So if 6 months ago I told you Infamous would be outselling Titanfall (on next gen) you would say duh?
AND inFamous outsold Titanfall in its second month? This is a straight thrubbing. The media hyped up Titanfall as the literal next coming of jesus, and the results are clear. They were marketing straight up for an 8.0 game whose balance issues and stability issues made tens of thousands of TF gamers leave its ecosystem already. Even if they genuinely felt the way they did about its quality, the articles and defense they ran for Microsoft whenever they analyzed its upcoming impact deserve serious scrutiny.
The systems issues are far deeper than just its price.
The show and bound by flame came out in May though
titanfall on X1 WW is definently way ahead of infamous. Its been charting higher everywhere
May could very well be worse than April for XB1, especially with the new SKU coming in June. Wii U above xbone in May actually seems almost likely, no?
I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.
He's talking about NPD not counting digital sales (via PSN store and XBL), just FYI.
I'm sure that's it. And really, it's not surprising.
Infamous sold more than Titanfall/XB1 that month, but Titanfall has already been out an extra month and is on 2 other platforms.
Drop a Titan on i- oh ...
Infamous sold better than Titanfall on Xbox One. The reason why it charted is because it's also on 360 and PC.I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.
I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.
I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.
I'm not sure what you're trying to get at, honestly.If it did then Sony should provide some numbers instead of giving them to some random guy on Twitter. (I know he's trusted by some of you.)
Because honestly this seems like damage control to cover for the fact that ISS dropped completely off the map.
I have a feeling that I should post a time stamped pic of my copy of the game along with an image of me kissing my PS4 otherwise I'm going to be met with pitchforks and torches for making this statement.![]()
I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.
So how long before NPD starts providing digital sales numbers? And how would that work? Would they have to partner with the various content providers? Would they simply provide estimates?
I would have told you the Playstation 4 has a larger install base and there's no reason that Infamous shouldn't outsell Titanfall on Xbox One when it has about 3 million more potential customers to sell too.
Especially with Titanfall being bundled and neither game having any competition around launch, so anyone who wanted to buy a "good" game for their new console would attach to both games.
I'm pretty sure those units count.
I guess in July MS will be offering X1 for $399 with free game or $349.
via Jeff Grubb
So NPD covers retail, Do we have a proper metric of DIGITAL Sales?
"PS4 software combined with Xbox One software sales are up over 40 percent compared to sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 through their first six months" -NPD
Shouldn't be able to get aprox. PS4 numbers given the facts above?
am bad at math >.<
I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.
Well.... considering Titanfall was given away for free to almost everyone who bought an Xbox One in March.
No duh.
Outsold total, or just for April?
Killzone Shadowfall has sold over three million copies worldwide and the MP is close to dead. People either want to play TDM in every mode in COD, or camp as a sniper in Battlefield. That's it. I think Bungie is being extremely smart in focusing on campaign and co-op for the Destiny marketing so far.I can't believe this.
I can't.
In the first month, maybe I could. But a month after launch? Titanfall should have better legs as a MP game, goddamn.
It is when the 360 wiped the floor with the PS3 for years in the US.
Yes they did.
Here you go:
Overall, it didn't, because Titanfall is on 3 platforms (X1, X360, PC).
But Infamous did apparently outsell the XB1 version of Titanfall.
When did Sony announce the 7 mil figure? This says they are still around that figure. Guess their sales slowed too. Supply must have caught up to demand.
Of course. MS has faultered and are below expectations no doubt. Dont forget to factor in price, a cheaper alternative, etc. IJS, lets not make it out to seem like the PS4 is blowing it out the water monthly like 360 was to PS3 in its first year. Not yet anyway lol.Until you factor in two things.
The US is Microsoft's primary market and has been since their first console.
Playstation is outselling Xbox something like 3 or 4 to 1 in Europe.
Titanfall 360 >>> I:SS > Titanfall XB1I'm confused. So did Second Son outsell TitanFall or not? On one hand, it didn't chart. On the other, people are saying it sold better.