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NPD Sales Results for August 2007


Ether_Snake said:

Why do we keep hearing this? Do you really think that when EA made Boogie they said "yeah let's make another shitty game for the Wii!"? There's no "Push this button to make an awesome game!".

If it was that easy there would be no such thing as Pixar or iPods!. When a company is raking in huge profits it's difficult to but it and try to take some of its market share by simply "deciding" to make quality games. Look at how many shitty games are released on the PS2/PS3/360!

Sure, third parties will TRY to make a lot more games for the Wii, but it won't be long before they face the same problem they always faced on ALL Nintendo platforms.

EAs intentions with Boogie are moot. The same goes for other third parties. The point is that there really hasn't been a quality third party traditional game (that's not a port), to gauge Nintendos traditional gamer demographic.

And those shitty games on PS2/PS3/360 sold like shit too, but it's not being held against Sony and Microsoft.


Dartastic said:
I agree with everything you said, except the bolded bits. While it's obvious that the PS3 isn't going to be a smash success, saying they're basically finished is a bit harsh. Now, if the sales ratio remain the same throughout the holiday season... Saying Sony's finished would be a safe thing to say. Hell, it wouldn't even have to be through the holiday season. If the numbers are the same through October (which PS3's numbers will be, due to Halo) then you can say it's finished. Just wait a few months.

You're right of course, except that scenario is what I'm betting on. I would give them the benefit of the doubt, but going up against MS and Nintendo's big guns with nothing in return, I just don't see it happening. Weirder things have happened though.


Ether_Snake said:
But really, those who say Uncharted might have a shot at being a "great game": :lol

It won't sell. This is like trying to sell Tomb Raiden, but replace the big-titted Lara by a dude in a dirty shirt, on an expensive console that has no games.

Not gonna happen. And the chances that the reviews give this game such an awesome score that it would overwrite the above is almost nill:p

Sony CANNOT, in any way, reverse its position outside Japan. It is NOT possible. Stop dreaming.

Statements like this don't make any sense what makes Uncharted unsellable but yet games like Mass Effect are instantly called GOTY?
Dartastic said:
I agree with everything you said, except the bolded bits. While it's obvious that the PS3 isn't going to be a smash success, saying they're basically finished is a bit harsh. Now, if the sales ratio remain the same throughout the holiday season... Saying Sony's finished would be a safe thing to say. Hell, it wouldn't even have to be through the holiday season. If the numbers are the same through October (which PS3's numbers will be, due to Halo) then you can say it's finished. Just wait a few months.

So your saying the PS3 isn't finished now and its unfair to say so, but its inevitable in a few months that its fate will be sealed?


vitaflo said:
You're right of course, except that scenario is what I'm betting on. I would give them the benefit of the doubt, but going up against MS and Nintendo's big guns with nothing in return, I just don't see it happening. Weirder things have happened though.

Like Wii dominating the NPDs month in and month out, AMIRITE?!?!?!?!?

Kidding, of course. = p

Subarushian said:
So your saying the PS3 isn't finished now and its unfair to say so, but its inevitable in a few months that its fate will be sealed?

Yes. The only chance Sony has at getting PS3 back in the game is with it's Blu-Ray functionality. Sony should be marketing that function with all they've got. That could get them back in the game this holiday season.

Duke Togo

knitoe said:
Think, most people that own a Wii also have a X360 and/or PS3. So, if they are going to get Madden, you wouldn't buy the Wii version compare to other two. Thus, the extremely low numbers for Madden Wii.


Culex said:
I think if PS3's numbers for the September NPD are below 130k, we can say that they are finished.

Why when NONE of the real big franchises and games hit then? Seriously, you have to wonder about some people... The biggest selling, hardest hitting titles that Playstation fans and gamers love are not coming out in Sept, so what do you expect? There's NO reason for anyone to buy a PS3 then... So why say a month like that is critical, especially going up against the unstoppable force that is Halo? Or, I know why...


AdmiralViscen said:
I think Madden Wii sales are something that people should be watching out for. It really shouldn't be that low, with Wii's userbase. It's not like Madden is some hardcore game that really clicks with WHOAMG NEXTGEN.

