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NPD Sales Results for April 2014 [Up2: XB1/360 hardware, PS4 #1/XB1 #2 best selling]


I talk to a lot of people at work. And A LOT of people haven't upgraded yet. They are still waiting.

In fact: The majority of the people haven't upgraded.

Sony hasn't won this gen yet.

They need games. Good games. And they need them YESTERDAY!

I would have told you the Playstation 4 has a larger install base and there's no reason that Infamous shouldn't outsell Titanfall on Xbox One when it has about 3 million more potential customers to sell too.

Especially with Titanfall being bundled and neither game having any competition around launch, so anyone who wanted to buy a "good" game for their new console would attach to both games.

So you knew 6 months ago that the PS4 would have the higher install base? And that there would be a Titanfall bundle?


People should stop talking like the game was a failure. At least in US is not.

Who's saying that? It's a pretty good success story for EA/Respawn seeing as it was almost canceled at one point.

As for MS, it's a pretty big failure. The entire reason it was funded was to fill the Launch gap/drought and sell new systems. NPD is making it clear it isn't doing what it was intended, and hyped to all hell for.

I mean Christ. They blatantly delayed it's release on last gen to give fence sitters a few weeks to mull over a new console pruchase.

edit: dwelled a little more on that thought.... what would things look like without Titanfall? I'm guessing most current gen sales were massively front loaded towards purchasing at launch, no? If you bought into the hype, you bought into launch?


Well that's intriguing


I am no expert but who will buy X1 for the Halo TV series?
That's like asking why it would be surprsing if Killzone outsold Call of Duty. Titanfall had a marketing machine behind it fabricating hype that Infamous couldn't even dream.

Marketing sometimes is irrelevant if the platform the game is available for is getting dragged through a ditch.


Is it really that surprising given the PS4 has a larger install base in the US than X1?

yea by like 300k? titanfall was hyped as the next cod mw by media and MS. it outsold infamous close to 2-1 last month so yes it is surprising that the game doesn't have as much legs and got outsold by infamous this month.


oh man, I'm surprised by the sudden change of heart. It's normal that Infamous outsold Titanfall (XB1) in the United States? Huh
Why the fuck is msft still dicking around with a June 9 date for the price drop?

The cat is out of the bag - why let sales erode even further for another month?


Damn! No wonder they dropped the Kinect and lowered the price out of nowhere. And I still don't think that's gonna be enough.


Good thing kinect sports didn't sell so Rare can go back to make core games. Although i suspect Phil would have made them do them anyways,

This right here.

If they won't return to their IPs for core games then Phil needs to start giving those IPs to other devs. Give the fans what they want from other devs and nobody will give a shit when he shuts down Rare.


I talk to a lot of people at work. And A LOT of people haven't upgraded yet. They are still waiting.

In fact: The majority of the people haven't upgraded.

Sony hasn't won this gen yet.

They need games. Good games. And they need them YESTERDAY!

Me looking at the history of the PS3.
Looking at SONY's 1st Party studios.
Looking at the amount of 1st Party AAA teams which are working on PS4 games.


Games for the PS4? No problem!
The key for Microsoft is getting this bizarre group of people still buying/playing 360s to make the jump. They're definitely making the right first steps and I anticipate that it will turn around. I bet PS3 console sales are negligible right now.


I talk to a lot of people at work. And A LOT of people haven't upgraded yet. They are still waiting.

In fact: The majority of the people haven't upgraded.

Sony hasn't won this gen yet.

They need games. Good games. And they need them YESTERDAY!

I've been playing MLB The Show lately. Sorry if you don't like a game makes it bad.

I do agree Sony hasn't wrapped anything up yet. But summer is coming so sales and releases are going to slow down. You aren't getting your block buster titles until August and beyond. Still, Transistor is out on May 20 and smaller games should fill the void. Lets not be a retail only dinosaur gamer.


