amuse GAF!

their public top 10 list exists purely to amuse blogs, web journalism outlets, and forums, yes

and what i'm saying is that if you're only going to release top 5 numbers to the public, why bother releasing them at all. just say "npd tracks data for subscribers only eat our butts". it would be as useful as releasing the top 5.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Wow... FFXIII died.

So I guess it will crawl up to 4m LTD? 3.5m LTD?
BattleMonkey said:
SSF4 did quite well for a game that is just an upgrade, not to mention almost zero marketing it's gotten. SF4 regular had a ton of hype and marketing behind it, this is just a cash grab and I'm sure it's doing just fine.
I can't agree with this. The only TV I watch that features video game ads is WWE Raw, and I distinctly remember seeing a SSFIV ad every other break (they seemed to be alternating with MHT ads). I think one segment of the show was actually sponsored by SSFIV.
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