One would think/hope that Wii was attracting more former PS2 owners than that.
I'm looking hardly at that :(
It will have long legs, believe :D
Culex said:
I think if PS3's numbers for the September NPD are below 130k, we can say that they are finished.

It may well be that the die is cast for the PS3 in the US, but given that

a) They're still sitting @ $499 for the lowest priced system ( vs $279 or $349 for the 360)
b) Have no system selling software for this year
c) most importantly, have no reason for a big increase in September (other than it being 5 weeks).

Makes if difficult to say anything other than 2007 was utterly forgettable for the PS3 sales wise. It's a huge hole to dig out of, but 2007 is a lost cause for them. I could easily see a price drop just to stop retailers from panicing, but there's nothing until Spring 2008 that could change their lot (MGS4 & Killzone 2).

We all expected this to happen, so I don't see anything that's changed this year from what we've been seeing as the trend. I do think that's a LOOONG time and Sony may well have lost any chance, however, in the end, the system is still 499 fucking dollars.

They can't improve significantly until they get competatively and mass market priced and have key titles to go with that. An online only air combat game, a poorly reviewed dragon waggle game, and a short but sweet fighting game won't change that.


Ether_Snake said:
Because they move consoles. Castlevania, Devil May Cry, FF, Soul Calibur, etc. They are console sellers.
Wake up dude ... you don't know what you're talking about right?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
JudgeN said:
Statements like this don't make any sense what makes Uncharted unsellable but yet games like Mass Effect are instantly called GOTY?

Uncharted should sell, but Mass Effect will sell. KOTOR did a few million on the Xbox and this one has 1st party money behind it.

How is working with Microsoft? You’ve worked with them before, and you’ve done a lot of different projects with different groups.

Ray Muzyka: I have nothing but good thing to say about them. They really do care about the games developed for the system that they want to be showcases. They want them to be stand-out titles, and they’re doing everything they can to support us. They contribute resources on the dev side to help us get the max out of the hardware. The marketing and PR folks are working hard to maximize the outreach, and that’s going to ramp up really big in just a short period. The fans are going to start seeing more assets and cool stuff. I think they’re a great publisher. The good thing about being first-party is that you have the commitment from the hardware manufacturer themselves to maximize the return on the game.

You look at what they did for Gears of War last year, and they’re planning a sort of similar thing for Mass Effect this year, and it’s great to be part of that.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
J-Rzez said:
Why when NONE of the real big franchises and games hit then? Seriously, you have to wonder about some people... The biggest selling, hardest hitting titles that Playstation fans and gamers love are not coming out in Sept, so what do you expect? There's NO reason for anyone to buy a PS3 then... So why say a month like that is critical, especially going up against the unstoppable force that is Halo? Or, I know why...

Because the 'big' franchises coming out for Gamecube didn't make a lick of difference when they came out. I don't see why it would be any different at this point for PS3.
J-Rzez said:
Why when NONE of the real big franchises and games hit then? Seriously, you have to wonder about some people... The biggest selling, hardest hitting titles that Playstation fans and gamers love are not coming out in Sept, so what do you expect? There's NO reason for anyone to buy a PS3 then... So why say a month like that is critical, especially going up against the unstoppable force that is Halo? Or, I know why...
Price drops tend to have a much bigger impact. Only games such as FF/Halo/GTA/Pokemon/Mario/GT can have an effect on par, or better than a price drop.

Almost anything outside of these types of mega frsnchises tend to give much smaller bumps.


J-Rzez said:
Why when NONE of the real big franchises and games hit then? Seriously, you have to wonder about some people... The biggest selling, hardest hitting titles that Playstation fans and gamers love are not coming out in Sept, so what do you expect? There's NO reason for anyone to buy a PS3 then... So why say a month like that is critical, especially going up against the unstoppable force that is Halo? Or, I know why...
I agree with you on this. PS3 is in cryostasis, probably for the rest of the year. This isn't good of course. Yet this will not impact their line-up of AAA exclusives in 2008 (assuming Konami and S-E don't abandon ship).


knitoe said:
Think, most people that own a Wii also have a X360 and/or PS3. So, if they are going to get Madden, they wouldn't buy the Wii version compare to other two. Thus, the extremely low numbers for Madden Wii.

yup, most hardcore gamers that own Wii will also have another system. They will buy the better version (for the other system) or the most aadvertised version if they are not aware which one is better. I expect multi-plat games will rarely perform best on Wii for these reasons. Maybe something like DDR or GHIII which really caters to the image, but not traditional controller games.