Would be shocked if Yoshi indeed sold more than Infamous, hopefully we'll get some numbers.
Shocked because, I kept hearing how everyone hate that game :lol


if new playstation brand owners liked Infamous Second Son at least there won't be as big of a notion of "PS4 has no games". Casual gamers are probably satisfied with mix of exclusives and multiplats and they'll be more likely to pay attention to exclusives this gen because they'll get attention just from the visuals alone


yea by like 300k? titanfall was hyped as the next cod mw by media and MS. it outsold infamous close to 2-1 last month so yes it is surprising that the game doesn't have as much legs and got outsold by infamous this month.

The 360 version almost certainly killed Xbone sales.

Fox Mulder

I was not expecting the X1 doing those low numbers. May is going to be terrible with June being a bit more stable, I think.

the retailer sales stopped. I was interested, but had to pay a speeding ticket. My interest is killed now they're at $499 everywhere with no bundled game.

not shocked it sold poorly, and now the $399 version will kill sales for another month.


IGN: Interestingly, if software sales data was counted on a by-SKU basis -- meaning that game sales were tabulated per-console instead of combined -- Yoshi's New Island (3DS), Infamous: Second Son (PS4), MLB 14: The Show (PS3), Kinect Sports Rival (Xbox One), and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (Xbox One) all would have charted.
It has always driven me crazy that they do not calculate NPD top ten like this. Grouping these titles in to one number provides no real insight for marketing teams, who are the primary target of NPD data. SKU by SKU numbers would be much more helpful in identifying a Consoles primary audience.
The only reason the PS4 is selling so well is due to the PS3 being awful. Everyone who owned one is ditching it ASAP to buy the next gen Playstation. Once the PS3 owners have all migrated, the PS4 sales will fall off a cliff.

I've seen the data points that prove this.

Wow this is comedy gold right here... You would be perfect to be a member of MS PR team.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Wow, that stinks, March's best games (Dark Souls and South Park) have already dropped off.
Previous generation software sales have been in the toilet for months. I don't find it too surprising, they had their time in the sun, people are ready to move on.

It does make me wonder what the hell Ubi expects for PS3/360 software sales on something like Farcry 4. Let it go, dudes...
Because the media deemed Titanfall the next coming of Jesus.

So what if they did? As far as I can see, TF is the top selling title across all formats. The X1 version also has a good attach rate amongst that consoles owners, so it being outsold by Infamous is more likely to be down to the X1 being outsold by the PS4.


yea by like 300k? titanfall was hyped as the next cod mw by media and MS. it outsold infamous close to 2-1 last month so yes it is surprising that the game doesn't have as much legs and got outsold by infamous this month.

If Titanfall were to drive XBO sales, then we'd expect it to continue to sell well, though it would surely still be front-loaded. That didn't happen, so the result of the hype was to severely front-load sales into a relatively small install base. I don't think a drop off is very surprising.


Marketing sometimes is irrelevant if the platform the game is available for is getting dragged through a ditch.
Sometimes marketing is irrelevant period, there have been a load of highly marketed bombs in various industries. At best they just failed to find the right angle to get people interested, at worst there was absolutely nothing that could be done regardless of how good a product actually is.

EDIT: And... yeah, thinking about Titanfall was almost laser focused on Xbox's core audience, THE core audience at that. Sony seems to better hit more broadly albeit generally focused on the AAA umbrella while Microsoft's still trying to find more than the likes of Fable to hit differing interests. Come to think of it, it makes me wonder if the likes of Oblivion are underappreciated as pushing the 360 earlier on, that's a core title that ropes in a lot of people who either don't like shooters or just aren't THAT big into them to justify a console for.


Previous generation software sales have been in the toilet for months. I don't find it too surprising, they had their time in the sun, people are ready to move on.

It does make me wonder what the hell Ubi expects for PS3/360 software sales on something like Farcry 4. Let it go, dudes...

Ugh, just imagine what the folks atGearbox are thinking with Borderlands 1.5.
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