Then you have casual Wii owners won't buy Madden because it wasn't advertised for the Wii. This is where EA really screwed up. The big additions they touted for the Wii version were online (for the hardcore that already had it on other systems) and the family controls/mini game mode... So why would a Madden fan care about these additions? Perhaps the Wii's expanded audience would, but do they know about family controls? Or party mode? Or did that imformation filter through gaming websites and stop at the people who actually read it?
If Two Worlds can crack the top 15 on a Madden month, Mass Effect is going to be a goddamn juggernaut. Of course, plenty of crow has been served up over Gears and now Bioshock, so I'm sure many people will completely underestimate Mass Effect.



:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


bdoughty said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

On a quest to discredit your Wii purchase; one delayed release at a time!
(Today, 11:45 AM)
Reply | Quote


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
bdoughty said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

You've earned it- take your victory lap!
sonycowboy said:
I could easily see a price drop just to stop retailers from panicing, but there's nothing until Spring 2008 that could change their lot (MGS4 & Killzone 2).

I keep hearing this, but come on...the chance that those two games actually come out in the Spring instead of the Fall is almost zero.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
If Two Worlds can crack the top 15 on a Madden month, Mass Effect is going to be a goddamn juggernaut. Of course, plenty of crow has been served up over Gears and now Bioshock, so I'm sure many people will completely underestimate Mass Effect.
Oh the crow hasn't even been cooked yet for bioshock.


The Sphinx said:
I agree with you on this. PS3 is in cryostasis, probably for the rest of the year. This isn't good of course. Yet this will not impact their line-up of AAA exclusives in 2008 (assuming Konami and S-E don't abandon ship).

Epic bailout possible, given the sales so far.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Even if they are "huge" successes (Uncharted having the best shot) they'll dropping in months that have room cleaning, floor shattering games like Halo, GHIII, Rock Band, and Mass Effect. They need room to breathe that they just won't get. The multiplatform hits this fall, as Madden has shown, will not be moving PS3s to any significant degree and the fact that there are SO MANY of them this fall (Assassins, COD4, Rock Band, GHIII) is going to make it so hard for those PS3 games to stand out. GT5P will probably have the best shot because regardless of content, it's going to look to your average consumer like a really awesome budget priced game. But will that move consoles? Probably not enough.

What? It's going to take games like Uncharted and Rachet to make people think, "well, GHIII and ACreed are awesome and I can get it on PS3 and 360, but which machine to get? Lemme look at the titles you can't get on both and compare"... Not everyone likes Halo, nor, will like ME and want something different... That's where these titles come in, along with GT5:p... They need to turn out good... Rachet and Uncharted hold more than their own when put side by side with other games graphically (which matters to a lot of people), it's going to come down to how they turn out, and if they turn out great, how bad media outlets like EGM and 1up fuck them in the reviews...


siamesedreamer said:
I keep hearing this, but come on...the chance that those two games actually come out in the Spring instead of the Fall is almost zero.
Yep, just like GTA4 is coming the Spring...riiiiiight.


JudgeN said:
Statements like this don't make any sense what makes Uncharted unsellable but yet games like Mass Effect are instantly called GOTY?

Mass Effect is a genre that has appeal on the 360. 360=hardcore+PC gamers (and now more and more former PS2 gamers). Also, it's sci-fi and has appealing visuals.

Uncharted? It's a platforming/action game that isn't attractive at all (graphics are nice but it doesn't have anything that would make it attractive marketing-wise). It has very little going for it other than Naughty Dog's reputation, and only hard core Sony-loyalists would care about that.

Eteric Rice

I don't like Madden, so I can't really say much. I bought a Wii because I felt it'd get a lot of unique games like the DS has.

King's Quest, that new NiS game, and that new Dungeon Crawler game (I suck at remembering their names) are the kinds of games I was looking forward too.
The Sphinx said:
When I hear the "Third party games don't sell on Wii" talking point it's usually closely coupled with assumptions about Wii's audience. Usually they say either third parties don't sell because Wii is dominated by Nintendo fanboys or by casuals that only want to play Wii Sports. Right? Meanwhile all the REAL gamers are off playing on their 360 so OF COURSE they wouldn't buy Wii software. And then the lack of third party sales is used to support this.

But if the games are actually shit, and the reason REAL gamers aren't buying them is because they are shit, then what does that tell us about how REAL gamers would react to good third party games on the Wii? Nothing at all. It's a vacuous argument.

Most third party games on the Wii- like Boogie, or Madden Wii 08, or Carnival Games, or that whole pile of post-launch Ubisoft tripe- don't sell because they aren't worth buying. Attributing their bad sales to the console audience rather than their lack of quality is misleading.

Doesnt explain why some if the crap Nintendo creates for the Wii sells.


bdoughty said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
I had a good run :(
But i still believe :D
KeithFranklin said:
Doesnt explain why some if the crap Nintendo creates for the Wii sells.
Nintendo knows it userbase, and knows how to make titles that appeals to them (even if they suck for you, Mario Party 8 is awesome btw). That should explain.


sonycowboy said:
They can't improve significantly until they get competatively and mass market priced and have key titles to go with that. An online only air combat game, a poorly reviewed dragon waggle game, and a short but sweet fighting game won't change that.

Getting kind of depressed waiting for something to turn around. You're right in that there's nothing there at the moment to expect a turn around over. Between the price, shoddy ports, and poor NPD numbers, being a PS3 owner is starting to feel like being a battered housewife who can't admit that their husband has a problem.

They'll end 2007 on a nice note with Ratchet, Drake, and UT3 so there's plenty there for us owners to be happy about. I'm just hoping that in 2008 Sony is born again hard.
J-Rzez said:
What? It's going to take games like Uncharted and Rachet to make people think, "well, GHIII and ACreed are awesome and I can get it on PS3 and 360, but which machine to get? Lemme look at the titles you can't get on both and compare"... Not everyone likes Halo, nor, will like ME and want something different... That's where these titles come in, along with GT5:p... They need to turn out good... Rachet and Uncharted hold more than their own when put side by side with other games graphically (which matters to a lot of people), it's going to come down to how they turn out, and if they turn out great, how bad media outlets like EGM and 1up fuck them in the reviews...

Here come the conspiracy theories.


bdoughty said:

(lots of lols)

Worst thing about this months results was seeing Madden Wii sales + knowing bdoughty was going to descend with the smug gittiness of 10,000 Ace Rimmer's..

Have a cookie.


Also notice only one version (360) of Tiger Woods is on the list at #20.

Can I have my title changed to -

Nintendo owners do not buy yearly sports games on a yearly basis - hardware sales do not reflect software sales - all hail sports games with buttons and sticks.


sonycowboy said:
It may well be that the die is cast for the PS3 in the US, but given that

a) They're still sitting @ $499 for the lowest priced system ( vs $279 or $349 for the 360)
b) Have no system selling software for this year
c) most importantly, have no reason for a big increase in September (other than it being 5 weeks).

Makes if difficult to say anything other than 2007 was utterly forgettable for the PS3 sales wise. It's a huge hole to dig out of, but 2007 is a lost cause for them. I could easily see a price drop just to stop retailers from panicing, but there's nothing until Spring 2008 that could change their lot (MGS4 & Killzone 2).

We all expected this to happen, so I don't see anything that's changed this year from what we've been seeing as the trend. I do think that's a LOOONG time and Sony may well have lost any chance, however, in the end, the system is still 499 fucking dollars.

They can't improve significantly until they get competatively and mass market priced and have key titles to go with that. An online only air combat game, a poorly reviewed dragon waggle game, and a short but sweet fighting game won't change that.

Waiting from now until "Spring 2008" is quite the extended lull in software, wouldn't you say? There's no good reason to expect that MGS4 or Killzone 2 will make their projected ship dates either.

The only thing I can see happening is that for the bloated sales period of Nov/Dec, the PS3 garners respectable sales, given it's name branding and that carries it somehow for 3 months until the real software arrives.


.dmc said:
Worst thing about this months results was seeing Madden Wii sales + knowing bdoughty was going to descend with the smug gittiness of 10,000 Ace Rimmer's..

Have a cookie.

Go buy a copy of Madden. Oh wait you own a Wii.
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